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  • 1 program

    * * *
    verb - present participle programming (American also programing): past tense, past participle programmed (American also programed) - (to give information, instructions etc to (a machine, especially a computer, so that it can do a particular job).) (be)programoz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > program

  • 2 crash\ program

    English-Hungarian dictionary > crash\ program

  • 3 guideline

    program, irányelv, vezérfonal
    * * *
    noun ((usually in plural) an indication as to how something should be done.) irányelvek

    English-Hungarian dictionary > guideline

  • 4 dateless\ afternoon

    program nélküli délután, szabad délután

    English-Hungarian dictionary > dateless\ afternoon

  • 5 programme

    * * *
    1) ((a booklet or paper giving the details of) the planned events in an entertainment etc: According to the programme, the show begins at 8.00.)
    2) (a plan or scheme: a programme of reforms.)
    3) ((British and American usually program) a set of data, instructions etc put into a computer.)
    - programmer

    English-Hungarian dictionary > programme

  • 6 speller

    1) (a computer program that corrects spelling mistakes.) helyesírásellenőrző program
    2) (someone who is good or bad at spelling: She is a good speller.) jó v. rossz helyesíró
    3) ((American) a book for teaching spelling.) helyesírási munkafüzet

    English-Hungarian dictionary > speller

  • 7 программа

    programma tanterv
    театра, кино
    * * *
    1) ( план) program; terv; munkaterv
    2) ( учебная) tanterv

    Русско-венгерский словарь > программа

  • 8 проспект

    prospektus tervezet
    рекламный \проспект
    tájékoztató sugárút
    * * *
    1) ( улица) sugárút; út
    2) ( проект) tervezet, program
    3) ( рекламный) prospektus

    Русско-венгерский словарь > проспект

  • 9 browser

    1) (a person who browses.) böngésző
    2) (a computer program for searching, especially on a worldwide network.) böngészőprogram

    English-Hungarian dictionary > browser

  • 10 computer

    (a usually large electronic machine capable of storing and processing large amounts of information and of performing calculations: The whole process is done by computer; PC means `personal computer'; a computer game; a computer program.) számítógép
    - computerise

    English-Hungarian dictionary > computer

  • 11 engagement

    összekapcsolódás, ígéret, szerződés, program
    * * *
    noun the engagement of three new assistants; When shall we announce our engagement?; Have you any engagements tomorrow?; a naval engagement (= battle); ( also adjective) an engagement ring.) alkalmazás; eljegyzés; elfoglaltság

    English-Hungarian dictionary > engagement

  • 12 extension

    kibővítés, megnyúlás, hozzáépítés, kiterjesztés
    * * *
    1) (an added part: He built an extension to his house; a two-day extension to the holiday; He has telephone extensions (= telephones) in every bedroom.) kibővítés; hozzáépítés; új rész; meghosszabbítás
    2) ((a program by which) part of a university located somewhere else offers courses to people who are not fulltime students.) levelező oktatás
    3) (the process of extending.) kinyújtás, kiterjesztés, meghosszabbítás
    4) (a telephone that operates on the same line as another: They have a phone in the living-room and an extension in the bedroom.) mellék(állomás)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > extension

  • 13 interactive

    adjective (allowing a continuous exchange of information between a computer and the person using it, so that the computer can respond immediately to the user's instructions or questions: an interactive system/program; interactive video games.) párbeszédes, interaktív

    English-Hungarian dictionary > interactive

  • 14 itinerary

    útvonal, úti, útikönyv, útiterv, úti program
    * * *
    noun (a route for a journey.) útvonal

    English-Hungarian dictionary > itinerary

  • 15 programmer

    noun (a person who prepares a program for a computer.) programozó

    English-Hungarian dictionary > programmer

  • 16 schedule

    menetrend, ütemterv, táblázat to schedule: táblázatba foglal, jegyzékbe foglal
    * * *
    ['ʃedju:l, ]( American[) 'sked-] 1. noun
    (a statement of details, especially of timing of activities, or of things to be done: a work schedule for next month.) munkaterv; program; menetrend
    2. verb
    (to plan the time of (an event etc): The meeting is scheduled for 9.00 a.m.) beütemez; kitűz (időpontot)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > schedule

