Перевод: с английского на болгарский

с болгарского на английский


  • 1 onion

    1. бот. лук (Allium сера), глава лук
    spring ONIONs зелен лук
    seed ONIONs арпаджик
    2. sl. глава, тиква
    off one's ONION луд, откачен
    3. воен. sl. запалителна ракета
    to know one's ONIONs sl. акъллия/опитен съм
    * * *
    {'^njъn} n 1. бот. лук (Allium сера); глава лук; spring onions зеле
    * * *
    * * *
    1. off one's onion луд, откачен 2. seed onions арпаджик 3. sl. глава, тиква 4. spring onions зелен лук 5. to know one's onions sl. акъллия/опитен съм 6. бот. лук (allium сера), глава лук 7. воен. sl. запалителна ракета
    * * *
    onion[´ʌnjən] I. n 1. (глава) лук; spring \onions зелен лук; seed \onions арпаджик; 2. sl глава, тиква, кратуна; off his \onion луд, откачен; 3. sl жител(ка) на Бермуда; 4. воен. sl запалителна ракета; to know o.'s \onions разбирам от работата си, вещ съм в занаята си; II. v подлучвам; натривам с лук.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > onion

См. также в других словарях:

  • off one's onion — phrasal also off one s onions chiefly Britain : foolish, crazy thought he was a trifle off his onion Walter Murdoch * * * off one s onion (slang) Off one s head • • • Main Entry: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • off one's onion — adj mad, crazy. These phrases are all elabo rations of the well established colloquial ism, off one s head (heard since the mid 19th century). The terms are some times extended to mean intoxicated by drugs or drink, more usually denoted by… …   Contemporary slang

  • off one's onions — phrasal see off one s onion …   Useful english dictionary

  • off one's block / chump / crust / head / nut / onion — adj mad, crazy. These phrases are all elabo rations of the well established colloquial ism, off one s head (heard since the mid 19th century). The terms are some times extended to mean intoxicated by drugs or drink, more usually denoted by… …   Contemporary slang

  • onion — /ˈʌnjən / (say unyuhn) noun 1. a widely cultivated plant of the lily family Allium cepa, having an edible succulent bulb of pungent taste and smell. 2. the bulb. 3. any of the certain plants similar to the onion, as A. fistulosum (Welsh onion). 4 …  

  • Onion routing — is a technique for anonymous communication over a computer network. Messages are repeatedly encrypted and then sent through several network nodes called onion routers. Like someone unpeeling an onion, each onion router removes a layer of… …   Wikipedia

  • Off-Off Campus — is an improvisational and sketch comedy group at the University of Chicago,[1] and the second oldest collegiate group of its kind in the United States.[2] It was founded in 1986 by The Second City co founder Bernie Sahlins, who is also an alumnus …   Wikipedia

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  • One Way Ticket (The Darkness song) — One Way Ticket Single by The Darkness from the album One Way Ticket to Hell... And Back B side …   Wikipedia

  • Onion News Network — For the internet site, see The Onion#The Onion News Network. Onion News Network Format Parody Written by Alexander Blechman Lang Fisher John Harris Peter Koechl …   Wikipedia

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