1 on other counts
2 on other counts
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3 on other counts
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4 on other counts
5 Scotch Reed Counts
In this system which is used for cotton and fine linens the counts are based upon the number of splits in 37-in. (the Scotch ell). The count is given in hundreds or hundreds and half-hundreds. Thus a reed with 1,800 splits on 37-in. is termed an eighteen hundred reed and written 1800. If with 1,850 splits it is termed an eighteen-and-a-half hundred and written 1830. This system is also in use in some parts of Ireland, but other districts take 36-in., 38-in. or 40-in. as the basis, instead of 37-in., the 40-in. scale being the most used.Dictionary of the English textile terms > Scotch Reed Counts
6 во всех других отношениях
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > во всех других отношениях
7 count
I noun(nobleman in certain countries, equal in rank to a British earl.) grof- countessII 1. verb1) (to name the numbers up to: Count (up to) ten.) šteti2) (to calculate using numbers: Count (up) the number of pages; Count how many people there are; There were six people present, not counting the chairman.) računati, šteti3) (to be important or have an effect or value: What he says doesn't count; All these essays count towards my final mark.) veljati4) (to consider: Count yourself lucky to be here.) imeti (se) za2. noun1) (an act of numbering: They took a count of how many people attended.) štetje2) (a charge brought against a prisoner etc: She faces three counts of theft.) obtožba3. adjective(see countable.)- counter- countdown
- count on
- out for the count* * *I [kaunt]noun(neangleški) grofII [kaunt]nounračun; število; računanje, cenitev; glasovanje; rezultat; točka obtožnice; odlašanje; upoštevanje; ozirto keep count of s.th. — računati s čimto lose count — ušteti, zmotiti se pri računanjuout of all count — nevšteven, nepreštevento take count of s.th. — prešteti, upoštevati kajIII [kaunt]transitive verb & intransitive verbšteti, računati, ceniti; upoštevati, smatrati; veljatito count one's chickens before they are hatched, to count without one's host — delati račun brez krčmarjathat does not count — to ni pomembno, to ne veljaScottish to count kin — biti v očitnem sorodstvucolloquially to count noses, to count the house — ugotoviti število prisotnih -
8 Voile Yarn
Specially hard-twisted yarn for making voile fabrics. Single 50's and 2/100's are usual counts, although other counts are spun. Two-fold voile yarns are usually doubled twist-on-twist, e.g., the two-fold twisting is in the same direction as the twist in the singles. Standard twist 38 turns per inch. -
9 Japanese Spun Silk
This is a large export trade. The yarn is obtained from silk waste, under which inferior cocoons and waste from reeling raw silk are included. It is spun in 65's, 71's singles, and 135's and 120's two-fold for export. Other counts are used locally for Fugi and other fabrics. It is graded in two varieties, Honneri and Hanneri.Dictionary of the English textile terms > Japanese Spun Silk
10 thought
Ɵo:tpast tense, past participle; = thinkthought1 n pensamientoafter a lot of thought,... tras pensarlo mucho,...thought2 vbtr[ɵɔːt]past & past participle1→ link=think think{1 pensamiento2 (consideration) consideración nombre femenino3 (idea, opinion) idea, opinión nombre femenino4 (intention) intención nombre femenino\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto have second thoughts cambiar de opiniónthought ['ɵɔt] n1) thinking: pensamiento m, ideas fplWestern thought: el pensamiento occidental2) cogitation: pensamiento m, reflexión f, raciocinio m3) idea: idea f, ocurrencia fit was just a thought: fue sólo una idean.• consideración s.f.• mientes s.m.pl.• pensamiento s.m.pret., p.p.(Preterito definido y participio pasivo de "to think")
I θɔːt
1)a) u ( intellectual activity) pensamiento mb) u ( deliberation)after much thought — tras mucho pensarlo or tras reflexionar mucho sobre el asunto
a lot of thought went into this decision — se pensó or se reflexionó mucho antes de tomar esta decisión
to be deep in thought — estar* absorto en sus (or mis etc) pensamientos
to be lost in thought — estar* ido
2) ca) ( reflection) pensamiento mwhat are your thoughts on the matter? — ¿tú qué opinas al respecto?
