1 normally, it is preferred ...
• обычно предпочтительно...English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > normally, it is preferred ...
2 set
1) набор; комплект- semiconductor assembly set - set of Belleville springs - set of conventional set - set of drawing instruments - set of gate patterns - set of gauge blocks - set of logical elements - set of statistical data - set of technical aids- snap set2) партия3) совокупность; множество4) установка; агрегат- desk telephone set - dial telephone set- gear set- local-battery telephone set - man-pack radio set - multi-operator welding set - sound-powered telephone set - wall telephone set5) регулировка; настройка || регулировать; настраивать6) группа; ансамбль7) класс; семейство9) схватывание || схватываться10) затвердевание || затвердевать11) крепление || закреплять12) геол. свита пород13) осадка (грунта) || оседать ( о грунте)14) радиоточка15) спорт сет16) включать, приводить в действие17) мат. множествоset closed under operation — множество, замкнутое относительно операции
- absolutely compact set - absolutely continuous set - absolutely convex set - absolutely irreducible set - absolutely measurable set - affinely independent set - affinely invariant set - algebraically independent set - almost finite set - almost full set - angular cluster set - asymptotically indecomposable set - at most denumerable set - centro-symmetric set - completely bounded set - completely continuous set - completely generating set - completely improper set - completely irreducible set - completely nonatomic set - completely normal set - completely ordered set - completely productive set - completely reducible set - completely separable set - constructively nonrecursive set - convexly independent set - countably infinite setto set aside — не учитывать, не принимать во внимание; откладывать
- cut set- cyclically ordered set - deductively inconsistent set - derived set - doubly well-ordered set - dual set of equations - dynamically disconnected set - effectively enumerable set - effectively generating set - effectively nonrecursive set - effectively simple set - enumeration reducible set - finely perfect set - finitely definite set - finitely measurable set- flat set- full set- fully reducible set - functionally closed set - functionally complete set - functionally open set - fundamental probability set - generalized almost periodic set- goal set- internally stable set- knot set- left directed set - left normal set - left-hand cluster set - linearly ordered set - local peak set - locally arcwise set - locally closed set - locally compact set - locally connected set - locally contractible set - locally convex set - locally finite set - locally invariant set - locally negligible set - locally null set - locally polar set - locally polyhedral set - metrically bounded set - metrically dense set - multiply ordered set - nearly analytic set - nearly closed set - nonvoid set - normally ordered set- null set- open in rays set - partitioned data set- peak set- pole set- positively homothetic set- pure set- radially open set - rationally independent set - recursively creative set - recursively indecomposable set - recursively isomorphic set - recursively productive set - regularly convex set - regularly situated sets - relatively closed set - relatively compact set - relatively dense set - relatively interpretable set - relatively open set - right normal set - right-hand cluster set- scar set- sequentially complete set - serially ordered set - set of elementary events - set of first category - set of first kind - set of first species - set of possible outcomes - set of probability null - set of second category - set of second species - shift invariant set - simply connected set - simply ordered set - simply transitive set- skew set- star set- strongly bounded set - strongly closed set - strongly compact set - strongly connected set - strongly convex set - strongly dependent set - strongly disjoint sets - strongly enumerable set - strongly independent set - strongly minimal set - strongly polar set - strongly reducible set - strongly separated set - strongly simple set - strongly stratified set- tame set- tautologically complete set - tautologically consistent set - tautologically inconsistent set- test set- thin set- tie set- time set- totally disconnected set - totally imperfect set - totally ordered set - totally primitive set - totally unimodular set - totally unordered set - truth-table reducible set - uniformly bounded set - uniformly continuous set - uniformly convergent set - uniformly integrable set - uniformly universal set - unilaterally connected set- unit set- vacuous set- void set- weakly compact set - weakly convex set - weakly n-dimensional set - weakly stratified set - weakly wandering set - well chained set - well founded set - well measurable set - well ordering set - well quasiordered set -
3 ND
