1 negative interest
а) фин., банк. = negative real interest rateб) банк. (процент, который вычитается из суммы банковского вклада; инструмент государственного регулирования, предназначенный для ограничения притока иностранных капиталов)Syn:
* * *
отрицательный процент: процент, который вычитается из суммы банковского вклада, - инструмент политики правительства по ограничению притока иностранных капиталов (в исключительных случаях).* * * -
2 negative interest
отрицательный процент
Вычет, производимый банком или другим депозитным учреждением за хранение суммы денег в течение определенного периода.
[ http://www.vocable.ru/dictionary/533/symbol/97]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > negative interest
3 negative interest
фин., банк. = negative real rate of interestThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > negative interest
4 negative interest
1) Экономика: отрицательный процент (1. взимаемая банком плата за хранение вклада 2. процент, перекрываемый ростом цен при инфляции), процент, перекрываемый ростом цен при инфляции, негативный процент2) Банковское дело: отрицательный процент (взимаемая банком плата за хранение вклада, процент, перекрываемый ростом цен при инфляции) -
5 negative interest
1) взимаемая банком плата за хранение вклада2) процент, перекрываемый ростом цен при инфляции)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > negative interest
(отрицательный процент) Вычет, производимый банком или другим депозитным учреждением за хранение суммы денег в течение определенного периода. -
7 negative interest
отрицательный процент, вычет из суммы вклада, производимый банком за помещение денег на депозитный счетEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > negative interest
8 negative interest
9 negative interest rate
фин., банк. = negative interest* * *отрицательная процентная ставка; отрицательный ссудный процент (ниже уровня инфляции); плата, взимаемая банком за хранение вклада;, (если остаток вклада меньше установленного минимума или при отсутствии движения остатка. . Словарь экономических терминов .Англо-русский экономический словарь > negative interest rate
10 negative interest rate
фин., банк. = negative interestThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > negative interest rate
11 negative interest rate
English-Russian big medical dictionary > negative interest rate
12 negative interest rate
1) Экономика: отрицательный процент (получаемый по ссуде или депозиту меньше текущего темпа инфляции)2) ЕБРР: отрицательная процентная ставка, плата, взимаемая банком за хранение вклада (если остаток вклада меньше установленного минимума или при отсутствии движения остатка), отрицательный ссудный процент (ниже уровня инфляции), плата, взимаемая банком за хранение вкладаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > negative interest rate
13 negative interest rates
Бухгалтерия: отрицательные процентные ставки (когда банк не только не выплачивает процент по депозитам, но взимает таковой с владельца депозитного счета)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > negative interest rates
14 negative interest rate
отрицательный процент (получаемый по ссуде или депозиту меньше текущего темпа инфляции)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > negative interest rate
15 negative interest rate
отрицательный процент, отрицательная процентная ставкаEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > negative interest rate
16 negative interest rate
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > negative interest rate
17 negative real interest rate
банк., фин. отрицательная реальная процентная ставка [ставка процента\] (реальная процентная ставка в случае, когда темпы инфляции превышают уровень номинальных ставок)Syn:See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > negative real interest rate
18 negative real rate of interest
банк., фин. отрицательная реальная ставка процента (реальная процентная ставка в случае, когда темпы инфляции превышают уровень номинальных ставок)Syn:See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > negative real rate of interest
19 negative
1. n отрицательный ответ; несогласиеnegative balance — отрицательный итог; отрицательный остаток
2. n отказ, отклонениеit was decided in the negative — вопрос был решён отрицательно, предложение было отклонено, просьба была отвергнута
3. n принцип или положение, выраженные в отрицательной форме4. n отрицательная черта, сторона, недостаток, минус; отрицательный фактnegative logic — отрицательная логика; негативная логика
5. n арх. запрет, вето6. n грам. отрицание, отрицательная частицаnegative entropy — отрицательная энтропия; негэнтропия
negative declaration — заявление, содержащее отрицание
7. n грам. отрицательное предложение8. n грам. мат. отрицательная величина9. n грам. эл. отрицательный полюс, катод10. n грам. фото негатив11. n грам. нет; не так; неверноnegative flag — сигнальный флаг "нет"
12. a негативный, безрезультатныйnegative mask — негативный трафарет; негативная маска
13. a невыразительны, бесцветный14. a отрицательный, дурной15. a негативный, нигилистический; пессимистический, отрицающийnegative criticism — уничтожающая критика; критиканство
16. a фото негативный, обратный17. a мед. разг. резус-отрицательный18. v делать тщетным; сводить на нет; нейтрализоватьto negative an effect — нейтрализовать действие, свести на нет эффект
19. v отклонять путём голосования; забаллотировать20. v амер. налагать вето, запрет; не утверждать; отменять21. v отклонять, отвергатьto negative a request — отклонить просьбу; отвергнуть требование
22. v опровергатьСинонимический ряд:1. adverse (adj.) adverse; detrimental; disadvantageous; unfavorable; unfavourable; unsatisfactory; untoward2. contrary (adj.) contradictory; contrary; denying; disallowing; disapproving; dissenting; opposing; rejecting3. pessimistic (adj.) abrogating; annulling; dubious; fatalistic; invalidating; neutralizing; not affirmative; pessimistic; sceptical; skeptical4. developed film (noun) developed film; film; image; picture; plate; print; slide5. refusal (noun) contradiction; denial; disavowal; refusal; refutation6. deny (verb) contradict; contravene; cross; deny; disaffirm; gainsay; impugn; traverse7. neutralize (verb) annul; cancel out; counteract; countercheck; frustrate; negate; neutralize; redress8. veto (verb) blackball; kill; non-placet; turn down; vetoАнтонимический ряд:affirmative; positive -
20 interest
n1) интерес; заинтересованность2) обыкн. pl практическая заинтересованность, интересы; выгода; польза3) проценты, процентный доход; ссудный процент4) доля, пай, участие в чем-л.5) обыкн. pl группа лиц, объединенных общими интересами
- accrued interest
- accrued interest on customer deposits
- accrued interest on deposits with credit institutions
- accrued interest on loans to customers
- accrued interest payable
- accrued interest receivable
- accruing interest
- accumulated interest
- added interest
- advance interest
- annual interest
- anticipated interest
- apparent interest
- assurable interest
- average interest
- back interest
- baloon interest
- bank interest
- bank deposit interest
- banking interests
- basic interests
- beneficial interest
- bought interest
- business interests
- buyers' interest
- buying interest
- capital interest
- capitalized interest
- carried interest
- colliding interests
- commercial interests
- common interest
- compound interest
- conflicting interests
- considerable interest
- contending interests
- controlling interest
- conventional interest
- corporate interests
- credit interest
- current interest
- daily interest
- debit interest
- default interest
- defaulted interest
- deferred interest
- departmental interests
- direct interest
- due interest
- earned interest
- economic interest
- equity interest
- essential interests
- everyday interests
- exact interest
- excessive interest
- exorbitant interest
- explict interest
- financial interest
- financial interests
- fixed interest
- foreign interests
- fundamental interests
- general interest
- government interests
- gross interest
- high interest
- home mortgage interest
- hot interest
- illegal interest
- implicit interest
- imputed interest
- industrial interests
- insurable interest
- insured interest
- interim interest
- investment interest
- joint interest
- keen interest
- landed interests
- legal interest
- legitimate interest
- life interest
- loan interest
- long interest
- low interest
- main interest
- major interest
- majority interest
- minimum interest
- minority interest
- moneyed interests
- monopoly interests
- mortgage interest
- mutual interests
- national interests
- negative interest
- net interest
- nominal interest
- nontaxable interest
- open interest
- open policy interest
- opposing interests
- ordinary interest
- outstanding interest
- overdue interest
- overnight interest
- ownership interest
- paid interest
- particular interest
- partner's interest
- partnership interest
- past due interest
- pecuniary interest
- personal interest
- plus accrued interest
- potential interest
- prepaid interest
- primary interest
- private interests
- professional interest
- prolongation interest
- property interests
- proprietary interest
- public interest
- pure interest
- royalty interest
- running interest
- selfish interest
- semiannual interest
- senior interest
- short interest
- simple interest
- social interests
- specific interest
- state interests
- stated interest
- statutory interest
- sustained interest
- tax-exempt interest
- tiered interest
- trading interests
- true interest
- unpaid interest
- usurious interest
- vested interests
- vested interests
- vital interests
- interest for the credit granted
- interest for default
- interest in arrears
