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  • 1 scrap

    I 1. [skræp] noun
    1) (a small piece or fragment: a scrap of paper.) kousek, útržek
    2) ((usually in plural) a piece of food left over after a meal: They gave the scraps to the dog.) zbytek
    3) (waste articles that are only valuable for the material they contain: The old car was sold as scrap; ( also adjective) scrap metal.) šrot(ový)
    4) (a picture etc for sticking into a scrapbook.) výstřižek
    2. verb
    (to discard: They scapped the old television set; She decided to scrap the whole plan.) vyřadit; opustit
    - scrappily
    - scrappiness
    - scrapbook
    - scrap heap
    II 1. [skræp] noun
    (a fight: He tore his jacket in a scrap with another boy.) zápas, rvačka
    2. verb
    (to fight: The dogs were scrapping over a bone.) rvát se
    * * *
    • šrot
    • šrotovat

    English-Czech dictionary > scrap

  • 2 initial

    [i'niʃəl] 1. adjective
    (of, or at, the beginning: There were difficulties during the initial stages of building the house.) počáteční
    2. noun
    (the letter that begins a word, especially a name: The picture was signed with the initials JJB, standing for John James Brown.) iniciála
    3. verb
    (to mark or sign with initials of one's name: Any alteration on a cheque should be initialled.) parafovat


    1) (to start (eg a plan, scheme, changes, reforms etc): He initiated a scheme for helping old people with their shopping.) zahájit

    2) (to take (a person) into a society etc, especially with secret ceremonies: No-one who had been initiated into the society ever revealed the details of the ceremony.) přijmout (do)


    (a person who has been initiated (into a society etc).) zasvěcenec

    - initiation
    - initiative
    * * *
    • začáteční
    • počáteční
    • iniciála

    English-Czech dictionary > initial

  • 3 over

    ['əuvə] 1. preposition
    1) (higher than; above in position, number, authority etc: Hang that picture over the fireplace; He's over 90 years old.) nad, přes
    2) (from one side to another, on or above the top of; on the other side of: He jumped over the gate; She fell over the cat; My friend lives over the street.) přes
    3) (covering: He put his handkerchief over his face.) na, přes
    4) (across: You find people like him all over the world.) na
    5) (about: a quarrel over money.) o
    6) (by means of: He spoke to her over the telephone.) prostřednictvím
    7) (during: Over the years, she grew to hate her husband.) během
    8) (while having etc: He fell asleep over his dinner.) při
    2. adverb
    1) (higher, moving etc above: The plane flew over about an hour ago.) nad, nahoře
    2) (used to show movement, change of position: He rolled over on his back; He turned over the page.) pře-
    3) (across: He went over and spoke to them.) napříč, přes, na druhou stranu
    4) (downwards: He fell over.) dolů, na zem
    5) (higher in number etc: for people aged twenty and over.) více
    6) (remaining: There are two cakes for each of us, and two over.) navíc
    7) (through from beginning to end, carefully: Read it over; Talk it over between you.) úplně, skrz naskrz
    3. adjective
    (finished: The affair is over now.) u konce
    4. noun
    ((in cricket) a certain number of balls bowled from one end of the wicket: He bowled thirty overs in the match.) směna
    5. as part of a word
    1) (too (much), as in overdo.)
    2) (in a higher position, as in overhead.)
    3) (covering, as in overcoat.)
    4) (down from an upright position, as in overturn.)
    5) (completely, as in overcome.)
    - over all
    - over and done with
    * * *
    • víc než
    • po
    • příliš
    • přes
    • skončit
    • lomeno
    • nad

    English-Czech dictionary > over

  • 4 photograph

    1. noun
    (( abbreviation photo ['foutou]) a picture taken by a camera, using the action of light on film or plates covered with certain chemicals: I took a lot of photographs during my holiday.) fotografie
    2. verb
    (to take a photograph or photographs of (a person, thing etc): He spends all his time photographing old buildings.) fotografovat
    - photographic
    - photography
    * * *
    • vyfotit
    • vyfotografovat
    • fotografie
    • fotografovat
    • fotka
    • fotit

    English-Czech dictionary > photograph

  • 5 pretty

    ['priti] 1. adjective
    1) ((not usually of boys and men) pleasing or attractive: a pretty girl/tune/picture/dress.) půvabný
    2) (used jokingly: This is a pretty mess!) pěkný
    2. adverb
    (rather: That's pretty good; He's pretty old now.) dosti, docela
    - prettiness
    - pretty much the same
    - alike
    - pretty well
    * * *
    • značný
    • pěkný
    • půvabný
    • hezký

    English-Czech dictionary > pretty

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