1 сумасшедший
1) General subject: bedlamite (человек), brainsick, bughouse, crackpot, crazed, crazy, daffy, daft, delirious, demented, fruitcake, furious, looney, loopy, lunatic, mad, madding, madman, non compos, of unsound mind, shatter brained, shatter-brained, unglued, unsane, brain-sick, bats in the belfry, crazy person, round the twist3) Slang: ding-a-ling (амер. жарг.)4) American: gonzo5) Obsolete: bedlam, mad-brain, mad-brained, wood6) Latin: (mentis) non compos, non compos mentis7) Jocular: nutter8) British English: mentalist9) Law: mental case10) Australian slang: be off one's nana, gone in the head, gone round the bend, mad as a cut snake, off( one's) block, off (one's) face, off (one's) onion, off (one's) scone, off the air, queer, round the bend, wacko11) Abbreviation: manic12) Jargon: balmy, bananas, barking (somebody who is thought to be totally mad or demented, short from barking mad), bats, bonkers, bugs, crayfish, dingy-dingy, fruit loop, jeepy, lousy, mishoogeh, mishugah, off, off (one's) head, off (one's) nut, off (one's) trolley, off onion, scatty, squirrelly, unscrewed, unzipped, wacky, whacky, whacky-brained, zany, birdy (She acts s little birdy from time to time. Её поступки немного с "заскоком" временами.), narly (Пример: "That test was NARLY dude! I'll be lucky if I pass!"), (по отношению к поступкам человека) insaner, meshugenah, meshugener, meshuger, meshuggah, scooters, squirrel-food, squirrely, meshugah, dorky, postal, off his rocker, buggy, cock-eyed, cockeyed, cracked, funny, haywire, peeve, screwy, squirrel, up for grabs13) Business: insane14) Makarov: Jack o'Bedlam, Tom o'Bedlam, light in the head15) Taboo: crapped-out, head-the-ball, nutcase16) Phraseological unit: a few sandwiches short of a picnic -
2 экспромтом
1) General subject: extemporaneous, extemporary, extempore, impromptu, off( out of) the top of (one's) head, off hand, offhand, on the spur of the moment, out of hand, ad-libbed (о песне, выступлении и т.д.)2) Colloquial: off the cuff3) American: horseback, off-the-cuff4) Jargon: cold, of the cuff5) Makarov: off the top of (one's) head, out of the top of ( one's) head -
3 импровизированный
1) General subject: ad lib, ad-lib, extemporaneous, extemporary, extempore, horseback, impromptu, improvised, makeshift, off( out of) the top of (one's) head, off the cuff, off-the-cuff, offhand, offhanded, rough and tumble, soapbox (о речи), spur of the moment, spur-of-the-moment, makeshift (AD), on-the-fly, ad hoc2) Colloquial: ad-lib (о песне, выступлении и т.п.)4) Makarov: off the top of (one's) head, out of the top of ( one's) head, rough-and-tumble, spur-of-the-moment (о речи и т.п.) -
4 объесться
1) General subject: gormandize, make a pig of oneself, stuff, surfeit, eat head off, overeat, have one's fill, be stuffed, eat to excess, load stomach with food, make a hog of oneself, eat one's head off, gorge oneself on smth. (чем-л.), gorge oneself with smth. (чем-л.), stuff down2) Colloquial: stuff face (I'm going to stuff my face) -
5 забивать голову
( чем)прост., неодобр.1) (обременять себя заботами, беспокойством о ком-либо или о чём-либо) addle (bother, busy) one's brain (brains, head); worry one's head offНаташа.
