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с латышского на английский


  • 1 pure

    1) (not mixed with anything especially dirty or less valuable: pure gold.) tīrs
    2) (clean, especially morally: pure thoughts.) tīrs; skaidrs
    3) (complete; absolute: a pure accident.) tīrs negadījums
    4) ((of sounds) clear; keeping in tune: She sang in a high pure tone.) tīrs; skaidrs
    - pureness
    - purity
    - purify
    - purification
    - pure-blooded
    - pure-bred
    - pure and simple
    * * *
    nesajaukts, tīrs, skaidrs; šķīsts, nevainīgs; nevainojams; īsts, pilnīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > pure

  • 2 unclean

    ((eg of food) not pure: The Jews are not allowed to eat pork, as pigs are considered unclean.) netīrīgs; netīrs
    * * *
    netīrs; netīrīgs; amorāls

    English-Latvian dictionary > unclean

  • 3 impure

    (dirty, with other substances mixed in; not pure: impure air; The water is impure.) netīrs; piesārņots
    * * *
    piesārņots, netīrs; neķītrs

    English-Latvian dictionary > impure

  • 4 simple

    1) (not difficult; easy: a simple task.) viegls
    2) (not complicated or involved: The matter is not as simple as you think.) vienkāršs
    3) (not fancy or unusual; plain: a simple dress/design; He leads a very simple life.) vienkāršs
    4) (pure; mere: the simple truth.) tīrs; skaidrs
    5) (trusting and easily cheated: She is too simple to see through his lies.) naivs; lētticīgs
    6) (weak in the mind; not very intelligent: I'm afraid he's a bit simple, but he's good with animals.) ne visai gudrs; vientiesīgs
    - simplicity
    - simplification
    - simplified
    - simplify
    - simply
    - simple-minded
    - simple-mindedness
    * * *
    nesarežģīts, vienkāršs; nemākslots, dabisks; vientiesīgs; zemas kārtas, vienkāršs; īsts, skaidrs; ārstniecības augs

    English-Latvian dictionary > simple

  • 5 unadulterated

    (pure, or not mixed with anything else: a feeling of unadulterated hatred.) īsts; patiess; tīrs; neviltots
    * * *
    nemākslots, īsts, patiess; tīrs, galīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > unadulterated

  • 6 waffle

    I 1. ['wofl] verb
    (to talk on and on foolishly, pretending that one knows something which one does not: This lecturer will waffle on for hours.)
    2. noun
    (talk of this kind: His speech was pure waffle. He has no idea what he's talking about.)
    II ['wofəl] noun
    (a flat cake baked in a special appliance that leaves a pattern of squares on it: Waffles are usually eaten with ice cream, syrup or jam.) vafele
    * * *
    vafele; blēņas, muļķības; runāt blēņas

    English-Latvian dictionary > waffle

См. также в других словарях:

  • pure — 1 Pure, absolute, simple, sheer denote free from everything that is foreign to the true nature or the essential character of the thing specified. Pure distinctively suggests freedom from intermixture. When applied to concrete things, it usually… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Pure tone audiometry — (PTA) is the key hearing test used to identify hearing threshold levels of an individual, enabling determination of the degree, type and configuration of a hearing loss. Thus, providing the basis for diagnosis and management. PTA is a subjective …   Wikipedia

  • Not Without a Heart Once Nourished by Sticks and Stones Within Blood Ill-Tempered Misanthropy Pure Gold Can Stay — EP by New Found Glory and Shai Hulud Released March …   Wikipedia

  • pure — W3S3 [pjuə US pjur] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not mixed)¦ 2¦(complete)¦ 3¦(clean)¦ 4 pure and simple 5¦(morally good)¦ 6¦(colour or sound)¦ 7¦(typical)¦ 8¦(breed/race)¦ 9¦(art or study)¦ 10 pure science/maths etc …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Pure sociology — is a controversial but revolutionary fact|date=July 2008 approach developed by Donald Black as an alternative to the individualistic focus of virtually all previous theories and paradigms in the discipline. Initially developed to explain… …   Wikipedia

  • Pure Steel — is an Australian Harness racing horse foaled in 1971. Affectionately known as Steelo , he raced from 1974 until 1983 and won just under $1 million. During his career, he won many of Australia s major harness races. He did not win the Inter… …   Wikipedia

  • Pure word deafness — is caused by bilateral damage to the posterior superior temporal lobes or disruption of connections between these areas. It exhibits itself as inability to comprehend the meaning of speech, but (in most cases) still being able to hear, speak,… …   Wikipedia

  • pure — [ pjur ] adjective *** 1. ) usually before noun a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect: pure gold/alcohol ─ opposite IMPURE a ) a pure sound, color, light, etc. is very clear and beautiful:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Pure red cell aplasia — Classification and external resources ICD 10 D60 ICD 9 284.8 …   Wikipedia

  • Pure economic loss (England and Wales) — Pure economic loss in English law, arising from negligence has traditionally been limited. Notably, recovery for losses that are purely economic arise under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976; and for negligent misstatements, as stated in Hedley Byrne… …   Wikipedia

  • Pure and Easy — Chanson par The Who extrait de l’album la compilation Odds and Sods Pays  Angleterre Sortie …   Wikipédia en Français

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