not to give something a second o another thought: at the time I didn't give it another thought en ese momento no le di mayor importancia; I mailed it and never gave it a second thought la eché al correo y no volví a pensar en ello; to have second thoughts (about something): I'm having second thoughts about accepting their offer me están entrando dudas sobre si aceptar o no su oferta; on second thought(s) — pensándolo bien
b) ( idea) idea fthe thought never even entered my head o crossed my mind — ni se me pasó por la cabeza
thought OF something: the mere thought of food made her feel sick le daban náuseas de sólo pensar en comida; he couldn't bear the thought of leaving them la idea de abandonarlos se le hacía intolerable; the thought THAT — la idea de que
c) (concern, consideration) (no pl)[θɔːt]thought (FOR somebody/something): my first thought was for the baby en lo primero que pensé fue en el bebé; with no thought o without a thought for her own safety sin pensar para nada en su propia seguridad; it's the thought that counts — (set phrase) lo que importa es la atención or el detalle
1.PTPP of think2. N2) (=philosophy) pensamiento mschool I, 1., 5)3) (=cogitation) pensamiento myou need to free your mind of negative thoughts — tienes que despejar los malos pensamientos de tu mente
to collect one's thoughts — ordenar sus pensamientos or ideas•
to be deep in thought — estar ensimismado, estar absorto en sus pensamientos•
to gather one's thoughts — ordenar sus pensamientos or ideas•
he was always in her thoughts — lo tenía or llevaba siempre en el pensamiento•
to be lost in thought — estar ensimismado, estar absorto en sus pensamientospenny, read 1., 3)•
he pushed the thought from his mind — se obligó a dejar de pensar en ello, borró la idea de su mente4) (=consideration)after much thought — después de mucho pensarlo or pensarlo mucho
I'll give it some thought over the next few days — lo pensaré durante los próximos díasdon't give it another thought — no te preocupes, no lo pienses más
food, pause, second I, 1., 1)•
spare a thought for the homeless at Christmas — acuérdese de la gente sin hogar en Navidad5) (=concern)•
his first thought was always for other people — siempre pensaba primero en los demás•
with no thought for o.s. — sin pensar en sí mismo6) (=intention) intención f7) (=idea) idea fwhat a frightening thought! — ¡qué idea más aterradora!
what a lovely thought! — ¡qué detalle!
the thought crossed my mind that... — se me ocurrió que...•
to have a thought, I've just had a thought — se me acaba de ocurrir una idea•
never mind, it was just a thought — no importa, no era más que una idea•
that's a thought! — ¡no es mala idea!, ¡qué buena idea!"she might still be there" - "that's a thought" — -puede que todavía esté allí -es una posibilidad
8) thoughts (=opinion)do you have any thoughts on that? — ¿tiene alguna opinión al respecto?
9) (=little)that was a thought unwise, wasn't it? — eso fue un tanto imprudente, ¿no?
3.CPDthought police N — policía f política
thought process N — proceso m mental
thought reader N — adivino(-a) m / f
I'm not a thought reader — no soy adivino, no leo el pensamiento
thought reading N — adivinación f de pensamientos
thought transference N — transmisión f de pensamientos
* * *
I [θɔːt]
1)a) u ( intellectual activity) pensamiento mb) u ( deliberation)after much thought — tras mucho pensarlo or tras reflexionar mucho sobre el asunto
a lot of thought went into this decision — se pensó or se reflexionó mucho antes de tomar esta decisión
to be deep in thought — estar* absorto en sus (or mis etc) pensamientos
to be lost in thought — estar* ido
2) ca) ( reflection) pensamiento mwhat are your thoughts on the matter? — ¿tú qué opinas al respecto?
