1 organic superconductor
English-russian dictionary of physics > organic superconductor
2 organic superconductor
English-Russian electronics dictionary > organic superconductor
3 organic superconductor
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > organic superconductor
4 superconductor
•- coupled superconductors
- filamentary superconductor
- gapless superconductor
- hard superconductor
- high-field superconductor
- high-temperature superconductor
- London superconductor
- monofilamentary superconductor
- multifilamentary superconductor
- organic superconductor
- Pippard superconductor
- soft superconductor
- ternary superconductor
- twisted superconductor
- two-dimensional superconductor
- type-I superconductor
- type-II superconductor -
5 superconductor
•- coupled superconductors
- filamentary superconductor
- gapless superconductor
- hard superconductor
- high-field superconductor
- high-temperature superconductor
- London superconductor
- monofilamentary superconductor
- multifilamentary superconductor
- organic superconductor
- Pippard superconductor
- soft superconductor
- ternary superconductor
- twisted superconductor
- two-dimensional superconductor
- type-I superconductor
- type-II superconductorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > superconductor
6 material
1) материала) вещество; средаб) совокупность данных; факты2) материальный; вещественный3) существенный; важный4) pl-принадлежности•- active laser material
- active maser material
- alignment material
- antiferroelectric material
- antiferromagnetic material
- base material
- bleached photographic material
- bubble material
- cast magnetic material
- cathodochromic material
- cermet material
- class-A insulating material
- class-B insulating material
- class-C insulating material
- class-E insulating material
- class-F insulating material
- class-H insulating material
- class-O insulating material
- composite material
- conducting material
- conductor material
- deformable magnetic material
- degenerate material
- desiccant packing material
- diamagnetic material
- diazo material
- diazosulfonate material
- dielectric material
- disordered magnetic material
- dopant material
- doped material
- doping material
- electret material
- electroluminescent material
- electronic material
- electronic-grade material
- electrooptical material
- encapsulating material
- ferrielectric material
- ferrimagnetic material
- ferroelectric material
- ferromagnetic material
- floating-zone material
- fluorescent material
- garnet-structured material
- hard magnetic material
- high-dielectric material
- high-energy material
- high-energy-product material
- high-frequency magnetic material
- high-k material
- highly remanent material
- host material
- intrinsic material
- laser material
- light-sensitive material
- low-energy material
- low-energy-product material
- low-moment magnetic material
- luminescent material
- magnetic material
- magnetic material for data carriers
- magnetic material for hysteresis-motor rotors
- magnetic material for permanent magnets
- magnetic material for semi-permanent magnets
- magnetic bubble material
- magnetodielectric material
- magnetooptic material
- magnetostrictive material
- maser material
- metal magnetic material
- metal-plastic magnetic material
- microwave-absorbing material
- microwave magnetic material
- nanocrystalline material
- nanophase material
- narrow gap material
- narrow-band gap material
- NEA material
- negative electron affinity material
- negative-image-producing material
- nondegenerate material
- n-type material
- nuclear paramagnetic material
- optical material
- organic magnetic material
- original material
- oxide material
- paramagnetic material
- PEA material
- phosphor material
- photochromic material
- photoconductive material
- photoelastic material
- photoelectric material
- photoemissive material
- photomagnetic material
- photosensitive material
- piezoelectric material
- piezomagnetic material
- polarized ferromagnetic material
- poly material
- polycrystalline material
- positive electron affinity material
- positive-image-producing material
- potting material
- powder material
- p-type material
- pyroelectric material
- radar absorbing material
- raw material
- regrown material
- semiconductor material
- semiconductor-grade material
- semi-hard magnetic material
- single-crystal material
- soft magnetic material
- square-loop material
- square-loop magnetic material
- substrate material
- superconducting material
- superconductive material
- superconductor material
- surface-passivating material
- temperature-sensitive magnetic material
- textured material
- thermal diazo material
- thermomagnetic material
- thermomagnetic-recording material
- thermosetting material
- tissue-equivalent material
- two-valley material
- vesicular material
- wide gap material
- wide-band gap material -
7 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
8 material
1) материала) вещество; средаб) совокупность данных; факты2) материальный; вещественный3) существенный; важный4) pl. принадлежности•- active maser material
- active material
- alignment material
- antiferroelectric material
- antiferromagnetic material
- base material
- bleached photographic material
- bubble material
- cast magnetic material
- cathodochromic material
- cermet material
- class-A insulating material
- class-B insulating material
- class-C insulating material
- class-E insulating material
- class-F insulating material
- class-H insulating material
- class-O insulating material
- composite material
- conducting material
- conductor material
- deformable magnetic material
- degenerate material
- desiccant packing material
- diamagnetic material
- diazo material
- diazosulfonate material
- dielectric material
- disordered magnetic material
- dopant material
- doped material
- doping material
- electret material
- electroluminescent material
- electronic material
- electronic-grade material
- electrooptical material
- encapsulating material
- ferrielectric material
- ferrimagnetic material
- ferroelectric material
- ferromagnetic material
- floating-zone material
- fluorescent material
- garnet-structured material
- hard magnetic material
- high-dielectric material
- high-energy material
- high-energy-product material
- high-frequency magnetic material
- high-k material
- highly remanent material
- host material
- intrinsic material
- laser material
- light-sensitive material
- low-energy material
- low-energy-product material
- low-moment magnetic material
- luminescent material
- magnetic bubble material
- magnetic material for data carriers
- magnetic material for hysteresis-motor rotors
- magnetic material for permanent magnets
- magnetic material for semi-permanent magnets
- magnetic material
- magnetodielectric material
- magnetooptic material
- magnetostrictive material
- maser material
- metal magnetic material
- metal-plastic magnetic material
- microwave magnetic material
- microwave-absorbing material
- nanocrystalline material
- nanophase material
- narrow gap material
- narrow-band gap material
- NEA material
- negative electron affinity material
- negative-image-producing material
- nondegenerate material
- n-type material
- nuclear paramagnetic material
- optical material
- organic magnetic material
- original material
- oxide material
- paramagnetic material
- PEA material
- phosphor material
- photochromic material
- photoconductive material
- photoelastic material
- photoelectric material
- photoemissive material
- photomagnetic material
- photosensitive material
- piezoelectric material
- piezomagnetic material
- polarized ferromagnetic material
- poly material
- polycrystalline material
- positive electron affinity material
- positive-image-producing material
- potting material
- powder material
- p-type material
- pyroelectric material
- radar absorbing material
- raw material
- regrown material
- semiconductor material
- semiconductor-grade material
- semi-hard magnetic material
- single-crystal material
- soft magnetic material
- square-loop magnetic material
- square-loop material
- substrate material
- superconducting material
- superconductive material
- superconductor material
- surface-passivating material
- temperature-sensitive magnetic material
- textured material
- thermal diazo material
- thermomagnetic material
- thermomagnetic-recording material
- thermosetting material
- tissue-equivalent material
- two-valley material
- vesicular material
- wide gap material
- wide-band gap materialThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > material
См. также в других словарях:
Organic superconductor — In physical chemistry and condensed matter physics, an organic superconductor is an organic compound which exhibits superconductivity at low temperatures. As of 2007 the highest achieved critical temperature for an organic superconductor at… … Wikipedia
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