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  • 1 ointment

    (any greasy substance rubbed on the skin to heal injuries etc.) pomada
    * * *
    ['ɔintmənt] n ungüento, linimento. a fly in the ointment circunstância que estraga um prazer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ointment

  • 2 ointment

    (any greasy substance rubbed on the skin to heal injuries etc.) ungüento

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > ointment

  • 3 application

    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) requerimento
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) esforço
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) aplicação
    * * *
    [æplik'eiʃən] n 1 aplicação, utilização, emprego, uso. 2 tratamento, curativo, administração. 3 alusão, pertinência. 4 instrumento, dispositivo, mecanismo. 5 aplicabilidade. 6 pedido, solicitação. 7 requerimento, petição. 8 atenção, dedicação, diligência. 9 Comp aplicativo: qualquer software que use os recursos básicos da máquina para realizar uma tarefa específica como, por exemplo, editar textos, montar gráficos. for outward application para uso externo. to make an application to someone a) dirigir uma petição a alguém. b) candidatar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > application

  • 4 salve

    [sælv, ]( American[) sæv]
    ((an) ointment to heal or soothe: lip-salve.) pomada
    * * *
    [sælv, sa:v; sæv] n 1 pomada, ungüento, bálsamo. 2 calmante, auxílio, remédio, lenitivo. • vt 1 untar, pôr pomada. 2 aliviar, remediar. 3 salvar (as aparências). 4 enganar a consciência.
    [sælv] vt salvar de destruição, naufrágio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > salve

  • 5 sample

    1. noun
    (a part taken from something to show the quality of the whole: samples of the artist's work; ( also adjective) a sample tube of ointment.) amostra
    2. verb
    (to test a sample of: He sampled my cake.) provar
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    [s'a:mpəl, s'æmpəl] n amostra, prova, exemplo. • vt tirar ou fornecer amostra, provar, testar. • adj que serve como amostra ou exemplo. according to sample, up to sample conforme amostra. free sample amostra grátis. sample of no value amostra sem valor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sample

  • 6 application

    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) requerimento
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) aplicação
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) aplicação

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > application

  • 7 salve

    [sælv, ]( American[) sæv]
    ((an) ointment to heal or soothe: lip-salve.) ungüento, lenitivo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > salve

  • 8 sample

    1. noun
    (a part taken from something to show the quality of the whole: samples of the artist's work; ( also adjective) a sample tube of ointment.) amostra, exemplo
    2. verb
    (to test a sample of: He sampled my cake.) experimentar, tirar uma amostra

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sample

См. также в других словарях:

  • ointment — ► NOUN ▪ a smooth substance that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes. ORIGIN Old French oignement, from Latin unguentum, from unguere anoint …   English terms dictionary

  • ointment vs ornament —   Ointment (uncountable noun) is a smooth oily substance that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes.   For example:   The doctor told me to apply the ointment to the wound twice a day.   An ornament (countable noun) is is something used… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • ointment vs ornament —   Ointment (uncountable noun) is a smooth oily substance that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes.   For example:   The doctor told me to apply the ointment to the wound twice a day.   An ornament (countable noun) is is something used… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • ointment — noun … OF OINTMENT ▪ tube VERB + OINTMENT ▪ apply, put on, rub on ▪ He put some ointment on the cut. ▪ use …   Collocations dictionary

  • ointment — noun (C, U) a soft substance made of solid oil that you rub into your skin, especially as a medical treatment see also: fly in the ointment fly 3 (5) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • ointment — noun apply the ointment twice a day Syn: lotion, cream, salve, liniment, rub, gel, balm, emollient, unguent; formal embrocation; technical humectant; proprietary Vaseline …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • ointment — noun Etymology: Middle English, alteration of oynement, from Anglo French uignement, oignement, ultimately from Latin unguentum, from unguere to anoint; akin to Old High German ancho butter, Sanskrit anakti he salves Date: 14th century a salve or …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ointment — noun a viscous preparation of oils and/or fats, usually containing medication, used as a treatment or as an emollient. (compare with cream) Syn: salve, unguent See Also …   Wiktionary

  • ointment — noun a smooth oily substance that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic. Origin ME: alt. of OFr. oignement, from a pop. L. form of L. unguentum (see unguent); influenced by obs. oint anoint (from OFr., past participle of… …   English new terms dictionary

  • ointment — noun Syn: lotion, cream, salve, liniment, embrocation, rub, gel, balm, emollient, unguent …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • ointment — UK [ˈɔɪntmənt] / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms ointment : singular ointment plural ointments a thick smooth substance that you put on sore or injured skin • See: fly II …   English dictionary

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