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  • 1 now

    adv. şimdi, şu anda, halen, acilen, hemen, derhal
    conj. mademki, dığından
    n. şimdi, şu an
    * * *
    * * *
    1. adverb
    1) ((at) the present period of time: I am now living in England.) şimdi, şu anda
    2) (at once; immediately: I can't do it now - you'll have to wait.) şimdi, hemen
    3) ((at) this moment: He'll be at home now; From now on, I shall be more careful about what I say to her.) şimdi
    4) ((in stories) then; at that time: We were now very close to the city.) şimdi, artık
    5) (because of what has happened etc: I now know better than to trust her.) şimdi, artık
    6) (a word in explanations, warnings, commands, or to show disbelief: Now this is what happened; Stop that, now!; Do be careful, now.) işte, hah, hey, evet, hadi
    2. conjunction
    ((often with that) because or since something has happened, is now true etc: Now that you are here, I can leave; Now you have left school, you will have to find a job.)...-diğine gore, mademki...
    - for now
    - just now
    - every now and then/again
    - now and then/again
    - now, now!
    - now then

    English-Turkish dictionary > now

  • 2 difference

    n. fark, ihtilaf, ayrım; benzememe; olağandışılık; fikir ayrılığı, ayrılık
    * * *
    1. fark 2. farklılık
    * * *
    1) (what makes one thing unlike another: I can't see any difference between these two pictures; It doesn't make any difference to me whether you go or stay; There's not much difference between them.) farklılık, fark
    2) (an act of differing, especially a disagreement: We had a difference of opinion; Have they settled their differences? (= Have they stopped arguing?).) görüş ayrılığı, anlaşmazlık, uyuşmazlık
    3) (the amount by which one quantity or number is greater than another: If you buy it for me I'll give you $6 now and make up the difference later.) aradaki fark
    - differentiate
    - differentiation

    English-Turkish dictionary > difference

  • 3 so

    n. sol [müz.]
    * * *
    1. bundan dolayı 2. bu yüzden (conn.) 3. çok (adj.) 4. bu yüzden (adv.)
    * * *
    [səu] 1. adverb
    1) ((used in several types of sentence to express degree) to this extent, or to such an extent: `The snake was about so long,' he said, holding his hands about a metre apart; Don't get so worried!; She was so pleased with his progress in school that she bought him a new bicycle; They couldn't all get into the room, there were so many of them; He departed without so much as (= without even) a goodbye; You've been so (= very) kind to me!; Thank you so much!) bu/o kadar
    2) ((used to express manner) in this/that way: As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them; He likes everything to be (arranged) just so (= in one particular and precise way); It so happens that I have to go to an important meeting tonight.) öyle, böyle
    3) ((used in place of a word, phrase etc previously used, or something previously stated) as already indicated: `Are you really leaving your job?' `Yes, I've already told you / said so'; `Is she arriving tomorrow?' `Yes, I hope so'; If you haven't read the notice, please do so now; `Is that so (= true)?' `Yes, it's really so'; `Was your father angry?' `Yes, even more so than I was expecting - in fact, so much so that he refused to speak to me all day!) öyle, doğru, haklısın
    4) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.)...-de/da
    5) ((used to express agreement or confirmation) indeed: `You said you were going shopping today.' `So I did, but I've changed my mind.'; `You'll need this book tomorrow, won't you?' `So I will.') gerçekten, hakikaten, tabii
    2. conjunction
    ((and) therefore: John had a bad cold, so I took him to the doctor; `So you think you'd like this job, then?' `Yes.'; And so they got married and lived happily ever after.) onun için, bu nedenle
    - so-so
    - and so on/forth
    - or so
    - so as to
    - so far, so good
    - so that
    - so to say/speak

