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  • 1 plan

    1. noun
    1) (an idea of how to do something; a method of doing something: If everyone follows this plan, we will succeed; I have worked out a plan for making a lot of money.) planas
    2) (an intention or arrangement: My plan is to rob a bank and leave the country quickly; What are your plans for tomorrow?) planas
    3) (a drawing, diagram etc showing a building, town etc as if seen from above: These are the plans of/for our new house; a street-plan.) planas, brėžinys, projektas
    2. verb
    1) ((sometimes with on) to intend (to do something): We are planning on going to Italy this year; We were planning to go last year but we hadn't enough money; They are planning a trip to Italy.) planuoti, ketinti
    2) (to decide how something is to be done; to arrange (something): We are planning a party; We'll have to plan very carefully if we are to succeed.) (pasi)rengti, numatyti
    3) (to design (a building, town etc): This is the architect who planned the building.) projektuoti
    - planning
    - go according to plan
    - plan ahead

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > plan

  • 2 plan ahead

    (to plan something a long time before it will happen etc.) iš anksto (su)planuoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > plan ahead

  • 3 go according to plan

    (to happen as arranged or intended: The journey went according to plan.) vykti pagal planą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > go according to plan

  • 4 open-plan

    adjective ((of a building) built with few walls inside: an open-plan office.) atviro išplanavimo, nepadalytas sienomis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > open-plan

  • 5 design

    1. verb
    (to invent and prepare a plan of (something) before it is built or made: A famous architect designed this building.) (su)projektuoti
    2. noun
    1) (a sketch or plan produced before something is made: a design for a dress.) eskizas, projektas
    2) (style; the way in which something has been made or put together: It is very modern in design; I don't like the design of that building.) dizainas, stilius
    3) (a pattern etc: The curtains have a flower design on them.) raštas, piešinys, ornamentas
    4) (a plan formed in the mind; (an) intention: Our holidays coincided by design and not by accident.) sumanymas
    - designing

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > design

  • 6 plot

    [plot] 1. noun
    1) (a plan, especially for doing something evil; a conspiracy: a plot to assassinate the President.) sąmokslas
    2) (the story of a play, novel etc: The play has a very complicated plot.) siužetas
    3) (a small piece of land eg for use as a gardening area or for building a house on.) sklypas
    2. verb
    1) (to plan to bring about (something evil): They were plotting the death of the king.) ruošti (sąmokslą), planuoti
    2) (to make a plan, map, graph etc of: The navigator plotted the course of the ship.) nubrėžti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > plot

  • 7 budget

    1. noun
    (any plan showing how money is to be spent: my budget for the month.) biudžetas
    2. verb
    1) (to make a plan showing this: We must try to budget or we shall be in debt.) (su)planuoti išlaidas
    2) ((with for) to allow for (something) in a budget: I hadn't budgeted for a new car.) numatyti lėšas biudžete

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > budget

  • 8 project

    1. ['pro‹ekt] noun
    1) (a plan or scheme: a building project.) planas, projektas
    2) (a piece of study or research: I am doing a project on Italian art.) mokslinis darbas
    2. [prə'‹ekt] verb
    1) (to throw outwards, forwards or upwards: The missile was projected into space.) (iš)mesti, paleisti
    2) (to stick out: A sharp rock projected from the sea.) kyšoti
    3) (to plan or propose.) planuoti, numatyti
    4) (to make a picture or a film appear on a screen.) rodyti (ekrane)
    - projection
    - projector

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > project

  • 9 scheme

    [ski:m] 1. noun
    1) (a plan or arrangement; a way of doing something: a colour scheme for the room; There are various schemes for improving the roads.) planas, projektas, būdas
    2) (a (usually secret) dishonest plan: His schemes to steal the money were discovered.) intriga, pinklės
    2. verb
    (to make (especially dishonest) schemes: He was punished for scheming against the President; They have all been scheming for my dismissal.) regzti intrigas
    - scheming

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > scheme

  • 10 see through

    1) (to give support to (a person, plan etc) until the end is reached: I'd like to see the job through.) pasekti (ko) eigą iki galo
    2) (not to be deceived by (a person, trick etc): We soon saw through him and his little plan.) perkąsti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > see through

  • 11 sketch

    [ske ] 1. noun
    1) (a rough plan, drawing or painting: He made several sketches before starting the portrait.) eskizas, škicas
    2) (a short (written or spoken) account without many details: The book began with a sketch of the author's life.) apybraiža, trumpa apžvalga
    3) (a short play, dramatic scene etc: a comic sketch.) skečas
    2. verb
    1) (to draw, describe, or plan without completing the details.) piešti eskizą
    2) (to make rough drawings, paintings etc: She sketches as a hobby.) škicuoti, piešti
    - sketchily
    - sketchiness
    - sketch-book

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > sketch

  • 12 abandonment

    noun Lack of money led to the abandonment of this plan.) palikimas, atsisakymas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > abandonment

  • 13 abort

    1) (to lose or bring about the loss of (an unborn child) from the womb.) persileisti, nutraukti nėštumą
    2) ((of a plan etc) to (cause to) come to nothing.) sužlugdyti, sužlugti
    3) (to stop or abandon (a space mission, eg the firing of a rocket) before it is completed.) atšaukti, atsisakyti
    - abortive

