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с латышского на английский


  • 61 eight

    [eit] 1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 8: Four and four are/is/make eight.) astoņnieks; astoņi
    2) (the age of 8: children of eight and over.) astoņu gadu vecums
    3) (the crew of an eight-oared racing boat: Did the Cambridge eight win?) astoņnieks (astoņu airētāju laiva)
    2. adjective
    1) (8 in number: eight people; He is eight years old.) astoņi
    2) (aged 8: He is eight today.) astoņus gadus vecs
    - eighth
    - eight-year-old
    3. adjective
    an eight-year-old child.) astoņgadīgs
    * * *
    astoņnieks; astoņi

    English-Latvian dictionary > eight

  • 62 femininity

    noun (the quality of being feminine: She never used her femininity to win the argument.) sievišķība
    * * *
    sievišķība; sieviešu dzimums

    English-Latvian dictionary > femininity

  • 63 hands down

    (very easily: You'll win hands down.) ļoti viegli; bez pūlēm
    * * *
    bez pūlēm; viegli

    English-Latvian dictionary > hands down

  • 64 lose

    past tense, past participle - lost; verb
    1) (to stop having; to have no longer: She has lost interest in her work; I have lost my watch; He lost hold of the rope.) []zaudēt
    2) (to have taken away from one (by death, accident etc): She lost her father last year; The ship was lost in the storm; He has lost his job.)
    3) (to put (something) where it cannot be found: My secretary has lost your letter.) pazaudēt
    4) (not to win: I always lose at cards; She lost the race.) paspēlēt; zaudēt
    5) (to waste or use more (time) than is necessary: He lost no time in informing the police of the crime.) nokavēt; palaist garām
    - loss
    - lost
    - at a loss
    - a bad
    - good loser
    - lose oneself in
    - lose one's memory
    - lose out
    - lost in
    - lost on
    * * *
    zaudēt; pazaudēt; nokavēt, palaist garām; paspēlēt, zaudēt; ciest zaudējumus; atpalikt; pazust, iet bojā

    English-Latvian dictionary > lose

  • 65 luck

    1) (the state of happening by chance: Whether you win or not is just luck - there's no skill involved.) veiksme; laime
    2) (something good which happens by chance: She has all the luck!) laimīgs gadījums
    - lucky
    - luckily
    - luckiness
    - lucky dip
    - bad luck!
    - good luck!
    - worse luck!
    * * *
    laime, laimes gadījums, veiksme

    English-Latvian dictionary > luck

  • 66 might

    1) (past tense of may: I thought I might find you here; He might come if you offered him a meal.) varētu
    2) (used instead of `may', eg to make a possibility seem less likely, or a request for permission more polite: He might win if he tries hard; Might I speak to you for a few minutes, please?) iespējams, ka; (lūgumos) vai drīkstu...?
    3) (used in suggesting that a person is not doing what he should: You might help me clean the car!) varētu
    - might have
    - I might have known
    (power or strength: The might of the opposing army was too great for us.) spēks; varenība
    - mightily
    - mightiness
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > might

  • 67 move

    [mu:v] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) change position or go from one place to another: He moved his arm; Don't move!; Please move your car.) kustināt; kustēties
    2) (to change houses: We're moving on Saturday.) pārcelties (uz citu dzīves vietu)
    3) (to affect the feelings or emotions of: I was deeply moved by the film.) aizkustināt
    2. noun
    1) ((in board games) an act of moving a piece: You can win this game in three moves.) gājiens
    2) (an act of changing homes: How did your move go?) pārcelšanās (uz citu dzīves vietu)
    - moveable
    - movement
    - movie
    - moving
    - movingly
    - get a move on
    - make a move
    - move along
    - move heaven and earth
    - move house
    - move in
    - move off
    - move out
    - move up
    - on the move
    * * *
    kustība; gājiens; solis, rīcība; pārvākšanās; kustināt, pārvietot; kustēties; izdarīt gājienu; iekustināt, iedarbināt; aizkustināt; attīstīties; iesniegt; apgrozīties; pārkravāties, pārvākties

    English-Latvian dictionary > move

  • 68 odds

    1) (chances; probability: The odds are that he will win.) izredzes; iespēja
    2) (a difference in strength, in favour of one side: They are fighting against heavy odds.) pārsvars; priekšrocība
    * * *
    atšķirība, starpība; priekšroka, priekšrocība, pārsvars; nesaskaņa; nesaskaņas; izredzes, iespēja

