1 oligopeptide
oligopeptide олигопептидEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > oligopeptide
2 oligopeptide
Относительно короткие последовательности аминокислот, соединенные пептидными связями
[ http://www.dunwoodypress.com/148/PDF/Biotech_Eng-Rus.pdf]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > oligopeptide
3 oligopeptide
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > oligopeptide
4 oligopeptide
5 oligopeptide
* * *олигопептидотносительно короткие последовательности аминокислот, соединенные пептидными связями -
6 oligopeptide
Химия: олигопептид -
7 oligopeptide
мед.сущ. олигопептид олигопептидный* * * -
8 oligopeptide
9 oligopeptide
10 Palmitoyl Oligopeptide
Химия: Пальмитоил олигопептидУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Palmitoyl Oligopeptide
11 олигопептид
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > олигопептид
12 олигопептид
См. также в других словарях:
oligopeptide — [ ɔligopɛptid ] n. m. • 1941; de oligo et peptide ♦ Biochim. Peptide contenant moins de dix résidus d acides aminés. oligopeptide [ɔligopɛptid] n. m. ÉTYM. 1941; empr. à l all. Oligo peptid (Helferich et Grünert, 1940), de oligo , et peptid (→… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Oligopeptide — An oligopeptide (oligo , few ) consists of between 2 and 20 amino acids and includes dipeptides, tripeptides, tetrapeptides, pentapeptides, etc. Examples of oligopeptides include: Amanitins Cyclic peptides taken from carpophores of several… … Wikipedia
Oligopeptide — Peptide Exemple de peptide … Wikipédia en Français
Oligopeptide-transporting ATPase — Identifiers EC number Databases IntEnz IntEnz view … Wikipedia
oligopeptide — A peptide of a small number of component amino acids as opposed to a polypeptide. Exact size range is a matter of opinion but peptides from 3 to about 40 member amino acids might be so described … Dictionary of molecular biology
oligopeptide — noun A peptide containing a relatively small number of amino acids … Wiktionary
oligopeptide — A peptide whose molecule contains a few amino acid residues up to about 20. * * * oli·go·pep·tide .äl i gō pep .tīd, .ō li n a protein fragment or molecule that usu. consists of less than 25 amino acid residues linked in a polypeptide chain * * * … Medical dictionary
oligopeptide — pl.m. oligopeptidi … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
oligopeptide — [ˌɒlɪgə(ʊ) pɛptʌɪd] noun Biochemistry a peptide whose molecules contain a relatively small number of amino acid residues … English new terms dictionary
oligopeptide — oligopepˈtide noun A peptide composed of no more than ten amino acids • • • Main Entry: ↑olig … Useful english dictionary
Renal oligopeptide reabsorption — is the part of renal physiology that deals with the retrieval of filtered oligopeptides, preventing them from disappearing from the body through the urine.Almost all reabsorption takes place in the proximal tubule. Practically nothing is left in… … Wikipedia