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    • sdílí
    • akcie

    English-Czech dictionary > shares

  • 2 of shares

    • akciový

    English-Czech dictionary > of shares

  • 3 among

    1) (in the middle of: a house among the trees.) mezi, uprostřed
    2) (in shares or parts to each person (in a group etc): Divide the chocolate amongst you.) mezi
    * * *
    • mezi

    English-Czech dictionary > among

  • 4 amongst

    1) (in the middle of: a house among the trees.) mezi, uprostřed
    2) (in shares or parts to each person (in a group etc): Divide the chocolate amongst you.) mezi
    * * *
    • mezi

    English-Czech dictionary > amongst

  • 5 broker

    (a person employed to buy and sell (especially shares etc) for others: an insurance broker; a stockbroker.) jednatel, makléř
    * * *
    • makléř
    • dohazovač

    English-Czech dictionary > broker

  • 6 cash in

    (to exchange for money: I've cashed in all my shares.) zpeněžit, prodat
    * * *
    • sbalit to

    English-Czech dictionary > cash in

  • 7 deal

    1. [di:l] noun
    1) (a bargain or arrangement: a business deal.) kšeft, dohoda
    2) (the act of dividing cards among players in a card game.) rozdávání
    2. [delt] verb
    1) (to do business, especially to buy and sell: I think he deals in stocks and shares.) obchodovat
    2) (to distribute (cards).) rozdávat
    - dealing
    - deal with
    - a good deal / a great deal
    * * *
    • jednat
    • jednání
    • množství
    • obchod
    • deal/dealt/dealt
    • dohoda

    English-Czech dictionary > deal

  • 8 dividend

    (the interest paid on shares etc: a dividend of 2%.) dividenda
    * * *
    • dividenda

    English-Czech dictionary > dividend

  • 9 dole

    [dəul] 1. verb
    ((usually with out) to hand or give out shares of: She doled out the food.) rozdělovat, přidělit
    2. noun
    ((with the) a slang word for the payment made by the state to an unemployed person: He's on the dole.) podpora v nezaměstnanosti
    * * *
    • podpora v nezaměstnanosti
    • příděl
    • milodar

    English-Czech dictionary > dole

  • 10 exchange

    [iks' ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to give, or give up, in return for something else: Can you exchange a dollar note for two 50-cent pieces?) směnit
    2) (to give and receive in return: They exchanged amused glances.) vyměnit si
    2. noun
    1) (the giving and taking of one thing for another: He gave me a pencil in exchange for the marble; An exchange of opinions is helpful.) výměna
    2) (a conversation or dispute: An angry exchange took place between the two brothers when their father's will was read.) výměna názorů
    3) (the act of exchanging the money of one country for that of another.) směna
    4) (the difference between the value of money in different countries: What is the rate of exchange between the U.S. dollar and the yen?) kurs
    5) (a place where business shares are bought and sold or international financial dealings carried on.) burza
    6) ((also telephone exchange) a central telephone system where lines are connected.) centrála
    * * *
    • výměna
    • vyměňovat
    • vyměnit si
    • vyměnit
    • zaměnit
    • směnit

    English-Czech dictionary > exchange

  • 11 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) držet
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) držet
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) držet
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) vydržet
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) (za)držet
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) obsahovat; udržet
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) konat (se)
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) udržovat se, držet se
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) zastávat
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) mít za to; považovat; chovat
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) platit
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) přinutit k dodržení
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) hájit
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) odolávat
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) udržovat
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) udržovat
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) konat se
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) vlastnit
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) vydržet
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) čekat (u telefonu)
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) držet
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) hlídat
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) chystat
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) uchopení; držení
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) vliv
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) chvat, hmat
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) nákladový prostor
    * * *
    • udržovat
    • udržet
    • uchopení
    • vytrvat
    • postavení
    • podržet
    • sevření
    • obsahovat
    • hold/held/held
    • držení
    • držet
    • činit

    English-Czech dictionary > hold

  • 12 invest

    I [in'vest] verb
    ((with in) to put (money) into (a firm or business) usually by buying shares in it, in order to make a profit: He invested (two hundred dollars) in a building firm.) investovat
    - investor II [in'vest] verb
    (to establish (a person) officially in a position of authority etc: The governor will be invested next week.) uvést do úřadu
    * * *
    • investovat

    English-Czech dictionary > invest

  • 13 partner

    1. noun
    1) (a person who shares the ownership of a business etc with one or more others: She was made a partner in the firm.) společník, společnice
    2) (one of two people who dance, play in a game etc together: a tennis/dancing partner.) partner, -ka
    2. verb
    (to be a partner to (someone): He partnered his wife in the last dance.) být partnerem
    * * *
    • společník
    • partner
    • družka

