1 nonnuclear aggression
Военный термин: агрессия без применения ЯО -
2 nonnuclear aggression
3 nonnuclear aggression
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > nonnuclear aggression
4 credibility of nuclear responses to nonnuclear aggression
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > credibility of nuclear responses to nonnuclear aggression
5 credibility of nuclear responses to nonnuclear aggression
достоверная вероятность применения ЯО в ответ на агрессивные действия с использованием обычных средствEnglish-Russian military dictionary > credibility of nuclear responses to nonnuclear aggression
6 to avert nonnuclear aggression
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to avert nonnuclear aggression
7 aggression
n -
8 aggression
агрессия, нападение -
9 credibility
надежность; доверие; достоверность; эффективность -
10 NAP
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Neutrophil Alkaline Phosphatase, Национальная Программа Медицинской Помощи (National Advantage Program)2) Компьютерная техника: Network Access Point3) Морской термин: Необходимое избыточное давление (Nesessary Additional Pressure (при испытаниях надувных спасательных плотов))4) Американизм: National Advantage Plan, Non Aggression Pact5) Спорт: North American Pairs6) Военный термин: Norwegian Army Protocol, Not Authorized Prepositioning, Not Authorized for POMCUS, naval aviation pilot, glider, naval aviation plan, nonaggression pact, nonnuclear armament plan, Non Attacking Pact7) Техника: navigational analysis program, network access process8) Железнодорожный термин: Narragansett Pier Railroad Company9) Телекоммуникации: Network Access Point (Internet)10) Сокращение: not at present11) Физиология: No Appointments Please, neutrophil-activating protein12) Вычислительная техника: network access provider, расширение файлов векторной графики в формате NAP Metafile, Network Access Point (IN)13) СМИ: National Academies Press14) Образование: New Artist Program15) Сетевые технологии: Network Access Points, Network Address Protocol, Network Applications Platform, network access processor, платформа сетевых приложений, процессор обеспечения доступа к сети, точка входа в сеть16) Безопасность: Network Access Protection17) Расширение файла: Vector graphics (Naplps format, VideoShow - EnerGraphics)18) Майкрософт: защита доступа к сети19) NYSE. National Processing, Inc.21) НАСА: NON ASTRONOMICAL Program22) Программное обеспечение: Network Application Program -
11 nap
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Neutrophil Alkaline Phosphatase, Национальная Программа Медицинской Помощи (National Advantage Program)2) Компьютерная техника: Network Access Point3) Морской термин: Необходимое избыточное давление (Nesessary Additional Pressure (при испытаниях надувных спасательных плотов))4) Американизм: National Advantage Plan, Non Aggression Pact5) Спорт: North American Pairs6) Военный термин: Norwegian Army Protocol, Not Authorized Prepositioning, Not Authorized for POMCUS, naval aviation pilot, glider, naval aviation plan, nonaggression pact, nonnuclear armament plan, Non Attacking Pact7) Техника: navigational analysis program, network access process8) Железнодорожный термин: Narragansett Pier Railroad Company9) Телекоммуникации: Network Access Point (Internet)10) Сокращение: not at present11) Физиология: No Appointments Please, neutrophil-activating protein12) Вычислительная техника: network access provider, расширение файлов векторной графики в формате NAP Metafile, Network Access Point (IN)13) СМИ: National Academies Press14) Образование: New Artist Program15) Сетевые технологии: Network Access Points, Network Address Protocol, Network Applications Platform, network access processor, платформа сетевых приложений, процессор обеспечения доступа к сети, точка входа в сеть16) Безопасность: Network Access Protection17) Расширение файла: Vector graphics (Naplps format, VideoShow - EnerGraphics)18) Майкрософт: защита доступа к сети19) NYSE. National Processing, Inc.21) НАСА: NON ASTRONOMICAL Program22) Программное обеспечение: Network Application Program -
12 war
1. nвойна, боевые действия, военные действия; борьбаto abolish war — уничтожать войны; устранять возможность возникновения войны
to declare war on / upon a country — объявлять войну какой-л. стране
to drag / to draw a country into a war — втягивать страну в войну
to eliminate the menace / threat of war — устранять угрозу войны
to fight other people's wars — воевать за других, участвовать в чужой войне
to force a war on / upon smb — навязывать войну кому-л.
