1 notice of redemption
Экономика: извещение о выкупе (облигаций) -
2 notice of redemption
3 notice of redemption
извещение о выкупе (облигаций)English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > notice of redemption
4 notice of redemption
извещение о выкупе, о погашении (облигаций)English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > notice of redemption
5 notice of redemption
извещение о выкупе облигаций; объявление о погашении облигацийEnglish_Russian capital issues dictionary > notice of redemption
6 notice of redemption
Kündigung einer Hypothek -
7 notice of redemption of a mortgage
Недвижимость: извещение о выкупе закладнойУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > notice of redemption of a mortgage
8 notice of redemption of mortgage
Деловая лексика: извещение о выкупе закладнойУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > notice of redemption of mortgage
9 notice of redemption of a mortgage
Англо-русский экономический словарь > notice of redemption of a mortgage
10 give a notice of redemption
1) Банковское дело: объявлять о погашении2) Инвестиции: направлять уведомление о погашенииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > give a notice of redemption
11 give notice of redemption
Деловая лексика: объявлять о выкупе, объявлять о погашенииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > give notice of redemption
12 give notice of redemption in full
Деловая лексика: объявлять о полном выкупеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > give notice of redemption in full
13 give ... notice of redemption
• /vt/ объявлять... выкуп• /vt/ объявлять... погашениеАнгло-русский экономический словарь > give ... notice of redemption
14 give a notice of redemption
/vi/ объявлять о погашенииАнгло-русский экономический словарь > give a notice of redemption
15 give notice of ... redemption in full
/vt/ объявлять... полный выкупАнгло-русский экономический словарь > give notice of ... redemption in full
16 give the notice of redemption
/vi/ объявлять о погашенииАнгло-русский экономический словарь > give the notice of redemption
17 giving a notice of redemption
Англо-русский экономический словарь > giving a notice of redemption
18 giving the notice of redemption
Англо-русский экономический словарь > giving the notice of redemption
19 redemption
1. n выкуп; освобождение от залогового обременения; погашениеredemption price — выкупная цена, выкупной курс
2. n обратная покупка3. n возвращение, получение обратно4. n выполнение5. n исправлениеpast redemption — без надежды на исправление, окончательно погибший
6. n спасение, освобождение, избавление7. n искупление8. n рел. искупление людских грехов Христом9. n эвф. покупка; приобретение10. n эвф. вступительный взносСинонимический ряд:1. amends (noun) amends; atonement; compensation; expiation; indemnity; reparation; satisfaction2. liberation (noun) deliverance; emancipation; freedom; impunity; liberation; parole; rescue; salvation -
20 notice
nизвещение, уведомление; предупреждение; объявление; заявление (об увольнении с работы); мор. нотис
- adequate notice
- advance notice
- allocation notice
- allotment notice
- arrears notice
- arrival notice
- assignment notice
- bankruptcy notice
- cancellation notice
- captain's notice
- copyright notice
- default notice
- delivery notice
- due notice
- dunning notice
- enforcement notice
- exercise notice
- expiry notice
- exporters' notice
- fax notice
- formal notice
- forwarding agent's notice
- general procurement notice
- immediate notice
- lapse notice
- legal notice
- margin notice
- modification notice
- monthly notice
- official listing notice
- patent notice
- preliminary notice
- previous notice
- prior notice
- procurement notice
- prompt notice
- redemption notice
- renewal notice
- shipping notice
- short notice
- sinking-fund notice
- statement notice
- statutory notice
- strike notice
- tax assessment notice
- timely notice
- two weeks' notice
- urgent notice
- withdrawal notice
- written notice
- notice about an auction
- notice by fax
- notice by mail
- notice by post
- notice in writing
- notice of accident
- notice of appeal
- notice of appropriation
- notice of arbitration
- notice of arrival
- notice of assessment
- notice of cancellation of a contract
- notice of claim
- notice of consignment
- notice of credit
- notice of damage
- notice of defects
- notice of deficiency
- notice of delivery
- notice of dishonour
- notice of dismissal
- notice of expected arrival
- notice of exportation
- notice of filing an application
- notice of fixture
- notice of funds
- notice of intention
- notice of intention to withdraw
- notice of invalidation
- notice of invitation to tender
- notice of legal extinction
- notice of legal invalidation
- notice of legal nullification
- notice of losses
- notice of nullification
- notice of motion
- notice of prepayment
- notice of protest
- notice of readiness
- notice of the readiness of the equipment for tests
- notice of the readiness of the goods for shipment
- notice of the readiness to discharge
- notice of the readiness to load
- notice of the readiness to unload
- notice of redemption
- notice of rejection
- notice of removal
- notice of resignation
- notice of suspension of payment
- notice of termination
- notice of termination of an agreement
- notice of termination of employment
- notice of termination of service
- notice of a vessel's arrival
- notice of withdrawal
- notice of withdrawal of bonds
- notice of withdrawal of funds
- notice to quit
- at a month's notice
- at short notice
- in lieu of notice
- subject to notice
- until further notice
- without notice
- without further notice
- file a notice of opposition
- forward a notice
- give notice
- give in one's notice
- post a notice
- put up a notice
- receive a notice
- send a notice
- serve notice
- take noticeEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > notice
См. также в других словарях:
Redemption movement — Part of a series on Taxation Taxation in the United States … Wikipedia
Advance Notice of Income and Redemption — ( ANIR) Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary In a Euroclear Bank context, the Advance Notice of Income and Redemption ( ANIR) is a report that notifies clients, in advance, of declared dividends, or any other financial operations rendered… … Financial and business terms
Advance Notice of Income and Redemption — (ANIR) In a Euroclear Bank context, the Advance Notice of Income and Redemption (ANIR) is a report that notifies clients, in advance, of declared dividends, or any other financial operations rendered official by the issuer … Euroclear glossary
Advice of redemption — An ISO term. ISO Securities Message Types term. An advice normally sent by a custodian to its customer to give notice of a forthcoming redemption or maturity, or advice of the money amount and details of the completed redemption … International financial encyclopaedia
Alitak Seaplane Base — **ASN|ALZ **SkyVector|ALZ*Essential Air Service documents ( [http://dms.dot.gov/search/searchResultsSimple.cfm?searchType=docket sortBy=desc numberValue=6945 Docket Number 6945] ) from the U.S. Department of Transportation: **… … Wikipedia
Craig Watson (boxer) — Craig Watson Statistics Real name Craig Watson Rated at Welterweight Nationality English … Wikipedia
San Juan (Uganik) Seaplane Base — **ASN|WSJ **SkyVector|WSJ*Essential Air Service documents ( [http://dms.dot.gov/search/searchResultsSimple.cfm?searchType=docket sortBy=desc numberValue=6945 Docket Number 6945] ) from the U.S. Department of Transportation: **… … Wikipedia
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium
Foreclosure — For Lacan s psychoanalytic process, see Foreclosure (psychoanalysis). House in Salinas, California under foreclosure, following the popping of the U.S. real estate bubble. Foreclosure is the legal process by which a mortgage lender (mortgagee),… … Wikipedia
Eviction — Two men, being evicted, stand with their possessions on the sidewalk, circa 1910, on the Lower East Side of New York City. Eviction is the removal of a tenant from rental property by the landlord. Depending on the laws of the jurisdiction,… … Wikipedia