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  • 1 pipe

    [paɪp] 1. n
    (for water, gas) rura f; ( for smoking) fajka f; ( MUS) piszczałka f, fujarka f
    2. vt
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a tube, usually made of metal, earthenware etc, through which water, gas etc can flow: a water pipe; a drainpipe.) rura
    2) (a small tube with a bowl at one end, in which tobacco is smoked: He smokes a pipe; ( also adjective) pipe tobacco.) fajka
    3) (a musical instrument consisting of a hollow wooden, metal etc tube through which the player blows or causes air to be blown in order to make a sound: He played a tune on a bamboo pipe; an organ pipe.) piszczałka, fujarka
    2. verb
    1) (to convey gas, water etc by a pipe: Water is piped to the town from the reservoir.) transportować rurami
    2) (to play (music) on a pipe or pipes: He piped a tune.) grać na fujarce, dudach itp.
    3) (to speak in a high voice, make a high-pitched sound: `Hallo,' the little girl piped.) piszczeć
    - pipes
    - piping
    3. adjective
    ((of a sound) high-pitched: a piping voice.) piszczący
    - pipeline
    - piping hot

    English-Polish dictionary > pipe

  • 2 waste pipe

    rura f ściekowa
    * * *
    (a pipe to carry off waste material, or water from a sink etc: The kitchen waste pipe is blocked.) rura ściekowa

    English-Polish dictionary > waste pipe

  • 3 leak

    [liːk] 1. n
    (of liquid, gas) wyciek m; ( in pipe etc) dziura f; ( piece of information) przeciek m
    2. vi
    ship, roof przeciekać; shoes przemakać; liquid wyciekać (wyciec perf), przeciekać (przeciec perf); gas ulatniać się (ulotnić się perf)
    3. vt
    information ujawniać (ujawnić perf)
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [li:k] 1. noun
    1) (a crack or hole through which liquid or gas escapes: Water was escaping through a leak in the pipe.) dziura
    2) (the passing of gas, water etc through a crack or hole: a gas-leak.) wyciek, przeciek
    3) (a giving away of secret information: a leak of Government plans.) przeciek
    2. verb
    1) (to have a leak: This bucket leaks; The boiler leaked hot water all over the floor.) przeciekać, przepuszczać
    2) (to (cause something) to pass through a leak: Gas was leaking from the cracked pipe; He was accused of leaking secrets to the enemy.) wyciekać, powodować przecieki
    - leaky

    English-Polish dictionary > leak

  • 4 spout

    [spaut] 1. n
    (of jug, teapot) dziobek m; ( of pipe) wylot m; ( of liquid) struga f
    2. vi
    chlustać (chlusnąć perf), bluzgać (bluznąć perf)
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to throw out or be thrown out in a jet: Water spouted from the hole in the tank.) tryskać
    2) (to talk or say (something) loudly and dramatically: He started to spout poetry, of all things!) deklamować
    2. noun
    1) (the part of a kettle, teapot, jug, water-pipe etc through which the liquid it contains is poured out.) dzióbek, wylew
    2) (a jet or strong flow (of water etc).) strumień

    English-Polish dictionary > spout

  • 5 blockage

    (in pipe, tube) zator m
    * * *
    noun (something causing a pipe etc to be blocked: a blockage in the pipe.) zatkanie

    English-Polish dictionary > blockage

  • 6 puff

    [pʌf] 1. n
    (of cigarette, pipe) zaciągnięcie się nt; ( gasp) sapnięcie nt; ( of air) podmuch m
    2. vt
    (also: puff on, puff at) pipe pykać (pyknąć perf) +acc; cigarette zaciągnąć się (zaciągać się perf) +instr
    3. vi
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a small blast of air, wind etc; a gust: A puff of wind moved the branches.) podmuch
    2) (any of various kinds of soft, round, light or hollow objects: a powder puff; ( also adjective) puff sleeves.) kłębek, bufa
    2. verb
    1) (to blow in small blasts: Stop puffing cigarette smoke into my face!; He puffed at his pipe.) pykać
    2) (to breathe quickly, after running etc: He was puffing as he climbed the stairs.) sapać
    - puffy
    - puff pastry
    - puff out
    - puff up

