Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 old fashioned

    old fashioned
    antiquado, desusado, fora de moda.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > old fashioned

  • 2 old-fashioned

    adjective (in a style common some time ago: old-fashioned clothes; Her hairstyle is very old-fashioned.) fora de moda
    * * *
    [ouldf'æʃənd] adj antiquado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > old-fashioned

  • 3 old-fashioned

    adjective (in a style common some time ago: old-fashioned clothes; Her hairstyle is very old-fashioned.) fora de moda

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > old-fashioned

  • 4 old

    1) (advanced in age: an old man; He is too old to live alone.) velho
    2) (having a certain age: He is thirty years old.) de idade
    3) (having existed for a long time: an old building; Those trees are very old.) velho
    4) (no longer useful: She threw away the old shoes.) velho
    5) (belonging to times long ago: old civilizations like that of Greece.) antigo
    - old boy/girl
    - old-fashioned
    - old hand
    - old maid
    - the old
    * * *
    [ould] n tempo remoto, passado. • adj 1 velho. 2 de idade, idoso. 3 antigo. 4 gasto. 5 maduro. 6 anterior. 7 antiquado, obsoleto. 8 habitual, conhecido. 9 sl familiar e desprezível. 10 sl familiar e querido (usado como termo afetivo). as old as the hills tão velho como as pirâmides. how old are you? quantos anos tem você? I am twenty years old eu tenho vinte anos. of old de tempos antigos, de antigamente. of old standing estabelecido há tempos. old age pensioner aposentado por idade. Old Glory bandeira dos EUA. old Harry, Poker ou Sam o diabo. old looking de aspecto idoso. Old Testament Antigo Testamento. to grow old envelhecer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > old

  • 5 old

    1) (advanced in age: an old man; He is too old to live alone.) velho
    2) (having a certain age: He is thirty years old.) de idade
    3) (having existed for a long time: an old building; Those trees are very old.) velho
    4) (no longer useful: She threw away the old shoes.) velho
    5) (belonging to times long ago: old civilizations like that of Greece.) antigo
    - old boy/girl - old-fashioned - old hand - old maid - the old

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > old

  • 6 fashioned

    [f'æʃənd] adj formado, feito, elaborado, modelado, adaptado conforme a moda. old fashioned antiquado, desusado, fora de moda.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fashioned

  • 7 antique

    [æn'ti:k] 1. adjective
    1) (old and usually valuable: an antique chair.) antigo
    2) (old or old-fashioned: That car is positively antique.) velho
    3) ((of a shop etc) dealing in antiques: an antique business.) loja de antiguidades
    2. noun
    (something made long ago (usually more than a hundred years ago) which is valuable or interesting: He collects antiques.) antiguidade
    - antiquity
    * * *
    [ænt'i:k] n 1 antiguidade. 2 objeto de arte grega ou romana. 3 Typogr tipos bodoni. • adj 1 antigo, fora de moda, desusado, arcaico, obsoleto. 2 velho, vetusto, antiquado. 3 clássico, que se refere à Grécia e Roma antigas. 4 venerável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > antique

  • 8 antique

    [æn'ti:k] 1. adjective
    1) (old and usually valuable: an antique chair.) antigo
    2) (old or old-fashioned: That car is positively antique.) antiquado
    3) ((of a shop etc) dealing in antiques: an antique business.) de antiguidade
    2. noun
    (something made long ago (usually more than a hundred years ago) which is valuable or interesting: He collects antiques.) antiguidades
    - antiquity

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > antique

  • 9 date

    I 1. [deit] noun
    1) ((a statement on a letter etc giving) the day of the month, the month and year: I can't read the date on this letter.) data
    2) (the day and month and/or the year in which something happened or is going to happen: What is your date of birth?) data
    3) (an appointment or engagement, especially a social one with a member of the opposite sex: He asked her for a date.) encontro
    2. verb
    1) (to have or put a date on: This letter isn't dated.) datar
    2) ((with from or back) to belong to; to have been made, written etc at (a certain time): Their quarrel dates back to last year.) remontar
    3) (to become obviously old-fashioned: His books haven't dated much.) envelhecer
    - dateline
    - out of date
    - to date
    - up to date
    II [deit] noun
    (the brown, sticky fruit of the date palm, a kind of tree growing in the tropics.) tâmara
    * * *
    [deit] n 1 data. 2 época, era. 3 tempo assinalado. 4 período, prazo, duração. 5 coll encontro, entrevista. 6 respectiva pessoa, geralmente do sexo oposto. 7 conclusão. • vt+vi 1 datar, pôr data em. 2 achar a data de. 3 ser datado. 4 marcar ou fixar uma data para. 5 pertencer a determinado período. 6 Amer marcar um encontro com pessoa do outro sexo. 7 começar. 8 contar. 9 sair de moda. at a later date, some future date daqui a algum tempo. at an early date logo, brevemente. bearing date datado. blind date encontro às escuras. out of date obsoleto, fora da moda, antiquado. to date até agora. to date back to datar de (tal e tal tempo atrás). to make/ have a date marcar encontro, ter uma entrevista. under date of em ou sob data de. up to date a) em dia. b) até o presente, até o momento. c) moderno, recente, atual.
    [deit] n Bot 1 tâmara, datil. 2 tamareira, datileira.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > date

