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  • 1 frekvens


    Stationen måste begränsa sig till ett visst område och sända på en viss frekvens för att inte störa andra stationer i närheten

    Stationen skal begrænse sig til et vist område og sende på en vis frekvens for at ikke forstyrre andre stationer i nærheden

    besöksfrekvens; högfrekvens; lågfrekvens

    besøgsfrekvens; højfrekvens; lavfrekvens

    Svensk-dansk ordbog > frekvens

  • 2 frekvens


    Stationen måste begränsa sig till ett visst område och sända på en viss frekvens för att inte störa andra stationer i närheten

    Stationen skal begrænse sig til et vist område og sende på en vis frekvens for at ikke forstyrre andre stationer i nærheden
    Sammensatte udtryk:

    besöksfrekvens; högfrekvens; lågfrekvens

    besøgsfrekvens; højfrekvens; lavfrekvens

    Svensk-dansk ordbog > frekvens

  • 3 frequency

    frekvens {fk}

    English-Danish mini dictionary > frequency

  • 4 частота


    Русско-датский малый словарь > частота

  • 5 Tídd


    Faroese-Danish dictionary > Tídd

  • 6 სიხშირე

    frekvens; hyppighed

    Georgisk-dansk ordbog > სიხშირე

  • 7 frequency

    plural - frequencies; noun
    1) (the state of happening often: The frequency of her visits surprised him.) hyppighed
    2) ((in electricity, radio etc) the number of waves, vibrations etc per second: At what frequency does the sound occur?) frekvens
    3) (a set wavelength on which radio stations regularly broadcast: I regularly listen to this frequency in order to hear my favourite music.) frekvens; bølgelængde
    * * *
    plural - frequencies; noun
    1) (the state of happening often: The frequency of her visits surprised him.) hyppighed
    2) ((in electricity, radio etc) the number of waves, vibrations etc per second: At what frequency does the sound occur?) frekvens
    3) (a set wavelength on which radio stations regularly broadcast: I regularly listen to this frequency in order to hear my favourite music.) frekvens; bølgelængde

    English-Danish dictionary > frequency

  • 8 частота

    sb. frekvens, hyppighed
    * * *
    sb f pl adj
    frekvens, hyppighed; -tal.

    Русско-датский словарь > частота

  • 9 channel

    [' ænl] 1. noun
    1) (the bed of a stream or other way through which liquid can flow: a sewage channel.) rende; kanal
    2) (a passage of deeper water in a river, through which ships can sail.) sejlrende
    3) (a narrow stretch of water joining two seas: the English Channel.) kanal
    4) (a means of sending or receiving information etc: We got the information through the usual channels.) kanal
    5) ((in television, radio etc) a band of frequencies for sending or receiving signals: BBC Television now has two channels.) kanal; frekvens
    2. verb
    1) (to make a channel in.) lave en kanal; grave en kanal
    2) (to direct into a particular course: He channelled all his energies into the project.) kanalisere
    * * *
    [' ænl] 1. noun
    1) (the bed of a stream or other way through which liquid can flow: a sewage channel.) rende; kanal
    2) (a passage of deeper water in a river, through which ships can sail.) sejlrende
    3) (a narrow stretch of water joining two seas: the English Channel.) kanal
    4) (a means of sending or receiving information etc: We got the information through the usual channels.) kanal
    5) ((in television, radio etc) a band of frequencies for sending or receiving signals: BBC Television now has two channels.) kanal; frekvens
    2. verb
    1) (to make a channel in.) lave en kanal; grave en kanal
    2) (to direct into a particular course: He channelled all his energies into the project.) kanalisere

