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  • 1 music

    ['mju:zik] 1. noun
    1) (the art of arranging and combining sounds able to be produced by the human voice or by instruments: She prefers classical music to popular music; She is studying music; ( also adjective) a music lesson.) música
    2) (the written form in which such tones etc are set down: The pianist has forgotten to bring her music.) música
    2. noun
    (a film or play that includes a large amount of singing, dancing etc.) musical
    - musician
    * * *
    [mj'u:zik] n 1 música. 2 harmonia. 3 composição musical. 4 notas musicais. to be music to ones’ ears deixar feliz. to face the music enfrentar dificuldades corajosamente. to set to music musicar, pôr em música.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > music

  • 2 music

    ['mju:zik] 1. noun
    1) (the art of arranging and combining sounds able to be produced by the human voice or by instruments: She prefers classical music to popular music; She is studying music; ( also adjective) a music lesson.) música
    2) (the written form in which such tones etc are set down: The pianist has forgotten to bring her music.) música
    2. noun
    (a film or play that includes a large amount of singing, dancing etc.) musical
    - musician

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > music

  • 3 record

    1. ['reko:d, -kəd, ]( American[) -kərd] noun
    1) (a written report of facts, events etc: historical records; I wish to keep a record of everything that is said at this meeting.) registo
    2) (a round flat piece of (usually black) plastic on which music etc is recorded: a record of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony.) disco
    3) ((in races, games, or almost any activity) the best performance so far; something which has never yet been beaten: He holds the record for the 1,000 metres; The record for the high jump was broken/beaten this afternoon; He claimed to have eaten fifty sausages in a minute and asked if this was a record; ( also adjective) a record score.) recorde
    4) (the collected facts from the past of a person, institution etc: This school has a very poor record of success in exams; He has a criminal record.) história
    2. [rə'ko:d] verb
    1) (to write a description of (an event, facts etc) so that they can be read in the future: The decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.) registar
    2) (to put (the sound of music, speech etc) on a record or tape so that it can be listened to in the future: I've recorded the whole concert; Don't make any noise when I'm recording.) gravar
    3) ((of a dial, instrument etc) to show (a figure etc) as a reading: The thermometer recorded 30°C yesterday.) registar
    4) (to give or show, especially in writing: to record one's vote in an election.) registar
    - recording
    - record-player
    - in record time
    - off the record
    - on record
    * * *
    [r'ekɔ:d] n 1 registro, inscrição, anotação (também Comp). 2 ata, protocolo, relatório. 3 relação, crônica, história. 4 documento. 5 records cadastro, arquivo, anais. 6 memorial, informe. 7 ficha, folha corrida, folha de serviço ou antecedentes. 8 monumento, memória ou recordação. 9 testemunho, evidência. 10 Sport recorde. 11 disco de vinil. 12 reputação. • [rik'ɔ:d] vt+vi 1 registrar, assentar, inscrever, anotar. 2 protocolar. 3 recordar, lembrar, gravar na memória. 4 arquivar. 5 gravar em disco ou fita magnética. 6 testemunhar. a matter of record consenso geral, algo admitido publicamente. for the record publicamente, oficialmente. keeper of records arquivista. off the record confidencial. on record registrado, protocolado, conhecido publicamente. record of service Mil folha de serviço. speed record recorde de velocidade. to bear record of testemunhar. to beat/ break a record bater um recorde. to go on record expressar uma opinião publicamente. to put the record straight dirimir dúvida, corrigir erro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > record

  • 4 record

    1. ['reko:d, -kəd, ]( American[) -kərd] noun
    1) (a written report of facts, events etc: historical records; I wish to keep a record of everything that is said at this meeting.) registro, documentação
    2) (a round flat piece of (usually black) plastic on which music etc is recorded: a record of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony.) disco
    3) ((in races, games, or almost any activity) the best performance so far; something which has never yet been beaten: He holds the record for the 1,000 metres; The record for the high jump was broken/beaten this afternoon; He claimed to have eaten fifty sausages in a minute and asked if this was a record; ( also adjective) a record score.) recorde
    4) (the collected facts from the past of a person, institution etc: This school has a very poor record of success in exams; He has a criminal record.) antecedentes
    2. [rə'ko:d] verb
    1) (to write a description of (an event, facts etc) so that they can be read in the future: The decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.) registrar
    2) (to put (the sound of music, speech etc) on a record or tape so that it can be listened to in the future: I've recorded the whole concert; Don't make any noise when I'm recording.) gravar
    3) ((of a dial, instrument etc) to show (a figure etc) as a reading: The thermometer recorded 30°C yesterday.) registrar
    4) (to give or show, especially in writing: to record one's vote in an election.) consignar
    - recording - record-player - in record time - off the record - on record

