Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский


  • 101 too much of a good thing

    n infml

    Too much of a good thing can make you sick — Хорошенького понемножку, а то плохо будет

    But I have often wondered whether my mother's treatment for me was not a bit too much of a good thing — Но иногда я думал, что мамаша просто утомляет меня своей добротой

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > too much of a good thing

  • 102 a good mixer

    общительный человек; см. тж. a bad mixer

    ...a rotten, snobbish, dull, expensive old hole - not one Good Mixer in the place - you couldn't hire me to join. (S. Lewis, ‘Babbitt’, ch. V) —...затхлая, скучная дыра, дерут втридорога, полно снобов, ни одного настоящего, компанейского парня, - меня туда ни за какие деньги не заманишь!

    ‘Did your husband have many friends?’ ‘Oh, yes, he was a good mixer.’ (A. Christie, ‘So Many Steps to Death’, ch. 1) — - У вашего мужа было много друзей? - О да. Он был человек общительный.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a good mixer

  • 103 be as good as one's word

    (be as good as one's word (тж. be better than one's word))
    держать слово, быть хозяином своего слова; см. тж. be worse than one's word

    Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more. (Ch. Dickens, ‘A Christmas Carol’, stave V) — И Скрудж сдержал слово. Он сделал все, что обещал Бобу, и даже больше, куда больше.

    He had faithfully promised to stay where he was, and we had not a doubt that he would be as good as his word. (A. C. Doyle, ‘The Lost World’, ch. XIV) — Самбо твердо обещал не бросать нас, и мы верили ему: этот человек - хозяин своего слова.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > be as good as one's word

  • 104 in good shape

    в хорошем состоянии [первонач. амер.]; см. тж. in bad shape

    The company was really not in good shape. More money would have to be put in. (Th. Dreiser, ‘The ‘Genius’’, book III, ch. XXII) — Дела компании были отнюдь не блестящи. Нужен был дополнительный капитал.

    Holgate's automobile was in good shape at four-thirty that afternoon. Whatever happened took place sometime after that. (E. S. Gardner, ‘Shills Can't Cash Chips’, ch. 13) — Сегодня в половине пятого машина Холгейта была в полном порядке, авария произошла позднее.

    ‘You're always getting in tight spots,’ Bertha flared. ‘Then you squeak out by the skin of your eyeteeth and’ - ‘And leave our bank account in better shape than it was when we started,’ I told her, getting mad. (E. S. Gardner, ‘Shills Can't Cash Chips’, ch. 1) — - Ты всегда должен влипнуть в какую-нибудь историю, - запальчиво сказала Берта, - из которой еле-еле выпутываешься... - А в результате наш счет в банке растет, - рассердился я не на шутку.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > in good shape

  • 105 to the good

       нa пoльзу, в чью-л. пoльзу; в выигpышe
        I'm two thousand to the good. But he paid me in gourdes, not dollars (Gr. Greene). When they broke up Lady Perkins... was something like seven hundred berries [-dollars] to the good (R. Lardner)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > to the good

  • 106 I have a good bow, but it is in the castle

    Пословица: дорого яичко к Великому дню (that is most appreciated that is given or offered when needed and not too late), дорого яичко к Светлому дню (that is most appreciated that is given or offered when needed and not too late), дорого яичко к Христову дню (that is most appreciated that is given or offered when needed and not too late)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I have a good bow, but it is in the castle

  • 107 do good work

    1) Общая лексика: выполнять полезную работу (The Senate does good work, it does not need to be abolished.)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > do good work

  • 108 person of good character

    юр. добропорядочный человек, законопослушный человек

    Have you engaged in any other activities that might indicate that you may not be considered a person of good character?

