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См. также в других словарях:

  • assets — I noun available means, belongings, bona, capital, chattels, effects, estate, funds, goods, holdings, inventories, money, pecuniary resources, personal effects, personal resources, possessions, principal, property, reserves, resources, riches,… …   Law dictionary

  • Assets turnover — is a business term and may be used as a broad measure of asset efficiency and is calculated by dividing sales revenue by the total assets.Its also used in the Du Pont Identity:Net Earnings/Shareholders Eq. = Net Earnings/Sales(Income) *… …   Wikipedia

  • Assets inflation — is an economic phenomenon denoting a rise in price of assets, as opposed to ordinary goods and services. Typical assets are financial instruments such as bonds, shares, and their derivatives, as well as real estate and other capital goods.… …   Wikipedia

  • Assets under management — (AUM) is a term used by financial services companies in the mutual fund and money management, investment management, wealth management, and private banking businesses to gauge how much money they are managing. Many financial services companies… …   Wikipedia

  • Assets — As sets, n. pl. [OF. asez enough, F. assez, fr. L. ad + satis, akin to Gr. ? enough, Goth. saps full. Cf. {Assai}, {Satisfy}.] 1. (Law) (a) Property of a deceased person, subject by law to the payment of his debts and legacies; called assets… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Assets under Management — (AUM; deutsch: Verwaltetes Vermögen ) ist eine finanzielle Kennziffer zur Bewertung von Investmentgesellschaften, Versicherungsunternehmen, Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaften und Banken (insbesondere Private Banking) und beschreibt das Volumen an …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Assets under management — (AUM; deutsch: verwaltetes Vermögen ) ist eine finanzielle Kennziffer zur Bewertung von Investmentgesellschaften, Versicherungsunternehmen, Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaften und Banken (insbesondere Private Banking) und beschreibt das Volumen an …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • assets — are every form of property that the debtor owns. They include such intangible things as business goodwill; the right to sue someone; or stock options. The debtor must disclose all of his assets in the bankruptcy schedules; exemptions remove the… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • assets under management — UK US noun [plural] (ABBREVIATION AUM) ► ACCOUNTING, FINANCE the investments that are managed by a bank or investment company, and their total value: »The company today reported assets under management of $163.1 billion …   Financial and business terms

  • Assets Recovery Agency — (ARA) An independent government department established under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. The ARA carries out investigations leading to the confiscation of the proceeds of crime; the recovery of those proceeds by civil proceedings; and the… …   Law dictionary

  • assets, capital — n. All property held by a taxpayer. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

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