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  • 81 let down

    1) (to lower: She let down the blind.) baixar, descer
    2) (to disappoint or fail to help when necessary etc: You must give a film show at the party - you can't let the children down (noun let-down); She felt he had let her down by not coming to see her perform.) decepcionar, desapontar
    3) (to make flat by allowing the air to escape: When he got back to his car, he found that some children had let his tyres down.) esvaziar
    4) (to make longer: She had to let down the child's skirt.) encompridar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > let down

  • 82 occupy

    1) (to be in or fill (time, space etc): A table occupied the centre of the room.) ocupar
    2) (to live in: The family occupied a small flat.) ocupar
    3) (to capture: The soldiers occupied the town.) ocupar
    - occupation - occupational - occupier

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > occupy

  • 83 roof

    [ru:f] 1. noun
    (the top covering of a building etc: a flat roof; a tiled roof; the roof of a car.) teto
    2. verb
    (to cover with a roof: They'll finish roofing the house next week.) cobrir
    - roof of the mouth

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > roof

  • 84 screen

    [skri:n] 1. noun
    1) (a flat, movable, often folding, covered framework for preventing a person etc from being seen, for decoration, or for protection from heat, cold etc: Screens were put round the patient's bed; a tapestry fire-screen.) biombo, anteparo
    2) (anything that so protects etc a person etc: He hid behind the screen of bushes; a smokescreen.) cortina
    3) (the surface on which films or television pictures appear: cinema/television/radar screen.) tela
    2. verb
    1) (to hide, protect or shelter: The tall grass screened him from view.) esconder
    2) (to make or show a cinema film.) projetar, exibir
    3) (to test for loyalty, reliability etc.) passar pelo crivo
    4) (to test for a disease: Women should be regularly screened for cancer.) examinar minuciosamente
    - the screen

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > screen

  • 85 squash

    [skwoʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to press, squeeze or crush: He tried to squash too many clothes into his case; The tomatoes got squashed (flat) at the bottom of the shopping-bag.) espremer, esmagar
    2) (to defeat (a rebellion etc).) esmagar
    2. noun
    1) (a state of being squashed or crowded: There was a great squash in the doorway.) aperto
    2) ((a particular flavour of) a drink containing the juice of crushed fruit: Have some orange squash!)
    3) ((also squash rackets) a type of game played in a walled court with rackets and a rubber ball.) squash
    4) (a vegetable or plant of the gourd family.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > squash

  • 86 tack

    [tæk] 1. noun
    1) (a short nail with a broad flat head: a carpet-tack.) tacha
    2) (in sewing, a large, temporary stitch used to hold material together while it is being sewn together properly.) alinhavo
    3) (in sailing, a movement diagonally against the wind: We sailed on an easterly tack.) rumo
    4) (a direction or course: After they moved, their lives took a different tack.) rumo
    2. verb
    1) ((with down, on etc) to fasten (with tacks): I tacked the carpet down; She tacked the material together.) pregar, alinhavar
    2) ((of sailing-boats) to move diagonally (backwards and forwards) against the wind: The boat tacked into harbour.) bordejar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tack

  • 87 sheet

    1) (a broad piece of cloth eg for a bed: She put clean sheets on all the beds.) lençol
    2) (a large, thin, usually flat, piece: a sheet of paper/glass.) folha
    * * *
    [ʃi:t] n 1 lençol. 2 pedaço largo e fino de qualquer coisa. 3 folha de papel. the book is still in sheets / o livro ainda não está encadernado. 4 folheto, jornal. 5 chapa, lâmina, superfície larga e plana. the rain comes down in sheets / a chuva cai torrencialmente. 6 Poet vela. 7 Naut escota. • vt cobrir com lençol. balance sheet balancete. news sheet folheto. scandal sheet tablóide, jornal sensacionalista. to be a blank sheet ser um livro em branco. to be between the sheets estar na cama. to be white as a sheet estar branco como um lençol. to sheet down chover muito forte, torrencialmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sheet

