1 ♦ ring
♦ ring (1) /rɪŋ/n.1 anello; cerchio: a gold ring, un anello d'oro; wedding ring, fede (nuziale); engagement ring, anello di fidanzamento; She had a diamond ring on her middle finger, aveva un anello di diamante al dito medio; a ring of smoke, un anello di fumo; to sit [dance] in a ring, sedersi [danzare] in cerchio; rings in the water, cerchi nell'acqua; key ring, (anello) portachiavi; napkin ring, (anello) portatovagliolo; nose ring, anellino al naso6 (ipp.) ring; recinto dei cavalli ( nell'ippodromo); recinto del peso ( dei fantini); ( anche) zona degli allibratori12 (mat.) anello13 (ind. tess.) filatoio ad anelli; ring● ring-a-ring o' roses ( USA, ring-around-a-rosy, ring-around-the-rosy), girotondo ( gioco infantile) □ (mecc.) ring bevel gear, corona (dentata) conica □ ring binder, raccoglitore ad anelli □ (zool.) ring-dove, ( Columba palumbus) colombaccio; ( Streptopelia risoria) tortora domestica □ ring-fence, steccato di cinta; (fin.) allocazione di fondi a uno scopo preciso; stanziamento vincolato; ( anche) separazione giuridica e finanziaria (di un'azienda, un patrimonio, ecc.) □ ring finger, (dito) anulare □ ( boxe) ring floor, pavimento del ring □ (tecn., mecc.) ring gauge, calibro ad anello □ (mecc.) ring gear, corona dentata □ (autom.) ring junction, rotatoria □ (stor.) ring-mail, maglia di ferro; armatura a maglia □ (elettr.) ring main, circuito principale □ (zool.) ring-neck, uccello (o serpente) dal collare □ (zool.) ring-necked, dal collare □ (mecc.) ring nut, ghiera filettata □ (astron.) the rings of Saturn, gli anelli di Saturno □ ( boxe) ring post, paletto del ring □ ring-pull, linguetta metallica ( che si strappa) □ a ring-pull can, una lattina con apertura a strappo □ (autom.) ring road, (strada di) circonvallazione; raccordo anulare; tangenziale □ (fig., spec. boxe) ring-rusty, arrugginito; fuori allenamento □ (zool.) ring snake, serpente a strisce di colori diversi ( in genere); (spec.) ( Natrix natrix), biscia dal collare □ (mecc.) ring spanner, chiave poligonale doppia (o a stella doppia) □ ( boxe) ring steps, scaletta del ring □ ( d'uccello) ring-tailed, dalla coda ad anelli colorati □ ring tone ► ringtone □ ring-wall, muro di cinta □ to have rings round one's eyes, avere gli occhi cerchiati (o le occhiaie) □ (fig. fam.) to run rings round sb., dare dei punti a q.; surclassare q. □ (fig.) to throw one's hat into the ring, entrare in lizza (o in gara) □ (bot.) tree ring, anello annuale, anello di crescita ( di un albero).♦ ring (2) /rɪŋ/n.1 suono ( di campana o simile); squillo ( di campanello, telefono); There was a ring at the door, c'è stato uno squillo di campanello alla porta; Every ring of the phone made me jump, ogni squillo del telefono mi faceva sobbalzare; the ring of laughter, lo squillare delle risa2 telefonata; colpo di telefono: to give sb. a ring, dare un colpo di telefono a q.; fare una telefonata a q.; DIALOGO → - Inviting someone to stay- I could give you a ring sometime next week and let you know, potrei darti un colpo di telefono la settimana prossima e farti sapere4 (fig.) accento; tono: There was a ring of sincerity in his voice, c'era un accento di sincerità nella sua voce; le sue parole suonavano sincere; The idea has a familiar ring ( to it), l'idea mi suona familiare; to have a ring of truth, suonare vero.(to) ring (1) /rɪŋ/v. t.● to ring about (o around, round), circondare; fare cerchio intorno a: a village ringed around with hills, un paese circondato da colline; to ring round the important points, cerchiare i punti importanti.