1 oil-painted
adjCOLOUR pintado al óleo -
2 oil
3 oil-paint
v.pintar al óleo. (pt & pp oil-painted) -
4 oil painting
(a picture painted with oil paints.) cuadro al óleooil painting n pintura al óleocuadro al óleo, óleoa) c ( picture) óleo mhe's no oil painting — no es ninguna belleza or ningún Adonis
b) u ( medium) pintura f al óleo* * *a) c ( picture) óleo mhe's no oil painting — no es ninguna belleza or ningún Adonis
b) u ( medium) pintura f al óleo -
5 paint
1. noun(a colouring substance in the form of liquid or paste: The artist's clothes were covered in paint; (also adjective) a paint pot.) pintura
2. verb1) (to spread paint carefully on (wood, walls etc): He is painting the kitchen.) pintar2) (to make a picture (of something or someone) using paint: She painted her mother and father.) pintar•- painter- painting
- paint-box
- paint-brush
paint1 n pinturapaint2 vb pintartr[peɪnt]1 pintura1 (gen) pintar1 (gen) pintar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto paint one's face pintarse, maquillarseto paint the town red irse de juerga'Wet paint' "Recién pintado"paint remover quitapinturas nombre masculinopaint stripper quitapinturas nombre masculinopaint ['peɪnt] v: pintarpaint n: pintura fn.• colorete s.m.• pintura s.f.• tinta s.f.v.• jalbegar v.• pintar v.peɪnt
mass & count noun pintura f
a) ( Art) \<\<portrait/landscape\>\> pintarb) ( apply paint to) \<\<wall/door/house\>\> pintarto paint something out to paint over something — pintar encima de algo, tapar algo con pintura
c) ( describe) pintarto paint a glowing/gloomy picture of something — pintar algo favorablemente/muy negro
as black as it's been painted: the situation isn't as black as it's been painted — la situación no es tan negra como la pintan
d) ( make up)to paint one's face — pintarse, maquillarse
vi pintar[peɪnt]1. N1) (=substance) pintura f•
a coat of paint — una mano de pintura•
the paint was flaking off the walls — la pintura de las paredes se estaba descascarillandoface, finger 3., gloss II, 1., 1), oil 3., poster 2., spray I, 1., 2)wet paint — (ojo,) recién pintado
2. VT1) (Art) [+ picture, subject] pintar; [+ slogan, message] escribir con pintura2) (=apply paint to) [+ wall, fence etc] pintar- paint the town red3) (=make up) [+ nails, lips] pintarseshe painted her fingernails red — se pintó las uñas rojas or de rojo
to paint one's face — pintarse, maquillarse4) (fig) (=portray) describir, pintar•
to paint a grim/gloomy/bleak picture of sth — describir algo en términos sombríos/deprimentes/desalentadores, pintar algo muy negropro-democracy activists paint quite a different picture of the situation — los activistas en pro de la democracia describen la situación en términos muy diferentes
5)• to paint sth on — [+ varnish, dye] aplicar algo
6) (Med)•
treatment involves painting the sores with iodine solution — el tratamiento requiere aplicar una solución de yodo en las heridas3.VI pintar•
to paint in oils — pintar al óleo4.CPDpaint bomb N — bomba f de pintura
paint remover N — quitapintura f
paint roller N — rodillo m (pintor)
paint scraper N — raspador m de paredes
paint spray N — pistola f (rociadora) de pintura
paint stripper N — (=substance) quitapintura f ; (=tool) raspador m de paredes
paint thinner N — disolvente m
- paint in* * *[peɪnt]
mass & count noun pintura f
a) ( Art) \<\<portrait/landscape\>\> pintarb) ( apply paint to) \<\<wall/door/house\>\> pintarto paint something out to paint over something — pintar encima de algo, tapar algo con pintura
c) ( describe) pintarto paint a glowing/gloomy picture of something — pintar algo favorablemente/muy negro
as black as it's been painted: the situation isn't as black as it's been painted — la situación no es tan negra como la pintan
d) ( make up)to paint one's face — pintarse, maquillarse
vi pintar -
6 olive
'oliv1) (a type of edible fruit which is used as a garnish etc and which gives oil used for cooking: He put an olive in her cocktail; (also adjective) an olive tree; olive oil.) aceituna, oliva2) (the tree on which it grows: a grove of olives.) olivo3) ((also olive-green) the brownish-green or yellowish-green colour of the fruit: They painted the room olive; (also adjective) She wore an olive-green hat.) verde oliva4) ((also olive-wood) the wood of the tree.) madera de olivo•olive n aceituna / olivatr['ɒlɪv]1 (tree, wood) olivo2 (fruit) aceituna, oliva3 (colour) verde nombre masculino oliva2 (olive-growing) olivarero,-a\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto hold out the olive branch tender la mano en son de pazolive branch rama de olivoolive grove olivar nombre masculinoolive oil aceite nombre masculino de olivaolive tree olivoolive ['ɑlɪv, -ləv] n1) : aceituna f, oliva f (fruta)2) : olivo m (árbol)adj.• aceitunado, -a adj.• olivar adj.n.• aceituna s.f.• oliva (color) s.f.• olivo s.m.