  • 88 tab

    1) (a small flat piece of some material attached to, or part of, something larger, which stands up so that it can be seen, held, pulled etc: You open the packet by pulling the tab.) tira
    2) (a strip of material attached to a piece of clothing by which it can be hung up: Hang your jacket up by the tab.) alça
    3) (a piece of material with a person's name or some other mark on it, attached to a piece of clothing so that its owner can be identified.) etiqueta
    * * *
    [tæb] n 1 tira, aba, pala, orelha de sapato, ponteira de cordão. 2 alça. 3 etiqueta de roupa. 4 projeção. 5 coll conta a pagar. 6 abbr tabulator (tabulador). • vt tabular. to keep tabs on someone controlar alguém, ficar de olho. to pick up the tab coll pagar a conta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tab

  • 89 duck

    I verb
    1) (to push briefly under water: They splashed about, ducking each other in the pool.) mergulhar
    2) (to lower the head suddenly as if to avoid a blow: He ducked as the ball came at him.) abaixar-se
    II plurals - ducks, duck; noun
    1) (a kind of wild or domesticated water-bird with short legs and a broad flat beak.) pato
    2) (a female duck. See also drake.) pata
    3) (in cricket, a score of nil by a batsman: He was out for a duck.) jogada de críquete/zero
    * * *
    [d∧k] n 1 pato, pata. 2 Brit coll querido, amor, termo de carinho. 3 Cricket contagem de zero. 4 Amer coll colega, camarada. a dead duck uma questão ultrapassada. a sitting duck um alvo fácil, pessoa ou coisa sem defesa ou proteção. lame duck 1 pessoa, organização fraca ou incapaz. 2 Amer membro do Congresso prestes a se aposentar por não ter sido reeleito. 3 delinqüente, infrator. 4 falido. like water off a ducks back sem efeito algum. to make a duck fazer zero ponto (no críquete). to take to something like duck to water aprender ou habituar-se facilmente a alguma coisa. wild duck pato selvagem.
    [d∧k] n 1 mergulho. 2 súbita inclinação da cabeça ou do corpo, desvio da cabeça ou do corpo para não ser atingido ou visto. 3 reverência. • vt+vi 1 mergulhar, meter debaixo da água, retirar rapidamente. 2 abaixar, inclinar, desviar rapidamente a cabeca ou o corpo, esquivar-se, evitar. 3 fazer profunda reverência. 4 tirar o corpo fora, evadir-se. to duck out of esquivar-se de (responsabilidades). to make duck of, to play duck with dissipar, esbanjar, malbaratar, desperdiçar.
    [d∧k] n 1 pano grosso de linho ou de algodão de que se fazem velas, toldos, tendas, etc. 2 pl calças feitas do mesmo tecido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > duck

  • 90 perspective

    1) (the way of drawing solid objects, natural scenes etc on a flat surface, so that they appear to have the correct shape, distance from each other etc: Early medieval paintings lacked perspective.) perspectiva
    2) (a picture or view of something: I would like a clearer perspective of the situation.) perspectiva
    * * *
    [pəsp'ektiv] n 1 perspectiva. 2 visão panorâmica. 3 desenho ou representação em perspectiva linear. 4 capacidade de avaliar a importância de um assunto. • adj perspectivo. in perspective em perspectiva, esperado no futuro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > perspective

  • 91 plate

    1) (a shallow dish for holding food etc: china plates.) prato
    2) (a sheet of metal etc: The ship was built of steel plates.) chapa
    3) (articles made of, or plated with, usually gold or silver: a collection of gold plate.) baixela
    4) (a flat piece of metal inscribed with eg a name, for fixing to a door, or with a design etc, for use in printing.) placa
    5) (an illustration in a book, usually on glossy paper: The book has ten full-colour plates.) estampa
    6) ((also dental plate) a piece of plastic that fits in the mouth with false teeth attached to it.) placa
    7) (a sheet of glass etc coated with a sensitive film, used in photography.) chapa
    - plateful
    - plating
    - plate glass
    * * *
    [pleit] n 1 chapa, lâmina, folha. 2 placa. 3 ilustração, gravura. 4 baixela de prata ou de outro metal. 5 objeto metálico com incrustações de prata. 6 prato. 7 pratada. 8 Electr ânodo, eletrodo positivo. 9 chapa fotográfica. 10 Typogr estereotipia ou eletrotipia. 11 Sports copa, taça. 12 armadura, couraça. 13 Zool carapaça. 14 Eccl prato de coleta. 15 Eccl fig coleta. 16 Dent dentadura postiça. 17 Biol lâmina, lamela. 18 Bact lâmina. 19 chapa de blindagem. 20 Archit frechal. 21 trilho chato. 22 Her besante de prata. 23 corte de carne de boi. • vt 1 chapear. 2 laminar. 3 incrustar. 4 blindar, couraçar. 5 Typogr estereotipar. 6 Bact preparar lâminas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > plate

