101 система обозначений
1. scale of notationсписочное обозначение; списочная запись — list notation
2. system of notation3. nomenclature4. notationРусско-английский большой базовый словарь > система обозначений
102 спецификация
1. nomenclature2. technical specifications3. schedule4. spec5. specification6. specifications7. specs -
103 правовая терминология
Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > правовая терминология
104 двойная номенклатура
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > двойная номенклатура
105 классификация типов волн
классификация типов волн
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > классификация типов волн
106 номенклатура
f. nomenclature; colloq., higher-upsРусско-английский словарь математических терминов > номенклатура
107 терминология
f. terminology, nomenclatureРусско-английский словарь математических терминов > терминология
108 именование
1) naming
2) nomenclature -
109 номенклатура
110 терминология
111 величина
•If the magnitude of the refraction is known...
•The magnitude of varies from 0 to 1.
II•Bessel functions are used to represent such quantities as the temperature,... as functions of space coordinates.
•The quantity is called the effective mass of electrons at K0.
* * *Величина -- amount, magnitude (уровень); quantity (физическая); size (размер, объём)The amount of hysteresis appears to be strongly dependent on the applied pressure.WPS produces an effective elevation in К whose magnitude depends on the level of WPS.Detailed definitions of these various quantities are given in the Nomenclature.Величиной с-- Manufacturing defects -- holes the size of a sharp pencil in the race for instance -- can be identified.—отклонение величины угла по отношению к поверхности... не более... ммРусско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > величина
112 даваться
•These compounds have the special nomenclature that appears in Fig. 5.2.
IIUSAGE: даваться (матем.). задавать•The negative resistance is given by R = R/( A-1).
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > даваться
113 едва ли целесообразно
•There is little point in developing the proposed power plant.
•We see little reason for preserving a distinction in nomenclature.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > едва ли целесообразно
114 нет согласия между ... относительно
•There is no agreement among clay mineralogists regarding proper nomenclature for the halloysite minerals.
•There is no general agreement (or consensus of opinion) among authors as to the details of this classification.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > нет согласия между ... относительно
115 обозначение
•The following designations are used: α = l/a, β = a/t and γ= c/a.
•Adjacent lines of the six-phase system may be determined by the Roman-numeral labelling of the vector diagram.
•Notation (or Nomenclature): C = specific heat capacity, G = rate of heat generation per unit volume,...
•The notation (x, y) denotes a point with coordinates (x, y).
•Symbols: θ = temperature, θ0 = undisturbed ground temperature.
•The excitation of a three-axis magnetic dipole source is most conveniently described in vector notation.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > обозначение
116 основан на
•Our work was founded on experiments with...
•This system of nomenclature is founded on the names of...
•The general technique of differentiation is built upon the rules for differentiating combinations of...
•Policy objectives rest on widely differing assumptions.
•This technique depends (or is based) on the above principle.
•The process depends on the flow of electricity between the wheel and the workpiece.
•The measurement of the rate of a chemical reaction by interferometry relies on following the change in total density as the reaction proceeds.
•The choice of lasers for... is based on three considerations:...
•The earlier method has its origins in the valence-bond approach.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > основан на
117 отличаться от
•The internal angular momentum is distinct from the external one.
•Their properties are unlike those of any other materials.
•The attitude of the American worker toward machines has been different from that of the European worker.
•The nomenclature adopted for research and development purposes must necessarily depart from that in current use in industry.
•The high melting point and greater strength of brazing filler metals differentiate brazing soldering.
•Chalcopyrite is distinguished from pyrite by its lesser hardness.
•The composition of the Moon is distinct from that of the Earth.
•Vycron differs from other polyester fibres in chemical constitution.
•A shock only differs by a third-order term the adiabatic transition.
•This contrasts with the enthalpy properties.
•Coastal outlines of deltas are often other than the traditional triangle, depending upon...
•Structural isomers are compounds that differ from each other by the positioning of atoms or...
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > отличаться от
118 относительно
•Relatively high values of are attained.
II. в отношении; колебаться относительно; мнения относительно... расходятся; по отношению к; <<симметричный относительно•A driving force that is symmetrical about the centre of the swing...
•The side groups are arranged in various directions about the polymer axis.
•If the last line is not resolved its close neighbours, use...
•This spectrum is displaced the origin by...
•4xy2 is of degree 1 in x, degree 2 in ...
•This result allowed determination of the apparent velocity of any small section of the wave in reference to (or as related to, or relative to, or in relation to, or with respect to) the velocity of the stable section.
•Further interesting information relative to (or regarding, or relating to) the equation of state may be found in Ref. 24.
•The voltages are with reference to the chassis.