    English-Latvian dictionary > odds

  • 69 outsider

    1) (a person who is not part of a group etc.) nepiederošs
    2) ((in a race etc) a runner who is not expected to win: The race was won by a complete outsider.) autsaiders
    * * *
    nepiederošs; nespeciālists; neaudzināts cilvēks; autsaiders

    English-Latvian dictionary > outsider

  • 70 penguin

    (a large sea-bird which is found in Antarctic regions and which cannot fly.) pingvīns
    * * *
    pingvīns; smokings; mācību lidmašīna, trenažieris; nelidojošs lidotājs

    English-Latvian dictionary > penguin

  • 71 prevail

    1) ((with over or against) to win or succeed: With God's help we shall prevail over sin and wickedness; Truth must prevail in the end.) uzvarēt; gūt virsroku
    2) (to be most usual or common: This mistaken belief still prevails in some parts of the country.) būt pārsvarā; valdīt
    - prevalent
    - prevalence
    - prevail on
    - upon
    * * *
    būt pārsvarā, dominēt; gūt virsroku, pārspēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > prevail

  • 72 raffle

    ['ræfl] 1. noun
    (a way of raising money by selling numbered tickets, one or more of which win a prize: I won this doll in a raffle; ( also adjective) raffle tickets.) loterija, izloze; loterijas-
    2. verb
    (to give as the prize in a raffle: They raffled a bottle of whisky to raise money for cancer research.) izlozēt; laimēt
    * * *
    izloze, loterija; izlozēt, laimēt; piedalīties loterijā

    English-Latvian dictionary > raffle

  • 73 stalemate

    1) (a position in chess in which a player cannot move without putting his king in danger.) (šahā) pats
    2) (in any contest, dispute etc, a position in which neither side can win: The recent discussions ended in stalemate.) strupceļš
    * * *
    pats; strupceļš

    English-Latvian dictionary > stalemate

  • 74 sure

    [ʃuə] 1. adjective
    1) ((negative unsure) having no doubt; certain: I'm sure that I gave him the book; I'm not sure where she lives / what her address is; `There's a bus at two o'clock.' `Are you quite sure?'; I thought the idea was good, but now I'm not so sure; I'll help you - you can be sure of that!) pārliecināts; drošs
    2) (unlikely to fail (to do or get something): He's sure to win; You're sure of a good dinner if you stay at that hotel.) pārliecināts; noteikts
    3) (reliable or trustworthy: a sure way to cure hiccups; a safe, sure method; a sure aim with a rifle.) drošs; pārliecinošs
    2. adverb
    ((especially American) certainly; of course: Sure I'll help you!; `Would you like to come?' `Sure!') protams; noteikti
    - sureness
    - sure-footed
    - as sure as
    - be sure to
    - be/feel sure of oneself
    - for sure
    - make sure
    - sure enough
    * * *
    nekļūdīgs, drošs; pārliecināts; protams

    English-Latvian dictionary > sure

  • 75 tactics

    ((sometimes in singular) the art of arranging troops, warships etc during a battle, in order to win or gain an advantage over one's opponents: They planned their tactics for the election/game/meeting.) taktika
    - tactically
    - tactician
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > tactics

  • 76 toss

    [tos] 1. verb
    1) (to throw into or through the air: She tossed the ball up into the air.) mest/sviest augšup
    2) ((often with about) to throw oneself restlessly from side to side: She tossed about all night, unable to sleep.) mētāties; svaidīties
    3) ((of a ship) to be thrown about: The boat tossed wildly in the rough sea.) tikt svaidītam
    4) (to throw (a coin) into the air and decide a matter according to (a correct guess about) which side falls uppermost: They tossed a coin to decide which of them should go first.) (lozējot) mest monētu
    2. noun
    (an act of tossing.) lozēšana (metot monētu); mešana
    - win/lose the toss
    * * *
    mešana, sviešana; lozēšana; grūdiens; izmešana no segliem; sviest, mest; mētāt, svaidīt; svaidīties, mētāties; izmest no segliem; pacelt uz ragiem; lozēt; viegli samaisīt; skalot