А что вам забивать голову нашими делами! Вам высоко теперь быть... (Н. Вирта, Хлеб наш насущный) — Natasha: Why should you worry your head off about our affairs? Flying high you are now...2) (перегружать память множеством ненужных сведений, знаний и т. п.) stuff one's head with smth.; clutter up the brainРусско-английский фразеологический словарь > забивать голову
6 куку
7 не в себе
Jargon: Punchy, off one's chump, off one's head, off one's nut, off one's onion, off one's rocker, off one's trolley, puncher, stir-bugs (о заключенном), stir-crazy (о заключенном), stir-daffy (о заключенном), stir-simple (о заключенном), woody (обычно от длительного пьянства или употребления наркотиков), wuzzy, woozy -
8 не в себе
Jargon: Punchy, off one's chump, off one's head, off one's nut, off one's onion, off one's rocker, off one's trolley, puncher, stir-bugs (о заключенном), stir-crazy (о заключенном), stir-daffy (о заключенном), stir-simple (о заключенном), woody (обычно от длительного пьянства или употребления наркотиков), wuzzy, woozy -
9 ручаться
1) General subject: answer, answer for (за кого-л.), avouch, certify, ensure, gage, guarantee, impawn, mortgage (словом), pass one's word for, pawn, pledge, pledge honour, pledge one's honour, pledge one's word, pledge word, sponsor, swear, to be (stand) sponsor for (smb.) (за кого-л.), undertake, vouch, vouch for, warrant, bail out, eat head off, stand surety for (за кого-л.), pass word (за кого-л.-for), represent2) Colloquial: go bail3) Law: avouchment, bail (за что-л.), go bail for, mortgage (словом и т.п.)4) Economy: become security, stand security5) Advertising: give security6) Business: grant surety, guaranty, stand surety7) Investment: become the security8) Makarov: answer for (smb.) (за кого-л.), eat (one's) head off, go bail for (за что-л.), engage for (за кого-л.)9) Archaic: undertake (за кого-л.) -
10 не своим голосом
(кричать, голосить и т. п.)разг.lit. cry in a voice not one's own; cry (shout) one's head off; cry in an unnatural voice; scream hysterically; give (utter) a frenzied scream (shriek)- Улюлю!.. - не своим голосом закричал Николай, и сама собою стремглав понеслась его добрая лошадь под гору, перескакивая через водомоины впоперечь волку... (Л. Толстой, Война и мир) — 'Ulyulyu!' cried Nikolai in a voice not his own, and of its own accord his good horse darted headlong downhill, leaping over gullies to head off the wolf...
Конюков опасливо поднял голову, увидел капитана, неожиданно вскочил, схватил его за плечо и повалил рядом с собой. - Ложитесь! - закричал он не своим голосом. (К. Симонов, Дни и ночи) — Konyukov lifted his head warily, saw the captain, and then suddenly jumped up, grabbed him by the shoulder, and pulled him down. 'Lie down,' he cried in an unnatural voice.
Она кричала, когда он уходил. Она бежала за ним по снежной улице, и голосила не своим голосом. (Н. Евдокимов, Была похоронка) — She screamed when he was leaving. She ran after him down the snow swept street, screaming hysterically.
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не своим голосом
11 кричать во весь дух
разг.yell at the top of one's voice; yell one's head offПотом, когда я стал нашлёпывать грудь и спинку ему, он зажмурил глаза, забился и завизжал пронзительно, а волны, одна за другою, всё обливали его. - Шуми, орловский! Кричи во весь дух. (М. Горький, Рождение человека) — Afterwards, when I began to slap his chest and back, he screwed up his eyes, and began to struggle and scream as the waves washed over him one after another. 'Yell away, old chap! Yell your head off!'