I 'ɑːlɪv, 'ɒlɪv1) ca) ( Culin) aceituna f, oliva f; (before n)b) olive (tree) olivo m; (before n)olive grove — olivar m
2) u ( color) (color) aceituna m
['ɒlɪv]1.eating olive — aceituna f de mesa
2.3.CPDolive branch N — rama f de olivo
- hold out an olive brancholive green N — verde m oliva
olive grove N — olivar m
olive grower N — oleicultor(a) m / f
olive-growingolive growing N — oleicultura f
olive tree N — olivo m
* * *
I ['ɑːlɪv, 'ɒlɪv]1) ca) ( Culin) aceituna f, oliva f; (before n)b) olive (tree) olivo m; (before n)olive grove — olivar m
2) u ( color) (color) aceituna m
7 natural
'næ ərəl
1. adjective1) (of or produced by nature, not made by men: Coal, oil etc are natural resources; Wild animals are happier in their natural state than in a zoo.) natural2) (born in a person: natural beauty; He had a natural ability for music.) natural, innato3) ((of manner) simple, without pretence: a nice, natural smile.) natural4) (normal; as one would expect: It's quite natural for a boy of his age to be interested in girls.) natural, normal5) (of a musical note, not sharp or flat: G natural is lower in pitch than G sharp.) natural
2. noun1) (a person who is naturally good at something.) nato2) (in music (a sign () indicating) a note which is not to be played sharp or flat.) becuadro•- naturally
- natural gas
- natural history
- natural resources
natural adj1. natural2. normal
natural adjetivo 1 ‹ fruta› fresh;c) (Mús) natural2 3 (frml) ( nativo) ser natural de to be a native of, to come from ■ sustantivo masculino
I adjetivo
1 natural: es una persona muy natural, he's a very natural person (no artificial, fresco) fresh: es una rosa natural, it's a fresh rose
a tamaño natural, life-size
2 (normal, lógico) me parece natural, it seems natural to me
3 (nativo) soy natural de Castilla, I come from Castilla
4 Mat natural
II sustantivo masculino
1 (temperamento, inclinación) nature
2 Arte life: lo pintó del natural, he painted it from life
III mf (oriundo) native ' natural' also found in these entries: Spanish: canal - cien - cruda - crudo - día - emanación - expolio - hijo - limonada - lógica - lógico - luz - mirador - muerte - nata - nato - reserva - sencilla - sencillo - sobrexplotación - tamaña - tamaño - turba - anfiteatro - café - cataclismo - en - franco - gruta - llano - museo - naturalidad - naturismo - naturista - pantano - parque - recurso - riqueza - siniestro English: border - born - curl - designate - fair - full-scale - hail - life - life-size - life-sized - lifelike - mention - native - natural - natural childbirth - naturally - nature reserve - nature trail - plain - process - reserve - successor - sunlight - unaffected - unnatural - unnaturally - unspoilt - wear - wild - wildlife park - die - dry - effortless - environment - flair - full - good - may - might - nature - pond - resource - should - unspoiled - wastage - wildernesstr['næʧərəl]1 natural2 (born) nato,-a3 (usual) natural, normal\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto die of natural causes morir por causas naturales, fallecer de muerte naturalnatural childbirth parto naturalnatural gas gas nombre masculino naturalnatural history historia naturalnatural resources recursos nombre masculino plural naturalesnatural science ciencias nombre femenino plural naturalesnatural selection selección nombre femenino naturalnatural wastage reducción de plantilla consistente en no substituir a los que se jubilen o se marchennatural ['næʧərəl] adj1) : natural, de la naturalezanatural woodlands: bosques naturalesnatural childbirth: parto natural2) innate: innato, natural3) unaffected: natural, sin afectación4) lifelike: natural, vivonatural nto be a natural : tener un talento innato (para algo)adj.• innato, -a adj.• nacido, -a adj.• nativo, -a adj.• natural adj.• normal adj.• propio, -a adj.• tenue adj.n.• becuadro s.m.• imbécil s.m.