    English-Polish dictionary > puff

  • 7 bowl

    [bəul] 1. n
    (for/of food) miska f; ( small) miseczka f; ( for washing) miednica f; (SPORT) kula f; ( of pipe) główka f; (US) stadion m ( o budowie amfiteatralnej)
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    I 1. [bəul] noun
    (a wooden ball rolled along the ground in playing bowls. See also bowls below.) kula do gry w kręgle
    2. verb
    1) (to play bowls.) grać w kręgle
    2) (to deliver or send (a ball) towards the batsman in cricket.) zaserwować w krykiecie
    3) (to put (a batsman) out by hitting the wicket with the ball: Smith was bowled for eighty-five (= Smith was put out after making eighty-five runs).) wykluczyć, wybić, wyeliminować
    - bowling
    - bowls
    - bowling-alley
    - bowling-green
    - bowl over
    II [bəul] noun
    1) (a round, deep dish eg for mixing or serving food etc: a baking-bowl; a soup bowl.) misa, półmisek, głęboki talerz
    2) (a round hollow part, especially of a tobacco pipe, a spoon etc: The bowl of this spoon is dirty.) wgłębienie

    English-Polish dictionary > bowl

  • 8 tap

    [tæp] 1. n
    ( on sink) kran m; ( gas tap) zawór m, kurek m; ( gentle blow) klepnięcie nt
    2. vt
    ( hit gently) klepać (klepnąć perf); ( exploit) resources etc wykorzystywać (wykorzystać perf)

    on tap ( fig)(resources, information) dostępny; ( beer) z beczki

    * * *
    I 1. [tæp] noun
    (a quick touch or light knock or blow: I heard a tap at the door.) puknięcie, stuknięcie
    2. verb
    ((often with at, on or with) to give a light knock (on or with something): He tapped at/on the window.) pukać
    - tap-dancer II 1. [tæp] noun
    ((American faucet) any of several types of device (usually with a handle and valve that can be shut or opened) for controlling the flow of liquid or gas from a pipe, barrel etc: Turn the tap off/on!) kurek
    2. verb
    1) (to start using (a source, supply etc): The country has many rich resources that have not been tapped.) (zacząć) wykorzystywać, eksploatować
    2) (to attach a device to (someone's telephone wires) in order to be able to listen to his telephone conversations: My phone was being tapped.) podsłuchiwać

    English-Polish dictionary > tap

  • 9 nozzle

    końcówka f wylotowa, dysza f
    * * *
    (a narrow end-piece fitted to a pipe, tube etc: The fireman pointed the nozzle of the hose-pipe at the fire.) dysza

    English-Polish dictionary > nozzle

  • 10 piping

    * * *
    1) (the act of playing a musical pipe or pipes.) gra na fujarce, dudach itp.
    2) ((the act or process of conveying water, gas etc by means of) a length of pipe or number of pipes: lead piping; Piping the oil ashore will not be easy.) transport rurami

    English-Polish dictionary > piping

  • 11 escape

    [ɪs'keɪp] 1. n
    ucieczka f; ( of liquid) wyciek m; ( of gas) ulatnianie się nt
    2. vi
    person uciekać (uciec perf); liquid wyciekać (wyciec perf); gas uchodzić, ulatniać się
    3. vt
    consequences, responsibility unikać (uniknąć perf) +gen

    to escape from( place) uciekać (uciec perf) z +gen; ( person) uciekać (uciec perf) od +gen

    * * *
    [i'skeip] 1. verb
    1) (to gain freedom: He escaped from prison.) uciekać
    2) (to manage to avoid (punishment, disease etc): She escaped the infection.) unikać
    3) (to avoid being noticed or remembered by; to avoid (the observation of): The fact escaped me / my notice; His name escapes me / my memory.) uchodzić
    4) ((of a gas, liquid etc) to leak; to find a way out: Gas was escaping from a hole in the pipe.) ulatniać się
    2. noun
    ((act of) escaping; state of having escaped: Make your escape while the guard is away; There have been several escapes from that prison; Escape was impossible; The explosion was caused by an escape of gas.) ucieczka, wyciek
    - escapist

    English-Polish dictionary > escape

  • 12 exhaust

    [ɪg'zɔːst] 1. n
    (also: exhaust pipe) rura f wydechowa; ( fumes) spaliny pl
    2. vt

    to exhaust o.s. — przemęczać się (przemęczyć się perf)

    * * *
    [iɡ'zo:st] 1. verb
    1) (to make very tired: She was exhausted by her long walk.) zmęczyć, wyczerpać
    2) (to use all of; to use completely: We have exhausted our supplies; You're exhausting my patience.) wyczerpywać
    3) (to say all that can be said about (a subject etc): We've exhausted that topic.) wyczerpywać
    2. noun
    ((an outlet from the engine of a car, motorcycle etc for) fumes and other waste.) rura wydechowa, spaliny
    - exhaustion
    - exhaustive