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > record

  • 5 culture

    1) (a form or type of civilization of a certain race or nation: the Jewish culture.) cultura
    2) (improvement of the mind etc by education etc: He was an enthusiastic seeker of culture.) cultura
    3) (educated taste in art, literature, music etc: He thinks that anyone who dislikes Bach is lacking in culture.) cultura
    4) ((a) cultivated growth of bacteria etc.) cultura
    5) (the commercial rearing of fish, certain plants etc.) cultura
    - cultured
    * * *
    [k'∧ltʃə] n 1 cultura: a) refinamento, ilustração. b) civilização de uma raça em certa época. c) desenvolvimento, treino, educação. d) cultivo, amanho, cultivação. 2 tratamento, cuidado na criação de plantas ou animais, trato. 3 Biol cultura de microorganismos. • vt 1 cultivar. 2 criar, desenvolver. 3 preparar culturas bacterianas. physical culture cultura física.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > culture

  • 6 work

    [wə:k] 1. noun
    1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) trabalho
    2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) emprego
    3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) trabalho
    4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) obra
    5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) trabalho
    6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) emprego
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) trabalhar
    2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) ter emprego
    3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) funcionar
    4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) dar resultado
    5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) (deslocar-se, etc.) penosamente
    6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) tornar(-se)
    7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) fabricar
    - - work
    - workable
    - worker
    - works
    3. noun plural
    1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.) mecanismo
    2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) acçOes
    - work-box
    - workbook
    - workforce
    - working class
    - working day
    - work-day
    - working hours
    - working-party
    - work-party
    - working week
    - workman
    - workmanlike
    - workmanship
    - workmate
    - workout
    - workshop
    - at work
    - get/set to work
    - go to work on
    - have one's work cut out
    - in working order
    - out of work
    - work of art
    - work off
    - work out
    - work up
    - work up to
    - work wonders
    * * *
    [wə:k] n 1 trabalho: a) labor, faina, lida. b) ocupação, emprego. c) profissão, ofício. d) tarefa. e) serviço, mister. f) produto manufaturado. g) obra (também artística, literária, etc.). h) atividade, esforço. i) costura, bordado. 2 estudo, pesquisa, projeto. 3 mecanismo, motor, maquinaria (também works). 4 fábrica, usina, oficina, estabelecimento fabril (também works). 5 Mil fortificações. 6 Eng construção. 7 empreendimento, local de trabalho. 8 energia. heat can be converted into work / o calor pode ser transformado em energia (movimento). • vt+vi 1 trabalhar: a) fazer trabalhar, dar trabalho a. b) labutar, laborar, lidar, operar. c) correr, funcionar, andar (máquina). d) produzir, estar em atividade (fábrica, oficina). e) formar, forjar, talhar, moldar, prensar, preparar, produzir. f) lavrar, cultivar, plantar. g) executar cuidadosamente, tratar, examinar. h) estar empregado, exercer o seu ofício, aplicar sua atividade a. i) esforçar-se, empregar seus esforços. 2 calcular, resolver (problema). 3 elaborar, pôr em prática. 4 manejar, manipular. 5 visitar, percorrer uma zona (como vendedor). 6 influenciar, influir. 7 persuadir, induzir. 8 coll enganar. 9 provocar, causar. 10 trabalhar em máquina, operar máquina. 11 fazer funcionar, pôr em movimento ou correr. 12 dirigir ou conduzir (trem). 13 explorar (mina). 14 tecer, costurar, bordar, fazer trabalho de agulha. 15 dar certo, ter resultado, produzir efeito, ser eficaz. your plan does not work / seu plano não dá resultado. 16 desenvolver-se. 17 mover-se com dificuldade. 18 forçar o seu caminho laboriosamente. I worked myself into the cave / forcei a entrada ou abri o caminho para a caverna. 19 alterar, contorcer o rosto ( with de). 20 estar agitado, estar em agitação. 21 fermentar (líquidos). 22 excitar(-se), alterar(-se). 23 acionar, mover. • adj de ou relativo ao trabalho. anxious work trabalho inquietante, exaltante. at work a) (pessoas) a/de serviço, trabalhando. b) (máquina) em movimento. a work in three volumes uma obra em três volumes (ou tomos). defensive works Mil fortificação. good work! bom trabalho! bom resultado! good works Theol boas ações, obras de caridade. his face worked with pain seu rosto se contorceu de dor. in work a) em serviço. b) em atividade. it had worked much good tem causado muito bem. it is the work of poison é o efeito do veneno. I worked myself into a frenzy fui me exaltando (inutilmente). needle work trabalho de agulha. out of work desempregado. that is all in the day’s work isto não é nada de extraordinário, é muito comum. the screw worked itself loose o parafuso soltou-se. to do someone’s dirty work fazer um serviço/trabalho desagradável por alguém. to make short work of it fazer um trabalho rapidamente, sem muito esforço ou dificuldade. to work against time trabalhar sob controle de tempo. to work at dedicar-se a. to work in a) penetrar no assunto, adquirir prática. b) encaixar, inserir. to work into a) penetrar. the dye worked into the stuff / o corante penetrou no material. b) insinuar. c) transformar em (um produto). to work off a) transformar, mudar (em um produto). b) liquidar. c) livrar-se de. d) dar expansão a seus sentimentos. e) Typogr tirar provas. to work oneself into a) enfronhar-se bem em (um trabalho), adquirir muita prática. b) forçar o caminho através de ou para. to work out a) executar, realizar. b) elaborar, planejar. c) desenvolver. d) resolver (problema). e) fazer exercício, praticar. f) ter efeito, mostrar efeito, surgir, ser resolvido. to work out at somar em, perfazer o total de, custar. to work over a) fazer ou trabalhar em algo por completo. b) examinar em detalhes. to work someone over agredir alguém violentamente. to work through lidar com um problema (especialmente emocional) do seu jeito. to work to a) virar (vento). b) Naut barlaventear. to work up a) elaborar, planejar. b) desenvolver (to, into para). c) redigir. d) estudar e ter a seu cargo um assunto ou tema. e) persuadir. f) incitar, instigar, excitar. g) fazer subir os preços. h) revolver (sentimentos). i) misturar (alimentos). j) subir, ter sucesso na vida. to work up to atingir, alcançar. voluntary work trabalho voluntário. we had worked our sums right nós solucionamos nossos problemas de matemática. we went/ set to work pusemos mãos à obra. you work yourself to death você se mata (trabalhando).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > work

