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  • 1 object

    I ['ob‹ikt] noun
    1) (a thing that can be seen or felt: There were various objects on the table.) hlutur
    2) (an aim or intention: His main object in life was to become rich.) takmark
    3) (the word or words in a sentence or phrase which represent(s) the person or thing affected by the action of the verb: He hit me; You can eat what you like.) andlag
    II [əb'‹ekt] verb
    (often with to) to feel or express dislike or disapproval: He wanted us to travel on foot but I objected (to that). mótmæla
    - objectionable
    - objectionably

    English-Icelandic dictionary > object

  • 2 itself

    1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when an object, animal etc is the object of an action it performs: The cat looked at itself in the mirror; The cat stretched itself by the fire.) sjálft, sig
    2) (used to emphasize it or the name of an object, animal etc: The house itself is quite small, but the garden is big.) sjálft
    3) (without help etc: `How did the dog get in?' `Oh, it can open the gate itself.') sjálfur, hjálparlaust

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  • 3 ourselves

    1) (used as the object of a verb when the person speaking and other people are the object of an action etc they perform: We saw ourselves in the mirror.) okkur
    2) (used to emphasize we, us or the names of the speaker and other people performing an action etc: We ourselves played no part in this.) sjálfir, hjálparlaust
    3) (without help etc: We'll just have to finish the job ourselves.) sjálfir

    English-Icelandic dictionary > ourselves

  • 4 herself

    1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when a female person or animal is the object of an action she performs: The cat licked herself; She looked at herself in the mirror.) sjálfa sig
    2) (used to emphasize she, her, or the name of a female person or animal: She herself played no part in this; Mary answered the letter herself.) sjálf
    3) (without help etc: She did it all by herself.) sjálf, upp á eigin spÿtur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > herself

  • 5 himself

    1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when a male person or animal is the object of an action he performs: He kicked himself; He looked at himself in the mirror.) sig
    2) (used to emphasize he, him or the name of a male person or animal: John himself played no part in this.) sjálfur
    3) (without help etc: He did it himself.) sjálfur, einn síns liðs

    English-Icelandic dictionary > himself

  • 6 myself

    1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when the speaker or writer is the object of an action he or she performs: I cut myself while shaving; I looked at myself in the mirror.) mig
    2) (used to emphasize I, me or the name of the speaker or writer: I myself can't tell you, but my friend will; I don't intend to go myself.) sjálfur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > myself

  • 7 each other

    (used as the object when an action takes place between two (loosely, more than two) people etc: They wounded each other.) hvor/hver annan

    English-Icelandic dictionary > each other

  • 8 of

    1) (belonging to: a friend of mine.) af, meðal
    2) (away from (a place etc); after (a given time): within five miles of London; within a year of his death.) frá, af
    3) (written etc by: the plays of Shakespeare.) eftir, gerður/ritaður af
    4) (belonging to or forming a group: He is one of my friends.) af, meðal
    5) (showing: a picture of my father.) af
    6) (made from; consisting of: a dress of silk; a collection of pictures.) úr
    7) (used to show an amount, measurement of something: a gallon of petrol; five bags of coal.) af
    8) (about: an account of his work.) um
    9) (containing: a box of chocolates.) af, með
    10) (used to show a cause: She died of hunger.) úr
    11) (used to show a loss or removal: She was robbed of her jewels.) af
    12) (used to show the connection between an action and its object: the smoking of a cigarette.) á, af
    13) (used to show character, qualities etc: a man of courage.) með, af
    14) ((American) (of time) a certain number of minutes before (the hour): It's ten minutes of three.) fyrir, í

    English-Icelandic dictionary > of

  • 9 one another

    (used as the object of a verb when an action takes place between people etc: They hit one another.) hver/hvor annan

    English-Icelandic dictionary > one another

  • 10 purpose

    1) (the reason for doing something; the aim to which an action etc is directed: What is the purpose of your visit?) tilgangur
    2) (the use or function of an object: The purpose of this lever is to stop the machine in an emergency.) hlutverk
    3) (determination: a man of purpose.) stefnufesta, ákveðni
    - purposefully
    - purposeless
    - purposely
    - purpose-built
    - on purpose
    - serve a purpose
    - to no purpose