    English-Danish dictionary > channel

  • 10 rate

    [reit] 1. noun
    1) (the number of occasions within a given period of time when something happens or is done: a high (monthly) accident rate in a factory.) frekvens
    2) (the number or amount of something (in relation to something else); a ratio: There was a failure rate of one pupil in ten in the exam.) procent
    3) (the speed with which something happens or is done: He works at a tremendous rate; the rate of increase/expansion.) hastighed
    4) (the level (of pay), cost etc (of or for something): What is the rate of pay for this job?) (løn-)sats
    5) ((usually in plural) a tax, especially, in United Kingdom, paid by house-owners etc to help with the running of their town etc.) kommuneskat
    2. verb
    (to estimate or be estimated, with regard to worth, merit, value etc: I don't rate this book very highly; He doesn't rate very highly as a dramatist in my estimation.) vurdere; regnes
    - at this
    - at that rate
    - rate of exchange
    * * *
    [reit] 1. noun
    1) (the number of occasions within a given period of time when something happens or is done: a high (monthly) accident rate in a factory.) frekvens
    2) (the number or amount of something (in relation to something else); a ratio: There was a failure rate of one pupil in ten in the exam.) procent
    3) (the speed with which something happens or is done: He works at a tremendous rate; the rate of increase/expansion.) hastighed
    4) (the level (of pay), cost etc (of or for something): What is the rate of pay for this job?) (løn-)sats
    5) ((usually in plural) a tax, especially, in United Kingdom, paid by house-owners etc to help with the running of their town etc.) kommuneskat
    2. verb
    (to estimate or be estimated, with regard to worth, merit, value etc: I don't rate this book very highly; He doesn't rate very highly as a dramatist in my estimation.) vurdere; regnes
    - at this
    - at that rate
    - rate of exchange

    English-Danish dictionary > rate

  • 11 fréquence

    noun f
    phys. frekvens
    xxx f

    Dictionnaire français-danois > fréquence

  • 12 частотность

    sb f

    Русско-датский словарь > частотность

  • 13 infra-

    præfiks (forstavelse, forled)
    1. infra-, se eks.!

    infraljud; infrastruktur; infravärme

    lyd med meget lav frekvens; infrastruktur; infravarme

    Svensk-dansk ordbog > infra-

  • 14 selektivitet

    1. selektivitet, det at være selektiv (fx om frekvens og bølgelængde)

    Svensk-dansk ordbog > selektivitet

  • 15 частота

    hyppighed, frekvens

    Русско-датский бизнес словарь > частота

  • 16 частотность


    Русско-датский бизнес словарь > частотность

  • 17 bärvåg

    1. bærebølge, elektromagnetisk bølge med en bestemt frekvens som indeholder signaler/radiosignaler/tv-signaler/digitale data der overføres fra en sender til en modtager

    Svensk-dansk ordbog > bärvåg

  • 18 hertz

    1. hertz, (Hz) måleenhed for frekvens

    Svensk-dansk ordbog > hertz

  • 19 infra-

    præfiks (forstavelse, forled)
    1. infra-, se eks.!
    Sammensatte udtryk:

    infraljud; infrastruktur; infravärme

    lyd med meget lav frekvens; infrastruktur; infravarme

    Svensk-dansk ordbog > infra-

  • 20 pulstagning

    Svensk-dansk ordbog > pulstagning

См. также в других словарях:

  • frekvens — fre|kvens sb., en, er, erne (hyppighed; antal svingninger), i sms. frekvens , fx frekvensundersøgelse …   Dansk ordbog

  • frekvens — s ( en, er) vanlighetsgrad, antal förekomster inom ett givet tidsintervall, pulsfrekvens vid löpning …   Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok

  • Frequenz — Sf Häufigkeit, Schwingungszahl erw. fach. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. frequentia Häufigkeit , einem Abstraktum zu l. frequēns (frequentis) häufig (verwandt mit l. farcīre stopfen , zu diesem s. Farce). Verb: frequentieren.    Ebenso… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Hr1 plus — Allgemeine Informationen Empfang: analog terrestrisch, Kabel Sendegebiet: Hessen Sendeanstalt: Hessischer Rundfunk Sendestart: 5. J …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • UHF — Ultrahøj frekvens. (engelsk forkortelse for ultra high frequency). Elektromagnetiske bølger med en frekvens på over 30 Mhz, svarende til bølgelængder under 10 meter …   Danske encyklopædi

  • Karl Johansson — Nacimiento 1856 Fallecimiento 1928 , 72 años Estocolmo Nacionalidad …   Wikipedia Español

  • hr1 plus — Allgemeine Informationen Empfang analog terrestrisch, Kabel …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dopplereffekt — s ( en) FYSIK förskjutning i vågrörelses frekvens då en observatör närmar el. avlägsnar sig t.ex. ljudkällan …   Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok

  • incidens — s ( en, er) frekvens, under viss tidsperiod antal inträffade händelser …   Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok

  • ultraljud — s ( et) ljud med så hög frekvens att det ej kan uppfattas av människans öra …   Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok

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