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  • 1 native speaker

    (a person who has spoken a particular language ever since he was able to speak at all: I am a native speaker of English; a native Spanish speaker.) falante

    English-Portuguese dictionary > native speaker

  • 2 native speaker

    (a person who has spoken a particular language ever since he was able to speak at all: I am a native speaker of English; a native Spanish speaker.) falante nativo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > native speaker

  • 3 native speaker of English

    native speaker of English
    pessoa que fala inglês como primeira língua.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > native speaker of English

  • 4 native

    ['neitiv] 1. adjective
    1) (where one was born: my native land.) natal
    2) (belonging to that place; local: the native customs/art of Brazil; This animal/plant is native to Australia.) pátrio
    3) (belonging by race to a country: a native Englishman.) de nascimento
    4) (belonging to a person naturally: native intelligence.) natural
    2. noun
    1) (a person born in a certain place: a native of Scotland; a native of London.) natural
    2) (one of the original inhabitants of a country eg before the arrival of explorers, immigrants etc: Columbus thought the natives of America were Indians.) nativo
    - native language/tongue
    - native speaker
    - native to
    - the Nativity
    * * *
    [n'eitiv] n 1 nativo, natural. 2 aborígine. • adj 1 nativo, natural. 2 nato. 3 inato, inerente. 4 sem afetação. 5 genuíno, puro. native speaker of English pessoa que fala inglês como primeira língua. to go native viver como os naturais ou os indígenas de algum lugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > native

  • 5 native

    ['neitiv] 1. adjective
    1) (where one was born: my native land.) natal
    2) (belonging to that place; local: the native customs/art of Brazil; This animal/plant is native to Australia.) natal
    3) (belonging by race to a country: a native Englishman.) de nascimento
    4) (belonging to a person naturally: native intelligence.) nato
    2. noun
    1) (a person born in a certain place: a native of Scotland; a native of London.) nativo
    2) (one of the original inhabitants of a country eg before the arrival of explorers, immigrants etc: Columbus thought the natives of America were Indians.) nativo
    - native language/tongue - native speaker - native to - the Nativity

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > native

См. также в других словарях:

  • native speaker — n someone who has learned a particular language as their first language, rather than as a foreign language →non native speaker ▪ For the spoken language, students are taught by native speakers. native speaker of ▪ a native speaker of English …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Native Speaker —   Author(s) Chang Rae Lee …   Wikipedia

  • Native Speaker — ist ein Begriff aus dem Englischen für „Muttersprachler“, zusammengesetzt aus den englischen Wörtern native für „geboren“, „heimisch“ oder „natürlich“ und speaker für „Sprecher“, „Redner“ oder „Referent“. Mit Native Speaker umschreibt man heute… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • native speaker — native speakers N COUNT A native speaker of a language is someone who speaks that language as their first language rather than having learned it as a foreign language. Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practice your study language with …   English dictionary

  • native speaker — noun count * someone who has learned a particular language from the time they began to speak …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • native speaker — ► NOUN ▪ a person who has spoken the language in question from earliest childhood …   English terms dictionary

  • native speaker — noun a speaker of a particular language who has spoken that language since earliest childhood native speakers of French • Hypernyms: ↑speaker, ↑talker, ↑utterer, ↑verbalizer, ↑verbaliser * * * noun, pl ⋯ ers [count] : a person who learned to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • native speaker */ — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms native speaker : singular native speaker plural native speakers someone who has learnt a particular language from the time that they began to speak …   English dictionary

  • Native Speaker — Na|tive Spea|ker 〈[nɛıtıv spi:kə(r)] m.; s, 〉 jmd., der die Sprache, in der eben gesprochen wird od. von der die Rede ist, als Muttersprache hat, Muttersprachler [engl., „eingeborener, einheimischer Sprecher“] * * * Na|tive Spea|ker [ neɪtɪv… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • native speaker — noun A person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue. a native speaker of English See Also: native speaking …   Wiktionary

  • native speaker — /neɪtɪv ˈspikə/ (say naytiv speekuh) noun a person who speaks a particular language as their native tongue: a native speaker of French …  

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