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  • Mutual Broadcasting System — Type Cooperative radio network (1934–52); corporate controlled radio network (1952–99) …   Wikipedia

  • Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York v. The Rank Organisation Ltd — Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York v. The Rank Organisation Ltd. [1985] BCLC 11 is a UK company law case dealing with oppression (or unfair prejudice) under s.20 Companies Act 1948 (now s.994 Companies Act 2006). Goulding J delivered the… …   Wikipedia

  • Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York v The Rank Organisation Ltd — Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York v The Rank Organisation Ltd. [1985] BCLC 11 is a UK company law case dealing with oppression (or unfair prejudice) under s.20 Companies Act 1948 (now s.994 Companies Act 2006). Goulding J delivered the… …   Wikipedia

  • Mutual trust and confidence — is a phrase used in English law, particularly with reference to contracts in UK labour law, to refer to the obligations owed in an employment relationship between the employer and the worker. This concept relates to a new but highly important… …   Wikipedia

  • OBLIGATIONS, LAW OF — This law is concerned with the rights of one person as against those of another (jus in personam), as distinguished from the law of property, which is concerned with a person s rights in a chattel or other property as against the world at large… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • mutual — Common to both parties. Interchangeable; reciprocal; each acting in return or correspondence to the other; given and received; spoken of an engagement or relation in which like duties and obligations are exchanged; e.g., the marital relation. As… …   Black's law dictionary

  • mutual — Common to both parties. Interchangeable; reciprocal; each acting in return or correspondence to the other; given and received; spoken of an engagement or relation in which like duties and obligations are exchanged; e.g., the marital relation. As… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Mutual Defense Treaty (U.S.–Philippines) — Philippines – United States Mutual Defense Treaty relations Philippines …   Wikipedia

  • Mutual Defense Treaty (US-Philippines) — The Mutual Defense Treaty Between the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America was signed and ratified on August 30, 1951 in Washington, D.C. between representatives of the Philippines and the United States. The overall accord …   Wikipedia

  • mutual rescission — An agreement between the parties to cancel their contract, releasing the parties from further obligations under the contract. The object of the agreement is to restore the parties to positions they would have occupied had no contract ever been… …   Black's law dictionary

  • mutual rescission — An agreement between the parties to cancel their contract, releasing the parties from further obligations under the contract. The object of the agreement is to restore the parties to positions they would have occupied had no contract ever been… …   Black's law dictionary

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