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  • 1 muscle tone

    kas tonusu

    English-Turkish dictionary > muscle tone

  • 2 muscle tone

    kas tonusu

    English to Turkish dictionary > muscle tone

  • 3 muscle tone

    kas tonusu

    English-Turkish new dictionary > muscle tone

  • 4 tone

    n. ses, perde, ton, güç, sağlıklı hal, tavır, ruh hali
    v. hava vermek, tarz vermek, ahenk vermek, tonunu ayarlamak, ayarlamak, uymak, uyuşmak
    * * *
    1. ton 2. ton ver (v.) 3. ses (n.)
    * * *
    [təun] 1. noun
    1) ((the quality of) a sound, especially a voice: He spoke in a low/angry/gentle tone; He told me about it in tones of disapproval; That singer/violin/piano has very good tone.) ton (ses)
    2) (a shade of colour: various tones of green.) ton (renk)
    3) (firmness of body or muscle: Your muscles lack tone - you need exercise.) güç, beden sağlığı
    4) (in music, one of the larger intervals in an octave eg between C and D.) ton, aralık
    2. verb
    (to fit in well; to blend: The brown sofa tones (in) well with the walls.) rengi uygun düşmek
    - toneless
    - tonelessly
    - tone down

    English-Turkish dictionary > tone

См. также в других словарях:

  • muscle tone — n TONUS (2) …   Medical dictionary

  • Muscle tone — For the use of the term tone in weight training and bodybuilding, see Toning exercises. In physiology, medicine, and anatomy, muscle tone (residual muscle tension or tonus) is the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles, or the… …   Wikipedia

  • muscle tone — noun normal tonicity of the muscles (Freq. 1) exercise improves muscle tone • Syn: ↑muscular tonus • Hypernyms: ↑tonicity, ↑tonus, ↑tone …   Useful english dictionary

  • muscle tone — noun The continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles, which helps maintain posture …   Wiktionary

  • Muscle biopsy — Intervention Micrograph of a muscle biopsy showing ragged red fibers, a finding seen in mitochondrial diseases. Gomori trichrome stain. ICD 9 …   Wikipedia

  • Tone — may refer to: MusicTheory* Pitch (music), the perceived frequency of a note or sound (see also pure tone) * Note, the name of a pitch * Whole tone, or major second, a commonly occurring musical interval * Timbre, the quality of a musical note or… …   Wikipedia

  • Muscle worship — is a social behavior, usually with a sexual aspect (a form of body worship), in which a participant, the worshiper, touches the muscles of another participant, the dominator, in sexually arousing ways, which can include rubbing, massaging,… …   Wikipedia

  • Muscle relaxant — This article refers to skeletal muscle relaxants. For information on smooth muscle relaxants, see Antispasmodic. A muscle relaxant is a drug which affects skeletal muscle function and decreases the muscle tone. It may be used to alleviate… …   Wikipedia

  • Muscle — For other uses of Muscle , see Muscle (disambiguation). A top down view of skeletal muscle Muscle (from Latin …   Wikipedia

  • tone — tone1 [ toun ] noun *** ▸ 1 sound of voice ▸ 2 character of something ▸ 3 quality of voice etc. ▸ 4 signal/warning sound ▸ 5 color ▸ 6 of musical note ▸ 7 firmness of muscles etc. ▸ 8 in linguistics 1. ) count or uncount the sound of someone s… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tone — noun 1》 a musical or vocal sound with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength.     ↘a musical note, warble, or other sound used as a signal on a telephone or answering machine. 2》 a modulation of the voice expressing a feeling or mood. 3》… …   English new terms dictionary

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