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > person of good character

  • 109 an inch is as good as an ell

    "иногда дюйм дороже ярда" (ср. мал золотник, да дорог)

    And as for Mr. Patrick Walker, he has left it upon record, that his great surprise was that so small a pistol could kill so big a man. These are the words of that venerable biographer, whose trade had not taught him by experience, that an inch was as good as an ell. (W. Scott, ‘The Heart of Mid-Lothian’, ch. XLIII) — что касается мистера Патрика Уокера, то он выражал крайнее удивление по поводу того, что такой маленький пистолет смог убить такого большого человека. Таковы слова этого почтенного биографа, профессия которого не научила его той истине, что иногда дюйм не уступает ярду.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > an inch is as good as an ell

  • 110 there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle

    "на старой скрипке можно сыграть не одну хорошую мелодию" (особ. о любвеобильной, но уже немолодой женщине)

    ‘Ma Buggins was the only woman on Hannans for a while... not above doing a line with the boys, now and then.’ ‘Oh!’ Sally was horrified. ‘Frisco says there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle, and I dare say he knows what he's talking about.’ (K. S. Prichard, ‘The Roaring Nineties’, ch. 16) — - Матушка Баггинс долго была единственной женщиной в Хэннане... Говорят, она не гнушалась обществом здешних кавалеров. - Да что ты! - негодующе воскликнула Салли. - Фриско говорит, что чем старше вино, тем крепче, а уж он в этих делах знает толк.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle

  • 111 have good reason

    English-Russian base dictionary > have good reason

  • 112 be as good as one's word

       дepжaть cлoвo, быть xoзяинoм cвoeгo cлoвa
        He had faithfully promised to stay where he was, and we had not a doubt that he' would be as good as his word (A C. Doyle)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > be as good as one's word

  • 113 give smb. a (good) run for his money

       1) дocтaвить кoму-л. удoвoльcтвиe зa eгo дeньги, cтoить зaплaчeнныx дeнeг, зaтpaчeннoгo тpудa [пepвoнaч. жapгoн нa бeгax]
        "There's one thing I'll say about the Blanche Family [aктёpcкaя ceмья],' announced Mick, 'they give you a run for your money' (A Marshall). This may not be the best tool kit, but it will give you a run for your money
       2) зacтaвить кoгo-л. живee пoвopaчивaтьcя, изpяднo пoтpудитьcя; зaдaть жapу кoму-л., зacтaвить пoпoтeть
        There were always a few men who enjoyed the spice of adventure in defying the mine owners and giving the dees of the Gold Stealing Detection Staff a run for their money (K. S. Prichard). I think you will find it difficult to beat the other team: they will give you a good run for your money

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > give smb. a (good) run for his money

  • 114 neither fish, flesh (fowl) nor good red herring

       ни pыбa ни мяco, ни тo ни cё
        It was the Bursar who was listened to and Skullion had his doubts about him... 'Neither fish, flesh, fowl nor good red herring,' Skullion summed him up with his usual political acumen (Th. Sharpe). Mother could not bring herself to allow me be friendly with boys... And so feeling myself neither fish nor fowl, I moon around... in boredom and solitude (A. J. Cronin)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > neither fish, flesh (fowl) nor good red herring

  • 115 we have it as good as new, but not for the like of you

    Пословица: есть-то есть, да не про вашу честь (said of a thing which is accessible but not to everybody. used ironically as a reply to those who enquire about such a thing)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > we have it as good as new, but not for the like of you

  • 116 we know not what is good until we have lost it

    1) Пословица: что имеем, не храним, потерявши, плачем (we do not take care of what we have, but we value it highly when we have lost it), цену вещи узнаёшь, когда потеряешь (дословно: Человек не ценит хорошего, пока не потеряет), что имеем, не храним, потерявши, плачем (дословно: Человек не ценит хорошего, пока не потеряет)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > we know not what is good until we have lost it

  • 117 do not have a care in the world

     быть полностью беззаботным
     I really feel good today— as if I didn’t have a care in the world.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > do not have a care in the world

  • 118 let not the sun go down on your wrath

    не держи долго обиду, выясняй всё сразу [этим. библ. Ephesians IV, 26]

    He is one of those kids who never let the sun go down on their wrath, if you now what I mean. I mean to say, do something to annoy or offend or upset this juvenile thug, and he will proceed at the earliest opportunity to wreak a hideous vengeance upon you. (P. G. Wodehouse, ‘Very Good, Jeeves!’, ch. VIII) — Томас Мол один из тех юнцов, которые себя в обиду не дадут. Если вам не понятно, что я хочу сказать, то я поясню. Если вы чем-нибудь не угодите этому юному головорезу, то он не будет медлить, а свершит свою страшную месть при первой же возможности.