    English-Polish dictionary > exhaust

  • 13 freeze

    [friːz] 1. pt froze, pp frozen, vi
    weather mrozić (przymrozić perf); liquid, pipe zamarzać (zamarznąć perf); person ( with cold) marznąć (zmarznąć perf); ( from fear) zastygać (zastygnąć perf) (w bezruchu)
    Phrasal Verbs:
    2. vt
    water, lake skuwać (skuć perf) lodem; food, prices zamrażać (zamrozić perf)
    3. n
    ( cold weather) przymrozek m; (on arms, wages) zamrożenie nt
    * * *
    [fri:z] 1. past tense - froze; verb
    1) (to make into or become ice: It's so cold that the river has frozen over.) zamarzać, zamrażać
    2) ((of weather) to be at or below freezing-point: If it freezes again tonight all my plants will die.) być/spaść poniżej zera
    3) (to make or be very cold: If you had stayed out all night in the snow you might have frozen to death (= died of exposure to cold).) zamrozić, zamarzać
    4) (to make (food) very cold in order to preserve it: You can freeze the rest of that food and eat it later.) zamrażać
    5) (to make or become stiff, still or unable to move (with fear etc): She froze when she heard the strange noise.) zamierać
    6) (to fix prices, wages etc at a certain level: If the situation does not improve, wages will be frozen again.) zamrozić
    2. noun
    (a period of very cold weather when temperatures are below freezing-point: How long do you think the freeze will last?) mróz
    - freezing
    - frozen
    - freezing-point
    - freeze up

    English-Polish dictionary > freeze

  • 14 pull

    [pul] 1. vt
    rope, hair etc ciągnąć (pociągnąć perf) za +acc; handle pociągać (pociągnąć perf) za +acc; trigger naciskać (nacisnąć perf) (na +acc); cart etc ciągnąć; curtain, blind zaciągać (zaciągnąć perf); ( inf) people przyciągać (przyciągnąć perf); sexual partner podrywać (poderwać perf) (inf); pint of beer nalewać (nalać perf) ( z beczki)

    not to pull one's/any punches ( fig)walić prosto z mostu (inf)

    to pull o.s. together — brać się (wziąć się perf) w garść

    to pull strings (for sb)używać (użyć perf) swoich wpływów (by komuś pomóc)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    2. vi 3. n
    (of moon, magnet) przyciąganie nt; ( fig) wpływ m
    * * *
    [pul] 1. verb
    1) (to (try to) move something especially towards oneself usually by using force: He pulled the chair towards the fire; She pulled at the door but couldn't open it; He kept pulling the girls' hair for fun; Help me to pull my boots off; This railway engine can pull twelve carriages.) (po)ciągnąć
    2) ((with at or on) in eg smoking, to suck at: He pulled at his cigarette.) zaciągnąć się
    3) (to row: He pulled towards the shore.) wiosłować
    4) ((of a driver or vehicle) to steer or move in a certain direction: The car pulled in at the garage; I pulled into the side of the road; The train pulled out of the station; The motorbike pulled out to overtake; He pulled off the road.) zjechać, wyjechać, podjechać, wjechać itd.
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pulling: I felt a pull at my sleeve; He took a pull at his beer/pipe.) pociągnięcie
    2) (a pulling or attracting force: magnetic pull; the pull (=attraction) of the sea.) przyciąganie
    3) (influence: He thinks he has some pull with the headmaster.) wpływy
    - pull down
    - pull a face / faces at
    - pull a face / faces
    - pull a gun on
    - pull off
    - pull on
    - pull oneself together
    - pull through
    - pull up
    - pull one's weight
    - pull someone's leg

    English-Polish dictionary > pull

  • 15 bung

    [bʌŋ] 1. n
    ( of barrel) szpunt m; ( of flask) korek m, zatyczka f
    2. vt ( BRIT)
    (throw, put) rzucać (rzucić perf); (also: bung up) pipe, hole zatykać (zatkać perf)
    * * *
    1. noun
    (the stopper of the hole in a barrel, a small boat etc.) szpunt
    2. verb
    1) (to block with such a stopper.) szpuntować, korkować
    2) (to throw: Bung it over here.) cisnąć

