1 one-way encryption
2 one-way encryption
одностороннее шифрование, необратимое преобразование открытого текста в шифротекстАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > one-way encryption
3 one-way encryption algorithm
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > one-way encryption algorithm
4 one-way encryption algorithm
алгоритм одностороннего (за) шифроваияАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > one-way encryption algorithm
5 encryption
a) прибор шифрования (обозначение в схеме)b) (encryption)1) шифрование; зашифрование; операция (за) шифрования2) криптография; криптографическая защита; криптографическое сокрытие информации3) шифротекст- hardware encryption- hardware assisted encryptionАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > encryption
6 algorithm
алгоритм (cryptoalgorithm) криптографический алгоритм, криптоалгоритм; алгоритм шифрования (криптографического закрытия)- private cryptographic algorithmАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > algorithm
7 key
1) (криптографический) ключ2) ключ к замку или запирающему устройству, механический ключ- base key- candidate key- card key- code key- data key- DES key- fake key- file key- good key- hex key- host key- link key- lost key- node key- numeric key- numerical key- pass key- PRN key- safe key- seed key- test key- true key- used key- user key- weak key- work key- zone key -
8 function
- function D- function EАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > function
9 function
1) функция2) функционировать; находиться в работоспособном состоянии3) выполнять функцию; играть роль4) (дополнительное) функциональное устройство, проф. функция ( в стандарте USB)5) вчт. отображение || отображать•- actuating transfer function
- additive function
- additive/multiplicative function
- admittance function
- advanced communication function
- affine Boolean function
- aggregate function
- algebraic function
- all-pass transfer function
- all-pole function
- all-zero function
- alternating function
- ambiguity function
- amplitude distribution function
- amplitude function
- AM-tive function additive/multiplicative function
- anode work function
- aperture phase function
- apodizing function
- application program function
- autocorrelation function
- automatic azimuth alignment function
- band-limited function
- base station control function
- basis function
- Bellman function
- bent function
- Bessel function of imaginary argument
- Bessel function
- beta function
- bijection function
- bijective function
- binary activation function
- binary sigmoid function
- binate function
- bipolar sigmoid function
- bi-state function
- bivariate distribution function
- Boolean function
- Bose-Einstein distribution function
- bounded function
- boxcar function
- Brillouin function
- built-in function
- Butterworth function
- carpet function
- carrier function
- cathode work function
- characteristic function
- circular function
- closed function
- closed-loop transfer function
- clutching function
- coherence function
- color matching functions
- comb function
- combination function
- combining function
- competitive function
- complementary error function
- complementary function
- composite function
- computable function
- concentrated likelihood function
- continuous function
- contrast transfer function
- control function
- convolution function
- correlation function
- cost function
- covariance generating function
- criterion function
- cross-correlation function - current potential function
- current transfer function
- curried function
- data communications function
- data-path function
- decision function
- degate function
- degating function
- delta function
- demand function
- density function
- descrambling function
- describing function
- difference transfer function
- differentiable function
- digamma function
- Dirac delta function
- Dirac function
- disconnect-reconnect function
- discriminant function
- distribution function
- driving-point function
- eikonal function
- electron wave function
- embedding function
- encryption function
- ergodic function
- error function
- excitation function
- explicit function
- exponential function
- extensional function
- external function
- failure density function
- feedback transfer function
- Fermi function
- Fermi-Dirac distribution function
- force function
- forward transfer function
- frequency function
- frequency-generating function
- frequency-response function
- friend function
- FS function
- full-speed function
- fuzzy function
- fuzzy objective function
- fuzzy utility function
- gage function
- Gaussian function
- Gaussian radial basis function
- generalized function
- generic function
- global implicit function
- global inverse function
- Green functions
- Green's function
- Hamilton function
- Hankel function
- hard limit activation function - hazard function
- head-related transfer function
- Heaviside step function
- Huber function
- hyperbolic function
- hyperbolic tangent activation function
- idempotent function
- image function
- impedance function
- implicit function
- injection function
- injective function
- inline function
- intensional function
- interference function
- interworking function
- inverse distribution function
- inverse function
- invertible mapping function
- inverting function
- kernel function
- Lagrange's function
- Langevin function
- latent function
- Legendre associated function of the first kind
- Legendre associated function of the second kind
- Legendre function of the first kind
- Legendre function of the second kind
- lexical function
- likelihood function
- line search function
- linear function
- linear logic function
- logic function
- logistic function
- logistic sigmoid function
- log-likelihood function
- log-linear function
- log-log function
- look-up function
- loss function
- low-speed function
- LS function
- luminosity function
- macro function
- main function
- maintenance entity function
- majorized function
- majorizing function
- mapping function
- Markov function
- mathematical function
- member function
- membership function
- memo function
- memoised function
- memoized function
- minorized function
- minorizing function
- modified Bessel function
- modular hash-function
- modulating function
- modulation transfer function
- moment-generating function
- monotonic function
- Morse function
- multi-input multi-output transfer function
- multi-valued function
- multivariate distribution function
- mutual coherence function
- natural trigonometric function
- never-decreasing function
- never-increasing function
- non-decreasing function
- non-increasing function
- nonlinear function
- normalized Gaussian radial basis function
- normalized radial basis functions with equal heights
