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  • 1 newspaper

    noun (a paper, printed daily or weekly, containing news etc: a daily newspaper.) laikraksts
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > newspaper

  • 2 newspaper man


    English-Latvian dictionary > newspaper man

  • 3 semiofficial newspaper


    English-Latvian dictionary > semiofficial newspaper

  • 4 to insert an advert in a newspaper

    ievietot sludinājumu laikrakstā

    English-Latvian dictionary > to insert an advert in a newspaper

  • 5 to nip out to buy a newspaper

    izskriet nopirkt avīzi

    English-Latvian dictionary > to nip out to buy a newspaper

  • 6 to put an advertisement in the newspaper

    ievietot sludinājumu; ievietot avīzē sludinājumu

    English-Latvian dictionary > to put an advertisement in the newspaper

  • 7 to report for a newspaper

    strādāt par reportieri laikrakstā

    English-Latvian dictionary > to report for a newspaper

  • 8 to start a newspaper

    sākt izdot laikrakstu

    English-Latvian dictionary > to start a newspaper

  • 9 column

    1) (a stone or wooden pillar used to support or adorn a building: the carved columns in the temple.) kolonna
    2) (something similar in shape: a column of smoke.) stabs; stabiņš
    3) (a vertical row (of numbers): He added up the column (of figures) to find the answer.) sleja
    4) (a vertical section of a page of print: a newspaper column.) sleja
    5) (a section in a newspaper, often written regularly by a particular person: He writes a daily column about sport.) apskats (laikrakstā)
    6) (a long file of soldiers marching in short rows: a column of infantry.) kolonna
    7) (a long line of vehicles etc, one behind the other.) kolonna; rinda
    * * *
    stabiņš, stabs; sleja; kolonna

    English-Latvian dictionary > column

  • 10 edit

    ['edit] 1. verb
    (to prepare (a book, manuscript, newspaper, programme, film etc) for publication, or for broadcasting etc, especially by correcting, altering, shortening etc.) rediģēt
    - editor
    - editorial
    2. noun
    (the leading article in a newspaper.) ievadraksts
    * * *
    rediģēt; samontēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > edit

  • 11 week

    [wi:k] 1. noun
    1) (any sequence of seven days, especially from Sunday to Saturday: It's three weeks since I saw her.) nedēļa
    2) (the five days from Monday to Friday inclusive: He can't go during the week, but he'll go on Saturday or Sunday.) darbdienas
    3) (the amount of time spent working during a period of seven days: He works a forty-eight-hour week.) darba nedēļa
    2. adverb
    (once a week: The newspaper is published weekly.) ik nedēļu
    3. noun
    (a publication coming out once a week: Is this newspaper a weekly or a daily?) nedēļas izdevums
    - weekend
    - a week last Friday
    - a week today
    - tomorrow
    - on/next Friday
    - Friday
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > week

  • 12 advert

    (short for advertisement: I saw your advert in yesterday's newspaper.)
    * * *
    reklāma, sludinājums; norādīt, vērst uzmanību

    English-Latvian dictionary > advert

  • 13 advertise

    (to make (something) known to the public by any of various methods: I've advertised (my house) in the newspaper; They advertised on TV for volunteers.) ievietot sludinājumu; reklamēt
    - advertiser
    * * *
    ievietot sludinājumu; reklamēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > advertise

  • 14 advertisement

    noun ((also ad [æd], advert) a film, newspaper announcement, poster etc making something known, especially in order to persuade people to buy it: an advertisement for toothpaste on television; She replied to my advertisement for a secretary.) sludinājums; reklāma
    * * *
    sludinājums; reklāma

    English-Latvian dictionary > advertisement

  • 15 agree

    past tense, past participle - agreed; verb
    1) ((often with with) to think or say the same (as): I agreed with them that we should try again; The newspaper report does not agree with what he told us.) piekrist; atbilst; saskanēt
    2) (to say that one will do or allow something: He agreed to go; He agreed to our request.) piekrist
    3) ((with with) to be good for (usually one's health): Cheese does not agree with me.) būt piemērotam; panest
    4) (to be happy and friendly together: John and his wife don't agree.) saprasties; satikt
    - agreeably
    - agreement
    * * *
    piekrist; sadzīvot, saprasties, satikt; vienoties; atbilst, saskanēt; saskaņot; akceptēt, apstiprināt; būt derīgam, būt piemērotam; saskaņoties