to go to war — вступать в войну, начинать войну, отправляться на войну, участвовать в войне
to impose a war on / upon smb — навязывать войну кому-л.
to instigate a war — провоцировать военный конфликт / войну
to know the price of war — знать не понаслышке, что такое война
to levy a war on / upon smb — навязывать войну кому-л.
to menace war — угрожать / грозить войной
to open a war — начинать / развязывать войну
to reject any arbitration / mediation in the war — отклонять любое посредничество в деле прекращения войны
to resolve a war — разрешать / урегулировать военный конфликт
to rise up a holy war against foreign invaders — подниматься на священную войну против иностранных захватчиков
to scrap star wars — отказываться от "звездных войн"
to settle / to solve a war — разрешать / урегулировать военный конфликт
to slide to a civil war — сползать / скатываться к гражданской войне ( о стране)
to stoke up a war — раздувать войну, подогревать военный конфликт
to unleash a war — начинать / развязывать войну
- abolition of warto wage war — вести войну, воевать
- accidental war
- Afghan war
- aftermath of the war
- aggressive war
- air war
- all-out war
- alternative to war
- annexionist war
- announcement of war - at times of war
- atomic war
- atrocities of war
- bacteriological war
- bitter war
- bloody war
- border war
- breathing space in a war
- brunt of war
- brutal methods of war
- brutal war
- camps war - cessation of the war
- civil war
- clandestine war
- class war
- Cod Wars
- cold war
- collapse of the cold war
- colonial war
- conduct of war
- contained war
- containment of the war
- controlled counterforce war
- conventional war
- cosmic war
- costly war
- counterinsurgency war
- country blighted by war
- country in the throes of a civil war
- country of war
- country's involvement in the war
- crack war
- crime war
- criminal war
- cruel war
- currency war
- danger of war
- de facto war
- declaration of war
- declared state of war
- defensive war
- desperate war
- destructive war
- deterring war
- devastating war
- devastation of the war
- dirty war
- divisive war - drug war
- dynastic wars
- economic war
- effects of war
- end of the war
- end to the war
- enduring war - escalation of the war
- Europe has been through wars - exterminatory war
- factional war
- feats of war
- fierce war
- final phase of the war
- First World War
- flare-up of the war
- fratricidal war
- from before the war
- full war
- full-fledged war
- full-scale war
- gang war
- general war
- global war
- gravity of the war
- Great Patriotic War
- Great War
- ground war
- guerrilla war
- Gulf War
- hidden war
- holy war
- horrors of war
- hot war - in the wake of the war
- in the war
- inadvertent war
- inconclusive war
- independence war
- initial indications of a war coming
- insurrectionary war
- intensified war
- intensive preparations for war
- interminable war
- internecine war
- jamming war
- just war
- land war
- large-scale war
- latent war
- level of war
- liberation war
- limited war
- local war
- lone war
- long war
- long-running war
- lost war
- major war
- massive war
- means of ending the war
- means of war
- menace of war
- missile and nuclear war
- missile war
- monetary and financial war
- murderous war
- national liberation war
- national war
- naval war
- newspaper war
- nightmares of war
- nonatomic war
- nonnuclear war
- nuclear war
- nuclear-missile war
- nuke war
- offensive war
- on the brink of war
- on the verge of war
- ongoing war
- open war
- outbreak of war
- outset of war
- part of the country ravaged by war
- people's liberation war
- people's war
- permanent war
- phony war
- pocket war
- poised for war - potential of war
- predatory war
- preparations for war
- prevention of war
- preventive war
- price war - prolonged war
- propagander war
- prosecution of war
- prospect of war
- protracted war
- proxy war
- psychological war
- race war
- rejection of wars
- rekindling of the war
- relics of the cold war
- renunciation of wars
- restricted war
- revolutionary war
- ruinous war
- ruthless war
- sacred war
- savage war
- scars of war
- scourge of war
- Second World War
- secret war
- shooting war
- Six-day war
- sources of war
- spillover of the war
- star wars - strategic war
