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  • 21 certificate

    (a written official declaration of some fact: a marriage certificate.) list
    * * *
    • vysvedcenie
    • osvedcenie
    • potvrdenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > certificate

  • 22 college

    ((any or all of the buildings housing) a higher-education institution: He studies at agricultural college.) vysoká škola
    * * *
    • vysoká škola
    • univerzita
    • fakulta
    • internát (VŠ)
    • kolégium

    English-Slovak dictionary > college

  • 23 comprehensive school

    (one that provides education for children of all abilities.) stredná škola so všeobecným vzdelaním
    * * *
    • všeobecná stredná škola

    English-Slovak dictionary > comprehensive school

  • 24 continuity

    1) (the state of being continuous or logically related: It is important to children to have some continuity in their education.) kontinuita
    2) (the detailed arrangement of the parts of a story etc for a film script etc.) scenár
    * * *
    • súvislost
    • spojitost
    • kontinuita
    • nepretržitost

    English-Slovak dictionary > continuity

  • 25 culture

    1) (a form or type of civilization of a certain race or nation: the Jewish culture.) kultúra
    2) (improvement of the mind etc by education etc: He was an enthusiastic seeker of culture.) kultúra
    3) (educated taste in art, literature, music etc: He thinks that anyone who dislikes Bach is lacking in culture.) kultúra
    4) ((a) cultivated growth of bacteria etc.) kultúra
    5) (the commercial rearing of fish, certain plants etc.) chov; pestovanie
    - cultured
    * * *
    • kultúra

    English-Slovak dictionary > culture

  • 26 drag

    [dræɡ] 1. past tense, past participle - dragged; verb
    1) (to pull, especially by force or roughly: She was dragged screaming from her car.) vytiahnuť
    2) (to pull (something) slowly (usually because heavy): He dragged the heavy table across the floor.) ťahať
    3) (to (cause to) move along the ground: His coat was so long it dragged on the ground at the back.) vliecť sa
    4) (to search (the bed of a lake etc) by using a net or hook: Police are dragging the canal to try to find the body.) prečesávať
    5) (to be slow-moving and boring: The evening dragged a bit.) ťahať sa
    2. noun
    1) (something which slows something down: He felt that his lack of education was a drag on his progress.) prekážka, záťaž
    2) (an act of drawing in smoke from a cigarette etc: He took a long drag at his cigarette.) šluk, vtiahnutie
    3) (something or someone that is dull and boring: Washing-up is a drag.) otrava
    4) (a slang word for women's clothes when worn by men.) preoblečenie za ženu
    * * *
    • vliect
    • tahat
    • tiahnut
    • presúvat (obraz)
    • natahovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > drag

  • 27 educate

    (to train and teach: He was educated at a private school.) vzdelávať
    - educational
    - educationalist
    - educationist
    * * *
    • vzdelávat
    • vychovávat

    English-Slovak dictionary > educate

  • 28 educational

    1) (of education: educational methods.) vzdelávací
    2) (providing information: Our visit to the zoo was educational as well as enjoyable.) poučný
    * * *
    • vzdelávací
    • výchovný
    • ucebný
    • náucný

    English-Slovak dictionary > educational

  • 29 element

    1) (an essential part of anything: Sound teaching of grammar is one of the elements of a good education.) základná súčasť
    2) (a substance that cannot be split by chemical means into simpler substances: Hydrogen, chlorine, iron and uranium are elements.) prvok
    3) (surroundings necessary for life: Water is a fish's natural element.) živel
    4) (a slight amount: an element of doubt.) nádych
    5) (the heating part in an electric kettle etc.) teliesko
    - elements
    - in one's element
    * * *
    • živel
    • súciastka
    • castica
    • cast
    • clen
    • clánok
    • prvok
    • podstatná súciastka

    English-Slovak dictionary > element

  • 30 epoch

    ['i:pok, ]( American[) 'epək]
    ((the start of) a particular period of history, development etc: The invention of printing marked an epoch in the history of education.) epocha, medzník
    * * *
    • epocha
    • obdobie

    English-Slovak dictionary > epoch

  • 31 extreme

    [ik'stri:m] 1. adjective
    1) (very great, especially much more than usual: extreme pleasure; He is in extreme pain.) najväčší
    2) (very far or furthest in any direction, especially out from the centre: the extreme south-western tip of England; Politically, he belongs to the extreme left.) najkrajnejší; krajný
    3) (very violent or strong; not ordinary or usual: He holds extreme views on education.) extrémistický
    2. noun
    1) (something as far, or as different, as possible from something else: the extremes of sadness and joy.) extrém
    2) (the greatest degree of any state, especially if unpleasant: The extremes of heat in the desert make life uncomfortable.) extrém
    - extremism
    - extremist
    - extremity
    - in the extreme
    - to extremes
    * * *
    • krajná potreba
    • krajnost
    • najvyšší stupen
    • mimoriadny

    English-Slovak dictionary > extreme

  • 32 fundamental

    1. adjective
    (of great importance; essential; basic: Respect for law and order is fundamental to a peaceful society.) základný
    2. noun
    (a basic or essential part of any thing: Learning to read is one of the fundamentals of education.) základ
    * * *
    • zásada
    • základný
    • základ
    • dôležitý
    • podstatný

    English-Slovak dictionary > fundamental

  • 33 general

    ['‹enərəl] 1. adjective
    1) (of, involving etc all, most or very many people, things etc: The general feeling is that he is stupid; His general knowledge is good although he is not good at mathematics.) všeobecný; celkový
    2) (covering a large number of cases: a general rule.) všeobecný
    3) (without details: I'll just give you a general idea of the plan.) celkový
    4) ((as part of an official title) chief: the Postmaster General.) generálny
    2. noun
    (in the British army, (a person of) the rank next below field marshal: General Smith.) generál
    - generalise
    - generalization
    - generalisation
    - generally
    - General Certificate of Education
    - general election
    - general practitioner
    - general store
    - as a general rule
    - in general
    - the general public
    * * *
    • všeobecne
    • všeobecnost
    • všeobecný
    • široká verejnost
    • taktik
    • stratég
    • generálsky
    • hlavný
    • generál
    • generálny
    • dievca pre všetko
    • obycajnost
    • obycajný
    • obycajný lud
    • obycajne
    • obecný

    English-Slovak dictionary > general

  • 34 high

    1. adjective
    1) (at, from, or reaching up to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: a high mountain; a high dive; a dive from the high diving-board.) vysoký
    2) (having a particular height: This building is about 20 metres high; My horse is fifteen hands high.) vysoký
    3) (great; large; considerable: The car was travelling at high speed; He has a high opinion of her work; They charge high prices; high hopes; The child has a high fever/temperature.) vysoký; veľký
    4) (most important; very important: the high altar in a church; Important criminal trials are held at the High Court; a high official.) hlavný; najvyšší; vysoký
    5) (noble; good: high ideals.) vznešený
    6) ((of a wind) strong: The wind is high tonight.) prudký
    7) ((of sounds) at or towards the top of a (musical) range: a high note.) vysoký
    8) ((of voices) like a child's voice (rather than like a man's): He still speaks in a high voice.) vysoký
    9) ((of food, especially meat) beginning to go bad.) páchnuci
    10) (having great value: Aces and kings are high cards.) vysoký
    2. adverb
    (at, or to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: The plane was flying high in the sky; He'll rise high in his profession.) vysoko
    - highness
    - high-chair
    - high-class
    - higher education
    - high fidelity
    - high-handed
    - high-handedly
    - high-handedness
    - high jump
    - highlands
    - high-level
    - highlight
    3. verb
    (to draw particular attention to (a person, thing etc).) poukázať (na), zdôrazniť
    - high-minded
    - high-mindedness
    - high-pitched
    - high-powered
    - high-rise
    - highroad
    - high school
    - high-spirited
    - high spirits
    - high street
    - high-tech
    4. adjective
    ((also hi-tech): high-tech industries.) moderný
    - high treason
    - high water
    - highway
    - Highway Code
    - highwayman
    - high wire
    - high and dry
    - high and low
    - high and mighty
    - the high seas
    - it is high time
    * * *
    • vysoko
    • vysoký
    • vznešený
    • silný
    • hlavný
    • horný
    • dôležitý
    • mocný

    English-Slovak dictionary > high

  • 35 illiterate

    1) (unable to read and write.) negramotný
    2) (having little or no education.) nevzdelaný
    * * *
    • negramotný

