1 operational range
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > operational range
2 operational range
1) Общая лексика: рабочий диапазон (AD), рабочий диапазон температур (AD)2) Авиация: эксплуатационный диапазон3) Морской термин: дальность плавания4) Военный термин: запас хода, радиус действия5) Строительство: рабочий интервал6) Космонавтика: дальность действия, практическая дальность7) Макаров: боевая дальность -
3 operational range
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > operational range
4 operational range
5 operational range
6 operational range
7 operational range
8 operational range
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > operational range
9 operational range
рабочий интервал; рабочий диапазон -
10 operational range
11 operational range
практическая дальность; дальность действияEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > operational range
12 operational range limit
1) Военный термин: предельная дальность действия2) Космонавтика: предельная дальность стрельбыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > operational range limit
13 operational range limit
предельная дальность стрельбы [действия]English-Russian military dictionary > operational range limit
14 operational range limit
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > operational range limit
15 maximum system operational range
MSOR, maximum system operational rangeEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > maximum system operational range
16 aircraft operational range
1. эксплуатационная дальность полета воздушного судна
2. диапазон эксплуатационных допусков воздушного суднаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > aircraft operational range
17 aircraft operational range
1) эксплуатационная дальность полёта воздушного суднаАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > aircraft operational range
18 aircraft operational range
3) Космонавтика: эксплуатационная дальность полётаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > aircraft operational range
19 combat (operational) range
Общая лексика: боевая дальностьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > combat (operational) range
20 maximum system operational range
Военный термин: максимальная дальность действия системыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > maximum system operational range
См. также в других словарях:
operational range — maximum distance that a weapon or transport vehicle can travel before it loses its effectiveness … English contemporary dictionary
Operational Test and Evaluation Force — (OPTEVFOR) seal Active December, 1947 – Present Country … Wikipedia
Operational responsiveness — is a desirable quality of a business process or supporting IT solution, which indicates its ability to respond to changing conditions and customer interactions as they occur. An operationally responsive business process or IT solution is one that … Wikipedia
Operational Requirement F.155 — was a specification issued by the British Ministry of Supply for an interceptor aircraft to defend the United Kingdom from high flying supersonic bombers. Although a nuclear threat from Soviet nuclear armed bombers was identified as early as in… … Wikipedia
Operational amplifier — A Signetics μa741 operational amplifier, one of the most successful op amps. An operational amplifier ( op amp ) is a DC coupled high gain electronic voltage amplifier with a differential input and, usually, a single ended output.[1] An op amp… … Wikipedia
Operational history of the Luftwaffe (1939–1945) — Main article: History of the Luftwaffe (1933–1945) During the Second World War the German Luftwaffe was the main support weapon of the German Army (Heer). It fought and supported the Wehrmacht s war effort throughout the six years of conflict and … Wikipedia
Operational amplifier applications — This article illustrates some typical applications of operational amplifiers. A simplified schematic notation is used, and the reader is reminded that many details such as device selection and power supply connections are not shown. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Operational transformation — Operation Transformation redirects here. For the cross media event, see Operation Transformation (TV series). Operational transformation (OT) is a technology for supporting a range of collaboration functionalities in advanced groupware systems.… … Wikipedia
Operational semantics — In computer science, operational semantics is a way to give meaning to computer programs in a mathematically rigorous way. Operational semantics are classified into two categories: structural operational semantics (or small step semantics)… … Wikipedia
Operational definition — The operational definition of a peanut butter sandwich might be simply the result of putting peanut butter on a slice of bread with a butter knife and laying a second equally sized slice of bread on top An operational definition defines something … Wikipedia
Operational Support Unit (Ministry of Defence Police) — Main article: Ministry of Defence Police Operational Support Unit Active 1991 – Present Country … Wikipedia