  • 10 dated

    adjective (old-fashioned: Her clothes looked very dated.) fora de moda
    * * *
    [d'eitid] adj obsoleto, antiquado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dated

  • 11 inefficient

    (not working or producing results etc in the best way and so wasting time, energy etc: an inefficient workman; old-fashioned, inefficient machinery.) ineficiente
    - inefficiency
    * * *
    [inif'iʃənt] adj ineficiente, incapaz, inapto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > inefficient

  • 12 millstone

    1) (one of the two large, heavy stones used in an old-fashioned mill for grinding grain.)
    2) ((usually with round one's/the neck) something that is a heavy burden or responsibility, and prevents easy progress: He regarded his brother as a millstone round his neck.) fardo
    * * *
    [m'ilstoun] n 1 mó, pedra de moinho. 2 carga pesada. it’s a millstone round my neck é um problema (ou responsabilidade) muito grande da qual não posso escapar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > millstone

  • 13 out of date

    1) (old-fashioned: This coat is out of date.) fora de moda
    2) (no longer able to be (legally) used; no longer valid: Your ticket is out of date / very out-of-date; an out-of-date directory.) desactualizado
    * * *
    out of date
    obsoleto, fora da moda, antiquado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > out of date

  • 14 quaint

    (pleasantly odd or strange, especially because of being old-fashioned: quaint customs.) singular
    - quaintness
    * * *
    [kweint] adj estranho, esquisito, singular, fantástico.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > quaint

  • 15 square

    [skweə] 1. noun
    1) (a four-sided two-dimensional figure with all sides equal in length and all angles right angles.) quadrado
    2) (something in the shape of this.) quadrado
    3) (an open place in a town, with the buildings round it.) praça
    4) (the resulting number when a number is multiplied by itself: 3 × 3, or 32 = 9, so 9 is the square of 3.) quadrado
    2. adjective
    1) (having the shape of a square or right angle: I need a square piece of paper; He has a short, square body / a square chin.) quadrado
    2) ((of business dealings, scores in games etc) level, even, fairly balanced etc: If I pay you an extra $5 shall we be (all) square?; Their scores are (all) square (= equal).) igual
    3) (measuring a particular amount on all four sides: This piece of wood is two metres square.) quadrado
    4) (old-fashioned: square ideas about clothes.) antiquado
    3. adverb
    1) (at right angles, or in a square shape: The carpet is not cut square with the corner.) em esquadria
    2) (firmly and directly: She hit him square on the point of the chin.) em cheio
    4. verb
    1) (to give a square shape to or make square.) tornar quadrado
    2) (to settle, pay etc (an account, debt etc): I must square my account with you.) acertar
    3) (to (cause to) fit or agree: His story doesn't square with the facts.) ajustar(-se)
    4) (to multiply a number by itself: Two squared is four.) elevar ao quadrado
    - squarely
    - square centimetre
    - metre
    - square root
    - fair and square
    - go back to square one
    - a square deal
    * * *
    [skwɛə] n 1 quadrado. 2 coisa quadrada ou retangular, divisão de tabuleiro de xadrez, vidraça, etc. 3 praça, área (cercada de ruas), quadra. 4 Amer comprimento de um lado de uma praça. 5 largo, parque de uma cidade. 6 tropas colocadas em forma de quadrado. 7 esquadro. 8 (também square number) Math quadrado, segunda potência de um número. 9 fig igualdade, simetria, regularidade, eqüidade, honestidade. 10 medida de área, correspondente a 100 pés quadrados. 11 pessoa antiquada, conservadora. • vt+vi 1 fazer retangular, fazer quadrado, esquadrar. 2 dividir em quadrados. 3 pôr no esquadro, verificar o ângulo. 4 fazer plano, endireitar. 5 ajustar, liquidar (contas). he squared him / ele o pagou, ele liquidou suas dívidas. 6 corresponder, estar de acordo, concordar. 7 Math quadrar, elevar ao quadrado. 8 determinar, colocar em lugar certo, regularizar. I’ll square things / regularizarei o negócio. 9 adaptar, adaptar-se. 10 formar ângulo reto. 11 sl subornar. he squared him / sl ele o subornou. • adj 1 quadrado, retangular, quadrangular, em quadrangular. she has a square chin / ela tem um queixo quadrado. 2 em quadrado, relativo à área, que designa a unidade de área. 3 que forma um angulo de 90°, reto. 4 direito, plano, no nível. 5 líquido, sem sobras, igual. 6 justo, honesto, correto, direito. 7 completo, absoluto. 8 Math ao quadrado, na segunda potência. 9 sólido, forte. 10 sl antiquado, conservador, retrógrado. 11 claro, direto, inequívoco. 12 coll satisfatório, abundante, substancial. I have had a square meal / tive uma refeição reforçada. • adv 1 coll honestamente. 2 em forma quadrada, em ângulos retos. he squared up to her ele se colocou diante dela. he’s square-pushing with her sl ele anda com ela. I got square with him estou quite com ele. like a square peg in a round hole fig uma coisa que não se adapta, como um peixe fora d’água. on the square a) no esquadro. b) coll honesto, justo. that fellow is on the square / sl este camarada está em ordem. out of square irregular, fora do normal. to square away coll estar pronto para entrar em ação. to square off a) dar forma retangular a. b) tomar posição para boxe. to square oneself coll reparar danos, ajustar contas. to square one’s shoulders enfrentar o destino. to square the circle descobrir a quadratura do círculo, fig tentar fazer uma coisa impossível. to square the yards Naut cruzar as vergas. to square up liquidar uma conta. to start from square one começar do princípio, voltar ao começo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > square