•The pointer oscillates with respect (or reference) to the centre point of the scale.
•The moment of the force about point ...
•There is no agreement among... regarding proper nomenclature for...
•To push the fluid relative to the stationary layer,...
•No information is available as to the mechanism involved in...
•Nothing definite is known regarding (or about) these enzymes.
•Little has been said as to the speeds obtained in...
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > относительно
119 составлять
•The three instruments form (or comprise, or represent) a signal generator assembly.
•Fourteen die castings make up (or constitute) the principal components of...
•These particles compose the hazes observed on Jupiter.
•These three bonds comprise the triple bond.
II•A mean sidereal day comprises 23 hr 56 min and 4 sec.
•The apprentices' full term of training covers five years.
•The canyon forms 5 percent of the satellite's surface.
•The average planetoid diameter would run close to a mile.
•Nitrogen, oxygen and argon together account for 99.97% of...
•The cost of cooling towers may amount to 50% of the total cost of...
•The value of this merchandise comes to only 10.4% of the total.
•Argon constitutes (or makes up) almost 1% of the air.
•The housing measures 12 in. in length.
•The kinetic energies range from zero (up) to 3.5 MeV.
•The build-up at edges may run as high as 0.05 in.
•The investments total 10 mln dollars.
•In man the adrenals comprise 0.0002% of the body weight.
•In many such materials the clay-size grade and clay-mineral fractions comprise less than 50% of the total rock.
•The figure represents about 27% of the gross national product.
•The world's supply of californium is in the range of millionths of a gram.
•Electrons contribute (or constitute) the bulk of ordinary matter.
•The computer generates production reports.
IV•We formulate (or make up) special compositions for ceramic bodies.
•These errors may be allowed for by making up a calibration card for the instrument.
•When drawing up a drill nomenclature...
•A design diagram may be prepared by plotting...
•To compile a map, a dictionary, a report...
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > составлять
120 терминология ... несколько расходится
•Different crystallographers vary somewhat in the nomenclature of crystal systems.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > терминология ... несколько расходится
См. также в других словарях:
nomenclature — [ nɔmɑ̃klatyr ] n. f. • 1559; lat. nomenclatura « action d appeler (calare) par le nom (nomen) » 1 ♦ Ensemble des termes employés dans une science, une technique, un art..., méthodiquement classés; méthode de classement de ces termes. ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nomenclature — No men*cla ture, n. [L. nomenclatura: cf. F. nomenclature. See {Nomenclator}.] 1. A name. [Obs.] Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. A vocabulary, dictionary, or glossary. [R.] [1913 Webster] 3. The technical names used in any particular branch of science… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nomenclature — (n.) c.1600, a name, from M.Fr. nomenclature (16c.), from L. nomenclatura calling of names, from nomenclator namer, from nomen name (see NAME (Cf. name) (n.)) + calator caller, crier, from calare call out (see … Etymology dictionary
nomenclature — index call (title), classification, denomination Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
nomenclature — [n] vocabulary classification, codification, glossary, locution, phraseology, taxonomy, terminology; concepts 275,276,683 … New thesaurus
nomenclature — ► NOUN 1) the selecting of names for things in a particular field. 2) a body or system of names. 3) formal the term or terms applied to someone or something. DERIVATIVES nomenclatural adjective. ORIGIN Latin nomenclatura, from nomen name +… … English terms dictionary
nomenclature — [nō′mən klā΄chər; ] also, and chiefly Brit [, nō men′klə chər] n. [L nomenclatura: see NOMENCLATOR] 1. the system or set of names used in a specific branch of learning or activity, as in biology for plants and animals, or for the parts of a… … English World dictionary
Nomenclature — For conventions governing Wikipedia article names, see Wikipedia:Naming conventions, for soviet class, see Nomenklatura. Nomenclature is a term that applies to either a list of names and/or terms, or to the system of principles, procedures and… … Wikipedia
Nomenclature — Une nomenclature désigne une instance de classification (code, tableau, liste, règles d attribution d identité...) faisant autorité et servant de référence à une discipline donnée. Le mot et l idée viennent directement du latin nomenclatura… … Wikipédia en Français
Nomenclature EC — La nomenclature EC (EC est le sigle de Enzyme Commission numbers, la Commission des enzymes) est une classification numérique des enzymes, basée sur la réaction chimique qu elles catalysent. En tant que système de nomenclature des enzymes, chaque … Wikipédia en Français
nomenclature — (no man kla tu r ) s. f. 1° Ensemble des mots d un dictionnaire. Catalogue de plusieurs mots les plus ordinaires d une langue, pour en faciliter l usage à ceux à qui on l enseigne. 2° Collection des mots employés pour désigner les… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré