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  • 1 office-bearer

    noun (a person who holds a position of authority in a society etc.) amatpersona
    * * *
    amatpersona, ierēdnis

    English-Latvian dictionary > office-bearer

  • 2 office

    1) (the room or building in which the business of a firm is done: The firm's head offices are in New York; ( also adjective) office furniture.) kantoris; birojs; iestāde
    2) (the room in which a particular person works: the bank manager's office.) kabinets
    3) (a room or building used for a particular purpose: Train tickets are bought at the ticket-office.) ministrija; kase; redakcija
    4) (a position of authority, especially in or as a government: Our party has not been in office for years; the office of mayor.) amats; postenis; vara
    * * *
    amats, postenis; resors, ministrija, pārvalde; birojs, kantoris, iestāde; ārsta kabinets; saimniecības ēkas; dievkalpojums, ceremonija; pakalpojums; funkcija, pienākums, uzdevums; mājiens, zīme

    English-Latvian dictionary > office

  • 3 booking-office

    noun (an office where travel tickets etc are sold: a queue at the station booking-office.) biļešu kase
    * * *
    biļešu kase; kantoris

    English-Latvian dictionary > booking-office

  • 4 worker

    1) (a person who works or who is employed in an office, a factory etc: office-workers; car-workers.) strādnieks; darbinieks
    2) (a manual worker rather than an office-worker etc.) (fiziska darba) strādnieks
    3) (a person who works (hard etc): He's a slow/hard worker.) darītājs; strādnieks
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > worker

  • 5 clerk

    1) (a person who deals with letters, accounts etc in an office.) sekretārs; kantora darbinieks
    2) (a public official in charge of the business affairs of the town council etc: the town clerk.) ierēdnis
    3) ((American) a shop-assistant.) pārdevējs
    * * *
    kantora darbinieks, ierēdnis; sekretāre; administrators; komijs, pārdevējs; strādāt par ierēdni

    English-Latvian dictionary > clerk

  • 6 comradeship

    noun the comradeship of the office.) biedriskums; biedriskas attiecības
    * * *
    biedriskas attiecības, biedriskums

    English-Latvian dictionary > comradeship

  • 7 convenience

    1) (the state or quality of being convenient; freedom from trouble or difficulty: the convenience of living near the office.) ērtība; izdevīgums
    2) (any means of giving ease or comfort: the conveniences of modern life.) ērtības; labierīcības
    3) ((also public convenience) a public lavatory.) tualete
    * * *
    ērtība; izdevīgums

    English-Latvian dictionary > convenience

  • 8 department

    (a part or section of a government, university, office or shop: The Department of Justice; the sales department.) departaments; nodaļa; (universitātes) katedra; ministrija
    - department store
    * * *
    nodaļa; nozare; departaments, resors; departaments, iecirknis; fakultāte; ministrija; instrumentu grupa

    English-Latvian dictionary > department

  • 9 eye-opener

    noun (something that reveals an unexpected fact etc: Our visit to their office was a real eye-opener - they are so inefficient!) kaut kas pārsteidzošs; tāds, kas atver acis
    * * *
    kaut kas pārsteidzošs

    English-Latvian dictionary > eye-opener

  • 10 furnishings

    noun plural (furniture, equipment etc: The office had very expensive furnishings.) [] iekārta; aprīkojums
    * * *
    dzīvokļa iekārta; mājsaimniecības piederumi; rotājumi; aprīkojums, iekārta

    English-Latvian dictionary > furnishings

  • 11 poste restante

    (the department of a post office to which letters can be addressed, and where they can be kept until someone calls for them.) korespondences izsniegšana pēc pieprasījuma
    * * *
    pasta nodaļa, kur korespondenci saņem pēc pieprasījuma; pēc pieprasījuma

    English-Latvian dictionary > poste restante

  • 12 postmark

    noun (a mark put on a letter at a post office, showing the date and place of posting, and cancelling the postage stamp: The postmark read `Beirut'.) pasta zīmogs
    * * *
    pasta zīmogs; apzīmogot

    English-Latvian dictionary > postmark

  • 13 priesthood

    1) (priests in general: the Anglican priesthood.) garīdzniecība
    2) (the office or position of a priest: He was called to the priesthood.) mācītāja/priestera amats
    * * *
    priestera amats; priesteri, garīdzniecība