    It is imperative that I get hold of Pilbeam with all possible speed. Don't want the sun to go down on my wrath. All has ended happily in spite of him, but that's no reason why he shouldn't be massacred. (P. G. Wodehouse, ‘Summer Lightning’, ch. 13) — Я должен немедленно взяться за Пилбима. Не то, боюсь, скоро остыну. Хотя все и кончилось хорошо, с ним за его подлость надо расквитаться.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > let not the sun go down on your wrath

  • 119 would not put it past smb.

    (would not put it past smb. (to do smth.))
    считать кого-л. способным на что-л.

    ...they were a nice pair, he wouldn't put anything past them. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Then and Now’, ch. XXXVI) —...хороша парочка. Он считал их способными на все.

    I wouldn't put it past you to go down in the kitchen when we're all in bed and have a good square meal on the sly. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘The Three Fat Women of Antibes’) — Тебе ничего не стоит отправиться в кухню после того, как все мы легли спать, и плотно поесть.

    ‘But you don't think Paddy'll try any more of his dirty tricks, do you?’ ‘Hell won't be full till he's there, as Mrs. Molloy says,’ Dinny replied. ‘And I wouldn't put anything past Paddy Cavan.’ (K. S. Prichard, ‘Golden Miles’, ch. 19) — - Но неужели вы думаете, что Пэдди может учинить еще какую-нибудь подлость? - Вот уж кого черти в аду заждались, как говорит про него миссис Моллой, - заметил Динни. - Я тоже не поручился бы за Пэдди Кевана.

    Foreign guests said Mr. de Morfé was a connoisseur of wine and food. It was rumoured that Mr. de Morfé superintended cooking of some of the dishes himself. Old mates declared they wouldn't put it past Frisco. (K. S. Prichard, ‘The Roaring Nineties’, ch. 45) — Иностранцы говорили о мистере де Морфе, что это великий знаток хорошей кухни и вин. Рассказывали даже, что он самолично наблюдает за приготовлением некоторых блюд. Старые товарищи Фриско говорили, что это вполне может быть.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > would not put it past smb.

  • 120 I don't think that's good enough.

    Общая лексика: Я считаю, что этого недостаточно. (criticism: actions are not sufficient to solve an issue)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I don't think that's good enough.

См. также в других словарях:

  • Not Good Enough for Truth in Cliché — «Not Good Enough for Truth in Cliché» Sencillo de Escape The Fate del álbum Dying Is Your Latest Fashion Grabado 2006 Lanzado 26 de septiembre, 2006 Formato Descarga Digital …   Wikipedia Español

  • not good enough — spoken phrase used for saying that you are not satisfied with what someone has done or is offering you ‘I’m sorry I’m late.’ ‘It’s just not good enough. It’s the second day in a row.’ Thesaurus: not very goodsynonym Main entry: good …   Useful english dictionary

  • not good at- — not talented in a particular area …   English contemporary dictionary

  • not good enough — spoken used for saying that you are not satisfied with what someone has done or is offering you I m sorry I m late. It s just not good enough. It s the second day in a row …   English dictionary

  • NOT GOOD — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sorry's Not Good Enough/Friday Night — Single infobox Name = Sorry s Not Good Enough/Friday Night Artist = McFly from Album = Motion in the Ocean|and Released = December 18, 2006 Format = Recorded = 2006 Genre = Pop Rock Length = 4:27 / 3:22 Label = Island Producer = Jason Perry Chart …   Wikipedia

  • I Am Not Good At Not Getting What I Want — Infobox Song Name = I Am Not Good At Not Getting What I Want Artist = Sophie Ellis Bextor from Album = Shoot From The Hip B side = Released = October 27, 2003 Format = Recorded = Genre = Pop–electronica dance Length = 3:32 Label = Polydor Records …   Wikipedia

  • not good enough —  Unsatisfactory. Unconvincing. Bad …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • Good — • The moral good (bonum honestum) consists in the due ordering of free action or conduct according to the norm of reason, the highest faculty, to which it is to conform Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Good     Good …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • good, well — Good is an adjective: to see a good play ; to have a good time. Well is both an adjective and an adverb, but with different meanings; as an adjective, in good health, and as an adverb, ably : Since my illness, I have felt well. The cast performed …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • good - well — ◊ good Something that is good is pleasant, acceptable, or satisfactory. The comparative form of good is better, not gooder . The superlative form is best. Your French is probably better than mine. Some of our best English actors have gone to live …   Useful english dictionary

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