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  • 11 to

    1. [tə,tu] preposition
    1) (towards; in the direction of: I cycled to the station; The book fell to the floor; I went to the concert/lecture/play.) til, á
    2) (as far as: His story is a lie from beginning to end.) til
    3) (until: Did you stay to the end of the concert?) til, þar til
    4) (sometimes used to introduce the indirect object of a verb: He sent it to us; You're the only person I can talk to.) til, við
    5) (used in expressing various relations: Listen to me!; Did you reply to his letter?; Where's the key to this door?; He sang to (the accompaniment of) his guitar.) á, að
    6) (into a particular state or condition: She tore the letter to pieces.) í
    7) (used in expressing comparison or proportion: He's junior to me; Your skill is superior to mine; We won the match by 5 goals to 2.) miðað við; á móti
    8) (showing the purpose or result of an action etc: He came quickly to my assistance; To my horror, he took a gun out of his pocket.) til
    9) ([tə] used before an infinitive eg after various verbs and adjectives, or in other constructions: I want to go!; He asked me to come; He worked hard to (= in order to) earn a lot of money; These buildings were designed to (= so as to) resist earthquakes; She opened her eyes to find him standing beside her; I arrived too late to see him.) um, til að
    10) (used instead of a complete infinitive: He asked her to stay but she didn't want to.)
    2. [tu:] adverb
    1) (into a closed or almost closed position: He pulled/pushed the door to.) aftur
    2) (used in phrasal verbs and compounds: He came to (= regained consciousness).) að verki

    English-Icelandic dictionary > to

См. также в других словарях:

  • Object Action Interface — Object Action Interface, also abbreviated as OAI, is an extension to the Graphical User Interface, especially related to Direct Manipulation User Interface. It emphasises upon how Direct Manipulation User Interface (DMUI) can help to create… …   Wikipedia

  • Object-oriented ontology — (OOO) is a metaphysical movement that rejects the privileging of human existence over the existence of nonhuman objects.[1] Specifically, object oriented ontology opposes the anthropocentrism of Immanuel Kant s Copernican Revolution, whereby… …   Wikipedia

  • Action at a distance (computer science) — Action at a distance is an anti pattern (a recognized common error) in which behavior in one part of a program varies wildly based on difficult or impossible to identify operations in another part of the program.The way to avoid the problems… …   Wikipedia

  • Object Action Complex — Object Action Complexes (OACs) are proposed as a universal representation enabling efficient planning and execution of purposeful action at all levels of a cognitive architecture (Kruger 2009, Worgotter 2008, Geib 2006, Piater 2009). OACs combine …   Wikipedia

  • Object Linking and Embedding — (OLE) is a technology developed by Microsoft that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects. For developers, it brought OLE Control eXtension (OCX), a way to develop and use custom user interface elements. On a technical level,… …   Wikipedia

  • Object — Ob ject ([o^]b j[e^]kt), n. [L. objectus. See {Object}, v. t.] 1. That which is put, or which may be regarded as put, in the way of some of the senses; something visible or tangible and persists for an appreciable time; as, he observed an object… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Object glass — Object Ob ject ([o^]b j[e^]kt), n. [L. objectus. See {Object}, v. t.] 1. That which is put, or which may be regarded as put, in the way of some of the senses; something visible or tangible and persists for an appreciable time; as, he observed an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Object lesson — Object Ob ject ([o^]b j[e^]kt), n. [L. objectus. See {Object}, v. t.] 1. That which is put, or which may be regarded as put, in the way of some of the senses; something visible or tangible and persists for an appreciable time; as, he observed an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Object staff — Object Ob ject ([o^]b j[e^]kt), n. [L. objectus. See {Object}, v. t.] 1. That which is put, or which may be regarded as put, in the way of some of the senses; something visible or tangible and persists for an appreciable time; as, he observed an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Object teaching — Object Ob ject ([o^]b j[e^]kt), n. [L. objectus. See {Object}, v. t.] 1. That which is put, or which may be regarded as put, in the way of some of the senses; something visible or tangible and persists for an appreciable time; as, he observed an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • object — ob·ject 1 / äb jikt/ n 1: something toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed see also natural object 2: the purpose or goal of something; esp in the civil law of Louisiana: the purpose for which a contract or obligation is formed… …   Law dictionary

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