not to give something a second o another thought: at the time I didn't give it another thought en ese momento no le di mayor importancia; I mailed it and never gave it a second thought la eché al correo y no volví a pensar en ello; to have second thoughts (about something): I'm having second thoughts about accepting their offer me están entrando dudas sobre si aceptar o no su oferta; on second thought(s) — pensándolo bien
b) ( idea) idea fthe thought never even entered my head o crossed my mind — ni se me pasó por la cabeza
thought OF something: the mere thought of food made her feel sick le daban náuseas de sólo pensar en comida; he couldn't bear the thought of leaving them la idea de abandonarlos se le hacía intolerable; the thought THAT — la idea de que
c) (concern, consideration) (no pl)thought (FOR somebody/something): my first thought was for the baby en lo primero que pensé fue en el bebé; with no thought o without a thought for her own safety sin pensar para nada en su propia seguridad; it's the thought that counts — (set phrase) lo que importa es la atención or el detalle
11 Cotton Waste
There are two classes of waste, known respectively as " hard " and " soft," and the methods of their treatment differ according to the used to which the waste is put. Hard Waste consists essentially of the waste from ring frames, reeling and winding machines, cop bottoms, and all other waste of a thready nature. The products is invariably spun into the finer counts of yarn. Soft Waste is mostly composed of scutcher droppings, card cylinder and flat strips and fly, clearer laps, sweepings, etc. It is adapted for lower counts, soft-spun weft, etc. In order to obtain the best results from the above waste it is essential that the two kinds be separated and treated accordingly. The waste thrown off in the process of cotton spinning may be utilised in a variety of ways. Certain portions may be worked up again in the mill in which it is made; or in its loose state it may be converted into wadding, gun cotton, etc. (see waste spinning) -
12 Hosiery Yarns
(See knitting). All yarns used for knitting are termed hosiery yarns in Leicester, but in America only yarns actually used for knitted footwear come under this term. These yarns are much softer than required for weaving. Miscellaneous Yarns - Goat wools, such as llama and alpaca are employed in spinning. yarns for the knitting trade. Vicuna and camel yarns are used to a limited extent. Ramie yarn is specially employed for knitting gas mantle fabrics. Soft spun flax yams have been used for making underwear fabric. Chenille and other manufactured threads are used to a small extent in warp knitting. Composite yarns, such as union yarns - spun from a mixture of wool and cotton fibres; cordon yarns - cotton and worsted singles, doubled together; wool and rayon or spun silk, cotton and rayon or spun silk are largely used to produce self or two-colour effects. Fancy yarns, such as slub yams, voiles, and curled and loop yarns are also employed. Hosiery Yarns (Cotton) include condenser, hosiery, condenser lisle thread, mercerised and sewing cottons. Condenser yarns are spun in coarse counts from low-grade cotton, Indian and American. They are carded, condensed and mule spun, and possess little twist. Hosiery cotton yarns vary considerably in counts and qualities, practically all varieties of Indian, American and Egyptian being used in varying proportions to obtain suitable mixture for quality and price. Cheaper yarns are carded and mule spun. American and Egyptian cotton yarns are combed mainly with the object of removing seed particles. High-class Egyptian and Sea Islands cotton yarns are super-combed. The chief features of a hosiery cotton yam should be: (1) Regularity; (2) cleanliness; (3) fullness. Regularity prevents the making of cloudy fabric, showing thick and thin places. Cleanliness is essential, as the seed particles clog the eyelet hole in the yam guides and cause breakages. Fullness is desirable to cover the loop interstices. Elasticity and pliability are quite as essential as tensile strength. Yams are usually soft spun and if two-fold soft doubled, average twists in two-fold being 2/10's 61/2T., 2/20's 81/2T., 2/30's 10T., 2/40's 16T., 2/80's 