  • 7 culture

    1) (a form or type of civilization of a certain race or nation: the Jewish culture.) cultura
    2) (improvement of the mind etc by education etc: He was an enthusiastic seeker of culture.) cultura
    3) (educated taste in art, literature, music etc: He thinks that anyone who dislikes Bach is lacking in culture.) cultura
    4) ((a) cultivated growth of bacteria etc.) cultura
    5) (the commercial rearing of fish, certain plants etc.) cultura
    - cultured

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > culture

  • 8 render

    1) (to cause to become: His remarks rendered me speechless.) deixar
    2) (to give or produce (a service, a bill, thanks etc).) apresentar
    3) (to perform (music etc).) interpretar
    * * *
    [r'endə] n 1 retribuição. 2 primeira mão de reboco. • vt 1 retribuir, restituir, devolver. 2 entregar-se, capitular. 3 dar, conferir, pagar, suprir. he rendered his thanks to him / ele lhe agradeceu, ofereceu os seus agradecimentos. 4 apresentar, submeter. 5 reproduzir, exprimir, representar, interpretar. 6 traduzir, verter. 7 prestar (favor, homenagem, serviços, etc.). 8 tornar, fazer com que. 9 rebocar (uma parede). 10 derreter (banha). to render back devolver, restituir. to render down derreter para purificar (banha). to render good services prestar bons serviços. to render into traduzir para. to render up a) dizer uma prece. b) capitular, entregar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > render

  • 9 work

    [wə:k] 1. noun
    1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) trabalho
    2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) trabalho
    3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) trabalho
    4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) obra
    5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) trabalho
    6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) trabalho
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) trabalhar
    2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) trabalhar
    3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) funcionar
    4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) funcionar, dar certo
    5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) avançar com esforço
    6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) tornar(-se)
    7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) modelar, trabalhar
    - - work
    - workable - worker - works 3. noun plural
    1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.) mecanismo
    2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) obras, ações
    - work-box - workbook - workforce - working class - working day - work-day - working hours - working-party - work-party - working week - workman - workmanlike - workmanship - workmate - workout - workshop - at work - get/set to work - go to work on - have one's work cut out - in working order - out of work - work of art - work off - work out - work up - work up to - work wonders

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > work

  • 10 restful

    1) (bringing rest: a restful holiday.) repousante
    2) ((of colours, music etc) causing a person to feel calm and relaxed: Some people find blue a restful colour; After a hard day's work, I like to listen to some restful music.) repousante
    3) (relaxed: at rest: The patient seems more restful now.) repousado
    * * *
    [r'estful] adj tranqüilo, quieto, descansado, sossegado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > restful

  • 11 restful

    1) (bringing rest: a restful holiday.) repousante
    2) ((of colours, music etc) causing a person to feel calm and relaxed: Some people find blue a restful colour; After a hard day's work, I like to listen to some restful music.) repousante
    3) (relaxed: at rest: The patient seems more restful now.) repousado

