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  • 1 nose-bag

    noun (food-bag for horses, hung over the head.) traistă

    English-Romanian dictionary > nose-bag

  • 2 bridge

    [bri‹] 1. noun
    1) (a structure carrying a road or railway over a river etc.) pod
    2) (the narrow raised platform for the captain of a ship.) punte de comandă
    3) (the bony part (of the nose).) baza nasului
    4) (the support of the strings of a violin etc.) căluş
    2. verb
    1) (to build a bridge over: They bridged the stream.) a construi un pod peste
    2) (to close a gap, pause etc: He bridged the awkward silence with a funny remark.) a um­ple, a trece peste

    English-Romanian dictionary > bridge

  • 3 smother

    1) (to kill or die from lack of air, caused especially by a thick covering over the mouth and nose; to suffocate: He smothered his victim by holding a pillow over her face.) a sufoca
    2) (to prevent (a fire) from burning by covering it thickly: He threw sand on the fire to smother it.) a înăbuşi
    3) (to cover (too) thickly; to overwhelm: When he got home his children smothered him with kisses.) a acoperi cu

    English-Romanian dictionary > smother

  • 4 bloody

    1) (stained with blood: a bloody shirt; His clothes were torn and bloody.) pătat cu sânge
    2) (bleeding: a bloody nose.) sângerând
    3) (murderous and cruel: a bloody battle.) sân­geros
    4) (used in slang vulgarly for emphasis: That bloody car ran over my foot!) nenorocit

    English-Romanian dictionary > bloody

  • 5 look

    [luk] 1. verb
    1) (to turn the eyes in a certain direction so as to see, to find, to express etc: He looked out of the window; I've looked everywhere, but I can't find him; He looked at me (angrily).) a privi, a se uita
    2) (to seem: It looks as if it's going to rain; She looks sad.) a părea
    3) (to face: The house looks west.) a da spre
    2. noun
    1) (the act of looking or seeing: Let me have a look!) privire
    2) (a glance: a look of surprise.) privire
    3) (appearance: The house had a look of neglect.) aspect
    - - looking
    - looks
    - looker-on
    - looking-glass
    - lookout
    - by the looks of
    - by the look of
    - look after
    - look ahead
    - look down one's nose at
    - look down on
    - look for
    - look forward to
    - look here!
    - look in on
    - look into
    - look on
    - look out
    - look out!
    - look over
    - look through
    - look up
    - look up to

    English-Romanian dictionary > look

  • 6 sniff

    [snif] 1. verb
    1) (to draw in air through the nose with a slight noise.) a adulmeca
    2) (to do this in an attempt to smell something: The dog sniffed me all over; He sniffed suddenly, wondering if he could smell smoke.) a mirosi
    2. noun
    (an act of sniffing.) adulmecare

    English-Romanian dictionary > sniff

  • 7 stifle

    1) (to prevent, or be prevented, from breathing (easily) eg because of bad air, an obstruction over the mouth and nose etc; to suffocate: He was stifled to death when smoke filled his bedroom; I'm stifling in this heat!) a sufoca
    2) (to extinguish or put out (flames).) a înăbuşi
    3) (to suppress (a yawn, a laugh etc).) a reprima

    English-Romanian dictionary > stifle

См. также в других словарях:

  • nose over — {v.} To turn over on the nose so as to land upside down. * /The airplane made a faulty landing approach and nosed over./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • nose over — {v.} To turn over on the nose so as to land upside down. * /The airplane made a faulty landing approach and nosed over./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • nose\ over — v To turn over on the nose so as to land upside down. The airplane made a faulty landing approach and nosed over …   Словарь американских идиом

  • nose over — intransitive verb : to turn over by pivoting on the nose (as in a faulty airplane landing) …   Useful english dictionary

  • nose — [nōz] n. [ME < OE nosu, akin to Ger nase, orig. a dual, meaning “the two nostrils” < IE base * nas , nostril > Sans nāsā, the nose, lit., pair of nostrils, L nasus, nose & naris (pl. nares), nostril] 1. the part of the human face between …   English World dictionary

  • Nose Hill Park — View from the summit …   Wikipedia

  • Nose guard — is a defensive position in American football. In five lineman situations, such as a goal line formation, the nose guard is the innermost lineman, flanked on either side by a defensive tackle. The nose guard lines up directly opposite the… …   Wikipedia

  • Over the Limit (2010) — Over the Limit Promotional poster featuring Edge Theme song(s) Crash by Fit For Rivals[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Over the River and through the Woods — is a Thanksgiving song by Lydia Maria Child. Written originally as a poem, it appeared in her Flowers for Children, Volume 2, in 1844. The title of the poem is, A Boy s Thanksgiving Day . It celebrates her childhood memories of visiting her… …   Wikipedia

  • Over the Top (TV series) — Over the Top Genre sitcom Directed by Michael Lembeck Starring …   Wikipedia

  • nose|band — «NOHZ BAND», noun. the part of a bridle that goes over the animal s nose …   Useful english dictionary

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