♦ (to) ring (2) /rɪŋ/A v. i.1 suonare; squillare: The bells are ringing, suonano le campane; The phone rang and she sprang from the bed to answer it, è squillato il telefono ed è saltata giù dal letto per rispondere; The doorbell rang, hanno suonato il campanello (della porta); Coins rang on the table, le monete tintinnavano sul tavolo2 (ingl.) telefonare; chiamare: When did you ring?, quando hai telefonato?; I'm ringing about your ad for a flat to rent, chiamo per l'annuncio di un appartamento da affittare; to ring for a taxi, chiamare un taxi (al telefono)3 scampanellare; chiamare ( suonando il campanello): Did you ring, sir?, ha chiamato, signore?; to ring for the maid, chiamare la cameriera ( con il campanello)4 risuonare ( anche fig.); echeggiare: The garden rang with the cries of children, il giardino risuonava delle grida dei bambini; His voice rang with indignation, la sua voce vibrava di sdegnoB v. t.1 suonare ( campane, ecc.): to ring the bell, suonare il campanello; to ring the bells, suonare le campane3 ( dell'orologio, ecc.) battere, suonare ( le ore): The chimes rang the hours, il carillon suonava le ore4 far risuonare; far tintinnare: to ring a coin, far tintinnare una moneta; battere una moneta ( per accertare che non sia falsa)● to ring the alarm, suonare (o dare) l'allarme □ (fig.) to ring a bell, ricordare qualcosa; non essere nuovo (a q.): That name rings a bell, quel nome non mi è nuovo □ ( slang USA) to ring sb. 's bell, dare un orgasmo a q.; scopare q. (volg.) □ to ring the changes, (mus.) suonare le campane con le variazioni tipiche della tecnica inglese; (fig.) introdurre un po' di varietà: We usually drink wine, but sometimes ring the changes with a glass of beer, di solito beviamo vino, ma ogni tanto, per variare, beviamo un bicchiere di birra □ (teatr.) to ring down the curtain, calare il sipario □ (fig.) to ring down the curtain on st., scrivere la parola fine su qc. □ (fig.) to ring false [true, hollow], suonare falso [vero, insincero]: His promises rang false, le sue promesse suonavano false; His words rang hollow, le sue parole suonavano insincere □ (antiq.) to ring for dinner, suonare per il pranzo □ to ring the knell of, suonare a morto per (q.); (fig.) annunciare la fine di (qc.) □ to ring loud, risuonare alto □ to make sb. 's head ring, intronare le orecchie a q. □ to ring in sb. 's ears, risuonare nelle orecchie di q.: Her words were still ringing in my ears, le sue parole mi risuonavano ancora nelle orecchie. -
2 ring
ring [rɪŋ]sonnerie ⇒ 1 (a) tintement ⇒ 1 (a) coup de fil ⇒ 1 (b) anneau ⇒ 1 (d)-(f) bague ⇒ 1 (d), 1 (e) cercle ⇒ 1 (f), 1 (i) sonner ⇒ 2 (a), 3 (a), 3 (c) téléphoner à ⇒ 2 (b), 3 (d) entourer ⇒ 2 (c), 2 (d) tinter ⇒ 3 (a) résonner ⇒ 3 (b)1 noun∎ there was a ring at the door on a sonné (à la porte);∎ she answered the phone after just one ring le téléphone n'avait sonné qu'une fois quand elle a décroché;∎ give two long rings and one short one sonnez trois fois, deux coups longs et un coup bref;∎ the ring of the church bells le carillonnement des cloches de l'église;∎ the ring of their voices in the empty warehouse leurs voix qui résonnaient dans l'entrepôt vide;∎ figurative it has a hollow ring cela sonne creux;∎ his words had a ring of truth il y avait un accent de vérité dans ses paroles;∎ the name has a familiar ring ce nom me dit quelque chose;∎ that excuse has got a familiar ring! j'ai déjà entendu ça quelque part!