- sustained war
- Tanker war
- tantamount to declaring war
- tariff war
- termination of war
- the country is effectively at war
- thermonuclear war
- thirst for war - total war
- trade war
- tribal war
- undeclared war
- union recruitment war
- universal war
- unjust war
- unleashing of war
- unwinnable war
- vengeful war
- victim of war
- War between the States
- War in the Gulf
- War of American Independence
- war against illiteracy
- war against poverty
- war against the use of drugs
- war by proxy
- war drags on
- war escalated
- war has broken out
- war has devastated much of the country
- war has flared up again
- war is as good as over
- war is at a halt
- war is at an end
- war is effectively over
- war is entering a new phase
- war is going to carry on
- war is imminent
- war is looming
- war is petering out
- war is the last resort
- war is unacceptable
- war knew no bounds
- war of aggression
- war of attrition
- war of conquest
- war of diplomatic attrition
- war of extermination
- war of extinction
- war of genocide
- war of liberation
- war of nerves
- war of secession
- war of the cities
- war of words
- war on drugs
- war on terror
- war on two fronts
- war remains intense
- war spills over
- war to end all wars
- war to finish
- war to the end
- war to the knife
- war will leave no victors
- war without end
- war would be catastrophic
- wasting war
- white war
- wide war
- winnable war
- withdrawal from war
- World War I
- World War II
- world war
- world without wars 2. vto war down smth — завоевывать / покорять что-л.
to war over smth — воевать по поводу / из-за чего-л.
13 strategy
massive (nuclear) reprisal strategy — стратегия «массированного возмездия», стратегия нанесения массированных ответных ЯУ
massive (nuclear) retaliation strategy — стратегия «массированного возмездия», стратегия нанесения массированных ответных ЯУ
— non-war strategy
См. также в других словарях:
United Nations — 1. an international organization, with headquarters in New York City, formed to promote international peace, security, and cooperation under the terms of the charter signed by 51 founding countries in San Francisco in 1945. Abbr.: UN Cf. General… … Universalium
Military Affairs — ▪ 2009 Introduction Russia and Georgia fought a short, intense war in 2008, fueling global fears of a new Cold War. On August 7 Georgia launched an aerial bombardment and ground attacks against its breakaway province of South Ossetia.… … Universalium
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
Japan's non-nuclear policy — Japan exhibits a firm non nuclear weapons policy, most popularly articulated as the Three Non Nuclear Principles of nonpossession, nonproduction, and nonintroduction of nuclear weapons.The policy only applies to nuclear weapons, not all nuclear… … Wikipedia
Calendar of 1995 — ▪ 1996 January January 1 Cardoso assumes office Having won some 54% of the ballots cast in the October 1994 election, Fernando Cardoso took the oath of office as president of Brazil. As chief executive of South America s largest… … Universalium
nuclear strategy — ▪ military Introduction the formation of tenets and strategies for producing and using nuclear weapons. Nuclear strategy is no different from any other form of strategy in that it involves relating military means to political ends. In this … Universalium
cañada — /keuhn yah deuh, yad euh/, n. Chiefly Western U.S. 1. a dry riverbed. 2. a small, deep canyon. [1840 50; < Sp, equiv. to cañ(a) CANE + ada n. suffix] * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural resources … Universalium
Canada — /kan euh deuh/, n. a nation in N North America: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 29,123,194; 3,690,410 sq. mi. (9,558,160 sq. km). Cap.: Ottawa. * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural… … Universalium
Curtis LeMay — Curtis Emerson LeMay Nickname Old Iron Pants , Bombs Away LeMay B … Wikipedia
Philippines — /fil euh peenz , fil euh peenz /, n. (used with a pl. v.) an archipelago of 7083 islands in the Pacific, SE of China: formerly (1898 1946) under the guardianship of the U.S.; now an independent republic. 76,103,564; 114,830 sq. mi. (297,410 sq.… … Universalium
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium