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  • 101 С-572

    HE В ТУ СТЕПЬ (заехал, понесло кого и т. п.) coll, НА СТЁНКУ) highly coll VP subj: human to become usu. humor PrepP Invar adv or subj-compl with бытыз (subj: human) (one said) sth. that is not relevant to the theme of the conversation, or that goes beyond what is considered acceptable under the given circumstances
    X не в ту степь заехал ' X went too far
    X was wide of the mark
    what X said was off the wall (out of line).
    (author's usage) По бесстрастному лицу помощника Марлен Михайлович понял, что в этот момент он слегка пережал, прозвучал слегка — не-совсем-в-ту-степь, но ему как-то уже было веб равно (Аксенов 7). The blank face of the Important Personage's assistant told him (Marlen Mikhailovich) that this time he had gone a bit too far, but by now he was past caring (7a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-572

  • 102 не в ту степь

    НЕ В ТУ СТЕПЬ (заехал, понесло кого и т.п.) coll, usu. humor
    [PrepP; Invar; adv or subj-compl with быть (subj: human)]
    (one said) sth. that is not relevant to the theme of the conversation, or that goes beyond what is considered acceptable under the given circumstances:
    - X не в ту степь заехал X went too far;
    - what X said was off the wall < out of line>.
         ♦ [author's usage] По бесстрастному лицу помощника Марлен Михайлович понял, что в этот момент он слегка пережал, прозвучал слегка - не-совсем-в-ту-степь, но ему как-то уже было всё равно (Аксёнов 7). The blank face of the Important Personage's assistant told him [Marlen Mikhailovich] that this time he had gone a bit too far, but by now he was past caring (7a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не в ту степь

  • 103 otkačen

    pp & adj - otkvačen, otkopčan itd.; (šašav, originalan) freakish, weird, daft, screwy, zany, wild, oddball, funky, sl offbeat, off-center, sl far-out, sl way-out, sl off--the-wall
    * * *
    • screwy
    • daft
    • zany
    • wild
    • weird
    • freakish
    • oddball

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > otkačen

  • 104 нетрадиционен

    прил., -на, -но, -ни unusual, nontraditional, unorthodox, off-centre; off the wall.

    Български-английски речник > нетрадиционен

  • 105 с приветом

    с приветом разг. [s privetom]
    (о человеке: co cтранностями) oddball, off one’s nut, off-the-wall

    Русско-английский словарь с пояснениями > с приветом

  • 106 привлекать внимание

    1) General subject: advert, attract attention to, (чьё-л.) call (smb.'s), call attention to, (чьё-л.) draw (smb.'s), draw attention, draw attention to, encourage attention, head-line, interest, invite attention, limelight, limelight (к чему-л., кому-л.), (к чему-л.) make a fuss of, meet the eye, strike eye, strike the eye, attract attention, attract notice, catch eye, garner attention (It garnered so much attention that you would have thought it was an off-the-wall publicity stunt.), focus attention, seek attention, turn heads (She turned heads whenever she walked into a room — Куда бы она ни входила, на неё устремлялись восхищённые взгляды)
    2) Colloquial: shot to attention
    3) Mathematics: attract the attention (of), call attention (to), draw attention (to), fix the attention (of)
    4) Diplomatic term: (чьё-л.) engage attention
    5) Advertising: gain attention
    6) Business: advertise
    7) Makarov: bring to notice, (чьё-л.) call to notice, (чьё-л.) draw attention, come into notice, cut a figure, direct attention to, claim attention (к себе)
    8) Taboo: pitch
    9) Idiomatic expression: (чьё-л.) catch (one's) eye

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > привлекать внимание

  • 107 чудаковатый

    2) Colloquial: kinky, potty, viewy
    3) Australian slang: off the wall
    4) Scottish language: fifish
    5) Jargon: bent, dodo
    6) Makarov: original, up the creek

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > чудаковатый

  • 108 desconchón

    1 (en pared) bare patch; (en loza) chip
    * * *
    * * *
    la pared tenía varios desconchones the plaster had come off the wall in several places;
    el plato tenía un desconchón the plate was chipped
    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > desconchón

  • 109 szwank|ować

    impf vi to be failing, to be defective
    - coś tu szwankuje something’s amiss here
    - dyscyplina w zespole szwankuje the discipline in the team leaves much to be desired
    szwankować na umyśle to be off the wall pot.
    - szwankować na zdrowiu przest. to be unwell

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > szwank|ować

  • 110 scheuren

    [stuktrekken] tear
    [verscheuren] tear (up)
    [losrukken, ook figuurlijk] tear (away)
    1   zijn kleren scheuren tear one's clothes
    2   iets doormidden scheuren tear something in two/half
    3   het behang van de muur scheuren strip the paper off the wall
    [een scheur krijgen] tear apart stof, papier; crack iets hards; hout ook split
    [hard rijden] tear
    1   pas op, het papier zal scheuren be careful, the paper will tear
         uit zijn kleren scheuren burst out of one's clothes

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > scheuren

  • 111 צלם

    צֶלֶם, צְלַם, צֵלַם, צַלְמָא, צִלְ׳, צִילְ׳ch. sam(צלם yerʾdu). Targ. Gen. 1:26. Targ. Ex. 20:4. Targ. Jud. 17:3; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 9 בגין דאמר לי צ׳ פלןוכ׳ since that certain idol told me Ruth R. to II, 14 והוה צווח צ׳ פלן צ׳ פלןוכ׳ and he (Manasseh) cried, O, idol, O, idol, save me. Y.Shek.II, end, 47a, a. e., v. אֲדוּרֵי; a. fr.B. Kam.98b לצ׳ (Ms. H. לצִלְמַיָּיה), v. כָּשוֹרָא.Y.Kil.VII, beg.30d בהדין צ׳, read: צוֹנָמָא.Pl. צְלָמַיָּא, צִלְמַ׳, צִלְמִין, צִלְמֵי, צִי׳. Targ. Y. Lev. 26:1. Targ. Is. 44:9; a. fr.Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d bot. הבר כל אילין צ׳וכ׳ break all those idols in the bath-house. Y.Ber.II, 4b, v. אֲדוּרֵי.B. Kam.23b דשף צלמי when the animal rubbed paintings off the wall. Ib. 86b, v. כָּשוֹרָא; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > צלם

  • 112 צֶלֶם

    צֶלֶם, צְלַם, צֵלַם, צַלְמָא, צִלְ׳, צִילְ׳ch. sam(צלם yerʾdu). Targ. Gen. 1:26. Targ. Ex. 20:4. Targ. Jud. 17:3; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 9 בגין דאמר לי צ׳ פלןוכ׳ since that certain idol told me Ruth R. to II, 14 והוה צווח צ׳ פלן צ׳ פלןוכ׳ and he (Manasseh) cried, O, idol, O, idol, save me. Y.Shek.II, end, 47a, a. e., v. אֲדוּרֵי; a. fr.B. Kam.98b לצ׳ (Ms. H. לצִלְמַיָּיה), v. כָּשוֹרָא.Y.Kil.VII, beg.30d בהדין צ׳, read: צוֹנָמָא.Pl. צְלָמַיָּא, צִלְמַ׳, צִלְמִין, צִלְמֵי, צִי׳. Targ. Y. Lev. 26:1. Targ. Is. 44:9; a. fr.Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d bot. הבר כל אילין צ׳וכ׳ break all those idols in the bath-house. Y.Ber.II, 4b, v. אֲדוּרֵי.B. Kam.23b דשף צלמי when the animal rubbed paintings off the wall. Ib. 86b, v. כָּשוֹרָא; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > צֶלֶם

  • 113 צְלַם

    צֶלֶם, צְלַם, צֵלַם, צַלְמָא, צִלְ׳, צִילְ׳ch. sam(צלם yerʾdu). Targ. Gen. 1:26. Targ. Ex. 20:4. Targ. Jud. 17:3; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 9 בגין דאמר לי צ׳ פלןוכ׳ since that certain idol told me Ruth R. to II, 14 והוה צווח צ׳ פלן צ׳ פלןוכ׳ and he (Manasseh) cried, O, idol, O, idol, save me. Y.Shek.II, end, 47a, a. e., v. אֲדוּרֵי; a. fr.B. Kam.98b לצ׳ (Ms. H. לצִלְמַיָּיה), v. כָּשוֹרָא.Y.Kil.VII, beg.30d בהדין צ׳, read: צוֹנָמָא.Pl. צְלָמַיָּא, צִלְמַ׳, צִלְמִין, צִלְמֵי, צִי׳. Targ. Y. Lev. 26:1. Targ. Is. 44:9; a. fr.Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d bot. הבר כל אילין צ׳וכ׳ break all those idols in the bath-house. Y.Ber.II, 4b, v. אֲדוּרֵי.B. Kam.23b דשף צלמי when the animal rubbed paintings off the wall. Ib. 86b, v. כָּשוֹרָא; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > צְלַם

  • 114 צֵלַם

    צֶלֶם, צְלַם, צֵלַם, צַלְמָא, צִלְ׳, צִילְ׳ch. sam(צלם yerʾdu). Targ. Gen. 1:26. Targ. Ex. 20:4. Targ. Jud. 17:3; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 9 בגין דאמר לי צ׳ פלןוכ׳ since that certain idol told me Ruth R. to II, 14 והוה צווח צ׳ פלן צ׳ פלןוכ׳ and he (Manasseh) cried, O, idol, O, idol, save me. Y.Shek.II, end, 47a, a. e., v. אֲדוּרֵי; a. fr.B. Kam.98b לצ׳ (Ms. H. לצִלְמַיָּיה), v. כָּשוֹרָא.Y.Kil.VII, beg.30d בהדין צ׳, read: צוֹנָמָא.Pl. צְלָמַיָּא, צִלְמַ׳, צִלְמִין, צִלְמֵי, צִי׳. Targ. Y. Lev. 26:1. Targ. Is. 44:9; a. fr.Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d bot. הבר כל אילין צ׳וכ׳ break all those idols in the bath-house. Y.Ber.II, 4b, v. אֲדוּרֵי.B. Kam.23b דשף צלמי when the animal rubbed paintings off the wall. Ib. 86b, v. כָּשוֹרָא; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > צֵלַם

  • 115 צַלְמָא

    צֶלֶם, צְלַם, צֵלַם, צַלְמָא, צִלְ׳, צִילְ׳ch. sam(צלם yerʾdu). Targ. Gen. 1:26. Targ. Ex. 20:4. Targ. Jud. 17:3; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 9 בגין דאמר לי צ׳ פלןוכ׳ since that certain idol told me Ruth R. to II, 14 והוה צווח צ׳ פלן צ׳ פלןוכ׳ and he (Manasseh) cried, O, idol, O, idol, save me. Y.Shek.II, end, 47a, a. e., v. אֲדוּרֵי; a. fr.B. Kam.98b לצ׳ (Ms. H. לצִלְמַיָּיה), v. כָּשוֹרָא.Y.Kil.VII, beg.30d בהדין צ׳, read: צוֹנָמָא.Pl. צְלָמַיָּא, צִלְמַ׳, צִלְמִין, צִלְמֵי, צִי׳. Targ. Y. Lev. 26:1. Targ. Is. 44:9; a. fr.Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d bot. הבר כל אילין צ׳וכ׳ break all those idols in the bath-house. Y.Ber.II, 4b, v. אֲדוּרֵי.B. Kam.23b דשף צלמי when the animal rubbed paintings off the wall. Ib. 86b, v. כָּשוֹרָא; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > צַלְמָא

  • 116 צִלְ׳

    צֶלֶם, צְלַם, צֵלַם, צַלְמָא, צִלְ׳, צִילְ׳ch. sam(צלם yerʾdu). Targ. Gen. 1:26. Targ. Ex. 20:4. Targ. Jud. 17:3; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 9 בגין דאמר לי צ׳ פלןוכ׳ since that certain idol told me Ruth R. to II, 14 והוה צווח צ׳ פלן צ׳ פלןוכ׳ and he (Manasseh) cried, O, idol, O, idol, save me. Y.Shek.II, end, 47a, a. e., v. אֲדוּרֵי; a. fr.B. Kam.98b לצ׳ (Ms. H. לצִלְמַיָּיה), v. כָּשוֹרָא.Y.Kil.VII, beg.30d בהדין צ׳, read: צוֹנָמָא.Pl. צְלָמַיָּא, צִלְמַ׳, צִלְמִין, צִלְמֵי, צִי׳. Targ. Y. Lev. 26:1. Targ. Is. 44:9; a. fr.Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d bot. הבר כל אילין צ׳וכ׳ break all those idols in the bath-house. Y.Ber.II, 4b, v. אֲדוּרֵי.B. Kam.23b דשף צלמי when the animal rubbed paintings off the wall. Ib. 86b, v. כָּשוֹרָא; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > צִלְ׳

