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  • 1 plane

    I 1. [plein] noun
    1) (an aeroplane.) αεροπλάνο
    2) (a level or standard: Man is on a higher plane (of development) than the apes.) επίπεδο
    3) (in geometry, a flat surface.) επίπεδη επιφάνεια
    2. verb
    (to move smoothly over the surface (of water etc).) γλιστρώ στην επιφάνεια
    II 1. [plein] noun
    (a carpenter's tool for making a level or smooth surface.) πλάνη(εργαλείο)
    2. verb
    (to make (a surface) level, smooth or lower by using a plane.) πλανίζω
    III [plein] noun
    (a type of tree with broad leaves.) πλάτανος

    English-Greek dictionary > plane

  • 2 Plane

    In geometry: P. ἐπίπεδος.
    In geometry: P. ἐπίπεδον, τό.
    Plane tree: Ar. and P. πλτανος, ἡ.
    Carpenter's plane: P. ξυήλη, ἡ (Xen.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Plane

  • 3 plane

    1) επίπεδο
    2) πλάνη
    3) ροκάνι
    4) στάθμη

    English-Greek new dictionary > plane

  • 4 black box

    (a built-in machine for automatic recording of the details of a plane's flight: They found the black box two miles away from the wreckage of the crashed plane.) μαύρο κουτί αεροπλάνου

    English-Greek dictionary > black box

  • 5 refuel

    past tense, past participle - refuelled; verb
    (to supply (an aeroplane etc) with more fuel: The plane has to be refuelled every thousand miles; The plane stopped to refuel.) εφοδιάζω/-ομαι με καύσιμα

    English-Greek dictionary > refuel

  • 6 stall

    I [sto:l] noun
    1) (a compartment in a cowshed etc: cattle stalls.) χώρισμα σταύλου
    2) (a small shop or a counter or table on which goods are displayed for sale: He bought a newspaper at the bookstall on the station; traders' stalls.) πάγκος
    II 1. [sto:l] verb
    1) ((of a car etc or its engine) to stop suddenly through lack of power, braking too quickly etc: The car stalled when I was halfway up the hill.) σταματώ,σβήνω ξαφνικά
    2) ((of an aircraft) to lose speed while flying and so go out of control: The plane stalled just after take-off and crashed on to the runway.) χάνω την ταχύτητα στηρίξεως,στολάρω
    3) (to cause (a car etc, or aircraft) to do this: Use the brake gently or you'll stall the engine.) μου σβήνει η μηχανή
    2. noun
    (a dangerous loss of flying speed in an aircraft, causing it to drop: The plane went into a stall.) απώλεια στηρίξεως
    III [sto:l] verb
    (to avoid making a definite decision in order to give oneself more time.) καθυστερώ σκόπιμα,χρονοτριβώ,προσπαθώ να κερδίσω χρόνο

    English-Greek dictionary > stall

  • 7 aeroplane

    ((often abbreviated to plane: American airplane) a machine for flying which is heavier than air and has wings.) αεροπλάνο

    English-Greek dictionary > aeroplane

  • 8 after all

    1) ((used when giving a reason for doing something etc) taking everything into consideration: I won't invite him. After all, I don't really know him.) στο κάτω-κάτω
    2) (in spite of everything that has/had happened, been said etc: It turns out he went by plane after all.) τελικά

    English-Greek dictionary > after all

  • 9 airborne

    adjective (in the air or flying: We were airborne five minutes after boarding the plane; airborne germs.) σε πτήση, στον αέρα

    English-Greek dictionary > airborne

  • 10 bail out

    1) (to set (a person) free by giving such money to a court of law: He was bailed out by his father.) αποφυλακίζω με εγγύηση
    2) ((American) to parachute from a plane in an emergency.) πέφτω με αλεξίπτωτο

    English-Greek dictionary > bail out

  • 11 bale out

    (to parachute from a plane in an emergency.) πέφτω με αλεξίπτωτο

    English-Greek dictionary > bale out

  • 12 bank

    I 1. [bæŋk] noun
    1) (a mound or ridge (of earth etc): The child climbed the bank to pick flowers.) πλαγιά
    2) (the ground at the edge of a river, lake etc: The river overflowed its banks.) όχθη
    3) (a raised area of sand under the sea: a sand-bank.) ξέρα
    2. verb
    1) ((often with up) to form into a bank or banks: The earth was banked up against the wall of the house.) στιβάζω
    2) (to tilt (an aircraft etc) while turning: The plane banked steeply.) γέρνω
    II 1. [bæŋk] noun
    1) (a place where money is lent or exchanged, or put for safety and/or to acquire interest: He has plenty of money in the bank; I must go to the bank today.) τράπεζα
    2) (a place for storing other valuable material: A blood bank.) τράπεζα
    2. verb
    (to put into a bank: He banks his wages every week.) καταθέτω
    - bank book
    - banker's card
    - bank holiday
    - bank-note
    - bank on
    III [bæŋk] noun
    (a collection of rows (of instruments etc): The modern pilot has banks of instruments.) σειρά

    English-Greek dictionary > bank

  • 13 besiege

    1) (to surround (eg a town) with an army.) πολιορκώ
    2) ((with with) to overwhelm with: The reporters besieged me with questions about the plane crash.) βομβαρδίζω

