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  • 1 neutral


    English-Danish mini dictionary > neutral

  • 2 neutral

    ['nju:trəl] 1. adjective
    1) (not taking sides in a quarrel or war: A neutral country was asked to help settle the dispute.) neutral; upartisk
    2) ((of colour) not strong or definite: Grey is a neutral colour.) neutral
    3) ((in electricity) neither positively nor negatively charged.) neutral
    2. noun
    1) ((a person belonging to) a nation that takes no part in a war or quarrel.) neutralist
    2) (the position of the gear of an engine in which no power passes to the wheels etc: I put the car into neutral.) frigear
    - neutralize
    - neutralise
    * * *
    ['nju:trəl] 1. adjective
    1) (not taking sides in a quarrel or war: A neutral country was asked to help settle the dispute.) neutral; upartisk
    2) ((of colour) not strong or definite: Grey is a neutral colour.) neutral
    3) ((in electricity) neither positively nor negatively charged.) neutral
    2. noun
    1) ((a person belonging to) a nation that takes no part in a war or quarrel.) neutralist
    2) (the position of the gear of an engine in which no power passes to the wheels etc: I put the car into neutral.) frigear
    - neutralize
    - neutralise

    English-Danish dictionary > neutral

  • 3 bias

    1. noun
    1) (favouring of one or other (side in an argument etc) rather than remaining neutral: a bias against people of other religions.) partiskhed; ensidig
    2) (a weight on or in an object (eg a bowl for playing bowls) making it move in a particular direction.) indbygget vægt, som giver en skrå retning
    2. verb
    (to influence (usually unfairly): He was biased by the report in the newspapers.) give et skævt billede; forudindtaget
    - biassed
    - biased
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (favouring of one or other (side in an argument etc) rather than remaining neutral: a bias against people of other religions.) partiskhed; ensidig
    2) (a weight on or in an object (eg a bowl for playing bowls) making it move in a particular direction.) indbygget vægt, som giver en skrå retning
    2. verb
    (to influence (usually unfairly): He was biased by the report in the newspapers.) give et skævt billede; forudindtaget
    - biassed
    - biased

    English-Danish dictionary > bias

  • 4 disinterested

    (not influenced by private feelings or selfish motives; impartial: It would be best if we let a disinterested party decide.) uvildig; neutral
    * * *
    (not influenced by private feelings or selfish motives; impartial: It would be best if we let a disinterested party decide.) uvildig; neutral

    English-Danish dictionary > disinterested

  • 5 neutrality

    noun (the state of being neutral.) neutralitet
    * * *
    noun (the state of being neutral.) neutralitet

    English-Danish dictionary > neutrality

См. также в других словарях:

  • neutral — neutral …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • neutral — adj Neutral, negative, indifferent are comparable when they mean lacking decisiveness or distinctiveness in character, quality, action, or effect. Neutral, in one of its earliest and still common senses, applies to states, governments, parties,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Neutral — Neu tral, a. [L. neutralis, fr. neuter. See {Neuter}.] 1. Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties; neuter; indifferent. [1913 Webster] The heart can not possibly remain neutral, but… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • neutral — NEUTRÁL, Ă, neutrali, e, adj. 1. (Rar) Neutru (1). 2. (Despre sensul cuvintelor) Care este indiferent faţă de genul (feminin sau masculin) indicat de forma cuvântului; care se poate referi la obiecte de orice gen. 3. (chim.; rar) Neutru (4). [pr …   Dicționar Român

  • neutral — neu·tral 1 n: one that is neutral; specif: an impartial person used in alternative dispute resolution to help resolve or to determine the matters in dispute neutral 2 adj: not engaged on either side; specif: not aligned with a political or… …   Law dictionary

  • neutral — [no͞o′trəl, nyo͞o′trəl] adj. [Fr < ML neutralis < L, of neuter gender < neuter: see NEUTER] 1. a) not taking part in either side of a dispute or quarrel b) not taking part in a war; giving no active aid to any belligerent 2. of,… …   English World dictionary

  • neutral — adjetivo 1. Que no se inclina por ninguna de dos partes opuestas o enfrentadas o no favorece a ninguna de ellas: espectador neutral, actitud neutral, palabras neutrales. Sinónimo: imparcial. 2. [Nación, Estado] que no interviene en un conflicto… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Neutral — Neu tral, n. A person or a nation that takes no part in a contest between others; one who is neutral. [1913 Webster] The neutral, as far as commerce extends, becomes a party in the war. R. G. Harper. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Neutral — Neutrāl, er, ste, adj. et adv. aus dem spätern Lat. neutralis, keiner Partey zugethan; unparteyisch. Neutral seyn. Neutrale Mächte, im Kriege, welche keine von den kriegführenden Mächten mit Rath oder That unterstützen; in welchem Falle sich das… …   Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart

  • -neutral — [ nutrəl ] suffix used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning not affected by a particular thing: race neutral admissions gender neutral policies …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • neutral — Adj std. (15. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. neutrālis, dieses aus l. neuter keiner von beiden , aus l. ne nicht und l. uter einer von beiden (Neutrum). Abstraktum: Neutralität; Verb: neutralisieren.    Ebenso nndl. neutraal, ne. neutral, nfrz …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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