Перевод: с норвежского на английский

с английского на норвежский


  • 1 strålediameter

    subst. diameter of jet, beam width subst. (teleteknikk) US: aperture of the beam

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > strålediameter

  • 2 forlik

    compromise, settlement
    * * *
    subst. compromise, (amicable) settlement subst. [ ordning] agreement, arrangement subst. (jus) out-of-court settlement, amicable settlement, settlement out of court subst. (jus) conciliation, settlement of civil claim subst. [ på seil] luff, before the beam (det ble forlik) a compromise was reached, the parties came to terms (inngå et forlik) enter into a compromise, reach a settlement (prøve å få til et forlik) try to effect a compromise (el. an amicable settlement el. a reconciliation), attempt to arbitrate (slutte forlik) come to an agreement, reach a settlement, reach a compromise

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > forlik

  • 3 aktenfor tvers

    (jus) abaft (of) the beam

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > aktenfor tvers

  • 4 akterligere enn tvers

    adj. (sjøfart) abaft the beam

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > akterligere enn tvers

  • 5 forenom tvers

    (jus) forward (of) the beam

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > forenom tvers

  • 6 stråle

    beam, gleam, gleam, ray, shine
    * * *
    subst. [ lysstråle] ray (f.eks.

    rays of light, infra-red rays

    ) subst. [ lysbundt el. ledet stråle] beam (f.eks.

    a beam of light

    ) subst. [av væske, damp] jet (f.eks.

    of water, steam

    ), (tynn) squirt (f.eks.

    of blood

    ) subst. (hest) [ i hoven] frog (inner, soft part of the hoof) subst. [ i fjær] barb, (bistråle) barbule verb. be radiant (f.eks.

    she was radiant with joy

    ) verb. beam (f.eks.

    he beamed with satisfaction, he beamed gratification

    ) verb. shine (f.eks.

    his face shone with happiness

    ) verb. sparkle (f.eks.

    the jewels sparkled, her eyes sparkled with joy

    ) verb. [ glitre] glitter (fysikk) (utsende stråle) emit rays, radiate

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > stråle

  • 7 bomme

    verb. miss, miss the mark verb. bum verb. (veving) beam

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > bomme

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Mote and the Beam — A c. 1619 painting by Domenico Fetti entitled The Parable of the Mote and the Beam. The Mote and the Beam (also called discourse on judgmentalism) is a New Testament saying in …   Wikipedia

  • the beam in one's own eye — phrasal : a blemish as palpable as a house beam cast the beam out of thine own eye Matt 7:5 (Authorized Version) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Abaft the beam — Beam Beam (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be[ a]m beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG. boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr. fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff, rod …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Before the beam — Beam Beam (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be[ a]m beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG. boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr. fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff, rod …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • On the beam — Beam Beam (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be[ a]m beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG. boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr. fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff, rod …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • on the beam — 1. mod. homing in on an aviation radio beam. (No longer a major navigational device.) □ The plane was on the beam and landed safely in the fog. □ I couldn’t get on the beam, and I flew right over the airfield. 2. mod. on the right course or track …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • on the beam — (informal) CORRECT, right, accurate, true, on the straight and narrow, on the right track, on the right lines; informal on the money, on the mark; Brit. informal spot on. → beam * * * phrasal : following a guiding beam : proceeding correc …   Useful english dictionary

  • on the beam — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) In the radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in the right direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane when he is flying on the beam./ 2. {slang} Doing well;… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • on the beam — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) In the radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in the right direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane when he is flying on the beam./ 2. {slang} Doing well;… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off the beam — phrasal : not following a guiding beam : proceeding on a wrong course : deviating from the normal or true truly off the beam and wandering in a Stygian darkness Peggy Bennett * * * off the beam 1. Off the course shown by a radio beam 2. Off the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • off the beam — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) Not in the radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in the wrong direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane when his plane is off the beam./ 2. {slang} Wrong;… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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