Перевод: с английского на македонский

с македонского на английский


  • 1 politics

    s. pl. политика; политика

    English-Macedonian dictionary > politics

  • 2 party politics

    n. pl. ре ј. партиска политика; политиканство

    English-Macedonian dictionary > party politics

  • 3 power politics

    n. pl. pot. политика (од позиција) на сила

    English-Macedonian dictionary > power politics

  • 4 bedfellow

    придружник, човек со кој се дели кревет
    * * *
    n. 1. собен содружник, цимер;
    2. (fig.) другар, ортак; *politics make(s) strange bedfellows политиката принудува на склучување на чудни сојузи; цимер

    English-Macedonian dictionary > bedfellow

  • 5 bow out

    phr.v. 1. се откажува, се повлекува (of politics/a project од политика/проект)
    2. bow in

    English-Macedonian dictionary > bow out

  • 6 finish with

    phr.v. finish with sb/sth завршува/раскинува/прекинува/раскрстува со некого/нешто: I've finished with politics once and for all Co политиката раскрстив еднаш и засекогаш.

    English-Macedonian dictionary > finish with

  • 7 keep off

    1.keep off sth a) се воздржува од нешто (храна/алкохол). б) одбегнува нешто (тема/прашање); keep off cigarettes/drink/drugs/fatty food се држи понастрана од цигари/пиење/дрога/масна храна: Please keep off politics while my father's here Те молам не спомнувај политика додека татко ми е тука
    2. keep (sb/sth) off (sb/sth) држи (некого/нешто) понастрана од (некого/нешто): This cream willkeep the mosquitoes off Овој крем ќе ги држи комарците понастрана
    3. the rain/snow keeps off не врне дожд/снег, We'll go out if the rain keeps off Ќе излеземе ако не врне

    English-Macedonian dictionary > keep off

  • 8 PPE

    кратенка од philosophy, politics and economics

    English-Macedonian dictionary > PPE

  • 9 realign

    1.преструктуира, преуредува: She has, almost single-handedly, realigned British politics Таа, речиси сама, ја преструктуира британската политика
    2. (се) регрупира, (се) прегрупира ((oneself)with sth со)

    English-Macedonian dictionary > realign

См. также в других словарях:

  • politics — pol‧it‧ics [ˈpɒltɪks ǁ ˈpɑː ] noun [uncountable] 1. ideas and activities relating to gaining and using power in a country, city etc: • a businessman who is also involved in politics 2. the activities of people who are concerned with gaining… …   Financial and business terms

  • Politics of Belgium — takes place in a framework of a federal parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy, whereby the King of the Belgians is the Head of State and the Prime Minister of Belgium is the head of government in a multi party system.… …   Wikipedia

  • politics —    Politics has been described as ‘who gets what, when, where and how’, ‘the art of the possible’, and in less polite terms as anything to do with people scheming, manipulating or otherwise abusing or seeking power or influence over others. For… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Politics in South India — is typically dominated by regional parties than by the larger national political parties such as the Congress (INC) or BJP (BJP). However, both the BJP and INC have had some success in forging alliances with regional parties. Unlike in North… …   Wikipedia

  • Politics and the English Language — (1946), by George Orwell, is an essay criticizing ugly and inaccurate contemporary written English. He asserted contemporary English prose causes and affects foolish thoughts and dishonest politics. Vagueness and sheer incompetence were the most… …   Wikipedia

  • Politics of Wales — Politics in Wales forms a distinctive polity in the wider politics of the United Kingdom, with Wales as one of the four constituent countries of the United Kingdom.Constitutionally, the United Kingdom is de jure a unitary state with one sovereign …   Wikipedia

  • Politics, Religion and Her — Studio album by Sammy Kershaw Released May 7, 1996 Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Politics of Turkey — takes place in a framework of a strictly secular parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the Prime Minister of Turkey is the head of government, and of a multi party system. Turkey s political system is based on a separation of… …   Wikipedia

  • Politics of Zimbabwe — takes place in a framework of a semi presidential system republic, whereby the President is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both… …   Wikipedia

  • Politics of Valledupar — ( es. Politica de Valledupar) refers to the political processes in the Colombian city of Valledupar in Cesar Department. The local politics of Valledupar take places within the framework of the Politics of Colombia which are based on a… …   Wikipedia

  • Politics (disambiguation) — Politics is the process observed in all human (and many non human) group interactions by which groups make decisions, including activism on behalf of specific issues or causes. The term may also refer to: * Politics (Aristotle), a treatise by… …   Wikipedia

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