20T. Softer twist less 25 to 30 per cent of average (T= turns per inch). Lisle thread is a comparatively hard-twisted and doubly-gassed thread in which there are no projecting fibres. It is always of a two-fold character, and the doubling twist varies from 24 to 34 turns per inch in 2/60's. It is used largely in the manufacture of ladies' hose tops and feet and for lace hosiery. Mercerised yams are used largely in the fancy trade, a comparatively soft twist again being employed. Sewing cottons for seaming, linking and making-up are specially prepared in two to six cord open and reverse twist. Woollen and Worsted Yarns include lamb's wool, wheeling, skein yarns, gala yams (woollens), worsted, crossbreds, fingering, cashmere, dry spun botany (see under each name). Worsted and crossbred yarns of various qualities are used. These yams are spun softly with " hosiery twist." The drawing may be open, cone or French, and the spinning may take place on cap, ring or flyer frames. The chief essentials of hosiery yarn are softness of fibre, fullness, minimum of twist consistent with the requisite tensile strength, regularity, pliability and elasticity. Cashmere Yarns, as used in the knitted goods industry, are spun from short, loose and weak wools as well as from better qualities by French drawing and mule spinning. A small proportion of real cashmere is used for outer garments. In recent years nylon yarns have been largely employed. -
13 every
§ თითოეული, ყოველი§ყოველიevery day / night ყოველ დღე / ყოველ საღამოსevery now and then დროდადრო, შიგადაშიგ, ჟამდაჟამ●●every so often ხშირ-ხშირადevery day / month დღეგამოშვებით (ორ დღეში ერთხელ) / თვე გამოშვებით (ორ თვეში ერთხელ)every night ყოველ ღამე / ღამღამობითevery next man knows it ეს ხომ ყველამ იცის // ეს ყველა გამვლელმა იცისhis desire to go abroad strengthened every day საზღვარგარეთ წასვლის სურვილი დღითიდღე უძლიერდებოდაhe strained every nerve to reach the other bank მთელი ძალ-ღონე დაძაბა, რომ ნაპირამდე მიეღწიაevery day he travels into London to work სამსახურში ყოველდღე ლონდონში დადისhe is quite unlike his father in every respect თავის მამას არაფრით დაემსგავსა●●in every way ყოველმხრივwe travelled in every quarter of the globe მთელ მსოფლიოში ვიმოგზაურეთ // მთელი მსოფლიო მოვიარეთevery detail of her dress was perfect მისი კაბის თითოეული ნაწილი სრულყოფილი იყოthe harbor was crowded with ships of every description ნავსადგური ყველა სახის გემით იყო გაჭედილიevery other day ყოველ მეორე დღეს, დღეგამოშვებითevery possible combination ყველა შესაძლებელი ვარიანტი / კომბინაცია -
14 on
on account of 1. по причине 2. признавая что-л.; в знак признания чего-л.on an ad hoc basis в рабочем порядкеon an as required basis 1. в установленном порядке 2. по мере надобностиon an average в среднемon the basis of the standard assumption of А Исходя из общепринятого допущения об Аon a case-by-case basis 1. в индивидуальном порядке 2. дифференцированноthis is determined on a case-by-case basis это определяется дифференцированно; для определения этого применяется дифференцированный подходon consignment в продажеon a crash basis срочноon a crew rotation basis[ работать] вахтовым методом (напр., 4 недели работы - на буровой или на монтаже, 4 недели отдыха)on the grounds of по соображениям...; из соображений...on hand имеющийся; наличный (синон. in hand); be on hand 1. быть / находиться под рукой 2. быть наготовеWestern representatives will be on hand to give advice to local companies [на семинаре] будут [специально] присутствовать / находиться западные представители, готовые консультировать местные компании3. см. in handon a high state of alert в состоянии повышенной готовностиon an intermittent basis периодически; время от времениon its merits по существу;your proposal will be considered on its merits Ваше предложение будет рассмотрено по существуon the job training практическое обучение; практикаon a level playing field basis на равных (напр., конкурировать)on more than one counts во многих отношенияхon more than one occasion неоднократно; время от времениon the national scene в масштабе всей страныon the other hand... (противит.)...же; В свою очередь; А...; Что же касается... (см. комментарий к on the other hand)on a priority basis вне очереди; в спешном / срочном порядкеon record за все времяon a regular schedule в твердые (т.