  • 92 punt

    1. noun
    (a type of flat-bottomed boat with square ends, moved by pushing against the bottom of the river etc with a pole.) bateira
    2. verb
    (to travel in a punt: They punted up the river.) viajar de bateira
    * * *
    [p∧nt] n 1 barco de fundo chato, impelido por vara. 2 Amer Ftb chute dado à bola no ar. • vt+vi 1 impelir com vara (barco). 2 viajar nesta embarcação.
    [p∧nt] n 1 ponto (em alguns jogos de azar). 2 jogador que aposta contra a banca. 3 jogo contra a banca. • vi 1 apontar: jogar contra a banca. 2 pop jogar, apostar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > punt

  • 93 shoulder-blade

    noun (the broad flat bone of the back of the shoulder.) omoplata
    * * *
    [ʃ'ouldə bleid] n omoplata, escápula.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shoulder-blade

  • 94 think

    [Ɵiŋk] 1. past tense, past participle - thought; verb
    1) ((often with about) to have or form ideas in one's mind: Can babies think?; I was thinking about my mother.) pensar
    2) (to have or form opinions in one's mind; to believe: He thinks (that) the world is flat; What do you think of his poem?; What do you think about his suggestion?; He thought me very stupid.) achar
    3) (to intend or plan (to do something), usually without making a final decision: I must think what to do; I was thinking of/about going to London next week.) pensar
    4) (to imagine or expect: I never thought to see you again; Little did he think that I would be there as well.) pensar
    2. noun
    (the act of thinking: Go and have a think about it.) reflexão
    - - thought-out
    - think better of
    - think highly
    - well
    - badly of
    - think little of / not think much of
    - think of
    - think out
    - think over
    - think twice
    - think up
    - think the world of
    * * *
    [θiŋk] vt+vi (ps and pp thought) 1 pensar, achar, idear, cogitar. I think it is (ou it to be) true / penso que é verdade. what do you think of it? / o que você acha disso? he was thinking aloud / ele estava pensando em voz alta. 2 conceber, formar na mente, imaginar. I can’t think what he means / não posso imaginar o que ele pretende. 3 considerar, julgar. 4 crer, supor, opinar, acreditar. I was thought to have been there / acreditou-se que eu teria estado lá. 5 refletir, meditar, considerar, estudar. 6 especular, ponderar. 7 lembrar, recordar. I cannot think of his name / não me lembro do nome dele. we had thought of a thing / lembramos uma coisa. I did not think of it / não me lembrei disso. just think! imagine só! to think again mudar de opinião. to think better mudar de opinião. to think better of ter melhor opinião de. to think how pensar como. to think it out estudar bem o assunto. to think little of ter opinião desfavorável de. to think over pensar bem, reconsiderar. you must think it over / você deve pensar bem sobre isso. to think twice pensar duas vezes, hesitar. to think whether pensar se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > think

  • 95 keyboard

    1) (the keys in a piano, typewriter etc arranged along or on a flat board: The pianist sat down at the keyboard and began to play; A computer keyboard looks like that of a typewriter; ( also adjective) harpsichords and other early keyboard instruments.) teclado
    2) (any keyboard (musical) instrument.)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > keyboard

  • 96 duck

    I verb
    1) (to push briefly under water: They splashed about, ducking each other in the pool.) dar caldo
    2) (to lower the head suddenly as if to avoid a blow: He ducked as the ball came at him.) esquivar-se
    II plurals - ducks, duck; noun
    1) (a kind of wild or domesticated water-bird with short legs and a broad flat beak.) pato
    2) (a female duck. See also drake.) pata
    3) (in cricket, a score of nil by a batsman: He was out for a duck.) duck