∎ give me a ring tomorrow passe-moi un coup de fil ou appelle-moi demain(c) (set of bells) jeu m de cloches∎ a diamond ring une bague de diamant(s);∎ a wedding ring une alliance, un anneau de mariage(e) (round object) anneau m; (for serviette) rond m; (for swimmer) bouée f; (for identifying bird) bague f; (of piston) segment m;∎ moor the boat to that ring amarrez le bateau à cet anneau;∎ Technology retaining ring plaquette f de fixation;(f) (circle → of people, chairs) cercle m; (→ in water, of smoke) rond m; (→ in or around tree trunk, around planet) anneau m; (→ around sun, moon) halo m;∎ they formed a ring round her ils ont formé un cercle autour d'elle;∎ all stand in a ring mettez-vous tous en cercle ou en rond;∎ sitting in a ring assis en cercle ou en rond;∎ she looked round the ring of faces elle regarda les visages tout autour d'elle;∎ the glasses left rings on the piano les verres ont laissé des ronds ou des marques sur le piano;∎ the rings of Saturn les anneaux de Saturne;∎ there's a ring around the moon la lune est cernée d'un halo;∎ he has rings round his eyes il a les yeux cernés;∎ familiar to run rings round sb éclipser ou écraser qn(g) (for boxing, wrestling) ring m; (in circus) piste f; (for bullfight) arène f; (for showjumping) enceinte f;∎ the ring (boxing as sport) la boxe;∎ Stock Exchange the Ring le Parquet(i) (group → of people) cercle m; (→ gang) bande f; (→ of spies, drug traffickers) réseau m; Commerce cartel m;∎ price-fixing ring cartel m;∎ spy/drug ring réseau m d'espions/de trafiquants de drogue;∎ paedophile ring réseau m pédophile(a) (bell, alarm) sonner;∎ I rang the doorbell j'ai sonné à la porte;∎ the church clock rings the hours l'horloge de l'église sonne les heures;∎ the name/title rings a bell ce nom/titre me dit quelque chose;∎ to ring the changes on sth apporter des changements à qch(c) (surround) entourer, encercler;∎ a lake ringed with trees un lac entouré ou bordé d'arbres(d) (draw circle round) entourer d'un cercle;∎ ring the right answer entourez la bonne réponse(f) (in quoits, hoop-la → throw ring round) lancer un anneau sur(a) (chime, peal → bell, telephone, alarm) sonner; (→ with high pitch) tinter; (→ long and loud) carillonner;∎ to ring at the door sonner à la porte;∎ the doorbell rang on a sonné (à la porte);∎ the bell is ringing for dinner on sonne pour le dîner;∎ the line is ringing for you ne quittez pas, je vous le/la passe∎ their laughter rang through the house leurs rires résonnaient dans toute la maison;∎ the theatre rang with applause la salle retentissait d'applaudissements;∎ my ears are ringing j'ai les oreilles qui bourdonnent;∎ her words still ring in my ears ses paroles résonnent encore à mes oreilles;∎ to ring true/false/hollow sonner vrai/faux/creux∎ to ring for the maid sonner la bonne;∎ I rang for a glass of water j'ai sonné pour qu'on m'apporte un verre d'eau;∎ you rang, Sir? Monsieur a sonné?►► ring binder classeur m (à anneaux);ring circuit circuit m de bouclage;Music the Ring Cycle la Tétralogie;ring finger annulaire m;ring main conducteur m de bouclage;Computing ring network réseau m en anneau;Ornithology ring ouzel merle m à plastron ou à collier;ring road périphérique m;British ring spanner clé f polygonale(phone back) rappeler(phone back) rappeler∎ to ring down the curtain baisser le rideau;∎ figurative to ring down the curtain on sth marquer la fin de qch➲ ring in(a) to ring the new year in sonner les cloches pour annoncer la nouvelle annéeBritish téléphoner;∎ listeners are encouraged to ring in on encourage les auditeurs à téléphoner (au studio);∎ to ring in sick téléphoner pour dire qu'on est maladeBritish raccrocher➲ ring out∎ to ring out the old year sonner les cloches pour annoncer la fin de l'année;∎ figurative to ring out the old and ring in the new se débarrasser du vieux pour faire place au neuf(bell, telephone) sonner; (voice, shot) retentirtéléphoner à, appeler;∎ if you ring round everybody, I'm sure you'll find someone to help si tu appelles tout le monde, tu trouveras bien quelqu'un pour t'aiderpasser une série de coups de fil(b) (on cash register → sale, sum) enregistrer;∎ to ring up a profit réaliser un bénéfice∎ to ring up the curtain lever le rideau;∎ figurative to ring up the curtain on sth marquer le début de qchtéléphoner -