    English-Polish dictionary > bung

  • 16 check

    [tʃɛk] 1. vt
    (inspect, examine, verify) sprawdzać (sprawdzić perf); (halt, restrain) powstrzymywać (powstrzymać perf)
    Phrasal Verbs:
    2. vi

    to check (with)(data, piece of information) zgadzać się (z +instr)

    3. n, see cheque
    ( inspection) kontrola f; ( curb) powstrzymanie nt; (US) ( bill) rachunek m; (CHESS) szach m; (usu pl) ( pattern) kratka f

    to keep a check on sb/sth — kontrolować kogoś/coś

    4. adj
    w kratkę post
    * * *
    [ ek] 1. verb
    1) (to see if something (eg a sum) is correct or accurate: Will you check my addition?) sprawdzać
    2) (to see if something (eg a machine) is in good condition or working properly: Have you checked the engine (over)?) sprawdzać
    3) (to hold back; to stop: We've checked the flow of water from the burst pipe.) zatrzymywać
    2. noun
    1) (an act of testing or checking.) kontrola
    2) (something which prevents or holds back: a check on imports.) ograniczenie
    3) (in chess, a position in which the king is attacked: He put his opponent's king in check.) szach
    4) (a pattern of squares: I like the red check on that material.) krata
    5) (a ticket received in return for handing in baggage etc.) kwit
    6) ((especially American) a bill: The check please, waiter!) rachunek
    7) ((American) a cheque.) czek
    - checkbook
    - check-in
    - checkmate
    3. verb
    (to put (an opponent's king) in this position.) dać mata
    - checkpoint
    - check-up
    - check in
    - check out
    - check up on
    - check up

    English-Polish dictionary > check

  • 17 choke

    [tʃəuk] 1. vi 2. vt
    ( strangle) dusić
    3. n ( AUT)
    ssanie nt
    * * *
    [ əuk] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) stop, or partly stop, breathing: The gas choked him; He choked to death.) dusić (się)
    2) (to block: This pipe was choked with dirt.) zatykać
    2. noun
    (an apparatus in a car engine etc to prevent the passage of too much air when starting the engine.) ssanie

    English-Polish dictionary > choke

  • 18 duct

    przewód m, kanał m
    * * *
    (a tube or pipe for fluids etc: a ventilation duct.) kanał, przewód

    English-Polish dictionary > duct

  • 19 refill

    1. [riː'fɪl] vt 2. ['riːfɪl] n
    ( for pen etc) wkład m

    would you like a refill?( another drink) czy mogę Panu/Pani dolać?

    * * *
    1. ['ri:fil] noun
    (the amount (usually in a container) of some material needed to fill up some object which becomes empty through use: I must go and buy some refills for my pen.) wkład
    2. [ri:'fil] verb
    (to fill up again: He refilled his pipe.) napełnić powtórnie

    English-Polish dictionary > refill

  • 20 siphon

    ['saɪfən] 1. n 2. vt
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a bent pipe or tube through which liquid can be drawn off from one container to another at a lower level: He used a siphon to get some petrol out of the car's tank.) rura przelewowa
    2) ((also soda-siphon) a glass bottle with such a tube, used for soda water.) syfon
    2. verb
    ((with off, into etc) to draw (off) through a siphon: They siphoned the petrol into a can.) odciągać

    English-Polish dictionary > siphon

См. также в других словарях:

  • Nom de Dieu, nom de nom, nom d'un chien, nom d'un petit bonhomme, nom d'une pipe !, etc. — ● Nom de Dieu, nom de nom, nom d un chien, nom d un petit bonhomme, nom d une pipe !, etc. jurons exprimant l indignation, la surprise …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • pipe cleaner — n. a short length of thin wires twisted so as to hold tiny tufts of yarn and used to clean the stem of a tobacco pipe, etc …   English World dictionary

  • pipe — [pīp] n. [ME < OE < WGmc * pipa < VL * pipa < L pipare, to cheep, chirp, peep, of echoic orig.] 1. a hollow cylinder or cone, as of reed, straw, wood, or metal, in which air vibrates to produce a musical sound, as in an organ or wind… …   English World dictionary

  • Pipe — Pipe, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.] 1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces musical… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pipe fitter — Pipe Pipe, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.] 1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pipe fitting — Pipe Pipe, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.] 1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pipe office — Pipe Pipe, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.] 1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pipe privet — Pipe Pipe, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.] 1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pipe tongs — Pipe Pipe, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.] 1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pipe tree — Pipe Pipe, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.] 1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pipe wrench — Pipe Pipe, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.] 1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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