е. установленные) срокиon the reverse side на обороте (напр., страницы)on a routine basis по заведенному распорядку; по отработанной схеме; на регулярной основеon a rush basis срочно; в «авральном» порядкеon schedule 1. своевременно 2. вовремя; по графикуon some crucial technology areas по ряду приоритетных технических направленийon the spur по горячим следамon a standby mode в резервном режимеon a sudden ни с того, ни с сегоon this basis с учетом сказанногоon this matter по этому поводуon top of this/that 1. вдобавок к этому / тому 2. сверх того,...on the whole в принципе; в целом; в общем и целомon a...-year basis (напр., on a ten-year basis - и аналогичные выражения) раз в... (напр., 10) лет; каждые... (напр., 10) летEnglish-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > on
15 High Draft
The term "High Draft" came into prominence in 1913 with the appearance in Spain of the Casablancas mechanism for drafting in cotton spinning. This mechanism, owing to an increased and improved control over the fibres, was capable of drafts about four times higher than the normal. The new method was called " high draft " to distinguish it from the existing method which only gave usual or " low " drafts. Since 1913 many other high draft systems have been introduced, all aiming at controlling the fibres - particularly the shorter ones - as much and as adequately as possible. The utilisation of these improved methods of fibre control has other important advantages besides the saving in machinery and labour accruing from the higher drafts performed. The strength of the yarn is generally increased and its appearance improved. A good high draft system will also spin finer counts from a given cotton, or a standard quality of yarn from a lower and cheaper cotton. The adoption of the high drafting principle has been an important feature in the progress of cotton spinning machinery in recent years, and - almost without exception - new machines are now supplied by all textile machinists with high drafting on. -
16 Ramie
RAMIE, or RHEA FIBREA very strong and durable fibre. It is grown in China, Japan, Java, India, etc. Ramie fibre is very white, has a high lustre, and can be separated into filaments as fine as silk. The ramie plant belongs to the family of Urtica (nettle) and to the sub-division Boehmeria. It contains about 25 per cent of gum and when degummed is much stronger than hemp or cotton. It can be spun with less twist than other fibres of similar length of staple. It resists damp, and when mixed with wool imparts non-shrinking properties to the resulting yarn. The fibre lengths vary from 4-in. to 72-in. It is much used for gas mantles. Ramie counts are usually in the worsted system (see China Grass). The two best fibre-yielding species are" Boehmeria tenacissima, often called the green-leaved ramie, as its leaves are entirely green; and Boehmeria nivea, often called the white-leaved ramie, as the undersides of its leaves are silvery white. The nivea species is very largely grown in China, and to a lesser degree in India and Formosa, and the tenacissima in Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Malacca, Mexico, and other tropical countries. -
17 Rhea Fibre
RAMIE, or RHEA FIBREA very strong and durable fibre. It is grown in China, Japan, Java, India, etc. Ramie fibre is very white, has a high lustre, and can be separated into filaments as fine as silk. The ramie plant belongs to the family of Urtica (nettle) and to the sub-division Boehmeria. It contains about 25 per cent of gum and when degummed is much stronger than hemp or cotton. It can be spun with less twist than other fibres of similar length of staple. It resists damp, and when mixed with wool imparts non-shrinking properties to the resulting yarn. The fibre lengths vary from 4-in. to 72-in. It is much used for gas mantles. Ramie counts are usually in the worsted system (see China Grass). The two best fibre-yielding species are" Boehmeria tenacissima, often called the green-leaved ramie, as its leaves are entirely green; and Boehmeria nivea, often called the white-leaved ramie, as the undersides of its leaves are silvery white. The nivea species is very largely grown in China, and to a lesser degree in India and Formosa, and the tenacissima in Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Malacca, Mexico, and other tropical countries. -