1) Компьютерная техника: New Data, No Data, Non Dithering2) Медицина: notifiable disease (заболевание, выявленный случай которого, согласно закону, требует сообщения в органы власти, например, особо опасные инфекции)3) Американизм: No Doubt, Non Domestic, Not Done4) Военный термин: Deputy CINCNORAD, NASA document, Navy Department, No Defense, Non Deployed, Not Detonate, national defense, naval district, nondelay, nondirectional, nuclear detonation, nuclear device, Normal Deployment (Posture)5) Техника: national dairy products, natural draft, navigational display, neutral-density filter, no delivery, non detected, nondetergent, normally deenergized, nominal diameter, номинальный диаметр6) Сельское хозяйство: Newcastle disease, national dairy (products)7) Шутливое выражение: No Davie, Nostalgic And Dead8) Химия: New Donor9) Математика: нормальное распределение (normal distribution), отрицательно определённый (negative defined)10) Метеорология: No Depression11) Юридический термин: Name Description, No Description, No Drinking12) Страхование: non-delivery13) География: Северная Дакота (штат США)14) Оптика: neutral density15) Телекоммуникации: Non Duplex16) Сокращение: National Defence, Navigation Display, Non-Detectable, North Dakota (US state), natural draught, need, no drawing, non-delay17) Университет: No Degree, Notre Dame18) Физика: Neutron Detector19) Физиология: No Difference, Non- Distended20) Электроника: Native Defect, Neutral Density filter, No Discrimination, No Dolby, Non Directional21) Вычислительная техника: no date, no detect, Neighbor Discovery (Protocol)22) Нефть: nipple down, non-detergent, not determined, not drilling, не обладающий поверхностной активностью (nondetergent), простаивающий (о скважине в процессе бурения; not drilling)23) Картография: North Dakota24) Деловая лексика: Narrow Design, Net Preferred Stock, New Design25) Бурение: не определённый (not determined; о параметре), неизмеряемая (not determined; о величине), некритичная (not determined; о величине), простаивающая скважина (not drilling; в процессе бурения)26) Образование: Needs Direction27) Сетевые технологии: Network Drive, Nonsharable Device28) Полимеры: not detected29) Океанография: No Depth30) Чат: No Diggity31) НАСА: Network Director -
4 Nd
1) Компьютерная техника: New Data, No Data, Non Dithering2) Медицина: notifiable disease (заболевание, выявленный случай которого, согласно закону, требует сообщения в органы власти, например, особо опасные инфекции)3) Американизм: No Doubt, Non Domestic, Not Done4) Военный термин: Deputy CINCNORAD, NASA document, Navy Department, No Defense, Non Deployed, Not Detonate, national defense, naval district, nondelay, nondirectional, nuclear detonation, nuclear device, Normal Deployment (Posture)5) Техника: national dairy products, natural draft, navigational display, neutral-density filter, no delivery, non detected, nondetergent, normally deenergized, nominal diameter, номинальный диаметр6) Сельское хозяйство: Newcastle disease, national dairy (products)7) Шутливое выражение: No Davie, Nostalgic And Dead8) Химия: New Donor9) Математика: нормальное распределение (normal distribution), отрицательно определённый (negative defined)10) Метеорология: No Depression11) Юридический термин: Name Description, No Description, No Drinking12) Страхование: non-delivery13) География: Северная Дакота (штат США)14) Оптика: neutral density15) Телекоммуникации: Non Duplex16) Сокращение: National Defence, Navigation Display, Non-Detectable, North Dakota (US state), natural draught, need, no drawing, non-delay17) Университет: No Degree, Notre Dame18) Физика: Neutron Detector19) Физиология: No Difference, Non- Distended20) Электроника: Native Defect, Neutral Density filter, No Discrimination, No Dolby, Non Directional21) Вычислительная техника: no date, no detect, Neighbor Discovery (Protocol)22) Нефть: nipple down, non-detergent, not determined, not drilling, не обладающий поверхностной активностью (nondetergent), простаивающий (о скважине в процессе бурения; not drilling)23) Картография: North Dakota24) Деловая лексика: Narrow Design, Net Preferred Stock, New Design25) Бурение: не определённый (not determined; о параметре), неизмеряемая (not determined; о величине), некритичная (not determined; о величине), простаивающая скважина (not drilling; в процессе бурения)26) Образование: Needs Direction27) Сетевые технологии: Network Drive, Nonsharable Device28) Полимеры: not detected29) Океанография: No Depth30) Чат: No Diggity31) НАСА: Network Director -
5 nD
1) Компьютерная техника: New Data, No Data, Non Dithering2) Медицина: notifiable disease (заболевание, выявленный случай которого, согласно закону, требует сообщения в органы власти, например, особо опасные инфекции)3) Американизм: No Doubt, Non Domestic, Not Done4) Военный термин: Deputy CINCNORAD, NASA document, Navy Department, No Defense, Non Deployed, Not Detonate, national defense, naval district, nondelay, nondirectional, nuclear detonation, nuclear device, Normal Deployment (Posture)5) Техника: national dairy products, natural draft, navigational display, neutral-density filter, no delivery, non detected, nondetergent, normally deenergized, nominal diameter, номинальный диаметр6) Сельское хозяйство: Newcastle disease, national dairy (products)7) Шутливое выражение: No Davie, Nostalgic And Dead8) Химия: New Donor9) Математика: нормальное распределение (normal distribution), отрицательно определённый (negative defined)10) Метеорология: No Depression11) Юридический термин: Name Description, No Description, No Drinking12) Страхование: non-delivery13) География: Северная Дакота (штат США)14) Оптика: neutral density15) Телекоммуникации: Non Duplex16) Сокращение: National Defence, Navigation Display, Non-Detectable, North Dakota (US state), natural draught, need, no drawing, non-delay17) Университет: No Degree, Notre Dame18) Физика: Neutron Detector19) Физиология: No Difference, Non- Distended20) Электроника: Native Defect, Neutral Density filter, No Discrimination, No Dolby, Non Directional21) Вычислительная техника: no date, no detect, Neighbor Discovery (Protocol)22) Нефть: nipple down, non-detergent, not determined, not drilling, не обладающий поверхностной активностью (nondetergent), простаивающий (о скважине в процессе бурения; not drilling)23) Картография: North Dakota24) Деловая лексика: Narrow Design, Net Preferred Stock, New Design25) Бурение: не определённый (not determined; о параметре), неизмеряемая (not determined; о величине), некритичная (not determined; о величине), простаивающая скважина (not drilling; в процессе бурения)26) Образование: Needs Direction27) Сетевые технологии: Network Drive, Nonsharable Device28) Полимеры: not detected29) Океанография: No Depth30) Чат: No Diggity31) НАСА: Network Director -