3 ring
ring [rɪŋ]1. noun• wedding ring alliance fb. ( = circle) cercle ma. [bell, alarm clock, telephone] sonnerb. ( = telephone) téléphonera. ( = sound) sonnerb. ( = phone) téléphoner à4. compoundsa. (British) ( = phone) téléphoner à* * *[rɪŋ] 1.1) ( hoop) (for gymnast, attaching rope) anneau ma diamond/wedding ring — une bague de diamants/une alliance
2) ( circle) (of people, on page) cercle mto put a ring round — entourer [quelque chose] d'un cercle [ad]
4) GB ( phone call) coup m de téléphone or fil (colloq)6) ( of smugglers) réseau m; (of dealers, speculators) syndicat m7) ( to mark bird) bague f8) ( round planet) anneau m2.transitive verb1) ( cause to sound) (prét rang; pp rung) faire sonner [bell]3.to ring the doorbell ou bell — sonner
1) ( sound) [bell, telephone] sonner2) ( sound bell) [person] sonner‘please ring for service’ — ‘prière de sonner’
3) ( resonate) [footsteps, laughter, words] résonnerto ring true/false — sonner vrai/creux
4) GB Telecommunications téléphonerto ring for — appeler [taxi]
•Phrasal Verbs:- ring in- ring off- ring out- ring up••to ring down/up the curtain — baisser/lever le rideau; fig
4 ring
diamond \ring Diamantring mthe \rings of Saturn die Ringe des Saturnthe wet glass left a \ring on the table das nasse Glas hinterließ einen Rand auf dem Tisch;to have \rings around one's eyes Ringe unter den Augen habenboxing \ring Boxring m;circus \ring Manege fto sit in a \ring around sb im Kreis um jdn herumsitzenthey ran around in a \ring sie liefen [o rannten] im Kreis herumPHRASES:to \ring sb/ sth jdn/etw umringen;armed police \ring the hijacked plane bewaffnete Polizisten kreisen das entführte Flugzeug ein;the harbour is \ringed by rocks and reefs der Hafen ist von Felsen und Riffen umgebento \ring sth etw einkreisento \ring a bird einen Vogel beringen;to \ring a bull/ a pig einen Stier/ein Schwein mit einem Nasenring versehento give a \ring klingeln;he gave a \ring at the door er klingelte [o läutete] an der Türthere was a \ring at the door es hat geklingelt [o geläutet];to give sb a \ring jdn anrufenthe \ring of iron on stone das Klirren von Eisen auf Steinyour name has a familiar \ring Ihr Name kommt mir bekannt vor;his story had the \ring of truth seine Geschichte hörte sich glaubhaft an( cause bell sound) klingen2) ( summon) läuten;to \ring for sth nach etw dat läuten3) ( have humming sensation) klingen;my ears are still \ringing from the explosion mir klingen noch die Ohren von der Explosion4) ( reverberate)the room rang with laughter der Raum war von Lachen erfüllt; ( fig)his voice rang with anger seine Stimme bebte vor Zorn5) ( appear)to \ring false/ true unglaubhaft/glaubhaft klingen;to \ring hollow hohl klingen ( pej)to \ring for an ambulance/ a taxi einen Krankenwagen/ein Taxi rufen;to \ring home zu Hause anrufen;to \ring back zurückrufenPHRASES:sth \rings in sb's ears [or head] etw klingt jdm im Ohr vt <rang, rung>1) ( make sound)to \ring a bell eine Glocke läuten;to \ring the alarm Alarm auslösen2) ( of a church)to \ring the hour die Stunde schlagen;to \ring a peal die Glocken läutento \ring sb jdn anrufen;to \ring sb back jdn zurückrufenPHRASES:to \ring a bell Assoziationen hervorrufen;the name rang a bell der Name kam mir irgendwie bekannt vor;to \ring the changes [on sth] für Abwechslung [bei etw dat] sorgen -
5 ring