18 hit
hit [hɪt]coup ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (b) succès ⇒ 1 (c) hit ⇒ 1 (d) frapper ⇒ 2 (a), 3 (a) heurter ⇒ 2 (b) attaquer ⇒ 2 (c) toucher ⇒ 2 (d) arriver à ⇒ 2 (e) buter sur ⇒ 2 (f) marquer ⇒ 2 (g)1 noun∎ figurative that was a hit at me ça m'était destiné, c'est moi qui étais visé(b) Sport (in ball game) coup m; (in shooting) tir m réussi; (in fencing, billiards, snooker) touche f; (in baseball) coup m de batte; (in hockey) coup m de crosse;∎ to score a hit (in shooting) faire mouche, toucher la cible; (in fencing) faire ou marquer une touche;∎ he got three hits and one miss il a réussi trois tirs et en a manqué un;∎ it only counts as a hit if the bullet goes inside the red line le tir ne compte que si la balle se trouve à l'intérieur de la ligne rouge;∎ that was a hit (in fencing) il y a eu touche∎ Frank Sinatra's greatest hits les plus grands succès de Frank Sinatra;∎ to be a big hit (record, play, book, song) faire ou être un grand succès;∎ a hit with the public/the critics un succès auprès du public/des critiques;∎ to make a hit with sb (person) conquérir qn;∎ she's a hit with everyone elle a conquis tout le monde;∎ I think you've made a hit with him je crois que tu l'as conquis; (romantically) je crois que tu as fait une touche∎ this website counted 20,000 hits last week ce site Web a été consulté 20 000 fois la semaine dernière∎ a hit by the Mafia un meurtre perpétré par la Mafia(f) familiar drugs slang (of hard drugs) fix m; (of joint) taffe f; (effect of drugs) effet□ m (procuré par une drogue);∎ you get a good hit off that grass cette herbe fait rapidement de l'effet(a) (strike with hand, fist, stick etc → person) frapper; (→ ball) frapper ou taper dans; (→ nail) taper sur; Computing (key) appuyer sur;∎ to hit sb in the face/on the head frapper qn au visage/sur la tête;∎ they hit him over the head with a baseball bat ils lui ont donné un coup de batte de baseball sur la tête;∎ to hit a ball over the net envoyer un ballon par-dessus le filet;∎ figurative to hit sb where it hurts most toucher qn là où ça fait mal;∎ also figurative to hit a man when he's down frapper un homme quand il est à terre;∎ figurative to hit the nail on the head mettre le doigt dessus;∎ figurative he didn't know what had hit him il se demandait ce qui lui était arrivé(b) (come or bring forcefully into contact with → of ball, stone) heurter; (→ of bullet, arrow) atteindre, toucher;∎ the bottle hit the wall and smashed la bouteille a heurté le mur et s'est cassée;∎ the bullet hit him in the shoulder la balle l'a atteint ou touché à l'épaule;∎ I've been hit! j'ai été touché!;∎ the boat was hit by a missile le bateau a été touché par un missile;∎ the windscreen was hit by a stone une pierre a heurté le pare-brise;∎ he was hit by a stone il a reçu une pierre;∎ the two cars didn't actually hit each other en fait les deux voitures ne se sont pas heurtées;∎ to hit the target (with gun, missile etc) toucher la cible;∎ figurative his comments really hit their target ses remarques ont vraiment fait mouche, il a mis dans le mille avec ses remarques;∎ the car hit a tree la voiture a heurté ou est rentrée dans un arbre;∎ the dog was hit by a car le chien a été heurté par une voiture;∎ to hit one's head/knee (against sth) se cogner la tête/le genou (contre qch);∎ to hit sb's head against sth frapper ou cogner la tête de qn contre qch;∎ figurative to hit the ground running être opérationnel immédiatement;∎ figurative it suddenly hit me that… il m'est soudain venu à l'esprit que…(c) (attack → enemy) attaquer∎ the company has been hit by the recession l'entreprise a été touchée par la récession;∎ how badly did the postal strike hit you? dans quelle mesure avez-vous été touché par la grève des postes?;∎ the region worst hit by the earthquake la région la plus sévèrement touchée par le tremblement de terre;∎ the child's death has hit them all very hard la mort de l'enfant les a tous durement touchés ou frappés;∎ to be hard hit être durement touché;∎ familiar it hits everyone in the pocket tout le monde en subit financièrement les