    English-Latvian dictionary > agree

  • 16 article

    1) (a thing or an object: This shop sells articles of all kinds; articles of clothing.) apģērba gabali
    2) (a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine: He has written an article on the new sports centre for a local magazine.) raksts
    3) (the (the definite article) or a/an (the indefinite article).) artikuls
    * * *
    raksts; priekšmets; paragrāfs, pants; reglaments, statūti; līguma noteikumi, līgums; artikuls; nodot mācībā pēc līguma; celt apsūdzību, apsūdzēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > article

  • 17 baron

    feminine - baroness; noun
    1) (a nobleman: He was made a baron; Baron Rothschild.) barons
    2) (an important, powerful person: a newspaper baron.) magnāts
    * * *
    barons; magnāts

    English-Latvian dictionary > baron

  • 18 box number

    (a number used eg in a newspaper advertisement instead of a full address.) pastkastītes numurs (adreses vietā)
    * * *
    pastkastītes numurs

    English-Latvian dictionary > box number

  • 19 cartoon

    1) (a drawing making fun of someone or something: a cartoon of the Prime Minister in the newspaper.) karikatūra
    2) (a film consisting of a series of drawings in which the people and animals give the impression of movement: a Walt Disney cartoon.) multiplikācijas filma
    * * *
    karikatūra; pirmuzmetums; zīmēt karikatūras

    English-Latvian dictionary > cartoon

  • 20 clipping

    noun (a thing clipped off or out of something, especially a newspaper: She collects clippings about the royal family.) (avīzes) izgriezums
    * * *
    atgriezums; izgriezums; sludinājumu sleja; lielisks

    English-Latvian dictionary > clipping

См. также в других словарях:

  • newspaper — UK US /ˈnjuːsˌpeɪpər/ US  /ˈnuːzˌpeɪpər/ noun [C] COMMUNICATIONS ► a document consisting of news reports, articles, and photographs that is published every day or every week: in a newspaper »They took out a full page ad in the newspaper. a… …   Financial and business terms

  • newspaper — (n.) 1660s, though the thing itself is older (see GAZETTE (Cf. gazette)); from NEWS (Cf. news) (n.) + PAPER (Cf. paper) (n.). [T]he newspaper that drops on your doorstep is a partial, hasty, incomplete, inevitably somewhat flawed and inaccurate… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Newspaper — News pa per, n. A sheet of paper printed and distributed, at stated intervals, for conveying intelligence of passing events, advocating opinions, etc.; a public print that circulates news, advertisements, proceedings of legislative bodies, public …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • newspaper — index organ Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • newspaper — *journal, periodical, magazine, review, organ …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • newspaper — [n] regular, continuous publication containing information biweekly, bulldog*, community, daily, extra, gazette, journal, magazine, metropolitan, organ, paper, periodical, press, rag*, record, review, scandal sheet*, sheet, tabloid, trade,… …   New thesaurus

  • newspaper — ► NOUN ▪ a daily or weekly publication consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, articles, and advertisements …   English terms dictionary

  • newspaper — [no͞oz′pā΄pər, nyo͞oz′pā΄pər; no͞os′pā΄pər, nyo͞os′pā΄pər] n. 1. a publication regularly printed and distributed, usually daily or weekly, containing news, opinions, advertisements, and other items of general interest 2. NEWSPRINT …   English World dictionary

  • Newspaper — Front page of The New York Times on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918 …   Wikipedia

  • newspaper */*/*/ — UK [ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpə(r)] / US [ˈnuzˌpeɪpər] noun Word forms newspaper : singular newspaper plural newspapers Talking or writing about newspapers: general paper used especially in speech for referring to a newspaper: Ted sat quietly reading the paper …   English dictionary

  • newspaper — news|pa|per W2S2 [ˈnju:sˌpeıpə US ˈnu:zˌpeıpər] n 1.) a set of large folded sheets of printed paper containing news, articles, pictures, advertisements etc which is sold daily or weekly = ↑paper ▪ She had read about it in the newspapers . ▪ I saw …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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