    English-Turkish dictionary > so

  • 4 over

    adj. bitmiş, sona ermiş
    adv. fazla, aşırı, çok fazla, gereğinden fazla, aşkın, iyice, adamakıllı, tekrar, daha, yine, öte, öteye, ötede, üstünde, tepesinde, tersine, altını üstüne, üzerine, başkasına, her yerinden, her yerine, kalan, geçkin
    prep. fazla, çok, aşırı, yüksek, üstün, üstünde, üzerinde, üstüne, üzerinden, aracılığı ile, boyunca, baştan sona, öbür tarafa, karşıya, hakkında
    * * *
    1. aşırı 2. in üstünde
    * * *
    ['əuvə] 1. preposition
    1) (higher than; above in position, number, authority etc: Hang that picture over the fireplace; He's over 90 years old.) üstünde, üstüne
    2) (from one side to another, on or above the top of; on the other side of: He jumped over the gate; She fell over the cat; My friend lives over the street.) üstünden
    3) (covering: He put his handkerchief over his face.) üstüne
    4) (across: You find people like him all over the world.) her tarafını, bütün
    5) (about: a quarrel over money.) hakkında
    6) (by means of: He spoke to her over the telephone.) kullanarak; (telefon)da
    7) (during: Over the years, she grew to hate her husband.) esnasında
    8) (while having etc: He fell asleep over his dinner.) (yapar)ken
    2. adverb
    1) (higher, moving etc above: The plane flew over about an hour ago.) üzerinden
    2) (used to show movement, change of position: He rolled over on his back; He turned over the page.) başka bir tarafı/yanı görülebilecek şekilde
    3) (across: He went over and spoke to them.) karşı tarafa
    4) (downwards: He fell over.) aşağı, yere doğru
    5) (higher in number etc: for people aged twenty and over.)...-den daha fazla
    6) (remaining: There are two cakes for each of us, and two over.) artık, artmış
    7) (through from beginning to end, carefully: Read it over; Talk it over between you.) başından sonuna kadar
    3. adjective
    (finished: The affair is over now.) bitmiş, sona ermiş
    4. noun
    ((in cricket) a certain number of balls bowled from one end of the wicket: He bowled thirty overs in the match.) birbiri arkasına yuvarlanan 5-6 top
    5. as part of a word
    1) (too (much), as in overdo.) abartmak, aşırısına kaçmak
    2) (in a higher position, as in overhead.) başın üstünde, yukarıdan geçen
    3) (covering, as in overcoat.) palto, manto
    4) (down from an upright position, as in overturn.) devirmek, alabora olmak
    5) (completely, as in overcome.) tamamen
    - over all
    - over and done with

    English-Turkish dictionary > over

  • 5 just

    adj. adil, haklı, insaflı, yerinde, tam, doğru, dürüst, iyi, makul, mantıklı, net, berrak
    adv. şimdi, az önce, sade, henüz, tam, az kalsın, kıl payı, yalnızca, yalnız, sadece, yine de, tek kelimeyle, tam anlamıyla
    * * *
    * * *
    I adjective
    1) (right and fair: not favouring one more than another: a fair and just decision.) âdil, doğru
    2) (reasonable; based on one's rights: He certainly has a just claim to the money.) makul, yerinde
    3) (deserved: He got his just reward when he crashed the stolen car and broke his leg.) haklı, hakkedilmiş
    - justness II adverb
    1) ((often with as) exactly or precisely: This penknife is just what I needed; He was behaving just as if nothing had happened; The house was just as I'd remembered it.) tam, tam olarak
    2) ((with as) quite: This dress is just as nice as that one.) tümü ile, tamamen; çok iyice
    3) (very lately or recently: He has just gone out of the house.) şimdi, az önce, demin
    4) (on the point of; in the process of: She is just coming through the door.) tam o anda, iken
    5) (at the particular moment: The telephone rang just as I was leaving.) tam, sırasında, anında
    6) ((often with only) barely: We have only just enough milk to last till Friday; I just managed to escape; You came just in time.) ancak, güç belâ, darı darına
    7) (only; merely: They waited for six hours just to get a glimpse of the Queen; `Where are you going?' `Just to the post office'; Could you wait just a minute?) sadece, ancak
    8) (used for emphasis, eg with commands: Just look at that mess!; That just isn't true!; I just don't know what to do.) gayet, gerçekten, hele (bir)
    9) (absolutely: The weather is just marvellous.) gerçekten, tam anlamıyla
    - just now
    - just then

    English-Turkish dictionary > just

  • 6 stand

    n. duruş, durum, hal, yer, dayanma, direnme, katlanma, durak, işyeri, tezgâh, kürsü, tribün, sehpa, ayaklık, ayak, ayaklı askılık, ormanda yetişen ağaç, ekim alanı
    v. dikilmek, ayakta durmak, ayağa kalkmak, kalmak, durmak, bulunmak, dayanmak, katlanmak, direnmek, göğüs germek, karşı koymak, devam etmek, sineye çekmek, üstlenmek, desteklemek, ısmarlamak, ihtiyaç duymak, kanıtlamak, çekilmek
    * * *
    1. dur (v.) 2. tutum (n.)
    * * *
    [stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb
    1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) ayakta durmak
    2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) (ayağa) kalkmak
    3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) hareketsiz durmak
    4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) geçerli/yürürlükte olmak
    5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) (belli bir yerde) olmak/bulunmak
    6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) (belli bir durumda) olmak
    7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) aday olmak
    8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) dikmek, koymak
    9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) tahammül etmek, uğramak, çekmek
    10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) ısmarlamak, ikram etmek
    2. noun
    1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) duruş
    2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.)... sehpası, ayak, taban, kaide
    3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) stand, tezgâh
    4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) tribün
    5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) tanık yeri
    - standing 3. noun
    1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) süre,...-lik
    2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) rütbe, saygınlık
    4. adjective
    ((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) yedekteki yolcu
    5. adverb
    (travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) yedek
    - standing-room
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - stand aside
    - stand back
    - stand by
    - stand down
    - stand fast/firm
    - stand for
    - stand in
    - stand on one's own two feet
    - stand on one's own feet
    - stand out
    - stand over
    - stand up for
    - stand up to

    English-Turkish dictionary > stand

  • 7 kid

    n. çocuk, ufaklık, küçük, oğlak, oğlak derisi
    v. şaka yapmak, dalga geçmek, işletmek, takılmak, kandırmak, yavrulamak (keçi)
    * * *
    1. çocuk 2. şaka yap (v.) 3. çocuk (n.)
    * * *
    I [kid] noun
    1) (a popular word for a child or teenager: They've got three kids now, two boys and a girl; More than a hundred kids went to the disco last night; ( also adjective) his kid brother (= younger brother).) çocuk
    2) (a young goat.) oğlak
    3) (( also adjective) (of) the leather made from its skin: slippers made of kid; kid gloves.) oğlak derisinden yapılan kösele
    II [kid] past tense, past participle - kidded; verb
    (to deceive or tease, especially harmlessly: We were kidding him about the girl who keeps ringing him up; He kidded his wife into thinking he'd forgotten her birthday; He didn't mean that - he was only kidding!) şaka yapmak, gırgır geçmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > kid

  • 8 warm-blooded

    1) (having a blood temperature greater than that of the surrounding atmosphere: warm-blooded animals such as man.) sıcakkanlı
    2) (enthusiastic; passionate: When I was young and warm-blooded, I was passionate about many things that don't interest me now.) ateşli, heyecanlı

    English-Turkish dictionary > warm-blooded

  • 9 would

    v. cekti, caktı, erdi, ermi (soru hali), ermiydi (soru hali)
    * * *
    short forms - I'd; verb
    1) (past tense of will: He said he would be leaving at nine o'clock the next morning; I asked if he'd come and mend my television set; I asked him to do it, but he wouldn't; I thought you would have finished by now.) Not: 'will'in geçmiş zaman hali.
    2) (used in speaking of something that will, may or might happen (eg if a certain condition is met): If I asked her to the party, would she come?; I would have come to the party if you'd asked me; I'd be happy to help you.) Not: olması muhtemel olan bir şeyden bahsedildiğinde kullanılır.
    3) (used to express a preference, opinion etc politely: I would do it this way; It'd be a shame to lose the opportunity; I'd prefer to go tomorrow rather than today.) Not: Kibarca istek/fikir beyan edilirken kullanılır.
    4) (used, said with emphasis, to express annoyance: I've lost my car-keys - that would happen!) Not: Kızgınlık ifade edilirken kullanılır.
    - would you

    English-Turkish dictionary > would

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  • Now and then — Then Then ([th][e^]n), adv. [Originally the same word as than. See {Than}.] 1. At that time (referring to a time specified, either past or future). [1913 Webster] And the Canaanite was then in the land. Gen. xii. 6. [1913 Webster] Now I know in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Now and Then (South African series) — This article describes Now That s What I Call Music! And Then in the South African Now! series. It should not be confused with Then in the Canadian Now! series. For more information, see Then and List of Now That s What I Call Music! albums. Now… …   Wikipedia

  • Now and again — Again A*gain (?; 277), adv. [OE. agein, agayn, AS. ongegn, onge[ a]n, against, again; on + ge[ a]n, akin to Ger. gegewn against, Icel. gegn. Cf. {Gainsay}.] 1. In return, back; as, bring us word again. [1913 Webster] 2. Another time; once more;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Every now and then — Every Ev er*y, a. & a. pron. [OE. everich, everilk; AS. [=ae]fre ever + [ae]lc each. See {Ever}, {each}.] 1. All the parts which compose a whole collection or aggregate number, considered in their individuality, all taken separately one by one,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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