A n1 ( metal hoop) (for ornament, gymnast, attaching rope) anneau m ; to have a ring in one's/its nose avoir un anneau au nez ; a diamond/engagement ring une bague de diamants/de fiançailles ; she wasn't wearing a (wedding) ring elle ne portait pas d'alliance ;2 ( circle) (of people, on page) cercle m ; to form a ring former un cercle: to put a ring round entourer [qch] d'un cercle [name, ad] ; to have rings under one's eyes avoir les yeux cernés ;3 ( sound) ( at door) coup m de sonnette ; ( of phone) sonnerie f ; ( of crystal) tintement m ; hang up after three rings laisse sonner trois fois et puis raccroche ; to have a hollow ring lit, fig sonner creux ; to have the ring of truth sonner vrai ; to have a nice ring to it sonner bien ; that story has a familiar ring (to it) j'ai déjà entendu cette histoire quelque part ;5 Sport (for horses, circus) piste f ; ( for boxing) ring m ; to retire from the ring aged 35 se retirer de la boxe à l'âge de 35 ans ;6 (of smugglers, pornographers) réseau m ; (of dealers, speculators) syndicat m ; drugs ring réseau de trafiquants de drogue ;9 ( on cooker) ( electric) plaque f ; ( gas) brûleur m ; three-ring hob cuisinière f à trois plaques or brûleurs ;10 ( set of bells) jeu m (of de).B vtr1 ( cause to sound) ( prét rang ; pp rung) faire sonner [bell] ; to ring the doorbell ou bell sonner ;3 ( encircle) ( prét, pp ringed) [trees, buildings] entourer ; [police, troops, protesters] encercler ; to be ringed in black/by cliffs être entouré de noir/par des falaises ;1 ( sound) [bell, telephone] sonner ; the doorbell rang on a sonné à la porte ; it ou the number is ringing ça sonne ;2 ( sound bell) [person] sonner ; to ring at the door sonner à la porte ; to ring for sb sonner qn ; you rang, Sir? Monsieur a sonné? ; ‘please ring for service’ ‘prière de sonner’ ;3 ( resonate) [footsteps, laughter, words] résonner ; his words were still ringing in my ears ses mots résonnaient encore à mes oreilles ; their steps rang down the corridor leurs pas résonnaient dans le couloir ; the house rang with laughter la maison résonnait de rires ; that noise makes my ears ring ce bruit fait bourdonner mes oreilles ; to ring true sonner vrai ; to ring false ou hollow fig sonner creux/creuse ;to ring down/up the curtain baisser/lever le rideau ; fig to ring down the curtain on an era marquer la fin d'une ère ; to ring in the New Year fêter le Nouvel An ; ring out the old, ring in the new tournons le dos au passé et faisons confiance à l'avenir ; to run rings round éclipser.■ ring around GB ( haphazardly) téléphoner un peu partout ; ( transmitting message) appeler tous les intéressés.■ ring back GB:▶ ring back rappeler ;▶ ring [sb] back rappeler [caller].■ ring in GB ( to work) téléphoner au bureau ; to ring in sick téléphoner (au bureau) pour dire qu'on est souffrant.■ ring off GB raccrocher.■ ring out:▶ ring out [sth] [bells] carillonner [news, message].■ ring round = ring around.■ ring up GB:▶ ring up téléphoner ;▶ ring up [sth], ring [sth] up1 ( on phone) téléphoner à [enquiries, station] ;2 ( on cash register) enregistrer [figure, total] ;▶ ring up [sb], ring [sb] up téléphoner à [friend, operator]. -
6 ring
- ring
- n1. кольцо
2. фланец
3. обод; обруч; хомут; проушина
4. обечайка; обойма
5. звено цепи
6. архивольт
- angle ring
- annual growth ring
- annual ring
- arch ring
- backing ring
- bolted cast-iron ring
- corrugated toothed ring
- crimp ring
- cutting ring
- frost ring
- joint ring
- life ring
- manhole ring
- mooring ring
- mud ring
- O ring
- pile ring
- plaster ring
- proving ring
- Raschig rings
- reinforcing ring
- sealing ring
- shaft ring
- shrunk-on ring
- slewing ring