    English-Latvian dictionary > toss

  • 77 triumph

    1. noun
    1) (a great victory or success: The battle ended in a triumph for the Romans.) triumfs
    2) (a state of happiness, celebration, pride etc after a success: They went home in triumph.) triumfs
    2. verb
    (to win a victory: The Romans triumphed (over their enemies).) triumfēt; svinēt uzvaru
    - triumphant
    - triumphantly
    * * *
    triumfs; triumfēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > triumph

  • 78 unlucky

    (not lucky or fortunate: I am unlucky - I never win at cards.) nelaimīgs; neveiksmīgs
    * * *
    neveiksmīgs, nelaimīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > unlucky

  • 79 wager

    ['wei‹ə] 1. noun
    (a bet: We made a wager that he would win.) derības
    2. verb
    (to bet (something) on the chance of something happening: I'll wager (ten dollars) that I can jump further than you.) []derēt
    * * *
    derības; derēt; saderēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > wager

  • 80 war

    [wo:] 1. noun
    ((an) armed struggle, especially between nations: Their leader has declared war on Britain; The larger army will win the war; the horrors of war; ( also adjective) He is guilty of war crimes.) karš; kara-
    2. verb
    (to fight: The two countries have been warring constantly for generations.) karot
    - warrior
    - war correspondent
    - war-cry
    - war-dance
    - warfare
    - warhead
    - warhorse
    - warlord
    - warmonger
    - warpaint
    - warship
    - wartime
    - war of nerves
    * * *
    karš; cīņa; cīnīties; karot

    English-Latvian dictionary > war

См. также в других словарях:

  • Win shares — can refer to a book by Bill James or the statistic explained in the book. Win Shares (book) Win Shares is a book (ISBN 1 931584 03 6) about baseball written by Bill James, published by STATS, Inc. in 2002. It takes a sabermetric approach to… …   Wikipedia

  • WIN News — is a local news service in parts of regional Australia, produced by WIN Television. Nineteen regional bulletins are presented from studios in Wollongong, Canberra, Ballarat, Rockhampton, Toowoomba, Mount Gambier, Hobart and Perth. [ cite web… …   Wikipedia

  • win-win — /win win /, adj. advantageous to both sides, as in a negotiation: a win win proposal; a win win situation. [1980 85] * * * win win UK US adjective a win win situation is one in which everyone benefits a win win situation Thesaurus: good for you… …   Useful english dictionary

  • win — Ⅰ. win UK US /wɪn/ verb (winning, won, won) ► [I or T] to be the best in a situation where several people, organizations, etc. are competing: »If she scores the next point, she ll have won. »He won the election by 2,385 votes. win an… …   Financial and business terms

  • Win — steht für: Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wissenschaft von Entwurf, Entwicklung und Anwendung von Informations und Kommunikationssystemen IATA Code des Flughafens Winton, Queensland, Australien WiN steht für: Deutsches Wissenschaftsnetz, ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • win-win — ˌwin ˈwin adjective [only before a noun] used to describe a situation in which both sides involved gain something or are successful: • The extra earnings available to lenders and the facility provided for borrowers make it a win win situation. •… …   Financial and business terms

  • Win probability added — is a technical baseball statistic which attempts to measure a player s win contribution by figuring how much each specific play he made altered the outcome of a game.ExplanationSome form of Win Probability has been around for about 40 years;… …   Wikipedia

  • Win Scott Eckert — is an author and editor, best known for his work on the literary crossover Wold Newton Universe, created by author Philip José Farmer, but much expanded upon subsequently by Eckert and others. He holds a B.A. in Anthropology and a Juris Doctorate …   Wikipedia

  • WIN — bezeichnet: Win (Baseball), eine Zählweise im Baseball WinAli, ein Modell Assembler für Windows bzw. DOS umgangssprachlich verkürzend Microsoft Windows Personen (Vorname): Win Min Than (* um 1934), birmanische Schauspielerin Win Aung (* 1944),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Win Min Than — (* um 1934 in Britisch Indien) ist eine ehemalige burmesische Schauspielerin. Bekanntheit erlangte die Laiendarstellerin durch die weibliche Hauptrolle in dem britischen Kriegsfilm Flammen über Fernost (1954), die ihr einziger Auftritt in einem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Win — Win, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Won}, Obs. {Wan}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Winning}.] [OE. winnen, AS. winnan to strive, labor, fight, endure; akin to OFries. winna, OS. winnan, D. winnen to win, gain, G. gewinnen, OHG. winnan to strive, struggle, Icel. vinna… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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