I 'nætʃrəl1) ( as in nature) naturaldeath from natural causes — muerte f natural or por causas naturales
2)a) <talent/propensity> innatob) (before n) < leaderoublemaker> nato, por naturalezac) <reaction/response> natural, normal; < successor> lógicoit is natural THAT — es natural que (+ subj)
3) ( not forced) <warmth/enthusiasm/style> natural4) ( related by blood) <child/parent> biológico
to be a natural — tener* un talento innato
['nætʃrǝl]act natural — (colloq) disimula
1. ADJ1) (=occurring naturally) [environment, substance, disaster, remedy] naturaldie I, 1)2) (=understandable) [reaction, behaviour, feeling] natural, normal; [mistake] comprensible; [explanation] lógico y naturalit's only natural — es normal or natural
it's only natural that she should be upset — es normal or natural que esté disgustada
3) (=inborn) [ability, talent] innato; [reaction, fear] instintivoshe is a natural leader/athlete — es una líder/atleta innata
natural instinct — instinto m natural
4) (=relaxed, unforced) [person, manner, charm] natural5) (=biological) [father, mother, child] biológico6) (Mus) natural2. N1) (=person)2) (Mus) (=note) nota f natural; (=sign) becuadro m3.CPDnatural causes NPL —
natural childbirth N — parto m natural
natural disaster N — desastre m natural
natural gas N — gas m natural
natural history N — historia f natural
natural law N — ley f natural
natural number N — (Math) número m natural
natural philosophy N — filosofía f natural
natural resources NPL — recursos mpl naturales
natural science N — (uncount) ciencias fpl naturales; (count) ciencia f de la naturaleza
natural selection N — selección f natural
natural wastage N — (Brit) (Ind) bajas voluntarias de los empleados de una empresa, y cuyos puestos quedan sin cubrir
the jobs will be lost through natural wastage — los puestos irán desapareciendo a medida que se produzcan bajas voluntarias
* * *
I ['nætʃrəl]1) ( as in nature) naturaldeath from natural causes — muerte f natural or por causas naturales
2)a) <talent/propensity> innatob) (before n) <leader/troublemaker> nato, por naturalezac) <reaction/response> natural, normal; < successor> lógicoit is natural THAT — es natural que (+ subj)
3) ( not forced) <warmth/enthusiasm/style> natural4) ( related by blood) <child/parent> biológico
to be a natural — tener* un talento innato
act natural — (colloq) disimula
8 painting
1) (the act or art of using paint: Painting is very relaxing.) pintar, la pintura2) (a painted picture: There were four paintings (hanging) on the wall.) pinturapainting n cuadro / pinturatr['peɪntɪŋ]1 SMALLART/SMALL (picture) pintura, cuadro2 (activity) pinturapainting ['peɪntɪŋ] n: pintura fn.• cuadro s.m.• pintura s.f.'peɪntɪŋa) c ( picture) cuadro m, pintura fb) u ( Art) pintura f['peɪntɪŋ]N1) (Art) (=picture) cuadro m, pintura f ; (=activity, genre) pintura foil 3.2) (=decorating) pintura fpainting and decorating — pintura f y decoración
* * *['peɪntɪŋ]a) c ( picture) cuadro m, pintura fb) u ( Art) pintura f -
9 pinta
Del verbo pintar: ( conjugate pintar) \ \
pinta es: \ \3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativoMultiple Entries: pinta pintar
pinta sustantivo femenino 1 (fam) ( aspecto) look; tiene pinta de extranjero he looks foreign; ¿dónde vas con esa(s) pinta(s)? where are you going looking like that?; echar or tirar (Andes) or (RPl) hacer pinta (fam) to impress 2 (en tela, animal) spot 3 ( medida) pint 4 (Méx fam) ( de la escuela):◊ irse de pinta to play hooky( conjugate hooky) (esp AmE colloq), to skive off (school) (BrE colloq)