  • 16 staid

    ((over-)serious or old-fashioned: A person of staid appearance/habits.) sério
    * * *
    [steid] arch ps, pp of stay. adj calmo, sério, sossegado, acomodado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > staid

  • 17 date

    I 1. [deit] noun
    1) ((a statement on a letter etc giving) the day of the month, the month and year: I can't read the date on this letter.) data
    2) (the day and month and/or the year in which something happened or is going to happen: What is your date of birth?) data
    3) (an appointment or engagement, especially a social one with a member of the opposite sex: He asked her for a date.) encontro
    2. verb
    1) (to have or put a date on: This letter isn't dated.) datar
    2) ((with from or back) to belong to; to have been made, written etc at (a certain time): Their quarrel dates back to last year.) datar de
    3) (to become obviously old-fashioned: His books haven't dated much.) sair de moda
    - dateline - out of date - to date - up to date II [deit] noun
    (the brown, sticky fruit of the date palm, a kind of tree growing in the tropics.) tâmara

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > date

  • 18 dated

    adjective (old-fashioned: Her clothes looked very dated.) obsoleto, fora de moda

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > dated

  • 19 inefficient

    (not working or producing results etc in the best way and so wasting time, energy etc: an inefficient workman; old-fashioned, inefficient machinery.) ineficiente
    - inefficiency

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > inefficient

  • 20 millstone

    1) (one of the two large, heavy stones used in an old-fashioned mill for grinding grain.)
    2) ((usually with round one's/the neck) something that is a heavy burden or responsibility, and prevents easy progress: He regarded his brother as a millstone round his neck.) peso, fardo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > millstone

См. также в других словарях:

  • Old Fashioned — IBA Official Cocktail Type Cocktail Primary alcohol by volume Bourbon whiskey …   Wikipedia

  • Old-fashioned — Old fash ioned, a. Formed according to old or obsolete fashion or pattern; belonging to or characteristic of times past; adhering to old customs, styles, or ideas; as, an old fashioned dress, girl; old fashioned wire rimmed glasses. Old fashioned …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • old-fashioned — Old fash ioned, a. Formed according to old or obsolete fashion or pattern; belonging to or characteristic of times past; adhering to old customs, styles, or ideas; as, an old fashioned dress, girl; old fashioned wire rimmed glasses. Old fashioned …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Old-fashioned — may refer to: Old Fashioned, a cocktail Old fashioned glass, a type of drinking glass Old fashioned three, a basketball term Old fashioned a 1976 short story by Isaac Asimov Old Fashioned, a racing horse Old Fashion, the name for maple syrup at… …   Wikipedia

  • old-fashioned — adj 1.) not considered to be modern or fashionable any more ▪ She wears really old fashioned clothes! ▪ old fashioned farming methods ▪ The idea seems rather old fashioned now. 2.) someone who is old fashioned has ideas, attitudes etc that were… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • old-fashioned — old fash|ioned1 [ ould fæʃnd ] adjective ** no longer modern or fashionable: Blake was carrying an old fashioned leather briefcase. a. used in a negative way to refer to methods, attitudes, or machines that are no longer useful or appropriate in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Old Fashioned — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Old Fashioned El old fashioned (pasado de moda en inglés) es un cóctel a base de whiskey rye (de centeno) o bourbon (de maíz). El clásico vaso bajo de whisky lleva el nombre de este trago. La receta es …   Wikipedia Español

  • old fashioned — old fashioned, old fashioned old fashioned . A cocktail consisting of whiskey, bitters, and sugar, garnished with with fruit slices and often a cherry. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • old-fashioned — old fashioned, old fashioned old fashioned . A cocktail consisting of whiskey, bitters, and sugar, garnished with with fruit slices and often a cherry. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • old-fashioned — 1590s, in an outdated style, from OLD (Cf. old) + pp. of FASHION (Cf. fashion) (v.). As a type of cocktail, attested from 1901, American English. Old Fashioned Tom Gin Cocktail Mix same as Holland Gin Old Fashioned Cocktail using Old Tom gin in… …   Etymology dictionary

  • old-fashioned — old fashionedly, adv. old fashionedness, n. /ohld fash euhnd/, adj. 1. of a style or kind that is no longer in vogue: an old fashioned bathing suit. 2. favored or prevalent in former times: old fashioned ideas. 3. having the conservative behavior …   Universalium

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