    English-Slovak dictionary > illiterate

  • 36 institution

    1) (the act of instituting or process of being instituted.) zavedenie
    2) ((the building used by) an organization etc founded for a particular purpose, especially care of people, or education: schools, hospitals, prisons and other institutions.) inštitúcia
    * * *
    • založenie
    • zriadenie
    • inštitúcia

    English-Slovak dictionary > institution

  • 37 lasting

    * * *
    • stály
    • trvanlivý
    • trvalý

    English-Slovak dictionary > lasting

  • 38 minister

    ['ministə] 1. noun
    1) (a clergyman in certain branches of the Christian Church: He is a minister in the Presbyterian church.) pastor
    2) ((the title of) the head of any of the divisions or departments of a government: the Minister for Education.) minister, -ka
    2. verb
    ((with to) to give help (to): She ministered to his needs.) starať sa (o), pomôcť (komu)
    - ministry
    * * *
    • vyslanec
    • vyhoviet
    • splnit
    • služobník
    • slúžit
    • starat sa
    • prisluhovac
    • prispiet k comu
    • preukázat službu
    • knaz
    • byt duchovným
    • ošetrit
    • ošetrovat
    • pomáhat
    • poskytnút
    • pomôct
    • poslúžit
    • pomocník
    • poskytnút pomoc
    • minister
    • nástroj
    • napomáhat
    • napomôct
    • obslúžit
    • obsluhovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > minister

  • 39 modernise

    verb (to bring up to date: We should modernize the education system.) (z)modernizovať
    * * *
    • modernizovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > modernise

  • 40 opinion

    1) (what a person thinks or believes: My opinions about education have changed.) názor
    2) (a (professional) judgement, usually of a doctor, lawyer etc: He wanted a second opinion on his illness.) posudok
    3) (what one thinks of the worth or value of someone or something: I have a very high opinion of his work.) mienka
    - be of the opinion that
    - be of the opinion
    - in my
    - your opinion
    - a matter of opinion
    * * *
    • úsudok
    • vyjadrenie
    • zásada
    • presvedcenie
    • expertíza
    • domnienka
    • posudok
    • mienka
    • názor

    English-Slovak dictionary > opinion

См. также в других словарях:

  • Education in the United States — of America U.S. Department of Education Secretary Deputy Secretary Arne Duncan Anthony Miller …   Wikipedia

  • Education in Portugal — Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Science Minister Nuno Crato (2011 ) National education budget (2006) …   Wikipedia

  • ÉDUCATION — UNE PRISE DE VUE sur l’éducation ne peut se révéler que vertigineuse, tant sont aujourd’hui accusées l’ampleur, la diversité, voire l’incohérence du champ recouvert et des perspectives qu’on y trace. Et il sera vain de penser conjurer la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Education reform — is the process of improving public education. Small improvements in education theoretically have large social returns, in health, wealth and well being. Historically, reforms have taken different forms because the motivations of reformers have… …   Wikipedia

  • Education in Australia — DEEWR Federal Minister for Education Peter Garrett, Chris Evans National education budget ( …   Wikipedia

  • Education in Finland — Ministry of Education and Culture Minister of Education and Science Minister of Culture and Sport Jukka Gustafsson Paavo Arhinmäki National education budget (2009) Budget …   Wikipedia

  • Education in Singapore — Ministry of Education Minister Heng Swee Keat National education budget (2006) Budget S$6.966 billion General Details Primary Languages …   Wikipedia

  • Education in Malaysia — Ministry of Education Ministry of Higher Education Minister of Education Minister of Higher Education Muhyiddin Yassin Mohamed Khaled Nordin National education budget (2006) Budget RM30 billion (USD10 billion)1 …   Wikipedia

  • Education — Éducation Ces moyens mnémotechniques mis à disposition des enfants visitant le Field Museum de Chicago permettent d apprendre les pays formant l Asie et leurs contours géographiques …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Education (psychologie analytique) — Article principal : psychologie analytique. Dans le cadre de la psychologie analytique, l éducation commence par celle de l éducateur, en particuliers au travers d un apprentissage de soi, une connaissance de soi. Le présupposé étant que si… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Éducation spéciale — Éducation Ces moyens mnémotechniques mis à disposition des enfants visitant le Field Museum de Chicago permettent d apprendre les pays formant l Asie et leurs contours géographiques …   Wikipédia en Français

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