1 omrids
contour, outline* * *(et -)(også fig) outline;[ Englands historie i omrids] an outline of English history;[ tegne sig i omrids] be outlined, be silhouetted ( imod on, against). -
2 form
sg - formen, pl - formerфо́рма ж; вид мi form af.. — в ви́де...
* * *cast, form, mould, pan, shape* * *I. (en -e)( støbeform) mould,( bageform) tin.II. (en -er) form ( fx ice is water in solid form; form and content; the sonata form);( især konkret: omrids) shape ( fx the shape of an egg (, of his nose));( i sport) form ( fx be in good (, bad) form; be out of form);[ former]( legemsformer) T curves;[ (an)tage form] take shape;[ (an)tage fast form] solidify;(fig) assume a definite shape;[ tage form af] take the form (el. shape) of;[ de forskellige former for motion] the various forms of exercise;[ for en forms skyld] as a matter of form;[ jeg er ikke i form] I am not in form (el. shape); I am out of form (el.shape);( ofte =) I am off my game;[ i fin form] in top form, in very good shape;[ i form af] in the shape (el. form) of;[ få form på det] get (el. lick) it into shape;[ holde på formerne] stand on ceremony, be a stickler for etiquette. -
3 ren
clean, clear, literal, neat, pure, solid, straight* * *I. (en -er)zo ( rensdyr) reindeer.II. adj(mods snavset) clean;( ublandet, uforfalsket; moralsk ren; strengt teoretisk) pure ( fx pure gold (, wool); chemically pure; pure thoughts; chaste and pure; to the pure all things are pure; pure mathematics),( netto) net ( fx profit);(mus.: ren og klar) pure ( fx voice, note),( om tonehøjde) true ( fx pitch),( om omrids) clean-cut, clear; clean ( fx the clean lines of a motor car);( ligefrem, ren og skær) pure ( fx kindness, nonsense), sheer ( fxdelight, ignorance, madness), absolute ( fx fool, genius),T regular ( fx nuisance),(kun neds) downright ( fx scoundrel, rudeness);( blot og bar) mere ( fx a mere boy (, child));(se også rent);[ forb med sb:][ give ren besked] speak plainly, speak out;[ give ham ren besked] give him a piece of one's mind;(dvs blive færdig) get through all one's work,( tilstå) make a clean breast of it,T come clean;[ ren chokolade] plain chocolate;[ ren fortjeneste] a clear profit ( fx a clear profit of £300);[ det er ren fortjeneste] it is all profit;[ en ren pigeskole] an all-girls school;[ ren samvittighed] a clear conscience;[ den rene sandhed] the plain truth;[ ren skønhed] perfect beauty;[ ren smag] pure taste;[ ved et rent tilfælde] by the merest chance, by sheer accident;(også fig) of the first (el. purest) water;[ andre forb:][ det er det rene...] it is sheer ( fx luck, madness), it is pure ( fxnonsense);[få (el. bringe) på det rene] clear up ( fx the matter, the point);(dvs få klarhed over) get things clear,( fjerne misforståelser) put the record straight;[ være på det rene med] realize;[ give et barn rent på] change a baby's nappie;[ lægge rent på sengene] change the bedclothes (el. bed linen);[ ren og skær] sheer ( fx folly, ignorance), pure and simple;( NB efterstillet, fx it was laziness (, carelessness, envy etc) pure and simple). -
4 skygge
brim, peak, shade, shadow, tail* * *I. (en -r)(mods sollys) shade ( fx keep in the shade; sit in the shade of a tree(, wall));( område med skygge) shadow ( fx his face was in deep shadow; if you stand in the shadow of the wall nobody will see you);( omrids) shadow ( fx be afraid of one's own shadow; long shadows);( på hat) brim;( på kasket) peak;( genfærd) shade, ghost;( antydning) shadow ( fx if there is a shadow of doubt (, suspicion)), ghost ( fx the ghost of a smile);[ ikke skygge af] not a shadow of ( fx doubt, suspicion), not a ghost of( fx a chance, an idea),F not a particle of ( fx truth);(dvs slet intet) he saw no trace of a human being;[ han er kun en skygge af sig selv] he is a mere shadow of himself, he is only the shadow of his former self;T I have seen neither hide nor hair of him;[ 15 grader i skyggen] 15 degrees in the shade;(fig) throw somebody into the shade, outshine somebody;(fig) be overshadowed by;[ kaste skygge] throw (, F: cast) a shadow;(fig) cast a shadow (el. cloud) over;[ følge en som en skygge] follow somebody like his shadow;[ have skygger under øjnene] have shadows under one's eyes.II. vb shade;( yde skygge) afford shade;( udspionere) shadow,T tail;[ skygge for én] stand in somebody's light;[ træet skygger for huset] the tree shades the house;[ skygge med hånden for øjnene] shade one's eyes with one's hand. -
5 tegne
depict, design, draw, plan* * *vb draw,( flygtigt) sketch, outline;( skildre) paint ( fx paint a gloomy picture of the prospects for trade),F depict;( give tegning, udkast til) design;(merk: underskrive) sign,( binde ved sin underskrift) sign for, bind ( fx the manager's signature binds the company);[ det tegner godt] it looks promising;[ med sb:][ tegne abonnement på] take out a subscription for;[ tegne aktier til et beløb af] subscribe shares to an amount of;[ tegne aktier i] take shares in;[( gå rundt og) tegne annoncer] canvass for advertisements;( om forsikringstageren) take out a policy, effect an insurance,( om selskabet) write insurance (på on);[ tegne et lån] subscribe a loan;(fig) he does not represent the party;[ med sig & til:][ tegne sig]( skrive sig) put down one's name,(som deltager etc) enroll ( fx for a conference),[ tegne sig for aktier] subscribe shares, apply for shares;[ tegne sig for et beløb] subscribe an amount, put down one's name for an amount;[tegn mig for £5] put me down for £5;[ tegne til at] bid fair to ( fx he bids fair to become a great scholar);[ det tegnede til at blive varmt ( den dag)] it promised to be a hot day, it looked like a hot day.
См. также в других словарях:
omrids — om|rids sb., et, omrids, ene; omridset af en person; dansk historie i omrids … Dansk ordbog
Kontur — Omrids, rand … Danske encyklopædi
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Harald Høffding — (March 11, 1843 July 2, 1931) was a Danish philosopher.Born and educated in Copenhagen, he became a schoolmaster, and ultimately in 1883 a professor at the University of Copenhagen. He was strongly influenced by Søren Kierkegaard in his early… … Wikipedia
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Henrik Nicolai Clausen — H. N. Clausen 1793 1877 Henrik Nicolai Clausen (* 22. April 1793 in Maribo auf Lolland in Dänemark; † 28. März 1877 in Kopenhagen) war ein dänischer Theologe und Politiker. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia