1 negotiations by the bargaining process
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > negotiations by the bargaining process
2 negotiations by the bargaining process
переговоры, при которых каждая из сторон стремится получ.наибольш.уступкиАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > negotiations by the bargaining process
3 negotiations by the bargaining process
1) Дипломатический термин: переговоры, при которых каждая сторона стремится получить максимальные уступки2) Деловая лексика: переговоры, при которых каждая сторона стремится получить наибольшие уступкиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > negotiations by the bargaining process
4 negotiations by the bargaining process
переговоры, при которых каждая сторона стремится получить максимальные уступкиАнгло-русский дипломатический словарь > negotiations by the bargaining process
5 negotiations by the bargaining process
переговоры, при которых каждая сторона стремится получить максимальные уступкиEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > negotiations by the bargaining process
6 bargaining
nведение переговоров; заключение сделки; торги -
7 negotiations
n plto activate the process of negotiations — активизировать процесс / ход переговоров
to break off negotiations — прерывать / приостанавливать переговоры
to conclude negotiations on smth — договариваться о чем-л.; проводить переговоры по какому-л. вопросу
to determine smth by negotiations — решать что-л. путем переговоров
to facilitate negotiations for a political settlement — облегчать переговоры в целях политического урегулирования
to give grounds for delay or postponement of the negotiations — давать основания для задержки или отсрочки переговоров
to give new impetus to the negotiations — давать новый импульс / толчок переговорам
to have a vital stake in the outcome of the negotiations — быть кровно заинтересованным в исходе переговоров
to hold negotiations — вести / проводить переговоры
to impede negotiations — затруднять / осложнять переговоры
to improve one's bargaining position at negotiations — укреплять свои позиции на переговорах
to initiate negotiations — начинать переговоры; приступать к переговорам
to launch negotiations — начинать переговоры; приступать к переговорам
to leak the date of negotiations to the media — разглашать дату переговоров средствам массовой информации
to leave the prime minister politically naked in the negotiations — оставлять премьер-министра политически безоружным на переговорах
to oversee negotiations — контролировать ход переговоров; следить за ходом переговоров
to prolong negotiations — 1) продолжать переговоры 2) отсрочить / отложить переговоры
to renew / to reopen / to restart / to resume negotiations — возобновлять переговоры
to seek a solution by negotiations — стараться решить что-л. путем переговоров
to side-track the negotiations — уводить переговоры в сторону; избегать переговоров; откладывать переговоры
- active negotiationsto undermine the negotiations — подрывать / срывать переговоры
- armistice negotiations
- arms buying negotiations
- arms control negotiations
- arms negotiations
- arms-reduction negotiations
- back stage negotiations
- basis for negotiations
- behind-the-scene negotiations
- beyond negotiations
- bilateral negotiations
- break-down in negotiations
- bruising negotiations
- business negotiations
- by negotiations
- closing stage of negotiations
- collapse in negotiations
- collapse of negotiations
- complex negotiations
- comprehensive negotiations - constructive negotiations
- control negotiations
- conventional force negotiations
- cordial negotiations
- course of negotiations
- crucial negotiations
- culmination of negotiations
- current negotiations
- deadlocked negotiations
- delicate negotiations
- detailed negotiations
- difficult negotiations
- diplomatic negotiations
- direct negotiations
- disarmament negotiations
- discreet negotiations
- dragged-out negotiations
- drawn out negotiations
- earnest negotiations
- endless negotiations
- extensive negotiations
- face-to-face negotiations
- failure of negotiations
- feverish negotiations
- final stage of negotiations
- flurry of negotiations
- follow-on negotiations
- for the duration of negotiations
- forthcoming negotiations
- fresh negotiations
- friendly negotiations
- fruitful negotiations
- full-size negotiations
- global negotiations
- grinding negotiations
- hard negotiations
- hectic negotiations
- hitch in negotiations
- in the course of negotiations
- inconclusive negotiations
- indirect negotiations
- intense negotiations
- intensive negotiations
- it will be a matter of negotiations
- joint negotiations
- laborious negotiations
- last-minute negotiations
- lengthy negotiations
- limited negotiations
- machinery and methods of negotiations
- meaningful negotiations
- membership negotiations
- merger negotiations
- military negotiations
- ministerial negotiations
- multilateral negotiations
- negotiations among equals
- negotiations are at a delicate stage
- negotiations are at an end
- negotiations are back on track
- negotiations are deadlocked
- negotiations are going above smb's head
- negotiations are underway
- negotiations behind closed doors
- negotiations behind the scenes
- negotiations broke down
- negotiations center on smth
- negotiations from strength
- negotiations have become bogged down
- negotiations have been stalled over an issue
- negotiations have collapsed
- negotiations have finished
- negotiations have reached deadlock
- negotiations have resumed
- negotiations on disarmament
- negotiations reach an impasse
- negotiations through the medium of smb
- negotiations will bear fruit
- negotiations without any prior conditions
- not open for negotiations
- not open to negotiations
- ongoing negotiations
- open for negotiations
- open to negotiations - painful negotiations
- painstaking negotiations
- patient negotiations
- peace negotiations
- peaceful negotiations
- pending these negotiations
- political negotiations
- preliminary negotiations
- preparatory negotiations
- private negotiations
- progress of negotiations
- prolonged negotiations
- protracted negotiations
- renewal of negotiations
- results of negotiations
- resumption of negotiations - secret negotiations
- separate negotiations
- session of negotiations
- settlement by negotiations
- settlement through negotiations
- social negotiations
- stalemated negotiations
- sticking point in the negotiations
- stiff negotiations - substantive negotiations
- successful negotiations
- summit negotiations
- sustained negotiations
- through negotiations
- top-level negotiations
- tortuous negotiations
- torturous negotiations
- tough negotiations
- trade negotiations
- trilateral negotiations
- tripartite negotiations
- truce negotiations
- US-mediated negotiations
- wage negotiations
- walkout from negotiations
- well prepared negotiations
- within the framework of negotiations
См. также в других словарях:
Bargaining — For other uses, see Bargaining (disambiguation). Dicker redirects here. For the surname, see Dicker (surname). Dickering redirects here. For the wapentake of the historic East Riding of Yorkshire, see Dickering (wapentake). Bargaining or haggling … Wikipedia
collective bargaining — the process by which wages, hours, rules, and working conditions are negotiated and agreed upon by a union with an employer for all the employees collectively whom it represents. [1890 95] * * * Process of negotiation between representatives of… … Universalium
The Holocaust — Holocaust and Shoah redirect here. For other uses, see Holocaust (disambiguation) and Shoah (disambiguation). Selection on … Wikipedia
Pattern bargaining — is a process in labour relations, where a trade union gains a new and superior entitlement from one employer, and then uses that agreement as a precedent to demand the same entitlement or a superior one from other employers.In the United States,… … Wikipedia
History of the Arab–Israeli conflict — The Arab Israeli conflict is a modern phenomenon, which takes its roots back in the end of the 19th century. The conflict became a major international issue with the birth of Israel in 1948. The Arab Israeli conflict has resulted in at least five … Wikipedia
Post-Kyoto Protocol negotiations on greenhouse gas emissions — The Kyoto Protocol is an extension of the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the world s first treaty to attempt to address global warming by limiting greenhouse gas emissions. The Protocol deals in detail with its first… … Wikipedia
List of The Big O characters — The fictional characters of The Big O anime series were designed by series creator Keiichi Sato, who also designed characters for the City Hunter series. Because of union rules,[1] most of the English voice cast for the first season were credited … Wikipedia
Reaction to the 1963 South Vietnamese coup — The reaction to the 1963 South Vietnamese coup that saw the arrest and assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem was mixed. Communist reaction The coup was immediately denounced by the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China, asserting that the coup … Wikipedia
HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Collective bargaining — is a process of negotiations between employers and the representatives of a unit of employees aimed at reaching agreements that regulate working conditions. Collective agreements usually set out wage scales, working hours, training, health and… … Wikipedia
Netherlands, The — officially Kingdom of The Netherlands byname Holland Country, northwestern Europe. Area: 16,033 sq mi (41,526 sq km). Population (2002 est.): 16,142,000. Capital: Amsterdam; Seat of Government: The Hague. Most of the people are Dutch. Languages:… … Universalium