- spacer ring
- split ring
- steel compressive ring
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
7 ring
Ⅰring [rɪŋ]1. n1) кольцо́2) о́бруч, ободо́к; опра́ва ( очков)3) круг; окру́жность5) циркова́я аре́на; выводно́й круг6) (the ring) собир. профессиона́льные игроки́ на ска́чках, букме́керы7) площа́дка ( для борьбы), ринг8) аре́на полити́ческой борьбы́ (особ. во время выборов)9) ринг, объедине́ние ( часто незако́нное) для совме́стного контро́ля над ры́нком, де́йствиями поли́тиков и т.п.10) кли́ка; ша́йка, ба́нда11) (the R.) бокс13) мор. рым◊to run ( или to make) rings (a)round за́ пояс заткну́ть; намно́го опереди́ть, обогна́ть
2. v1) очерти́ть круг; обводи́ть кружко́м2) окружа́ть кольцо́м (обыкн. ring in, ring round, ring about)4) кружи́ть; ви́тьсяⅡring [rɪŋ]1. n1) звон; звуча́ние;the ring of his voice звук его́ го́лоса
2) разг. (телефо́нный) звоно́к;to give a ring позвони́ть по телефо́ну
3) намёк (на);it has the ring of truth about it э́то звучи́т правдоподо́бно
4) подбо́р колоколо́в ( в церкви); бла́говест2. v (rang, rung; rung)1) звене́ть; звуча́ть; раздава́ться;to ring true ( false или hollow) звуча́ть и́скренне (фальши́во)
2) звони́ть;to ring the alarm уда́рить в наба́т
;to ring the bell звони́ть (в ко́локол)
;to ring a chime прозвони́ть ( о башенных часах)
;to ring a peal трезво́нить
3) звони́ть по телефо́ну4) оглаша́ться (with);the air rang with shouts во́здух огласи́лся кри́ками
ring at звони́ть ( у дверей дома и т.п.);to ring the curtain down дать звоно́к к спу́ску за́навеса; перен. положи́ть коне́ц (чему-л.) [ср. тж. ring up в)]
;а) разг. вводи́ть, представля́ть;б) ознамено́вывать колоко́льным зво́ном;ring off дава́ть отбо́й ( по телефону); ве́шать тру́бку;ring off! груб. замолчи́(те)! заткни́(те)сь!
а) прозвуча́ть;б) провожа́ть колоко́льным зво́ном;а) разбуди́ть звонко́м;б) звони́ть, вызыва́ть по телефо́ну;в):to ring the curtain up дать звоно́к к подня́тию за́навеса; перен. нача́ть (что-л.) [ср. тж. ring down]
8 ring
ring 1. кольцо; слой; 2. годичное кольцо, годичный слой (древесины) ; 3. кольцевать (птиц) ; 4. делать кольцевой надрез (на коре дерева)ring of stipe кольцо на пеньке шляпочного грибаabdominal ring паховое кольцоanal ring анальное кольцоannual ring годичное кольцо, годичный слой (древесины)basophilic ring базофильное кольцо, кольцо Кабоcabbage black ring фтп. чёрная кольцевая пятнистость капусты (возбудитель вирус)Cabot's ring базофильное кольцо, кольцо Кабоchromosome ring хромосомное кольцоdisturbance ring добавочное кольцо (на раковине)fairy rings "ведьмины кольца", кольца плодовых тел грибов Basidiomycetes)femoral ring бедренное кольцоfrost ring (бот) морозное кольцоgrowth ring годичное кольцо, годичный слой (древесины)horn ring утолщение в виде кольца на рогеinguinal ring паховое кольцоlymphoepithelial ring of pharynx лимфоэпителиальное глоточное кольцо (Пирогова или Вальдейера)navel ring пупочное кольцоPirogoff tonsillar ring лимфоэпителиальное глоточное кольцо (Пирогова или Вальдейера)polar ring полярное кольцо (у споровиков)scale ring возрастное кольцо (на чешуе)skin ring годовая метка (на теле у червей)to split the ring open биохим. разрывать кольцоWaldeyer's tonsillar ring лимфоэпителиальное глоточное кольцо (Пирогова или Вальдейера)water vascular ring кольцевой канал амбулакральной системы (у иглокожих)English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > ring
9 ring up
10 ring out
v.• repicar v.1) v + adv \<\<shot/voice\>\> oírse*, resonar*; \<\<bells\>\> sonar*, resonar*2) v + adv + oto ring out the old (year) and ring in the new — despedir* al año viejo y recibir al nuevo (al son de las campanas)