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > restful

  • 12 caprice

    1) (an especially unreasonable sudden change of mind etc; a whim: I'm tired of the old man and his caprices.) capricho
    2) (a fanciful and lively piece of music etc.) capricho
    - capriciously
    - capriciousness
    * * *
    [kəpr'i:s] n 1 capricho. 2 fantasia, noção fantástica, excentricidade, inconstância.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > caprice

  • 13 radio

    ['reidiəu] 1. plural - radios; noun
    ((an apparatus for) the sending and receiving of human speech, music etc: a pocket radio; The concert is being broadcast on radio; I heard about it on the radio; ( also adjective) a radio programme, radio waves.) rádio
    2. verb
    (to send (a message) by radio: When someone on the island is ill, we have to radio (to) the mainland for a doctor; An urgent message was radioed to us this evening.) transmitir
    * * *
    [r'eidiou] n 1 radiotransmissão sem fio de palavras, músicas, etc. 2 aparelho transmissor ou receptor. • vt+vi transmitir por meio de rádio, radiografar. • adj de ou relativo ao rádio.
    [r'eidiou] elemento de composição relativo ao rádio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > radio

  • 14 title

    1) (the name of a book, play, painting, piece of music etc: The title of the painting is `A Winter Evening'.) título
    2) (a word put before a person's name to show rank, honour, occupation etc: Sir John; Lord Henry; Captain Smith; Professor Brown; Dr (Doctor) Peter Jones.) título
    - title deed
    - title page
    - title rôle
    * * *
    [t'aitəl] n 1 título (de livro). 2 título, grau. 3 quilate. 4 denominação. 5 posição, título de campeão. 6 Jur título, documento, direito de posse ou propriedade. • vt intitular.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > title

  • 15 caprice

    1) (an especially unreasonable sudden change of mind etc; a whim: I'm tired of the old man and his caprices.) capricho
    2) (a fanciful and lively piece of music etc.) capricho
    - capriciously - capriciousness

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > caprice

  • 16 render

    1) (to cause to become: His remarks rendered me speechless.) tornar
    2) (to give or produce (a service, a bill, thanks etc).) apresentar
    3) (to perform (music etc).) interpretar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > render

  • 17 title

    1) (the name of a book, play, painting, piece of music etc: The title of the painting is `A Winter Evening'.) título
    2) (a word put before a person's name to show rank, honour, occupation etc: Sir John; Lord Henry; Captain Smith; Professor Brown; Dr (Doctor) Peter Jones.) título
    - title deed - title page - title rôle

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > title

  • 18 artistic

    1) (liking or skilled in painting, music etc: She draws and paints - she's very artistic.) artístico
    2) (created or done with skill and good taste: That flower-arrangement looks very artistic.) artístico
    * * *
    [a:t'istik] adj artístico.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > artistic

  • 19 rehearse

    (to practise (a play, piece of music etc) before performing it in front of an audience: You must rehearse the scene again.) ensaiar
    - dress rehearsal
    * * *
    [rih'ə:s] vt+vi 1 ensaiar, exercitar, treinar. 2 repetir. 3 relatar detalhadamente. 4 recitar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rehearse

  • 20 fine art

    (art that appeals immediately to the senses, eg painting, sculpture, music etc: Painting is one of the fine arts.) belas artes

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fine art

См. также в других словарях:

  • Music of New Mexico — Music of the United States AK AL AR AS AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA GU HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Bulgaria — Part of a series on Bulgarians …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Tonga — Contents 1 History 2 Surviving traditional music 3 Church music 4 Secular music 5 See also …   Wikipedia

  • Music of the Mass — • Article covers exclusively the texts of the Mass (not seasonal) which receive a musical treatment Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Music of the Mass     Music of the Mass …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Music theory — is the study of how music works. It examines the language and notation of music. It seeks to identify patterns and structures in composers techniques across or within genres, styles, or historical periods. In a grand sense, music theory distills… …   Wikipedia

  • Music therapy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 93.84 MeSH …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Mizoram — Music of India Genres Classical (Carnatic · Hindustani) · Bhajan · Ghazal · Qawwali · Sufi · Folk · Filmi  …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Naples — Music of Italy Genres: Classical (Opera) Pop Rock (Hardcore New Wave Progressive rock) Disco Folk Hip hop Jazz History and Timeline Awards …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Orissa — Music of India Genres Classical (Carnatic · Hindustani) · Bhajan · Ghazal · Qawwali · Sufi · Folk  …   Wikipedia

  • MUSIC/SP — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Music. MUSIC ( McGill University System for Interactive Computing ) a été développé par le centre de calcul de l’Université McGill à Montréal. Les initiateurs de ce projet ont été Alan Greenberg et Roy Miller qui …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Music of Iran — A historical painting from Hasht Behesht palace, Isfahan, Iran, from 1669. General topics Dastgah • Radif • …   Wikipedia

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