conséquences□, tout le monde le sent passer∎ familiar the new model can hit 130 mph on the straight le nouveau modèle peut atteindre les 210 km/h en ligne droite;∎ familiar to hit a problem se heurter à un problème ou une difficulté;∎ to hit the wrong note (singer) chanter faux; (instrumentalist) & figurative faire une fausse note;∎ I can't hit those high notes any more je n'arrive plus à chanter ces notes aiguës;∎ familiar the circus hits town tomorrow night le cirque arrive en ville demain soir□ ;∎ familiar we'll stop for dinner when we hit town nous nous arrêterons pour dîner quand nous arriverons dans la ville;∎ familiar let's hit the beach! allons à la plage!□ ;∎ to hit an all-time high/low (unemployment, morale etc) atteindre son plus haut/bas niveau□ ;∎ familiar to hit rock-bottom atteindre son point le plus bas□(f) (encounter → problem, difficulty) buter sur;∎ the tunnellers hit rock les ouvriers qui creusaient le tunnel sont tombés sur de la roche;∎ you'll hit the rush hour traffic tu vas te retrouver en plein dans la circulation de l'heure de pointe;∎ we hit a terrible snowstorm nous nous sommes trouvés dans une tempête de neige terrible;∎ to hit a sticky or bad patch rencontrer des difficultés∎ to hit three runs (in cricket) marquer trois points;∎ to hit a home run (in baseball) faire un tour complet de circuit∎ to hit sb for $10 taper qn de 10 dollars;∎ to hit sb for a loan emprunter de l'argent à qn□∎ to hit the books se mettre à étudier□ ;∎ familiar to hit the ceiling or roof sortir de ses gonds, piquer une colère folle;∎ familiar to hit the hay or the sack aller se mettre au pieu, aller se pieuter;∎ familiar if ever this hits the headlines we're in trouble si jamais cela paraît dans les journaux nous aurons des problèmes□ ;∎ to hit home (remark, criticism) faire mouche;∎ to hit the jackpot gagner le gros lot;∎ familiar to hit the road se mettre en route□ ;∎ familiar that really hits the spot! (of food, drink) c'est juste ce dont j'avais besoin□(a) (person, object) frapper, taper;∎ don't hit so hard, we're only playing ne frappe ou tape pas si fort, ce n'est qu'un jeu;∎ the door was hitting against the wall la porte cognait contre le mur;∎ the atoms hit against each other les atomes se heurtent(b) (inflation, recession) se faire sentir►► familiar hit list liste f noire;∎ to be on sb's hit list être sur la liste noire de qn;familiar hit man tueur m à gages□ ;old-fashioned hit parade hit-parade m;Military hit rate taux m de tirs réussis; figurative taux m de réussite;hit record (disque m à) succès m;hit single, hit song succès m, hit m, tube m;familiar hit squad commando m de tueurs□ ;hit tune air m à succès➲ hit back(reply forcefully, retaliate) riposter, rendre la pareille;∎ he hit back with accusations that they were giving bribes il a riposté en les accusant de verser des pots-de-vin;∎ to hit back at sb/sth (in speech) répondre à qn/qch;∎ to hit back at the enemy riposter, répondre à l'ennemi;∎ our army hit back with a missile attack notre armée a riposté en envoyant des missiles∎ to hit the ball back renvoyer le ballon;∎ he hit me back il m'a rendu mon coup(a) (in words) décrire ou dépeindre à la perfection; (in paint) représenter de manière très ressemblante; (in mimicry) imiter à la perfection∎ to hit it off (get on well) bien s'entendre□ ;∎ to hit it off with sb bien s'entendre avec qn□ ;∎ we hit it off immediately le courant est tout de suite passé entre nous(a) (find → solution, plan etc) trouver∎ he started hitting out at me il s'est mis à envoyer des coups dans ma direction(b) (in speech, writing)∎ to hit out at or against s'en prendre à, attaquer;∎ he hits out in his new book il lance l'offensive dans son nouveau livre∎ to hit it up se piquer(find → solution, plan etc) trouver -
19 no later than
Синонимический ряд:by (other) before; by -
20 Alloa Wheeling (Or Yarn)
The wool yarns made at Alloa, Scotland. They are high in quality and used for knitting; of heavy counts, usually three-fold; made up into 2-oz. skeins, in black, drab, grey, white and heather mixtures. Other districts now make these yarns. Its principal use is for men's thick gloves.Dictionary of the English textile terms > Alloa Wheeling (Or Yarn)
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