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  • 1 oath

    s prisega, zakletva; kletva, psovka / # of allegiance = zakletva vjernosti; # of office = službena zakletva; on # = pod prisegom, pod zakletvom; to take an # = položiti prisegu, priseći, zakleti se; to put one on (his) # = zakleti, zaprisegnuti (nekoga); to administer an # = zakleti (nekoga); to tender an # = zakleti (nekoga)
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    English-Croatian dictionary > oath

  • 2 oath breaker

    s vjerolomnik; krivokletnik
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    English-Croatian dictionary > oath breaker

  • 3 oath breaking

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    kršenje zakletve

    English-Croatian dictionary > oath breaking

  • 4 oath-breaker

    s vjerolomnik; krivokletnik

    English-Croatian dictionary > oath-breaker

  • 5 oath-breaking

    English-Croatian dictionary > oath-breaking

  • 6 taking an oath

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    polaganje prisege

    English-Croatian dictionary > taking an oath

  • 7 abjuration

    s odricanje podprisegom /oath of # = svečana izjava engl. dostajanstvenika kojom poriču kući Stuart pravo na kraljevsku krunu
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    odricanje pod prisegom

    English-Croatian dictionary > abjuration

  • 8 die

    vi 1. umrijeti, preminuti, poginuti, stradati, crknuti, uginuti 2. proći, nestati, prestati 3. čeznuti, ginuti 4. izumirati, uvenuti; utrnuti, ugasiti se / to # a beggar = umrijeti kao prosjak; to # a glorious death = poginuti slavnom smrću; [arch] to # the death = biti smaknut; to # game = boreći se poginuti, poginuti pružajući otpor; to # hard = neustrašivo umrijeti; to # in one's bed = umrijeti od starosti ili bolesti; to # in one's shoes (boots) = poginuti nasilnom smrću; to # in hardness = umrijeti još za vrijeme zarađivanja, rada; to # in last ditch = držatise do kraja, umrijeti očajnički braneći nešto; never say # = nemoj se predati, nemoj klonuti duhom; to be dying for = izgarati od želje za čim; to # of laughing = puknuti od smijeha; a dying fire = vatra koja se gasi; a dyung wish = psljednja želja (na samrti); [coll] to take one's dying oath = svečano se zakleti (kao na samrti); were I to die for it = pa makar me stajalo glave
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    English-Croatian dictionary > die

  • 9 Gospel

    s evanđelje ([fig]) / # oath = neperekršiva zakletva; # truth = prava istina; to take everithing as (for) # = uzimati sve pod gotov groš
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    English-Croatian dictionary > Gospel

  • 10 administar

    vt/i I. vt upravljati, rukovati; podjeljivati, dati (lijek); primijeniti, upotrijebiti; izvršavati II. vi pridonijeti, pripomoći; vršiti dužnost (upravitelja) / to # upon (to) a will = izvršiti oporuku; to # an oath = zapri- segnuti koga; to # justice = krojiti pravdu

    English-Croatian dictionary > administar

  • 11 grind out

    vt 1. (mukom) stvoriti, istisnuti, iscijediti 2. svirati na orguljicama 3. procijediti, promrsiti (kroz zube) / to # an oath = promrsiti kletvu

    English-Croatian dictionary > grind out

См. также в других словарях:

  • Oath (horse) — Oath Racing colours of The Thoroughbred Corp Sire Fairy King Grandsire Northern Dancer …   Wikipedia

  • oath — n 1: a solemn attestation of the truth of one s words or the sincerity of one s intentions; specif: one accompanied by calling upon a deity as a witness 2: a promise (as to perform official duties faithfully) corroborated by an oath compare… …   Law dictionary

  • Oath Keepers — is an American nonprofit organization[1] that advocates that its members (current and former U.S. military and law enforcement) uphold the Constitution of the United States should they be ordered to violate it.[2] The Oath Keepers motto is Not On …   Wikipedia

  • oath — [əʊθ ǁ oʊθ] noun [countable] 1. a formal promise to do something: • The president has taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution. • The new president will take the oath of office next week. 2. be under oath also …   Financial and business terms

  • OATH MORE JUDAICO or JURAMENTUM JUDAEORUM — OATH MORE JUDAICO or JURAMENTUM JUDAEORUM, the form of oath which Jews in the Middle Ages were compelled to take in lawsuits with non Jews. Both the text of the oath and the symbolic ritual involved in taking it were intended to give it the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Oath of the Horatii — Artist Jacques Louis David Year 1784 Type Oil on canvas Dimensions 326 cm × 420 cm (128  …   Wikipedia

  • Oath of the Peach Garden — Traditional Chinese 桃園三結義 Simplified Chinese 桃园三结义 …   Wikipedia

  • Oath of Fëanor —  / Oath of Feanor / Fëanor s Oath / Feanor s Oath    The dooming words of Fëanor and his sons.         They swore an oath which none shall break, and none should take, by the name even of Ilúvatar, calling the Everlasting Dark upon them if they… …   J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary

  • oath — [əuθ US ouθ] n plural oaths [əuðz US ouðz] [: Old English; Origin: ath] 1.) a formal and very serious promise oath of loyalty/allegiance/obedience etc (to sb) ▪ an oath of allegiance to the Queen swear/take an oath ▪ Servicemen have to swear an… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Oath of a Freeman — was a loyalty oath drawn up by the Pilgrims during the early 17th century. A freeman was an established member of a colony who was not under legal restraint. The Oath was a vow to defend the Commonwealth and not to conspire to overthrow the… …   Wikipedia

  • Oath Bound — Studio album by Summoning Released April 25, 2006 …   Wikipedia

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