- normalized radial basis functions with equal volumes
- normalized radial basis functions with equal widths and heights
- normalized radial basis functions with equal widths
- normalized radial basis functions with unequal widths and heights
- objective function
- one-one function
- one-to-one function
- one-way function
- one-way hash function
- open-loop transfer function
- optical transfer function
- ordinary Gaussian radial basis function
- ordinary radial basis functions with equal widths
- ordinary radial basis functions with unequal widths
- orthogonal functions
- overlapped functions
- partial autocorrelation function
- penalty function
- perfect hash-function
- phase transfer function
- photoelectric work function
- photopic response function
- piecewise constant function
- piecewise linear function
- piecewise polynomial function
- Pierce function
- point-spread function
- polynomial function
- positive linear function
- postsynaptic potential function
- power function of test
- power function
- predefined function
- predicate function
- probability density function
- probability function
- probability mass function
- production function
- projection function
- projective function
- propagation function
- propositional function
- PSP function
- pulsating function
- pure virtual function
- quadratic error function
- radial basis function
- radial combination function
- ramp function
- range weighting function
- reactance function
- register function
- regression function
- resolvent function
- response function
- restricted function
- risk function
- saturating linear function
- scalar function
- scaling function
- scattering function
- scedastic function
- Schrödinger wave function
- scrambling function
- screen size-viewing distance function
- self-inverse function
- semilinear function
- sensing function
- sentential function
- shape function
- sigmoid activation function
- sigmoid function
- sign function
- signal function
- signum activation function
- signum function
- smooth function
- socket library function
- softmax activation function
- spectral density function
- spectral function
- spectral radiance function
- spline function
- spot function
- spread function
- square-integrable function
- square-law transfer function
- squashed sign function
- squashing function
- state function
- state query function
- steering function
- step function
- stream function
- summing function
- support entity function
- support function
- supported function
- surjection function
- surjective function
- survival function
- switch function
- switching function
- switch-type function
- symmetric saturating linear function
- tame function
- tan-sigmoid activation function
- target function
- tensor function
- tesseral function
- testing function
- tetragamma function
- thermionic work function
- threshold function
- through transfer function
- transcendental function
- transfer function
- trial function
- trigamma function
- trigonometric function
- tri-state function
- typematic function
- unate function
- uncurried function
- unit impulse function
- unit step function
- unsupported function
- user-defined function
- utility function
- vector function
- virtual function
- visibility function
- voltage potential function
- voltage transfer function
- Walsh functions
- wave function
- wave-number limited function
- weighting function
- window function
- work functionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > function
10 channel
канал (связи, передачи информации)Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > channel
11 PKI
(Public Key Infrastructure) инфраструктура открытых ключейАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > PKI
См. также в других словарях:
One-way encryption — In cryptography, the term one way encryption has been used to refer to a number of different things: *One way function, a function difficult to invert. Note that encryption is, by definition, reversible. Hence, the term one way encryption is… … Wikipedia
One-way — or one way may refer to: One way traffic, a street either facilitating only one way traffic, or designed to direct vehicles to move in one direction One way function, a function that is easy to compute on every input, but hard to invert given the … Wikipedia
One-way compression function — In cryptography, a one way compression function is a function that transforms two fixed length inputs to an output of the same size as one of the inputs. The transformation is one way , meaning that it is difficult given a particular output to… … Wikipedia
One-way function — Unsolved problems in computer science Do one way functions exist? In computer science, a one way function is a function that is easy to compute on every input, but hard to invert given the image of a random input. Here easy and hard are to be… … Wikipedia
Encryption software — is software whose main task is encryption and decryption of data, usually in the form of files on (or sectors of) hard drives and removable media, email messages, or in the form of packets sent over computer networks. Contents 1 Security 2… … Wikipedia
One-time pad — Excerpt from a one time pad In cryptography, the one time pad (OTP) is a type of encryption, which has been proven to be impossible to crack if used correctly. Each bit or character from the plaintext is encrypted by a modular addition with a bit … Wikipedia
One-time password — A one time password (OTP) is a password that is valid for only one login session or transaction. OTPs avoid a number of shortcomings that are associated with traditional (static) passwords. The most important shortcoming that is addressed by OTPs … Wikipedia
Encryption layer in storage stack — There is a plurality of terms that are used to describe implementations of disk encryption: on the fly encryption (OTFE); full disk encryption (FDE), whole disk encryption; filesystem level encryption, encrypted filesystem, cryptographic… … Wikipedia
Format-preserving encryption — In cryptography, format preserving encryption (FPE) refers to encrypting in such a way that the output (the ciphertext) is in the same format as the input (the plaintext). The meaning of format varies. Typically only finite domains are discussed … Wikipedia
Efficient Probabilistic Public-Key Encryption Scheme — EPOC (Efficient Probabilistic Public Key Encryption) is a probabilistic public key encryption scheme.EPOC was developed in 1999 by T. Okamoto, S. Uchiyama and E. Fujisaki of NTT Labs in Japan. It is based on the random oracle model, in which a… … Wikipedia
Optimal asymmetric encryption padding — This article is about the padding scheme used in public key cryptography. For the division of the Thailand Ministry of Science Technology and Environment entitled Office of Atomic Energy for Peace, see [1]. In cryptography, Optimal Asymmetric… … Wikipedia