1 optical microscopy
оптическая [световая] микроскопияБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > optical microscopy
2 optical microscopy
оптическая [световая\] микроскопияАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > optical microscopy
3 optical microscopy
Техника: оптическая микроскопия, световая микроскопия -
4 optical microscopy
оптична мікроскопіяEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > optical microscopy
5 optical microscopy
6 optical microscopy
оптическая микроскопияEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > optical microscopy
7 optical microscopy methods
Англо-русский металлургический словарь > optical microscopy methods
8 optical microscopy methods
Металлургия: методы оптической микроскопииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > optical microscopy methods
9 phase contrast optical microscopy
4.34 фазово-контрастная оптическая микроскопия (phase contrast optical microscopy): Метод микроскопического анализа, основанный на преобразовании дифференциальных фазовых сдвигов световых волн, проходящих через образец, в различие амплитуд.
Примечание - Метод реализуется при работе со световым микроскопом и его широко используют для мониторинга выделения асбеста в рабочей зоне.
Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 16000-7-2011: Воздух замкнутых помещений. Часть 7. Отбор проб при определении содержания волокон асбеста оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > phase contrast optical microscopy
10 near-field optical microscopy
Макаров: оптическая микроскопия ближнего поляУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > near-field optical microscopy
11 near-field scanning optical microscopy
Макаров: оптическая микроскопия ближнего поляУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > near-field scanning optical microscopy
12 light [optical] microscopy
• микроскопия f световая -
13 microscopy
Auger-electron microscopy
bright-field microscopy
dark-field microscopy
electron microscopy
emission microscopy
field-desorption microscopy
field-emission microscopy
field-ion microscopy
fluorescence microscopy
focused-beam microscopy
- high-contrast electron microscopy -
high-resolution electron microscopy
holographic microscopy
interference contrast microscopy
interference microscopy
light microscopy
nonlinear acoustic microscopy
optical microscopy
phase contrast microscopy
phase microscopy
photoelectron microscopy
polarized light microscopy
reflection microscopy
scanning desorption molecule microscopy
scanning electron microscopy
scanning microscopy
thermionic emission microscopy
transmission electron microscopy
transmission microscopy
transmission scanning microscopy
ultraviolet microscopy
visible light microscopy
visible microscopy
X-ray microscopy -
14 microscopy
мікроскопія - analytical electron microscopy
- atomic resolution microscopy
- Auger microscopy
- ballistic electron emission microscopy
- high-retolution electron microscopy
- high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
- high-voltage electron microscopy
- optical microscopy
- scanning асoustic microscopy
- scanning Auger microscopy
- scanning electron microscopy SEM
- scanning electron microscopy
- scanning ion microscopy
- scanning probe microscopy SPM
- scanning probe microscopy
- scanning transmission electron microscopy
- scanning tunnel microscopy
- transmission electron microscopy
- weak-beam microscopyEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > microscopy
15 оптическая микроскопия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > оптическая микроскопия
16 оптическая микроскопия
light microscopy, optical microscopy, visible (light) microscopyАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > оптическая микроскопия
1) Оптика: near-field scanning optical microscope2) Сокращение: Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy -
Электроника: Near field optical microscopy -
Электроника: Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy -
20 Gabor, Dennis (Dénes)
SUBJECT AREA: Photography, film and optics[br]b. 5 June 1900 Budapest, Hungaryd. 9 February 1979 London, England[br]Hungarian (naturalized British) physicist, inventor of holography.[br]Gabor became interested in physics at an early age. Called up for military service in 1918, he was soon released when the First World War came to an end. He then began a mechanical engineering course at the Budapest Technical University, but a further order to register for military service prompted him to flee in 1920 to Germany, where he completed his studies at Berlin Technical University. He was awarded a Diploma in Engineering in 1924 and a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering in 1927. He then went on to work in the physics laboratory of Siemens \& Halske. He returned to Hungary in 1933 and developed a new kind of fluorescent lamp called the plasma lamp. Failing to find a market for this device, Gabor made the decision to abandon his homeland and emigrate to England. There he joined British Thompson-Houston (BTH) in 1934 and married a colleague from the company in 1936. Gabor was also unsuccessful in his attempts to develop the plasma lamp in England, and by 1937 he had begun to work in the field of electron optics. His work was interrupted by the outbreak of war in 1939, although as he was not yet a British subject he was barred from making any significant contribution to the British war effort. It was only when the war was near its end that he was able to return to electron optics and begin the work that led to the invention of holography. The theory was developed during 1947 and 1948; Gabor went on to demonstrate that the theories worked, although it was not until the invention of the laser in 1960 that the full potential of his invention could be appreciated. He coined the term "hologram" from the Greek holos, meaning complete, and gram, meaning written. The three-dimensional images have since found many applications in various fields, including map making, medical imaging, computing, information technology, art and advertising. Gabor left BTH to become an associate professor at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in 1949, a position he held until his retirement in 1967. In 1971 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his work on holography.[br]Principal Honours and DistinctionsRoyal Society Rumford Medal 1968. Franklin Institute Michelson Medal 1968. CBE 1970. Nobel Prize for Physics 1971.Bibliography1948. "A new microscopic principle", Nature 161:777 (Gabor's earliest publication on holography).1949. "Microscopy by reconstructed wavefronts", Proceedings of the Royal Society A197: 454–87.1951, "Microscopy by reconstructed wavefronts II", Proc. Phys. Soc. B, 64:449–69. 1966, "Holography or the “Whole Picture”", New Scientist 29:74–8 (an interesting account written after laser beams were used to produce optical holograms).Further ReadingT.E.Allibone, 1980, contribution to Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 26: 107–47 (a full account of Gabor's life and work).JW
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См. также в других словарях:
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optical — adjective Date: 1570 1. of or relating to the science of optics 2. a. of or relating to vision ; visual b. visible 1 < optical wavelength > c. of, relating to, or being objects that emit light in the visible range of frequencies < an optical… … New Collegiate Dictionary
optical — op·ti·cal äp ti kəl adj 1) of or relating to the science of optics 2 a) of or relating to vision: VISUAL b) using the properties of light to aid vision <an optical instrument> 3) of, relating to, or utilizing light <optical… … Medical dictionary
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