  • 17 session

    gyűlés, ülésszak
    * * *
    1) (a meeting, or period for meetings, of a court, council, parliament etc: The judge will give his summing up at tomorrow's court session.) ülés
    2) (a period of time spent on a particular activity: a filming session.) ülésszak; program
    3) (a university or school year or one part of this: the summer session.) (egyetemi) harmadév; tanév

    English-Hungarian dictionary > session

  • 18 slot

    zárka, nyom, hasíték, rés, kürtő, vájat, rúd to slot: nyomot követ, rovátkol, barázdát vág, rovátkát vág
    * * *
    [slot] 1. noun
    1) (a small narrow opening, especially one to receive coins: I put the correct money in the slot, but the machine didn't start.) rés
    2) (a (usually regular) position (in eg the schedule of television/radio programmes): The early-evening comedy slot.) hely; program
    2. verb
    ((with in or into) to fit (something) into a small space: He slotted the last piece of the puzzle into place; I managed to slot in my tea-break between two jobs.) beprésel

    English-Hungarian dictionary > slot

  • 19 user guide

    noun (a list of instructions etc on how to use a particular product, system etc: The attached user guide explains how to install the program on your computer.) használati utasítás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > user guide

  • 20 virus

    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (any of various types of germs that are a cause of disease.) vírus
    2) (a computer code that is inserted into a program to destroy information or cause errors.) számítógépes vírus
    2. adjective
    He is suffering from a virus infection.) vírus-, vírusos

    English-Hungarian dictionary > virus

См. также в других словарях:

  • Program evaluation — is a formalized approach to studying the goals, processes, and impacts of projects, policies and programs. Program evaluation is used in the public and private sector and is taught in numerous universities. Evaluation became particularly relevant …   Wikipedia

  • Program Management — is the process of managing multiple ongoing inter dependent projects. An example would be that of designing, manufacturing and providing support infrastructure for an automobile manufacturer. This requires hundreds, or even thousands, of separate …   Wikipedia

  • Program 437 — was the second anti satellite weapons program of the U.S. military. The US anti satellite weapons program began development in the early 1960s and was officially discontinued on 1 April, 1975. Program 437 was approved for development by U.S.… …   Wikipedia

  • program — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. programmie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} założenia, cele i zapowiadana działalność w jakiejś dziedzinie lub jakiejś organizacji : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Program społeczny,… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Program — may refer to:* Program (management) * Program (The Animatrix), a short film in The Animatrix series * PROGRAM Initiative for Art and Architectural Collaborations, a project space in Berlin for art and architecture * Computer program * Program… …   Wikipedia

  • program — prògram m DEFINICIJA 1. a. sadržaj i cilj rada kakve djelatnosti koji treba izvršiti [nastavni program] b. predmet i sadržaj predmeta koji se predaju u školama u okviru nastavnog plana i programa [izvan programa] 2. sadržaj koji želi ostvariti… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Program trading — is casually defined as the use of computers in stock markets to engage in arbitrage and portfolio insurance strategies. However, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) defines the term as a wide range of portfolio trading strategies involving the… …   Wikipedia

  • Program Specific Information — (PSI) is metadata, part of MPEG transport stream.The PSI data contains four tables: PAT (Program Association Table), CAT (Conditional Access Table), PMT (Program Map Table) and NIT (Network Information Table). This last table is normally not used …   Wikipedia

  • Program comprehension — is a domain of computing science dealing with the processes (cognitive or others) used by software engineers to understand programs (during their evaluation, before their modification).Program comprehension is also known as program understanding …   Wikipedia

  • Program Management Professional — (PgMP) is a certification in program management managed by the Project Management Institute in accordance with their published standard A Standard for Program Management . Eligibility Applicants with a bachelor s degree must have had four… …   Wikipedia

  • Program 33 — Logo de Program 33 Forme juridique société par actions simplifiée Siège social France …   Wikipédia en Français

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