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > duck

  • 97 keyboard

    1) (the keys in a piano, typewriter etc arranged along or on a flat board: The pianist sat down at the keyboard and began to play; A computer keyboard looks like that of a typewriter; ( also adjective) harpsichords and other early keyboard instruments.) teclado
    2) (any keyboard (musical) instrument.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > keyboard

  • 98 perspective

    1) (the way of drawing solid objects, natural scenes etc on a flat surface, so that they appear to have the correct shape, distance from each other etc: Early medieval paintings lacked perspective.) perspectiva
    2) (a picture or view of something: I would like a clearer perspective of the situation.) perspectiva

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > perspective

  • 99 plate

    1) (a shallow dish for holding food etc: china plates.) prato
    2) (a sheet of metal etc: The ship was built of steel plates.) chapa
    3) (articles made of, or plated with, usually gold or silver: a collection of gold plate.) baixela
    4) (a flat piece of metal inscribed with eg a name, for fixing to a door, or with a design etc, for use in printing.) placa, clichê
    5) (an illustration in a book, usually on glossy paper: The book has ten full-colour plates.) estampa
    6) ((also dental plate) a piece of plastic that fits in the mouth with false teeth attached to it.) dentadura
    7) (a sheet of glass etc coated with a sensitive film, used in photography.) chapa
    - plateful - plating - plate glass

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > plate

  • 100 punt

    1. noun
    (a type of flat-bottomed boat with square ends, moved by pushing against the bottom of the river etc with a pole.) bateira
    2. verb
    (to travel in a punt: They punted up the river.) navegar em bateira

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > punt

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Flat Earth — Studioalbum von Thomas Dolby Veröffentlichung 1984 Label EMI Records Ltd Forma …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Flat — is an anchorage just north of North Island in the Houtman Abrolhos.Australia 1:100000 Topographic Survey, Map sheet 1641 (Edition 1): Wallabi] It is located at coord|28|16|44|S|113|35|3|E|display=inline,title|scale:25000,Gazetteer of Australia… …   Wikipedia

  • The Flat Hat — Infobox Newspaper name = The Flat Hat caption = type = Twice weekly newspaper format = Broadsheet foundation = 1911 ceased publication = price = owners = The College of William Mary publisher = editor = chiefeditor = Austin Wright maneditor =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Flat Earth — Infobox Album Name = The Flat Earth Type = Album Artist = Thomas Dolby Released = February 1984 Recorded = 1983 Genre = New Wave Length = 37:22 Label = Capitol Records | Capitol/EMI Producer = Thomas Dolby Reviews = *… …   Wikipedia

  • the flat of something — a flat surface or part of something She hit the table with the flat of her hand …   English dictionary

  • on the flat — ► on the flat 1) on level ground as opposed to uphill. 2) (on the Flat) (of a horse race) on a course without jumps. Main Entry: ↑flat …   English terms dictionary

  • on the flat — on level ground that has no slopes or hills The race is run mostly on the flat …   English dictionary

  • Myth of the Flat Earth — For mythologies involving the belief in a Flat Earth, see Flat Earth. The famous Flat Earth Flammarion engraving originates with Flammarion s 1888 L atmosphère: météorologie populaire (p. 163) …   Wikipedia

  • Tales from the Flat Earth — is a fantasy novel series by Tanith Lee. Novels Night s Master (1978) (Nominated Best Novel World Fantasy Award, 1979) Death s Master (1979) (Winner Best Novel British Fantasy Award, 1980) Delusion s Master (1981) Delirium s Mistress (1986) Night …   Wikipedia

  • In the Flat Field — Infobox Album | Name = In the Flat Field Type = studio Artist = Bauhaus Released = October 01, 1980 Recorded = Southern Studios, London, June August 1980 *except track 1: BBC Maida Vale Studios, London, 4 December 1979 Genre = Post Punk Gothic… …   Wikipedia

  • In the Flat Field — Студийный альбом …   Википедия

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