6 nd
1) Компьютерная техника: New Data, No Data, Non Dithering2) Медицина: notifiable disease (заболевание, выявленный случай которого, согласно закону, требует сообщения в органы власти, например, особо опасные инфекции)3) Американизм: No Doubt, Non Domestic, Not Done4) Военный термин: Deputy CINCNORAD, NASA document, Navy Department, No Defense, Non Deployed, Not Detonate, national defense, naval district, nondelay, nondirectional, nuclear detonation, nuclear device, Normal Deployment (Posture)5) Техника: national dairy products, natural draft, navigational display, neutral-density filter, no delivery, non detected, nondetergent, normally deenergized, nominal diameter, номинальный диаметр6) Сельское хозяйство: Newcastle disease, national dairy (products)7) Шутливое выражение: No Davie, Nostalgic And Dead8) Химия: New Donor9) Математика: нормальное распределение (normal distribution), отрицательно определённый (negative defined)10) Метеорология: No Depression11) Юридический термин: Name Description, No Description, No Drinking12) Страхование: non-delivery13) География: Северная Дакота (штат США)14) Оптика: neutral density15) Телекоммуникации: Non Duplex16) Сокращение: National Defence, Navigation Display, Non-Detectable, North Dakota (US state), natural draught, need, no drawing, non-delay17) Университет: No Degree, Notre Dame18) Физика: Neutron Detector19) Физиология: No Difference, Non- Distended20) Электроника: Native Defect, Neutral Density filter, No Discrimination, No Dolby, Non Directional21) Вычислительная техника: no date, no detect, Neighbor Discovery (Protocol)22) Нефть: nipple down, non-detergent, not determined, not drilling, не обладающий поверхностной активностью (nondetergent), простаивающий (о скважине в процессе бурения; not drilling)23) Картография: North Dakota24) Деловая лексика: Narrow Design, Net Preferred Stock, New Design25) Бурение: не определённый (not determined; о параметре), неизмеряемая (not determined; о величине), некритичная (not determined; о величине), простаивающая скважина (not drilling; в процессе бурения)26) Образование: Needs Direction27) Сетевые технологии: Network Drive, Nonsharable Device28) Полимеры: not detected29) Океанография: No Depth30) Чат: No Diggity31) НАСА: Network Director
См. также в других словарях:
preferred shares — give investors a fixed dividend from the company s earnings and entitle them to be paid before common shareholders. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See: preferred stock. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Payment of dividends to holders normally takes … Financial and business terms
Preferred stock — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Preferred Partnership — A preferred partner agreement normally refers to an agreement between a vendor (service provider) and those who are allowed to on sell its products. In line with this agreement there are normally some prerequisites that the partner must meet to… … Wikipedia
Preferred Roaming List — The Preferred Roaming List (PRL) is a database residing in a wireless (primarily CDMA) device, such as a cellphone, that contains information used during the system selection and acquisition process. In the case of RUIM based CDMA devices, the… … Wikipedia
preferred shares — Payment of dividends to holders normally takes preference over the payment of dividends to other classes of shares. In the event of liquidation, preferred shares normally rank above ordinary shares but behind creditors of the company … Euroclear glossary
preferred stock — An ownership share in a corporation that has preference over *common stock in the distribution of earnings. Preferred status over common stock also often relates to payments arising on a corporation’s liquidation. Preferred *stockholders take on… … Auditor's dictionary
preferred — Possessing or accorded a priority, advantage, or privilege. Generally denoting a prior or superior claim or right of payment as against another thing of the same kind or class; e.g. creditor with perfected security interest @ preferred creditor… … Black's law dictionary
Participating Preferred Stock — A type of preferred stock that gives the holder the right to receive dividends equal to the normally specified rate that preferred dividends receive as well as an additional dividend based on some predetermined condition. The additional dividend… … Investment dictionary
Prior Preferred Stock — A type of preferred stock with a higher claim on assets and dividends than other issues of preferred stock. If a firm did not generate enough money to fulfill all of its dividend schedule requirements, those holding prior preferred stocks have… … Investment dictionary
Crosshole sonic logging — (CSL) is a method to verify the structural integrity of drilled shafts and other concrete piles. The CSL method is considered to be more accurate than sonic echo testing in the determination of structural soundness of concrete within the drilled… … Wikipedia
TXK — (Telephone eXchange Crossbar) was a range of Crossbar exchanges used by the British Post Office telephone network, subsequently BT, between 1964 and 1994. TXC was used as the designation at first, but this was later changed as TXC sounded too… … Wikipedia