    English-Greek dictionary > besiege

  • 14 board

    [bo:d] 1. noun
    1) (a strip of timber: The floorboards of the old house were rotten.) σανίδι
    2) (a flat piece of wood etc for a special purpose: notice-board; chessboard.) πίνακας
    3) (meals: board and lodging.) διατροφή
    4) (an official group of persons administering an organization etc: the board of directors.) (διοικητικό) συμβούλιο
    2. verb
    1) (to enter, or get on to (a vehicle, ship, plane etc): This is where we board the bus.) επιβιβάζομαι σε
    2) (to live temporarily and take meals (in someone else's house): He boards at Mrs Smith's during the week.) διαμένω (ως οικότροφος)
    - boarding-house
    - boarding-school
    - across the board
    - go by the board

    English-Greek dictionary > board

  • 15 carry

    1) (to take from one place etc to another: She carried the child over the river; Flies carry disease.) μεταφέρω
    2) (to go from one place to another: Sound carries better over water.) μεταφέρομαι
    3) (to support: These stone columns carry the weight of the whole building.) φέρω, βαστώ
    4) (to have or hold: This job carries great responsibility.) συνεπάγομαι
    5) (to approve (a bill etc) by a majority of votes: The parliamentary bill was carried by forty-two votes.) εγκρίνω
    6) (to hold (oneself) in a certain way: He carries himself like a soldier.) φέρομαι

    ((slang) a fuss; excited behaviour.) σαχλαμάρισμα, καμώματα

    ((of bags or cases) that passengers can carry with them on board a plane.) (αποσκευές) που μπορώ να έχω μαζί μου κατά την διάρκεια πτήσης

    - carry-cot
    - be/get carried away
    - carry forward
    - carry off
    - carry on
    - carry out
    - carry weight

    English-Greek dictionary > carry

  • 16 charter

    1. noun
    (a formal document giving rights or privileges.) καταστατικό
    2. verb
    (to let or hire (a ship, aircraft etc) on contract: The travel company had chartered three aircraft for their holiday flights.) ναυλώνω
    3. adjective
    a charter plane; a charter flight.) ναυλωμένος

    English-Greek dictionary > charter

  • 17 crash

    [kræʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a noise as of heavy things breaking or falling on something hard: I heard a crash, and looked round to see that he'd dropped all the plates.) πάταγος
    2) (a collision: There was a crash involving three cars.) σύγκρουση, συντριβή
    3) (a failure of a business etc: the Wall Street crash.) οικονομική κρίση, `κραχ`
    4) (a sudden failure of a computer: A computer crash is very costly.)
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) fall with a loud noise: The glass crashed to the floor.) πέφτω, χτυπώ με θόρυβο
    2) (to drive or be driven violently (against, into): He crashed (his car); His car crashed into a wall.) πέφτω, συγκρούομαι
    3) ((of aircraft) to land or be landed in such a way as to be damaged or destroyed: His plane crashed in the mountains.) συντρίβομαι
    4) ((of a business) to fail.) χρεωκοπώ
    5) (to force one's way noisily (through, into): He crashed through the undergrowth.) ορμώ
    6) ((of a computer) to stop working suddenly: If the computer crashes, we may lose all our files.)
    3. adjective
    (rapid and concentrated: a crash course in computer technology.) εντατικός
    - crash-land

    English-Greek dictionary > crash

  • 18 cruise

    [kru:z] 1. verb
    1) (to sail for pleasure: We're going cruising in the Mediterranean.) κάνω κρουαζιέρα
    2) (to go at a steady, comfortable speed: The plane is cruising at an altitude of 10,000 metres.) ταξιδεύω με σταθερή ταχύτητα
    2. noun
    (a voyage from place to place made for pleasure and relaxation: They went on a cruise.) κρουαζιέρα

    English-Greek dictionary > cruise

  • 19 eject

    1) (to throw out with force; to force to leave: They were ejected from their house for not paying the rent.) πετώ έξω,κάνω έξωση
    2) (to leave an aircraft in an emergency by causing one's seat to be ejected: The pilot had to eject when his plane caught fire.) εκτινάζω,-ομαι

    English-Greek dictionary > eject

  • 20 ferry

    ['feri] 1. verb
    (to carry (people, cars etc) from one place to another by boat (or plane): She ferried us across the river in a small boat.) διαπεραιώνω,περνώ
    2. noun
    (a boat which ferries people, cars etc from one place to another: We took the cross-channel ferry.) πορθμείο,φεριμπότ

    English-Greek dictionary > ferry

См. также в других словарях:

  • plane — [ plan ] n. f. • XIVe; plaine XIIe; réfect., d apr. le v. planer, de l a. fr. plaine, bas lat. plana ♦ Techn. Outil formé d une lame tranchante et de deux poignées, appelé aussi couteau à deux manches, qui sert à aplanir, à dégrossir une surface… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • plané — plane [ plan ] n. f. • XIVe; plaine XIIe; réfect., d apr. le v. planer, de l a. fr. plaine, bas lat. plana ♦ Techn. Outil formé d une lame tranchante et de deux poignées, appelé aussi couteau à deux manches, qui sert à aplanir, à dégrossir une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Plane — Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster] Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost exclusively… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plane — Plane, n. [F. plane, L. plana. See {Plane}, v. & a.] 1. (Geom.) A surface, real or imaginary, in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that surface; or a surface, any section of which by a like… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plane angle — Plane Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster] Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plane at infinity — Plane Plane, n. [F. plane, L. plana. See {Plane}, v. & a.] 1. (Geom.) A surface, real or imaginary, in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that surface; or a surface, any section of which by a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plane chart — Plane Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster] Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plane curve — Plane Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster] Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plane figure — Plane Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster] Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plane geometry — Plane Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster] Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plane iron — Plane Plane, n. [F. plane, L. plana. See {Plane}, v. & a.] 1. (Geom.) A surface, real or imaginary, in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that surface; or a surface, any section of which by a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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