pintar ( conjugate pintar) verbo transitivo pinta algo al óleo to paint sth in oils verbo intransitivo 1 2 ( en naipes) to be trumps pintarse verbo pronominal ( refl) ( maquillarse) to put on one's makeup; pintase los ojos to put on eye makeup; pintase las uñas to paint one's nails
pinta sustantivo femenino
1 fam (aspecto) look
2 (mancha, mota) dot, spot
3 (medida) pint
I verbo transitivo
1 (una superficie) to paint
2 (dibujar) to draw, sketch
3 (una situación) describe: me pintó su viaje con todo detalle, he described his trip in graphic detail
II verbo intransitivo
1 (un bolígrafo, etc) to write
2 (ser importante) to count: ella no pintaba nada allí, she was out of place there
3 (en juegos de naipes) to be trumps ' pinta' also found in these entries: Spanish: menda English: black - come in - half-pint - look - pint - pt - sleazy - wash - gill - half - hooky - oil - speckle - truant - wet['paɪntǝ]N pinta f de leche
См. также в других словарях:
Oil sketch — modello by Tiepolo, 69 x 55 cm, for this five metre high altarpiece An Oil sketch or oil study is an artwork made primarily in oil paints that is more abbreviated in handling than a fully finished painting. Originally these were created as… … Wikipedia
oil painting — oil painter. 1. the art or technique of painting with oil colors. 2. a painting executed in oil colors. [1775 85] * * * Painting in oil colours, a medium consisting of pigments suspended in drying oils. Oil paint enables both fusion of tones and… … Universalium
Oil-paper umbrella — used in weddings in Ryukyu Oil pap … Wikipedia
oil painting — oil .painting n 1.) a picture painted with oil paint 2.) [U] the art of painting with oil paint 3.) he s/she s no oil painting BrE used humorously to say that someone is not very attractive … Dictionary of contemporary English
oil painting — oil paintings N COUNT An oil painting is a picture which has been painted using oil paints. Several magnificent oil paintings adorn the walls … English dictionary
oil painting — oil ,painting noun 1. ) count a picture painted with oil paint 2. ) uncount the art of painting pictures with oil paint … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
oil painting — n. 1. a picture painted in oil colors 2. the art of painting in oil colors … English World dictionary
Oil painting — Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1503–06 Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil especially in early modern Europe, linseed oil. Often an oil such as linseed was boiled w … Wikipedia
oil — n. & v. n. 1 any of various thick, viscous, usu. inflammable liquids insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents (see also essential oil, fixed oil, mineral oil, volatile oil). 2 US petroleum. 3 (in comb.) using oil as fuel (oil heater). 4 … Useful english dictionary
Oil burner (engine) — This article is about the engine. For a meaning related to heating device, see Oil burner. Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Locomotive No.787 after conversion to oil firing. An oil burner engine is a steam engine that uses oil as its fuel. The term… … Wikipedia
oil painting — UK / US noun Word forms oil painting : singular oil painting plural oil paintings 1) [countable] a picture painted with oil paint 2) [uncountable] the art of painting pictures with oil paint • be no oil painting … English dictionary