- interest in a business
- interests of monopolies
- interests of the state
- interest on an amount
- interest on arrears
- interest on bank credit
- interest on bank loans
- interest on bonds
- interest on capital
- interest on credit
- interest on credit balances
- interest on debenture
- interest on debit balances
- interest on debts
- interest on deposits
- interest on equities
- interest on finance leases
- interest on loan capital
- interest on loans
- interest on loans against bonds
- interest on long-term liabilities
- interest on losses
- interest on mortgage
- interest on overdue payment
- interest on principal
- interest on public loans
- interest on a refund claim
- interest on savings
- interest on savings deposits
- interest on securities
- interest on sight deposit
- interest on a sum
- interest on underpayment
- interest per annum
- capital and interest
- principal and interest
- interest due
- interest payable
- interest receivable
- interest to be collected
- as interest
- at interest
- cum interest
- in the interests of
- in common interest
- less interest
- with interest
- without interest
- bearing interest
- bearing no interest
- no charge for interest
- accumulate interest
- act for public interests
- act in the interests of smb
- add the interest to the capital
- affect the interests
- allow interest on deposits
- arouse interest
- assign interest
- be of interest
- bear interest
- borrow at interest
- calculate interest
- capitalize interest
- carry interest
- charge interest
- charge interest on accounts
- collect interest
- compute interest
- conflict with the interests
- damage interests
- debit interest
- declare an interest
- deduct interest
- defend interests
- draw interest
- earn interest
- express interest
- forfeit interest
- give interest
- harness the interests
- have an interest in smth
- hold financial interests in smth
- invest at interest
- lend at interest
- make interest on a loan
- pay interest
- pay interest on an account
- prejudice interests
- protect interests
- provoke interest
- receive interest
- recover interest
- represent the interests
- run counter the interests
- safeguard interests
- serve the interests
- show interest
- spur investor interest
- take an interest in smth
- uphold interests
- yield interest interest accountEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > interest
См. также в других словарях:
negative interest — noun Money charged on or deducted from interest on bank deposits, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑negate … Useful english dictionary
negative interest rate — ➔ rate1 * * * negative interest rate UK US noun [C] MONEY, BANKING ► an interest rate below zero, in which the person, bank, etc. lending the money pays interest to the one borrowing the money: »Why should savers be prepared to accept a negative… … Financial and business terms
negative interest — condition in which the nominal rebate is lower than the rate of inflation … English contemporary dictionary
negative interest — A charge made by a bank or other deposit taker for looking after a sum of money for a given period … Big dictionary of business and management
Interest rate — Finance Financial markets Bond market … Wikipedia
Negative gearing (Australia) — Negative gearing is a form of financial leverage where an investor borrows money to buy an asset, but the income generated by that asset does not cover the interest on the loan. The investor must fund the shortfall until the asset is sold, at… … Wikipedia
Negative gearing — is a form of leveraged speculation in which a speculator borrows money to buy an asset, but the income generated by that asset does not cover the interest on the loan (Interest > Income). In a few countries the strategy is motivated by… … Wikipedia
negative amortization — See: capitalized interest Category: Personal Finance & Retirement Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Buying a House Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009 … Law dictionary
Negative option billing — is a business practice in which goods or services are provided automatically, and the customer must either pay for the service or specifically decline it in advance of billing.[1] This is, for example, the model on which mail order services, such … Wikipedia
Negative equity — occurs when the value of an asset used to secure a loan is less than the outstanding balance on the loan.[1] In the United States, assets (particularly real estate, whose loans are mortgages) with negative equity are often referred to as being… … Wikipedia
negative — neg‧a‧tive [ˈnegətɪv] adjective 1. bad or harmful: • The Bank s refusal to cut interest rates is having a negative effect on the economy. 2. saying or meaning no : • a negative response 3. considering only the bad qualities of a situation, person … Financial and business terms