  • 117 צִילְ׳

    צֶלֶם, צְלַם, צֵלַם, צַלְמָא, צִלְ׳, צִילְ׳ch. sam(צלם yerʾdu). Targ. Gen. 1:26. Targ. Ex. 20:4. Targ. Jud. 17:3; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 9 בגין דאמר לי צ׳ פלןוכ׳ since that certain idol told me Ruth R. to II, 14 והוה צווח צ׳ פלן צ׳ פלןוכ׳ and he (Manasseh) cried, O, idol, O, idol, save me. Y.Shek.II, end, 47a, a. e., v. אֲדוּרֵי; a. fr.B. Kam.98b לצ׳ (Ms. H. לצִלְמַיָּיה), v. כָּשוֹרָא.Y.Kil.VII, beg.30d בהדין צ׳, read: צוֹנָמָא.Pl. צְלָמַיָּא, צִלְמַ׳, צִלְמִין, צִלְמֵי, צִי׳. Targ. Y. Lev. 26:1. Targ. Is. 44:9; a. fr.Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d bot. הבר כל אילין צ׳וכ׳ break all those idols in the bath-house. Y.Ber.II, 4b, v. אֲדוּרֵי.B. Kam.23b דשף צלמי when the animal rubbed paintings off the wall. Ib. 86b, v. כָּשוֹרָא; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > צִילְ׳

  • 118 Цифры взяти от балды

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Цифры взяти от балды

  • 119 Цифры взяты от балды

    Ebay. The numbers are completely off the wall

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Цифры взяты от балды

  • 120 wydzwaniać

    (-am, -asz); vi
    ( o zegarze) to strike

    wydzwaniać do kogoś nieustannieto bug lub pester sb with telephone calls

    * * *
    1. (o zegarze, kurancie) (= dzwoniąc, sygnalizować) strike; ring, toll.
    2. tylko ipf. (= często rozmawiać przez telefon) make a lot of phone calls; gab a lot on the phone; wydzwaniać do kogoś nieustannie bug l. pester sb with phone calls; wszyscy do mnie wydzwaniali przez cały dzień my phone has been ringing off the wall all day.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > wydzwaniać

См. также в других словарях:

  • Off the Wall — Студийный аль …   Википедия

  • Off the Wall — Album par Michael Jackson Sortie 10 août 1979 Enregistrement 4 décembre 1978 au 3 juin 1979 Durée 42:28 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Off the Wall — Studioalbum von Michael Jackson Veröffentlichung 10. August 1979 Label Epic Records …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Off the wall — may refer to: Off the Wall (album), a 1979 album by Michael Jackson Off the Wall (song), the title song Off the Wall (arcade game), a 1991 arcade game Off the Wall (Atari 2600), a 1989 video game Off The Wall (clothing retailer), a Canadian… …   Wikipedia

  • Off The Wall — Album par Michael Jackson Sortie 10 août 1979 Enregistrement 4 décembre 1978 au 3 juin 1979 Durée 42:28 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Off the wall — Album par Michael Jackson Sortie 10 août 1979 Enregistrement 4 décembre 1978 au 3 juin 1979 Durée 42:28 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Off the Wall — Álbum de estudio de Michael Jackson Publicación 10 de agosto de 1979 Grabación 1978 1979 Género(s) R B, soul, funk …   Wikipedia Español

  • off-the-wall — adj informal very strange or unusual, often in an amusing way ▪ an off the wall concept …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • off-the-wall — adjective strange, often in a funny or interesting way: off the wall humor …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • off the wall — Something that is off the wall is unconventional …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • off-the-wall — ☆ off the wall or off the wall [ôf′thə wôl′ ] adj. Slang very unusual, eccentric, unconventional, etc …   English World dictionary

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