Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 101 facelift

    1) (an operation to smooth and firm the face: She has had a facelift.) lifting
    2) (a process intended to make a building etc look better: This village will be given a facelift.) renovar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > facelift

  • 102 get about

    1) ((of stories, rumours etc) to become well known: I don't know how the story got about that she was leaving.) espalhar-se
    2) (to be able to move or travel about, often of people who have been ill: She didn't get about much after her operation.) movimentar-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > get about

  • 103 in effect

    1) ((of a rule etc) in operation: That law is no longer in effect.) em vigor
    2) (in truth or in practical terms: In effect our opinions differed very little.) de fato

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > in effect

  • 104 inoperable

    (not suitable for a surgical operation: inoperable cancer.) inoperável

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > inoperable

  • 105 into force

    (in or into operation; working or effective: The new law is now in force.) em vigor

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > into force

  • 106 keep up

    1) (to continue, or cause to remain, in operation: I enjoy our friendship and try to keep it up.) manter
    2) ((often with with) to move fast enough not to be left behind (by): Even the children managed to keep up; Don't run - I can't keep up with you.) acompanhar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > keep up

  • 107 minor

    1. adjective
    1) (less, or little, in importance, size etc: Always halt when driving from a minor road on to a major road; She has to go into hospital for a minor operation.) menor, sem importância
    2) ((American) a secondary subject that a student chooses to study at university or college: Her major is in physics, but she has a minor in computer science.)
    2. verb
    ((American) to study something as a minor subject: He is minoring in French.)
    3. noun
    (a person who is not yet legally an adult.) menor
    - be in the minority

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > minor

  • 108 perform

    1) (to do, especially with care or as a duty: The doctor performed the operation.) executar
    2) (to act (in the theatre etc) or do anything musical, theatrical etc to entertain an audience: The company will perform a Greek play; She performed on the violin.) representar
    - performer

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > perform

  • 109 put into effect

    (to put (a law etc) into operation: He has begun to put his theories into effect.) efetivar, aplicar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > put into effect

  • 110 sore

    [so:] 1. adjective
    1) (painful: My leg is very sore; I have a sore leg.) dolorido
    2) (suffering pain: I am still a bit sore after my operation.) dolorido
    3) ((American) irritated, annoyed or offended: He is still sore about what happened.) zangado
    2. noun
    (a painful, injured or diseased spot on the skin: His hands were covered with horrible sores.) ferida
    - soreness

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sore

  • 111 squint

    [skwint] 1. verb
    1) (to have the physical defect of having the eyes turning towards or away from each other or to cause the eyes to do this: The child squints; You squint when you look down at your nose.) ser estrábico
    2) ((with at, up at, through etc) to look with half-shut or narrowed eyes: He squinted through the telescope.) olhar com os olhos semicerrados
    2. noun
    1) (a squinting position of the eyes: an eye-operation to correct her squint.) estrabismo
    2) (a glance or look at something: Let me have a squint at that photograph.) olhadela
    3. adjective, adverb
    ((placed etc) crookedly or not straight: Your hat is squint.) torto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > squint

  • 112 strategy

    plural - strategies; noun
    1) (the art of planning a campaign or large military operation: military strategy.) estratégia
    2) (the art of, or a scheme for, managing an affair cleverly.) estratégia
    - strategically - strategist

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > strategy

  • 113 think out

    (to plan; to work out in the mind: He thought out the whole operation.) planejar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > think out

  • 114 transplant

    1. verb
    1) (to remove (an organ of the body) and put it into another person or animal: Doctors are able to transplant kidneys.) transplantar, enxertar
    2) (to remove (skin) and put it on another part of the body.) transplantar, enxertar
    3) (to plant in another place: We transplanted the rose-bush (into the back garden).) transplantar
    2. noun
    1) (an operation in which an organ or skin is transplanted: He had to have a kidney transplant.) transplante, enxerto
    2) (an organ, skin, or a plant that is transplanted: The transplant was rejected by the surrounding tissue.) enxerto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > transplant

См. также в других словарях:

  • opération — [ ɔperasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIIe « ouvrage, travail »; lat. operatio 1 ♦ Action d un pouvoir, d une fonction, d un organe qui produit un effet selon sa nature. Les opérations de la digestion. « La mémoire est nécessaire pour toutes les opérations de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • operation — op‧e‧ra‧tion [ˌɒpəˈreɪʆn ǁ ˌɑː ] noun 1. [uncountable] the way the parts of a machine, system etc work together, or the process of making a machine, system etc work: • the design and operation of specialized equipment 2. in/​into operation… …   Financial and business terms

  • Operation Ke — Part of the Pacific Theater of World War II …   Wikipedia

  • Operation 40 — was a Central Intelligence Agency sponsored undercover operation in the early 1960s, which was active in the United States and the Caribbean (including Cuba), Central America, and Mexico. It was created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in March… …   Wikipedia

  • Operation MO — Teil von: Zweiter Weltkrieg, Pazifikkrieg …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Operation — may refer to: Scientific operation Surgery, or operation An operation in mathematics: Unary operation Binary operation Arity In language, an operation is a word which represents a function (or instruction), rather than a term or name In computer… …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Mo — Map showing the movements of the Port Moresby invasion force, and the plan for the force s landing at Port Moresby Planned …   Wikipedia

  • Operation — (von lateinisch operatio, „die Verrichtung“) bezeichnet: Operation (Medizin), in der Medizin einen chirurgischen Eingriff in den Organismus Operation (Informatik), in der EDV einen durch einen Befehl ausgelösten Programmschritt Operation (UML),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Operation RY — Map of the Coral Sea area with Nauru and Ocean (Banaba) islands in the top right corner. Planned April 1942 Objective Occupation of …   Wikipedia

  • Operation FB — was part of the Arctic Convoys of World War II. This operation consisted of independent sailings by unescorted transport ships between Iceland and Murmansk in the Autumn of 1942. Contents 1 Background 2 Operation FB 3 Independent sailings …   Wikipedia

  • Operation K — Part of the Pacific Theater of World War II Approximate route of Operation K …   Wikipedia

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