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > abort

  • 14 aim

    [eim] 1. verb
    1) ((usually with at, for) to point or direct something at; to try to hit or reach etc: He picked up the rifle and aimed it at the target.) nu(si)taikyti
    2) ((with to, at) to plan, intend or to have as one's purpose: He aims at finishing tomorrow; We aim to please our customers.) ketinti
    2. noun
    1) (the act of or skill at aiming: His aim is excellent.) taiklumas
    2) (what a person intends to do: My aim is to become prime minister.) tikslas
    - aimlessly
    - aimlessness
    - take aim

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > aim

  • 15 ambitious

    adjective He is very ambitious; That plan is too ambitious.) siekiantis/trokštantis garbės/valdžios, ambicingas, pretenzingas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > ambitious

  • 16 approve

    1) ((often with of) to be pleased with or think well of (a person, thing etc): I approve of your decision.) pritarti
    2) (to agree to (something): The committee approved the plan.) pritarti, aprobuoti
    - on approval

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > approve

  • 17 argue

    1) ((with with someone, about something) to quarrel with (a person) or discuss (something) with a person in a not very friendly way: I'm not going to argue; Will you children stop arguing with each other about whose toy that is!) ginčytis
    2) ((with for, against) to suggest reasons for or for not doing something: I argued for/against accepting the plan.) būti už/prieš
    3) ((with into, out of) to persuade (a person) (not) to do something: I'll try to argue him into going; He argued her out of buying the dress.) įkalbinėti, atkalbinėti
    4) (to discuss, giving one's reasoning: She argued the point very cleverly.) įrodinėti, teigti, pagrįsti
    - argument
    - argumentative

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > argue

  • 18 arrange

    1) (to put in some sort of order: Arrange these books in alphabetical order; She arranged the flowers in a vase.) išdėstyti, sudėti, sutvarkyti
    2) (to plan or make decisions (about future events): We have arranged a meeting for next week; I have arranged to meet him tomorrow.) susitarti
    3) (to make (a piece of music) suitable for particular voices or instruments: music arranged for choir and orchestra.) aranžuoti
    - arrangements

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > arrange

  • 19 assemble

    1) ((of people) to come together: The crowd assembled in the hall.) susirinkti
    2) (to call or bring together: He assembled his family and told them of his plan.) surinkti, sukviesti
    3) (to put together (a machine etc): He assembled the model aeroplane.) surinkti, sudėti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > assemble

  • 20 at random

    (without any particular plan or system: The police were stopping cars at random and checking their brakes; Choose a number at random.) nesirenkant, kaip papuola

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > at random

См. также в других словарях:

  • Plan Marshall — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El cartel anuncia la financiación, a través del Plan Marshall, de parte de las obras de reconstrucción de Alemania O …   Wikipedia Español

  • Plan 9 from Bell Labs — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Plan 9. Plan 9 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Plan Kathleen — Plan Kathleen, sometimes referred to as Artus Plan, was a military plan for the invasion of Northern Ireland sanctioned by Stephen Hayes, Acting Irish Republican Army (IRA) Chief of Staff, in 1940.[1] Plan Kathleen is frequently confused with… …   Wikipedia

  • Plan B (duo) — Plan B Also known as Plan B, The Panic, El Duo Del Sex, Chencho Maldy Origin Puerto Rico Genres Reggaeton Labels Pina Records, Sony Music Latin, Plan B Society …   Wikipedia

  • Plan d’urgence — Plan d urgence Les plans d urgence sont des dispositifs prévoyant l organisation des secours en urgence en cas de catastrophes ou d événements de grande ampleur ou à risque majeur mettant en péril la santé des personnes ou l intégrité des biens.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Plan Cerdà — Projet original du plan Cerdà. Nom catalan Pla Cerdà Géographie District(s) Eixample …   Wikipédia en Français

  • plan — plan, ane 1. (plan, pla n ) adj. 1°   Terme didactique. Se dit de toute surface qui n offre ni plis, ni courbures, ni rides, ni ondulations. Un terrain plan. •   Sachant que ma rétine n est pas plane, mais concave, la géométrie m apprend que les… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Plan-sequence — Plan séquence Au cinéma, un plan séquence est une scène (unité de lieu et de temps) filmée en un seul plan qui est restitué tel quel dans le film, c est à dire sans montage (ou interruption de point de vue sans plan de coupe, fondu, volet ni… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Plan (géométrie) — Plan (mathématiques) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Plan. Un plan dans un espace euclidien à trois dimensions En mathématiques, un plan est un objet fondamenta …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Plan Comptable Général — Plan comptable Le plan comptable est l ensemble des règles d évaluation et de tenue des comptes qui constitue la norme de la comptabilité. Le plan de comptes, c est à dire la liste des comptes ordonnée, est un des éléments du plan comptable. C… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Plan France — Création 1937 Type Organisation non gouvernementale Membre(s) 48 pays Effectifs 7 000 salariés 60 000 bénévoles Site Web www.planfrance.org Plan Fr …   Wikipédia en Français

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