1 offset lithography
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > offset lithography
2 offset lithography
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > offset lithography
3 offset lithography
[͵ɒfsetlıʹθɒgrəfı] = offset printing -
4 offset lithography
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > offset lithography
5 offset lithography
6 offset lithography
1) Общая лексика: офсетная плоская печать2) Техника: офсет, офсетная печать3) Полиграфия: офсетная печать (с форм плоской печати)4) Электроника: офсетная литография5) Реклама: плоская офсетная печать -
7 offset lithography
8 offset lithography
офсетная печать, офсет -
9 offset lithography
офсетная печать, офсетThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > offset lithography
10 offset lithography
офсетная печать (с форм плоской печати)Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > offset lithography
11 offset lithography
офсет; офсетная печать; офсетная литография -
12 offset lithography
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > offset lithography
13 hand press for offset lithography
Макаров: литографский печатный станокУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > hand press for offset lithography
14 photo-offset lithography
1) Полиграфия: офсетная печать с форм, изготовленных фотомеханическим способомУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > photo-offset lithography
15 photo-offset lithography
офсетная печать с форм, изготовленных фотомеханическим способомАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > photo-offset lithography
16 photo-offset lithography
• офсетная печать с форм, подготовленных фотомеханическим способомEnglish-Russian cartography dictionary > photo-offset lithography
17 lithography
1. литография2. фотолитография3. плоская печать; офсетная печать4. продукция плоской или офсетной печатиphoto-offset lithography — офсетная печать с форм, изготовленных фотомеханическим способом
18 lithography
1) литография2) фотолитография3) плоская печать; офсетная печать4) продукция плоской или офсетной печатиАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > lithography
19 lithography
3) электрон. (микро)литография•-
contact lithography
direct lithography
dry lithography
electron-beam array lithography
electron-beam lithography
electron-beam projection lithography
fine-line lithography
high-resolution lithography
hybrid lithography
ion-beam lithography
laser lithography
lift-off lithography
mask lithography
micrometer lithography
offset lithography
optical lithography
optical stepper lithography
projection lithography
proximity lithography
reduction projection lithography
scaled-down lithography
scanning electron-beam lithography
scanning projection lithography
screenless lithography
step-and-repeat lithography
submicron lithography
ultraviolet lithography
vector-scan electron-beam lithography
wafer lithography
wafer-stepper lithography
X-ray lithography -
20 lithography
= litho1) литография2) офсетная печать, офсет•- contact lithography - extreme ultraviolet lithography
- fine-line lithography
- hard-contact lithography
- ion-beam lithography
- laser lithography
- lift-off lithography
- micron lithography
- multiple-beam lithography
- offset lithography
- optical lithography
- projection lithography
- proximity lithography
- scan electron-beam lithography
- scanning electron-beam lithography
- soft-contact lithography
- step-and-repeat lithography
- step-on-wafer lithography
- submicron lithography
- ultraviolet lithography
- UV lithography
- wafer-stepping lithography
- X-ray lithography
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
offset lithography — offset printing off set print ing, n. (Printing) A printing technique in which a lithographic image on an inked metal or stone plate is transferred first to a rubber sheet (usually on a cylinder) before transfer to the paper. Called also {offset… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
offset lithography — noun offset printing by lithography • Hypernyms: ↑lithography * * * noun see offset I, 8b * * * Lithog. offset (def. 6). [1955 60] * * * offset printing, offset lithography or offset litho printing … Useful english dictionary
offset lithography — Lithog. offset (def. 6). [1955 60] * * * … Universalium
offset lithography — /ˌɒfset lɪ θɒgrəfi/ noun a printing process used for printing books, where the ink sticks to image areas on the plate and is transferred to an offset cylinder from which it is printed on to the paper … Marketing dictionary in english
Offset lithography — Офсетная печать (с форм плоской печати); Офсетная плоская печать, офсет … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
offset-litho printing — offset printing, offset lithography or offset litho printing noun A method of printing lithographs, etc, by first taking an impression from a plate on a rubber cylinder and then transferring the impression to paper or metal, etc, using oil based… … Useful english dictionary
offset printing — off set print ing, n. (Printing) A printing technique in which a lithographic image on an inked metal or stone plate is transferred first to a rubber sheet (usually on a cylinder) before transfer to the paper. Called also {offset lithography}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Offset printing — Web fed offset lithographic press at speed … Wikipedia
Lithography — Charles Marion Russell s The Custer Fight (1903). Note the range of tones, fading toward the edges … Wikipedia
lithography — lithographic /lith euh graf ik/, lithographical, adj. lithographically, adv. /li thog reuh fee/, n. 1. the art or process of producing a picture, writing, or the like, on a flat, specially prepared stone, with some greasy or oily substance, and… … Universalium
offset printing — Lithog. offset (def. 6). * * * or offset lithography or litho offset In commercial printing, a widely used technique in which the inked image on a printing plate is imprinted on a rubber cylinder and then transferred (offset) to paper or other… … Universalium