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > кричать во весь дух
12 не оправдывать своей работой стоимости содержания
1) General subject: eat head off, eat head offУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > не оправдывать своей работой стоимости содержания
13 кричать во всю глотку
1) General subject: shout head off (что есть мочи), (ивановскую) shout at the top of one's voiceУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > кричать во всю глотку
14 навскидку
1) General subject: off the top of one's head, off the cuff, at a rough guess, offhand, at a guess, right off the bat, roughly, at a rough estimate, off the top of my head2) Colloquial: ballpark -
15 наесться
1) General subject: cram, eat one's fill, load, load up, eat head off -
16 обжираться
1) General subject: eat head off, engorge, gluttonize, gormandize, make a pig of oneself, overeat, raven on (чем-л.), raven upon (чем-л.), overeat oneself2) American: fress3) Australian slang: guts4) Rude: stuff one's pie-hole ( with)5) Jargon: gorm, pig out, pork out, put it away -
17 объедаться
1) General subject: batten, eat head off, engorge, gluttonize, gorge, gormandize, load stomach with food, make a pig of oneself, overfeed, stuff, surfeit, gorge a heavy meal, overeat, stuff ( one's) face with (Some people argue that if you tax fast food, maybe that'll stop people from stuffing their face with Big Macs. - перестанут объедаться), make a hog of oneself, be stuffed2) Colloquial: pig out (To eat ravenously; gorge oneself: Would you like to pig out on pizza?)3) Australian slang: guts -
18 ревмя реветь
прост.howl; howl dismally; bellow out loud; bawl one's head off- Потом начались приступы. И если схватит меня такой приступ где-нибудь в дороге, я не только ревмя реву, но и двигаться не имею возможности. (П. Нилин, Из африканского дневника) — Then the attacks started. And if one of them came on in the street, I not only used to bellow out loud, but was quite unable to move.
В позапрошлом году, заблудившись за Качей, я встретил женщину, которая ревмя ревела, отыскивая какую-то контору. (В. Астафьев, Царь-рыба) — The year before last, losing my way on the other side of the Kacha, I met a woman who was bawling her head off after trying to find some office.
19 драть
I несовер. - драть; совер. - содратьразг.1) (кого-л./что-л.; рвать)tear (up), tear to pieces2) (что-л.; отрывать)strip off, tear off, pull off3) (с кого-л.; назначать высокие цены)fleece; chargeдрать вдвое дороже, чем — to charge twice as much as
4) только несовер. (вызывать боль)••драть нос — разг. to turn up one's nose
драть горло — to bawl; to shout, to sing one's head off
II (кого-л./что-л.)драть шкуру с кого-л. разг. — to skin smb. alive
несовер. - драть; совер. - выдратьflog, thrash, whip; tweak (чьи-л. уши)драть кого-л. за уши — to pull smb.'s ears
20 наговориться вволю
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > наговориться вволю
См. также в других словарях:
one's head off — ► one s head off informal talk, laugh, shout, etc. unrestrainedly. Main Entry: ↑head … English terms dictionary
—— one's head off — informal talk, laugh, shout, etc. unrestrainedly: he was yelling his head off. → head … English new terms dictionary
- one's head off — talk, laugh, etc., unrestrainedly he was drunk as a skunk and singing his head off … Useful english dictionary
laugh one's head off — {v. phr.}, {informal} To laugh very hard; be unable to stop laughing. * /Paul s stories are so wildly funny that I laugh my head off whenever he starts telling one of them./ … Dictionary of American idioms
laugh one's head off — {v. phr.}, {informal} To laugh very hard; be unable to stop laughing. * /Paul s stories are so wildly funny that I laugh my head off whenever he starts telling one of them./ … Dictionary of American idioms
eat one's head off — phrasal 1. : to eat excessively or gluttonously 2. slang : to nag or grumble at one : scold or pick at one she ate his head off when he came in late * * * eat one s head off (esp of an animal) to cost more for food than one is worth • • • Main… … Useful english dictionary
yell one’s head off — AND yell one’s guts out 1. tv. to yell loud and long. □ I was yelling my head off at the game. □ Stop yelling your guts out and listen to me. 2. tv. to complain bitterly and loudly. □ Some lady is yelling … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
talk one’s head off — tv. to talk endlessly; to argue persuasively or vigorously. □ I talked my head off trying to convince them. □ Don’t waste time talking your head off to them … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
laugh\ one's\ head\ off — v. phr. informal To laugh very hard; be unable to stop laughing. Paul s stories are so wildly funny that I laugh my head off whenever he starts telling one of them … Словарь американских идиом
talk one's head off — phrasal : to talk to one volubly and unremittingly are shy at first, but once they get to know you, they ll talk your head off … Useful english dictionary
bite one's head off — {v. phr.} To answer someone in great anger; answer furiously. * /I m sorry to tell you that I lost my job, but that s no reason to bite my head off!/ … Dictionary of American idioms