    English-Latvian dictionary > priesthood

  • 14 receptionist

    noun (a person who is employed (eg in a hotel, office etc) to answer the telephone, attend to guests, clients etc.) reģistrators; administrators
    * * *
    reģistrators; sekretārs

    English-Latvian dictionary > receptionist

  • 15 stranger

    1) (a person who is unknown to oneself: I've met her once before, so she's not a complete stranger (to me).) svešinieks; nepazīstamais
    2) (a visitor: I can't tell you where the post office is - I'm a stranger here myself.) iebraucējs; viesis; tūrists
    * * *
    svešinieks; svešzemnieks, ārzemnieks

    English-Latvian dictionary > stranger

  • 16 switchboard

    noun (a board with many switches for controlling electric currents etc, or for making connections by telephone, eg within a large office etc.) komutators; [] pults; panelis
    * * *
    komutators; vadības pults

    English-Latvian dictionary > switchboard

  • 17 watchdog

    noun (a dog which guards someone's property etc: We leave a watchdog in our office at night to scare away thieves.) sargsuns
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > watchdog

  • 18 weekday

    noun (any day except a Saturday or Sunday: Our office is open only on weekdays; ( also adjective) weekday flights.) darbdiena
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > weekday

  • 19 fieldwork

    noun (work done outside the laboratory, office etc (eg collecting information).) faktu/materiāla vākšana uz vietas

    English-Latvian dictionary > fieldwork

  • 20 nameplate

    noun (a piece of metal, plastic etc with a name on it: You will know his office by the nameplate on the door.) plāksnīte ar uzvārdu

    English-Latvian dictionary > nameplate

См. также в других словарях:

  • office — noun 1 room/building where work is done ADJECTIVE ▪ big, huge, large, spacious ▪ cramped, small, tiny ▪ plush …   Collocations dictionary

  • office hours — noun plural : the hours set for business, work, or professional service in an office * * * noun [plural] 1 : the time during the day when people work in an office Our office hours are 8:30 to 4:00 Monday through Friday. 2 US : the time during the …   Useful english dictionary

  • office — ► NOUN 1) a room, set of rooms, or building used as a place for non manual work. 2) a position of authority or service. 3) tenure of an official position. 4) (offices) service done for others: the good offices of the rector. 5) (also Divine… …   English terms dictionary

  • office block — noun a building containing offices where work is done • Syn: ↑office building • Hypernyms: ↑building, ↑edifice • Part Meronyms: ↑office, ↑business office * * * Brit. a large office building …   Useful english dictionary

  • office building — noun a building containing offices where work is done • Syn: ↑office block • Hypernyms: ↑building, ↑edifice • Part Meronyms: ↑office, ↑business office * * * office building UK US …   Useful english dictionary

  • office girl — office boy, office girl noun A boy or girl employed to do minor jobs in an office • • • Main Entry: ↑office * * * office girl UK US noun [countable] [singular office girl …   Useful english dictionary

  • office boy — noun a young man who is employed to do odd jobs in a business office (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑employee * * * noun, pl ⋯ boys [count] old fashioned : a boy or man employed to do simple jobs in an office * * * ˈoffice boy [office boy] ˈoffice girl …   Useful english dictionary

  • office party — UK US noun [countable] [singular office party plural office parties] a party for all the people who work in the office of a company or organization Thesaurus: parties and celebrationshyponym …   Useful english dictionary

  • office hours — ˈoffice ˌhours noun [plural] the time between about 9:00 in the morning and 6:00 in the afternoon, when people in offices are working: • No one is allowed in the building outside office hours. * * * office hours UK US noun [plural] ► WORKPLACE… …   Financial and business terms

  • office — of‧fice [ˈɒfs ǁ ˈɒː , ˈɑː ] noun 1. [countable] a room or building where people work at desks: • The agency recently closed its Houston office. • I d like to see you in my office. • I applied for the job of office manager. • There is a shortage… …   Financial and business terms

  • Office for National Statistics — ˌOffice for ˌNational Staˈtistics abbreviation ONS noun ECONOMICS STATISTICS ORGANIZATIONS the British government organization responsible for collecting information about the economy, population, and society: • The number of tourists from North… …   Financial and business terms

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