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  • 21 ἐνθρύπτω

    A crumble into liquid, make sop,

    ἄρτος ἐν οἴνῳ ἐντεθρυμμένος Hp.Salubr.7

    , cf. LXX, Thd.Bel.33;

    κεδρίδας ἐς ὄλπην Nic.Th.81

    ; βάρος οἴνης ib. 655: —[voice] Med.,

    ἕλικας νύμφαις Id.Al. 266

    :—[voice] Pass., Lynceus ap.Ath.3.109e.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἐνθρύπτω

  • 22 πικραίνω

    πικραίνω fut. πικρανῶ; aor. ἐπίκρανα LXX. Pass: fut. 3 pl. πικρανθήσονται Jer 40:9; 1 aor. ἐπικράνθην; prim. ‘make sharp’ esp. to the taste (s. three next entries).
    to cause to become bitter, make bitter in physical sense (Hippocr. et al.) πικρανεῖ σου τὴν κοιλίαν (κοιλία 1b) Rv 10:9. Pass., of the stomach ἐπικράνθη ἡ κοιλία vs. 10. Of someth. that has been swallowed: (τὰ ὕδατα) ἐπικράνθησαν 8:11 (prob. not in ref. to οἱ ἄνθρωποι, in the sense ‘made bitter’=poisoned?). Of honey when wormwood is mixed w. it Hm 5, 1, 5.
    to cause bitter feelings, embitter, make bitter, in affective sense (Pla.+; LXX; ApcrEzk Denis p. 122, 3 [Epiph. 70, 14]) pass., intr. sense become bitter or embittered abs. (Demosth., Ep. 1, 6; Ep. 6 of Apollonius of Tyana: Philostrat. I 346, 19; Is 14:9; Philo, Mos. I, 302) Hm 10, 2, 3. π. πρός τινα be embittered against someone Col 3:19 (πρός τινα as Lynceus in Athen. 6, 242b).—DELG s.v. πικρός. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πικραίνω

  • 23 σπερμολόγος

    σπερμολόγος, ον (σπέρμα, λέγω, lit. ‘picking up seeds’; of birds, Alex. of Myndos [I A.D.] in Athen. 9, 39 388a; Plut., Demetr. 902 [28, 5]) subst. of a kind of bird, the ‘rook’ (Aristoph.; Aristot.; Lynceus fr. Samos [280 B.C.] in Athen. 8, 32, 344c), in pejorative imagery of persons whose communication lacks sophistication and seems to pick up scraps of information here and there scrapmonger, scavenger (s. Goodsp, Probs. [citing Browning: ‘picker-up of learning’s crumbs’] 132f, and s. the ref. to Eustath. below.—Demosth. 18, 127 σπερμολ. περίτριμμα ἀγορᾶς; Dionys. Hal. 19, 5, 3 [=17, 8]; Eustath. on Od. 5, 490 σπερμολόγοι• οἱ περὶ τὰ ἐμπόρια καὶ ἀγορὰς διατρίβοντες διὰ τὸ ἀναλέγεσθαι τὰ ἐκ τῶν φορτίων ἀπορρέοντα καὶ διὰ ζῆν ἐκ τούτων = σπερμολόγοι are people who spend their time around stores and markets to pick up scraps from the produce and live off them; Philo, Leg. ad Gai. 203) Ac 17:18 (Norden, Agn. Th. 333; Beginn. IV, 211.—WSchmid, Philol. 95, ’42, 82f). Engl. synonyms include ‘gossip’, ‘babbler’, ‘chatterer’; but these terms miss the imagery of unsystematic gathering.—DELG s.v. σπείρω. M-M. Spicq.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > σπερμολόγος

  • 24 ἐκνήφω

    ἐκνήφω fut. ἐκνήψω LXX; 1 aor. ἐξένηψα ‘become sober’ (Lynceus in Athen. 4, 5 p. 130b; LXX) lit. of one recovering from a drunken revel, ‘sober up’ (Anth. Pal. 5, 135, 6); in our lit., only fig. come to one’s senses (Plut., Demosth. 20, 3; Aretaeus p. 41, 10; SibOr Fgm. 3, 41) ἐκνήψατε δικαίως sober up for uprightness (‘come to a sober and right mind’ NRSV) 1 Cor 15:34.—ELövestam, Über die ntl. Aufforderung zur Nüchternheit, StTh ’58, 83f (on gnostic connection); AMalherbe, JBL 87, ’68, 78 (on connection w. Epicurus).—M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐκνήφω

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