1. VI + ADV1) [bell] sonar, repicar; [shot] oírse, sonar; [voice] oírse2) (US) (Ind) fichar (al salir)2.VT + ADVto ring out the old year — (lit) tocar las campanas para señalar el fin del año; (fig) despedir el ano
ring out the old, ring in the new — que suenen las campanas para despedir al año viejo y recibir el nuevo año
* * *1) v + adv \<\<shot/voice\>\> oírse*, resonar*; \<\<bells\>\> sonar*, resonar*2) v + adv + oto ring out the old (year) and ring in the new — despedir* al año viejo y recibir al nuevo (al son de las campanas)
11 ring down
vt1. THEATto \ring down down the curtain on sth ( fig) etw abschließen, einen Schlussstrich unter etw akk ziehen2. TELEC▪ to \ring down sb ⇆ down einen Rundruf machen* * *vt septo ring down the curtain (Theat) — den Vorhang niedergehen lassen
to ring down the curtain on sth ( fig, on project ) — einen Schlussstrich unter etw (acc) ziehen; on era den Vorhang über etw (acc) fallen lassen
* * *B v/t:a) THEAT → A, -
12 ring up
ring up vb llamar1) v + o + adv, v + adv + o (BrE) ring II 1) b)2) v + adv (BrE) ring II 2)1.VI + ADV (Brit) (Telec) llamar (por teléfono)2. VT + ADV1) (Brit)(Telec)2) [+ curtain] subir, levantar- ring up the curtain on sth* * *1) v + o + adv, v + adv + o (BrE) ring II 1) b)2) v + adv (BrE) ring II 2) -
13 ring back
* * *(to telephone (someone who has telephoned): If he is busy at the moment, he can ring me back; He'll ring back tomorrow.) richiamare, ritelefonare* * *vt + adv BritTelec richiamare* * * -
14 ring
15 ring
16 ring
17 ■ ring up
■ ring upA v. i. + avv.chiamare (al telefono); telefonare: I rang up to buy some tickets, ho telefonato per comprare dei bigliettiB v. t. + avv.2 battere ( sul registratore di cassa); ( per estens.) incassare ( una certa somma): The cashier rang up ten pounds, la cassiera ha battuto dieci sterline □ (teatr.) to ring up the curtain, alzare il sipario □ (fig.) to ring up the curtain on st., dare l'avvio a qc. -
18 ring a ring a roses
ring a ring a roses n corro -
19 ring out the Old and ring in the New
ring out the Old and ring in the NewEnglish-Dutch dictionary > ring out the Old and ring in the New
20 ■ ring back
■ ring backv. i. e t. + avv.ritelefonare (a); richiamare (al telefono): I'll ring you back later, ti richiamo più tardi; I left a message for him but he didn't ring me back, gli ho lasciato un messaggio, ma non mi ha richiamato.
См. также в других словарях:
Ring finger — The ring finger on this hand is circled (left hand). Latin digitus annularis The ring finger is the fourth digit of the human hand, and the second most ulnar … Wikipedia
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Ring de bruxelles — Ring de Bruxelles … Wikipédia en Français
Ring — Ring, n. [AS. hring, hrinc; akin to Fries. hring, D. & G. ring, OHG. ring, hring, Icel. hringr, DAn. & SW. ring; cf. Russ. krug . Cf. {Harangue}, {Rank} a row,{Rink}.] A circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ring armor — Ring Ring, n. [AS. hring, hrinc; akin to Fries. hring, D. & G. ring, OHG. ring, hring, Icel. hringr, DAn. & SW. ring; cf. Russ. krug . Cf. {Harangue}, {Rank} a row,{Rink}.] A circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ring blackbird — Ring Ring, n. [AS. hring, hrinc; akin to Fries. hring, D. & G. ring, OHG. ring, hring, Icel. hringr, DAn. & SW. ring; cf. Russ. krug . Cf. {Harangue}, {Rank} a row,{Rink}.] A circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ring canal — Ring Ring, n. [AS. hring, hrinc; akin to Fries. hring, D. & G. ring, OHG. ring, hring, Icel. hringr, DAn. & SW. ring; cf. Russ. krug . Cf. {Harangue}, {Rank} a row,{Rink}.] A circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English