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  • 1 worry

    1. चिंता
    Each profession has its worries.
    1. चिंतित\worryहोना
    Raju is worried about his health.
    2. परेशान\worryकरना
    Don't worry her, she is already disturbed.

    English-Hindi dictionary > worry

  • 2 worry

    कष्ट, चिंता, परेशानी
    v. tr.
    तंग करना, खिजाना, दुःखना, सताना, थकाना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > worry

  • 3 worry

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > worry

  • 4 to worry

    chintaa, chintaa karnaa

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > to worry

  • 5 again

    1. फिर\againसे/एक\againबार\againफिर/दुबारा/पुन:
    Try again.
    Don't worry, he'll soon be well again.
    We will again have to look into the disadvantages apart fom the advantages.
    2. लेकिन\againफिर
    It is very efficient and again it has its own inefficiency and disadvantages

    English-Hindi dictionary > again

  • 6 be

    1. होना
    Don't worry be happy.

    English-Hindi dictionary > be

  • 7 escape

    1. छुटकारा
    Hard work was his escape from worry
    2. बचाव
    That was a narrow escape
    1. भागना
    The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison
    2. बच\escapeकर\escapeभाग\escapeजाना
    We escaped to our summer house for a few days

    English-Hindi dictionary > escape

  • 8 frantic

    1. उन्मत्त/उत्तेजित
    He was frantic with worry when his daughter did not return to home.

    English-Hindi dictionary > frantic

  • 9 inflammation

    1. प्रज्वलन
    Gas leakage caused the inflammation
    2. शत्रुता
    3. सूजन\inflammationऔर\inflammationजलन
    Don't worry the inflammation on your foot will subside shortly.

    English-Hindi dictionary > inflammation

  • 10 land

    1. स्थल
    Frog can survive both on land and water.
    2. क्षेत्र
    The land is reserved for animal grazing.
    3. भूमि
    I spend all my childhood on this land.
    4. भूसम्पत्ति
    I inherited this land from my grand parents.
    5. देश
    My motherland is known for its culture all over the world.
    1. उतरना/अवतरण करना
    Troops have been landed at several points.
    The pilot managed to land safely.
    2. कूद के या गिर के जमीन पर पहुँचना
    Try to catch that leaf before it lands.
    3. परेशानी पैदा करना
    The complain landed on the desk of the manager.
    4. सफलता प्राप्त करना
    Don't worry you will land a good job.
    5. घूँसा मारना
    Jones landed several good punches in the early round.

    English-Hindi dictionary > land

  • 11 observation

    1. निरख/अवलोकन
    She is under close observation, Don't worry.
    2. सोचविचार
    Her observations are very sharp.

    English-Hindi dictionary > observation

  • 12 people

    1. लोग
    I met many people in the conference.
    2. जनता
    Some kinds of social problems worry people.
    3. जाति
    The spartans were a warlike people.
    4. देशवासी
    The people of Russia were ruled by Tzar kings.
    5. वफ़ादार लोग
    His people are believable.
    6. प्रजा
    The chief minister will be elected by the people.
    7. रिश्तेदार
    My people are very good in nature.

    English-Hindi dictionary > people

  • 13 philanthropy

    1. मानवप्रेम
    His principle of philanthropy makes worry about the poor.

    English-Hindi dictionary > philanthropy

  • 14 quiet

    1. स्थिर
    The sea had quiet waters.
    2. शान्त
    He is leading a quiet life.
    There were a quiet audience at the concert.
    1. शांति
    It was quiet in the evening
    1. शांत\quietकरना
    Quiet the dragons of worry and fear

    English-Hindi dictionary > quiet

  • 15 sitting duck

    1. आसान शिकार
    Don't worry of being caught, he is a sitting duck.

    English-Hindi dictionary > sitting duck

  • 16 superficial

    1. सतही
    The burns are all superficial, so do not worry.

    English-Hindi dictionary > superficial

  • 17 worldwide

    1. विश्व\worldwideव्यापक
    Computer has a worldwide market.
    He got worldwide recognition for for his mathematical achievements.
    1. विश्वव्यापी
    The worry over the harmful consequences of environment degradation is worldwide.

    English-Hindi dictionary > worldwide

См. также в других словарях:

  • worry — vb Worry, annoy, harass, harry, plague, pester, tease, tantalize can all mean to torment so as to destroy one s peace of mind or to disturb one acutely. Worry stresses incessant attacking or goading and an intention or sometimes an effect of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Worry — Wor ry, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Worried}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Worrying}.] [OE. worowen, wirien, to strangle, AS. wyrgan in [=a]wyrgan; akin to D. worgen, wurgen, to strangle, OHG. wurgen, G. w[ u]rgen, Lith. verszti, and perhaps to E. wring.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Worry doll — Worry dolls, or trouble dolls, are very small dolls originally made in Guatemala. A person (usually a child) who cannot sleep due to worrying can express their worries to a doll and place it under their pillow before going to sleep. According to… …   Wikipedia

  • Worry — Wor ry, n.; pl. {Worries}. A state of undue solicitude; a state of disturbance from care and anxiety; vexation; anxiety; fret; as, to be in a worry. The whir and worry of spindle and of loom. Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • worry wart — 1956, from comic strip Out Our Way by U.S. cartoonist J.R. Williams (1888 1957). According to those familiar with the strip, Worry Wart was the name of a character who caused others to worry, which is the inverse of the current colloquial meaning …   Etymology dictionary

  • worry — ► VERB (worries, worried) 1) feel or cause to feel troubled over actual or potential difficulties. 2) annoy or disturb. 3) (of a dog or other carnivorous animal) tear at or pull about with the teeth. 4) (of a dog) chase and attack (livestock,… …   English terms dictionary

  • worry — [wʉr′ē] vt. worried, worrying [ME wirwen < OE wyrgan, to strangle, injure, akin to Ger würgen, to strangle < IE * werĝh , to twist, choke < base * wer , to twist > WORM] 1. a) to harass or treat roughly with or as with continual… …   English World dictionary

  • worry — [n] anxiety, trouble anguish, annoyance, apprehension, bad news*, care, concern, disquiet, distress, disturbance, doubt, fear, headache*, heartache*, irritation, misery, misgiving, nag*, pain*, perplexity, pest, plague, presentiment, problem,… …   New thesaurus

  • worry down — To swallow with a strong effort • • • Main Entry: ↑worry …   Useful english dictionary

  • worry out — To find a solution to by intense or anxious effort • • • Main Entry: ↑worry …   Useful english dictionary

  • Worry — Wor ry, v. i. To feel or express undue care and anxiety; to manifest disquietude or pain; to be fretful; to chafe; as, the child worries; the horse worries. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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