    English-Czech dictionary > partner

  • 14 portion out

    (to divide into portions or shares: The money was portioned out among the three children.) rozdělit
    * * *
    • podělit

    English-Czech dictionary > portion out

  • 15 revenue

    (money which comes to a person etc from any source or sources (eg property, shares), especially the money which comes to a government from taxes etc.) příjem, tržba, důchod
    * * *
    • výnos
    • příjem
    • obrat

    English-Czech dictionary > revenue

  • 16 room-mate

    noun (a person who shares a room with another person eg in a hostel for students etc.) spolubydlící
    * * *
    • spolubydlící

    English-Czech dictionary > room-mate

  • 17 shareholder

    noun (a person who owns shares in a business company.) akcionář
    * * *
    • akcionář

    English-Czech dictionary > shareholder

  • 18 stock

    [stok] 1. noun
    1) ((often in plural) a store of goods in a shop, warehouse etc: Buy while stocks last!; The tools you require are in / out of stock (= available / not available).) zásoba; sklad
    2) (a supply of something: We bought a large stock of food for the camping trip.) zásoba
    3) (farm animals: He would like to purchase more (live) stock.) dobytek
    4) ((often in plural) money lent to the government or to a business company at a fixed interest: government stock; He has $20,000 in stocks and shares.) státní dluhopis; akcie
    5) (liquid obtained by boiling meat, bones etc and used for making soup etc.) bujón
    6) (the handle of a whip, rifle etc.) rukojeť; násada
    2. adjective
    (common; usual: stock sizes of shoes.) běžný
    3. verb
    1) (to keep a supply of for sale: Does this shop stock writing-paper?) mít na skladě
    2) (to supply (a shop, farm etc) with goods, animals etc: He cannot afford to stock his farm.) vybavit (dobytkem)
    - stocks
    - stockbroker
    - stock exchange
    - stock market
    - stockpile
    4. verb
    (to accumulate (a supply of this sort).) udržovat zásobu
    - stock-taking
    - stock up
    - take stock
    * * *
    • zásoba
    • burza
    • akcie

    English-Czech dictionary > stock

  • 19 stock exchange

    (a place where stocks and shares are bought and sold.) burza
    * * *
    • burza cenných papírů
    • burza

    English-Czech dictionary > stock exchange

  • 20 stockbroker

    noun (a person who buys and sells stocks and shares for others.) makléř
    * * *
    • makléř

    English-Czech dictionary > stockbroker

См. также в других словарях:

  • Shares outstanding — are common shares that have been authorized, issued, and purchased by investors. They have voting rights and represent ownership in the corporation by the person or institution that holds the shares. They should be distinguished from treasury… …   Wikipedia

  • Shares authorized — is the maximum number of shares that a company can issue. This number is specified in the company s articles of association but can be changed by shareholder approval. A company usually authorizes a higher number of shares than required to be… …   Wikipedia

  • shares — index securities Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 shares …   Law dictionary

  • shares — shares; shares·man; …   English syllables

  • Shares — A unit of ownership interest in a corporation or financial asset. While owning shares in a business does not mean that the shareholder has direct control over the business s day to day operations, being a shareholder does entitle the possessor to …   Investment dictionary

  • shares — Stock Stock (st[o^]k), n. [AS. stocc a stock, trunk, stick; akin to D. stok, G. stock, OHG. stoc, Icel. stokkr, Sw. stock, Dan. stok, and AS. stycce a piece; cf. Skr. tuj to urge, thrust. Cf. {Stokker}, {Stucco}, and {Tuck} a rapier.] 1. The stem …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shares outstanding — The number of shares that have been issued that are actually in the hands of investors. Exchange Handbook Glossary * * * shares outstanding UK US noun [plural] FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► OUTSTANDING SHARES(Cf. ↑outstanding shares) …   Financial and business terms

  • shares — certificates or book entries representing ownership in a corporation or similar entity. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary CME Class A Shares and Class B Shares. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary See security Exchange Handbook Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • shares authorized — The maximum number of shares of stock of a company allowed in the articles of incorporation, which may be changed only by a shareholder vote. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See: issued and outstanding. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See also:… …   Financial and business terms

  • shares in public hands — A company seeking admission to the Official List must have at least 25% of its shares in public hands where they are held by a director of the company or its subsidiaries, individuals connected with the directors and any person holding 5% or more …   Financial and business terms

  • Shares Per Warrant Ratio —    A ratio measuring the amount of shares available through the exercise of a warrant.    ► See also Warrant …   Financial and business terms

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